NY Times article: Reagan Boom greatest economic expansion EVER.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever
The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever
Over a million jobs gained in a month.
The left cheered when the community organizer got 20,000.
The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever
What about the debt being tripled?
The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever
What about the debt being tripled?
Reagan won the Cold War, allowing future savings possible.
The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever

That piece was written in 1990, before the extent of the damage done by the Reagan Administration was known, and it was an Opinion piece written by one of Reagan's economic advisors. No bias there at all. :rolleyes:
The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever
What about the debt being tripled?

The debt to GDP ratio dropped during the Reagan Administration as revenues poured into the Treasury from the stronger economy. Even the deficits were dropping as the Reagan Administration came to a end.
One of stupidest things I did was sell most of my ETFs and mutual funds when The Donald won the election, the assumption being The Wall Street Swamp would try to sabotage him. They cannot stop the economy though thriving after removing Obama era anti-American crap, unless the Fed gets crazy. Opportunity cost...sucks. Any slight pull back is a buy opportunity as long as we have The Donald clearing the way and eliminating Obama era anti-American crap.
Reagan ISM has been destroying the middle class and the country ever since... We have to tax the rich their fair share and use the money for infrastructure and services and cheap Education and Training for the middle class duh... See signature. Gorby destroyed the USSR with glasnost and perestroika. We're lucky Reagan didn't bring back the hardliners with his stupid Bluster.
Reagan ISM has been destroying the middle class and the country ever since... We have to tax the rich their fair share and use the money for infrastructure and services and cheap Education and Training for the middle class duh... See signature. Gorby destroyed the USSR with glasnost and perestroika. We're lucky Reagan didn't bring back the hardliners with his stupid Bluster.
What a total ProgDuppe
The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever
Published in 1990, lol....The Reagan boom never made it to where I lived it was still low wages and few jobs until Clinton was president.,...
One of stupidest things I did was sell most of my ETFs and mutual funds when The Donald won the election, the assumption being The Wall Street Swamp would try to sabotage him. They cannot stop the economy though thriving after removing Obama era anti-American crap, unless the Fed gets crazy. Opportunity cost...sucks. Any slight pull back is a buy opportunity as long as we have The Donald clearing the way and eliminating Obama era anti-American crap.

The economy is going to rise, and no one will look back at the last recession and see the problems that caused it, until the next recession happens.

Trump will take the plaudits for the economy being great, even though a monkey could have overseen the economy rise like this. Then at some point the economy will go into a downturn and everyone will say "why didn't we do anything about it when we had the chance?"

History continually repeating itself.
The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever
What about the debt being tripled?
Reagan won the Cold War, allowing future savings possible.
Yet that never happened...
I recall home interest rates peaked at 21% back in the summer of 1981 when I was looking for a home. It was part of the pain Jimmy Carter imposed through naming Paul Volcker to head the Federal Reserve. His tight money policy induced a recession which finally put an end to decade old situation of runaway inflation. Harsh medicine but something had to be done and Carter pretty much sacrificed his political career for purposely starting an economic slowdown.

Unemployment remained high throughout Reagan's presidency. Of all post-WWII presidents only Gerry Ford had a higher rate of unemployment (The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?)
The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever
What about the debt being tripled?

The debt to GDP ratio dropped during the Reagan Administration as revenues poured into the Treasury from the stronger economy. Even the deficits were dropping as the Reagan Administration came to a end.

Uh, no... the Debt to GDP ratio did not drop under Reagan.



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The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever

Reagan signed the biggest tax increase in American history in 1982.
The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever
What about the debt being tripled?

The unprecedented peacetime deficits during the Reagan years were the GOP 'stimulus package' lol.
The next time some Liberal tries to sell you the snake oil that Ronald Reagan "Destroyed" the middle class, feel free to reference this very accurate description of what REALLY happened during the 80s under Reagan and Bush Senior's first year. There are many other references that tell the real truth about Reaganomics.

The truth is, America was stuck in a quagmire economy from 1970 until 1982. Unemployment was high, wages were low, Interest rates on mortgages were 15%. Then Reaganomics kicked in and and everything changed. Millions of jobs were created in all sectors, the stock market skyrocketed and just about every economic indicator was positive. The middle class "shrunk" because twice as many people moved up and out of the middle class as moved down. Rachel Maddow and the rest of you Lib stooges can stick your revisionist history. I was there and it was a boom time in every sense of the word.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever
Reagan only looks good because Jimmy Carter was so fucking bad.

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