NY Times has got the picture. Do you?

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Someone sent me this news report the other day and when I opened the link to the News Story I saw a photograph which was the very scene I had seen in a dream many years ago. The only difference was that the people were standing with their backs to the ocean and in front of each person was a Muslim with a weapon in his hand standing in front of them. They were lined up as far down the beach as I could see in one single file. Each Muslim was standing in front one person who had their back to the sea and they were facing each other face to face. note - one more thing - The sky was very clear blue and it was a beautiful day - not a grey day or a rainy day - a clear blue sky - beautiful day.

I knew in this dream that these Muslims were going to execute these people and in this dream I was there but it was as if they could not see me. This is hard to explain because it makes no sense (the ocean doesn't have a vertical border as I saw in my dream ) but one of the things I saw was a chain link fence. The people being executed on that beach were separated at the end of that beach by a chain link fence. On the other side were perfectly manicured lawns and what appeared to be condominiums. I knew instinctively that there were people living in those condo's and life was going on for them as if nothing was happening to the people on that beach. As if they were oblivious to it all. I also knew that the people that were lined up on that beach were all Christians. Before the Christians were executed - I woke up from the dream. There is another part to that dream which I am not going to share with anyone.

In closing, the one thing I was certain of - after having awoke from the dream - was that the LORD had given me that dream for a specific reason. I do not have the answers for what that dream was about- I only knew it was from Him. (God knows I am speaking the truth to you)

I did recognize the beach that this took place on and I am not going to share that information either. I am only going to tell you that the beach is located in the United States. Not outside of the United States. The people being executed were Americans. (American Christians)

When I read the NY Times story quoting the words of these Islamic executioners - concerning their reason for having the execution at the sea - it occurred to me that this is the reason they are going to choose the edge of the ocean, the edge of our own waters in the future for the site of executing people in America. I believe the NY Post has got the picture here. Do they have the message? I do not know. The important question is. Do you?


http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/16/world/middleeast/islamic-state-video-beheadings-of-21-egyptian-christians.html?action=click&contentCollection=Business Day&region=Footer&module=TopNews&pgtype=article&_r=0

The captives are made to kneel in the sand. Then they are simultaneously beheaded with the theatrical brutality that has become the trademark of Islamic State extremists. There was no indication in the video about when the beheadings took place.

He implies that they are taking revenge for the killing of Osama bin Laden by American commandos and his burial at sea, saying, “The sea you’ve hidden Sheikh Osama bin Laden’s body in, we swear to Allah we will mix it with your blood.”
You can read the full story on the link -
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I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...
I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...

one set has the option to surrender and be saved, the other doesn't.

It's always a hard decision...

One set can make that decision

The other can't

One set can surrender and live, surrender means death to the other

They have been surrendering for years and still survived...
I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...
I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...

That's nonsense, you know. The truth is these Muslim jihadists believe they are doing the will of God. The influence the Vatican had on Mohammad, Khadija (who before meeting Mohammad was in a Cathlolic Convent) and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, who under the Vatican's direction interpreted Mohammad's visions - was all deception and well planned out. Read Dr. Alberto - ex - Jesuit who told the truth and you will find out why this is going on today.
That's nonsense, you know. The truth is these Muslim jihadists believe they are doing the will of God. The influence the Vatican had on Mohammad, Khadija (who before meeting Mohammad was in a Cathlolic Convent) and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, who under the Vatican's direction interpreted Mohammad's visions - was all deception and well planned out. Read Dr. Alberto - ex - Jesuit who told the truth and you will find out why this is going on today.
LOL.......you really need to seek out a mental health professional. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...
I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...

That's nonsense, you know. The truth is these Muslim jihadists believe they are doing the will of God. The influence the Vatican had on Mohammad, Khadija (who before meeting Mohammad was in a Cathlolic Convent) and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, who under the Vatican's direction interpreted Mohammad's visions - was all deception and well planned out. Read Dr. Alberto - ex - Jesuit who told the truth and you will find out why this is going on today.
The same fellows you claim are not Christians?
I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...
I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...

That's nonsense, you know. The truth is these Muslim jihadists believe they are doing the will of God. The influence the Vatican had on Mohammad, Khadija (who before meeting Mohammad was in a Cathlolic Convent) and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, who under the Vatican's direction interpreted Mohammad's visions - was all deception and well planned out. Read Dr. Alberto - ex - Jesuit who told the truth and you will find out why this is going on today.
The same fellows you claim are not Christians?

It is not my claim that the Catholic Institution is not a Christian Church. It is the Word of God that proves who they are and exposes them as false teachers. Read the last book of the Bible - the Revelation of Jesus Christ. You can see for yourself.

For your convenience - read the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ on the religion forum. I am posting it today and God willing will have finished it before the day ends.
Who do you believe Jesus was speaking of in Rev. 2:6? Rev. 2:15? Who do you think He was speaking of in Rev. 2:14? 2:20? Read the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The Last Book of the Bible.
You have to wonder where they get all those nice new orange jumpsuits.
I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...
I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...

That's nonsense, you know. The truth is these Muslim jihadists believe they are doing the will of God. The influence the Vatican had on Mohammad, Khadija (who before meeting Mohammad was in a Cathlolic Convent) and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, who under the Vatican's direction interpreted Mohammad's visions - was all deception and well planned out. Read Dr. Alberto - ex - Jesuit who told the truth and you will find out why this is going on today.
The same fellows you claim are not Christians?

It is not my claim that the Catholic Institution is not a Christian Church. It is the Word of God that proves who they are and exposes them as false teachers. Read the last book of the Bible - the Revelation of Jesus Christ. You can see for yourself.

For your convenience - read the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ on the religion forum. I am posting it today and God willing will have finished it before the day ends.
So you think that the Catholic Church be the great Whore or Beast?
That's nonsense, you know. The truth is these Muslim jihadists believe they are doing the will of God. The influence the Vatican had on Mohammad, Khadija (who before meeting Mohammad was in a Cathlolic Convent) and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, who under the Vatican's direction interpreted Mohammad's visions - was all deception and well planned out. Read Dr. Alberto - ex - Jesuit who told the truth and you will find out why this is going on today.
LOL.......you really need to seek out a mental health professional. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
Muslims need the shrinks.
They need Jesus. That is what they need, AmericanFirst. That is what the world needs. Jesus.
I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...
I am glad we decapitate and burn bodies with expensive methods, puts us above the savages...

That's nonsense, you know. The truth is these Muslim jihadists believe they are doing the will of God. The influence the Vatican had on Mohammad, Khadija (who before meeting Mohammad was in a Cathlolic Convent) and her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, who under the Vatican's direction interpreted Mohammad's visions - was all deception and well planned out. Read Dr. Alberto - ex - Jesuit who told the truth and you will find out why this is going on today.
The same fellows you claim are not Christians?

It is not my claim that the Catholic Institution is not a Christian Church. It is the Word of God that proves who they are and exposes them as false teachers. Read the last book of the Bible - the Revelation of Jesus Christ. You can see for yourself.

For your convenience - read the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ on the religion forum. I am posting it today and God willing will have finished it before the day ends.
So you think that the Catholic Church be the great Whore or Beast?

Yes. As revealed in Revelation of Jesus Christ Chapter 17:4. As for the Beast? The Beast in Revelations is clearly the leader of the Nicolaitans ( The Roman Institution - Vatican leadership) The pope. As for the anti-Christ? He has yet to be revealed.

As for Revelation 18? That is clearly the destruction of America. Are you saved tonight? If not, what are you waiting for?

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