NY Times : Benedict furious he lost control of Russian probe

Trump might as well stick out his hands and say CUFF ME with how obvious he is with flaunting the law.
Just think we’ve had to pay tens of millions of dollars for Trump to play golf and even more for secret service to cover the costs of his simpleton children jet setting around the globe ... to get to this point.

Whatever it takes.
I love the fantasies. Even in them, "liberals" can not not project, as their messiah is nearer to prison than ever now.
I can’t even imagine what these guys are going to be like going into year seven ...

I can’t even imagine what these guys are going to be like going into year seven ...


When they say Trump won't make it for 4 years, they are talking about themselves as usual.

Leftists always project.
Benedict adds to Mueller'obstruction of justice evidence on a daily basis. The idiot is so simple and Self Righteous, he doesn't even try to cover his steps.

He won't listen to his lawyers and advisors. At least Putin covers up evidence when he murders opponents and journalists. Benedict, evidently is not smart enough to even try to conceal his crimes.

I really do not understand how much more evidence anyone needs to prove obstruction of justice. Mueller should have more than enough to prove both obstruction of justice and abuse of power.
Benedict adds to Mueller'obstruction of justice evidence on a daily basis. The idiot is so simple and Self Righteous, he doesn't even try to cover his steps.

He won't listen to his lawyers and advisors. At least Putin covers up evidence when he murders opponents and journalists. Benedict, evidently is not smart enough to even try to conceal his crimes.

I really do not understand how much more evidence anyone needs to prove obstruction of justice. Mueller should have more than enough to prove both obstruction of justice and abuse of power.

This is a damning article from the NYT by Schmidt. Couple it with the meeting by Jr. that caused an attorney to resign claiming he witnessed obstruction of justice, and the meeting at Trump tower, and that alone is some very compulsory evidence. Throw in the money laundering, and who knows what mea culpa testimony Mueller got from Flynn, and Papadopolous, and it's getting harder for any wiggle room at this point.

This is why Republicans in Congress are trying to kill the investigation before the midterms. If the Democrats win back the House, it's over for the Trump administration. The first thing the oversight committee is going to do is subpoena Jeff Sessions and put him under oath forcing him to have to lie for Trump.

Next comes Devin Nunes to testify under oath behind closed doors to turn over everything he has on his bullshit investigation that is probably going to be the end of him.

Next comes Rod Rosenstein to add those two testimonies together.
Benedict adds to Mueller'obstruction of justice evidence on a daily basis. The idiot is so simple and Self Righteous, he doesn't even try to cover his steps.

He won't listen to his lawyers and advisors. At least Putin covers up evidence when he murders opponents and journalists. Benedict, evidently is not smart enough to even try to conceal his crimes.

I really do not understand how much more evidence anyone needs to prove obstruction of justice. Mueller should have more than enough to prove both obstruction of justice and abuse of power.

Mueller's role is to investigate the corrupt Trump administration....and he has done a very good job of that.

However, Mueller's role is NOT to be the judge and jury of this orange charlatan....THAT is congress' job and given the spineless nature of GOPers in congress, it is up to us to vote these idiots out next Nov.
Benedict adds to Mueller'obstruction of justice evidence on a daily basis. The idiot is so simple and Self Righteous, he doesn't even try to cover his steps.

He won't listen to his lawyers and advisors. At least Putin covers up evidence when he murders opponents and journalists. Benedict, evidently is not smart enough to even try to conceal his crimes.

I really do not understand how much more evidence anyone needs to prove obstruction of justice. Mueller should have more than enough to prove both obstruction of justice and abuse of power.

Mueller's role is to investigate the corrupt Trump administration....and he has done a very good job of that.

However, Mueller's role is NOT to be the judge and jury of this orange charlatan....THAT is congress' job and given the spineless nature of GOPers in congress, it is up to us to vote these idiots out next Nov.

Obstruction of justice is a crime. Congress cannot protect him for being prosecuted for it.

The evidence that Mueller has given New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on money laundering and other possible crimes we don't even know about, Congress, or anyone else will be able to shield him or members of his family from, including any pardons or appeals from a friendly Supreme Court.

I have the sense that Schneiderman will go after all of the kids, especially Ivanka and Jared Kushner. That will put heart attack level pressure on the orange assclown.

There isn't going to be any happy endings in Trump land whether he is impeached, or voted out. The Trumps must be made an example of to put a chill in the billionaire class and outside influences on the democratic process.

And Scneiderman putting that kind of pressure on don the con will make some billionaires very nervous.
There isn't going to be any happy endings in Trump land whether he is impeached, or voted out. The Trumps must be made an example of to put a chill in the billionaire class and outside influences on the democratic process.

And Scneiderman putting that kind of pressure on don the con will make some billionaires very nervous.

No argument from me......None at all....

The Constitutional question, however, remains....Can a sitting president be ever prosecuted while in office?

Our history (and Constitution) has no clear answer to that question and, thanks to Trump's fuck ups,maybe we will finally address this "loophole" in our legal system.
There isn't going to be any happy endings in Trump land whether he is impeached, or voted out. The Trumps must be made an example of to put a chill in the billionaire class and outside influences on the democratic process.

And Scneiderman putting that kind of pressure on don the con will make some billionaires very nervous.

No argument from me......None at all....

The Constitutional question, however, remains....Can a sitting president be ever prosecuted while in office?

Our history (and Constitution) has no clear answer to that question and, thanks to Trump's fuck ups,maybe we will finally address this "loophole" in our legal system.

The Russian influence is what put it over the top. The oligarchs here and there put the putrid stench in it, the American people can no longer stand to smell.

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