NY Times says Trump will win nomination outright

I was talking to a family member that operates a small business in a Rust Belt small town.

He said tons of locals, people who a year ago would have rather cut off their hand than pull the lever for the Republicans are liking Donald Trump, a lot.

Trump is the one Republican Candidate who can reach outside of traditional Republicans to get new voters.

They might be mostly white, but their votes will count just as much.

If the Jakeys, can knock off the Drama Queen shit, and get with the program, we can win this bitch.
The very people Obama claimed cling to their guns and bibles

Trump knows which strings to pull

Yep. Obama ridiculed them.

You libs hold them in contempt.

With the right message they can be put into play.

Trump has that message.
Yes...the angry white vote

All Republicans have left. And Trump knows which buttons to push

Were they angry when they voted for Obama, despite him ridiculing them?

If we give them a reason to leave a party that has nothing but contempt for them and has not represented their interests in generations, we can win.
They didn't vote for Obama and Obama still won by huge margins

Doesn't bode well for 2016

I've seen no reports of Working CLass dem white voters switching sides in 2008.

Obama pretty much swept all of the Rust Belt.

People focus on the dem strength in minorities demographics, because it is so strong and they are growing.

BUT the majority of democratic voters are still white.

If we can draw them away in significant numbers, we can win a few more elections before demographic shift gives you your One Party Dystopia.

Trump is the man who can do that.
So the Private Trump will be different according to you when he become President...

Funny, and tell me another fairy tale...

Also you do realize they use those tunnels already to smuggle illegals across in El Paso, San Diego, and other areas with a border fence, so it has not stopped it so far, or do you believe all those illegals just cross the open border?
Almost half cross with valid documentation and overstay their visas

Which is a reason to ignore the half that come across the border because...?
Because walls are a waste of money and don't work

Build a 50 foot wall and they will bring a 51 foot ladder

Says the man that has been gloating about the nation becoming Majority Minority and the country becoming a Defacto ONe Party State.

YOu should realize consider the possibility that your emotional investment in the Leftist Agenda is affecting your ability to be objective in your judgment on the Wall.
Not my fault Republicans shot themselves in the foot

The GOP must bring itself down into the dust before they realize the problem is with themselves and not the media, crooked voting and free stuff

And again you ignore my point in order to blame Republicans for events outside of their control.

Keep up the Good Work.

The Wall is a good idea. Securing the Border is part of reducing Immigration, and thus encouraging a rise in wages.
Correll calls the dynamics of the emerging cultural shift in America the coming crisis on a one-party state.

Did not happen in the 19th century during incredible immigration, won't happen now.

The US will be a two-party system as usual.
Correll calls the dynamics of the emerging cultural shift in America the coming crisis on a one-party state.

Did not happen in the 19th century during incredible immigration, won't happen now.

The US will be a two-party system as usual.

Using the "logic" you just used, watch what I do.

Every time in the past, I have gotten sick, I did not die, instead I got completely better.

Thus, I will never die.

Yea me!

I will save so much money on Life Insurance now that I know that.

See what I did there?
Correll calls the dynamics of the emerging cultural shift in America the coming crisis on a one-party state.

Did not happen in the 19th century during incredible immigration, won't happen now.

The US will be a two-party system as usual.

Using the "logic" you just used, watch what I do.

Every time in the past, I have gotten sick, I did not die, instead I got completely better.

Thus, I will never die.

Yea me!

I will save so much money on Life Insurance now that I know that.

See what I did there?
Yep, that is called demagoguery, lot of silliness and poor logic.

Immigration, Correll, is and has been and always will be a major American theme. At times it has upset the current political system, forcing the parties to address cultural issues. The country survived. And it will survive again.

That is based on WHAT happened.

You base your material on your "feelz."
Correll calls the dynamics of the emerging cultural shift in America the coming crisis on a one-party state.

Did not happen in the 19th century during incredible immigration, won't happen now.

The US will be a two-party system as usual.

Using the "logic" you just used, watch what I do.

Every time in the past, I have gotten sick, I did not die, instead I got completely better.

Thus, I will never die.

Yea me!

I will save so much money on Life Insurance now that I know that.

See what I did there?
Yep, that is called demagoguery, lot of silliness and poor logic.

Immigration, Correll, is and has been and always will be a major American theme. At times it has upset the current political system, forcing the parties to address cultural issues. The country survived. And it will survive again.

That is based on WHAT happened.

You base your material on your "feelz."

It was your logic that I used.

You cited a history of events as proof that those events would go the same way in the future as in the past.

Just because the I survived in the past, does not mean that I will always survive.

Just because the United States survived in the past, does not mean that it will always survive.

(by survive i mean in a form that present day americans would recognize or desire)
Correll calls the dynamics of the emerging cultural shift in America the coming crisis on a one-party state.

Did not happen in the 19th century during incredible immigration, won't happen now.

The US will be a two-party system as usual.

Using the "logic" you just used, watch what I do.

Every time in the past, I have gotten sick, I did not die, instead I got completely better.

Thus, I will never die.

Yea me!

I will save so much money on Life Insurance now that I know that.

See what I did there?
Yep, that is called demagoguery, lot of silliness and poor logic.

Immigration, Correll, is and has been and always will be a major American theme. At times it has upset the current political system, forcing the parties to address cultural issues. The country survived. And it will survive again.

That is based on WHAT happened.

You base your material on your "feelz."

It was your logic that I used.

You cited a history of events as proof that those events would go the same way in the future as in the past.

Just because the I survived in the past, does not mean that I will always survive.

Just because the United States survived in the past, does not mean that it will always survive.

(by survive i mean in a form that present day americans would recognize or desire)
So we should not use history to learn. Correll, you are a hoot. Your 'feelz' is getting in the way. We are not talking about America's survival, which is a non sequitur on your part. We are talking about the impact of immigration on American culture, and, yes, we can learn from the past.
Correll calls the dynamics of the emerging cultural shift in America the coming crisis on a one-party state.

Did not happen in the 19th century during incredible immigration, won't happen now.

The US will be a two-party system as usual.

Using the "logic" you just used, watch what I do.

Every time in the past, I have gotten sick, I did not die, instead I got completely better.

Thus, I will never die.

Yea me!

I will save so much money on Life Insurance now that I know that.

See what I did there?
Yep, that is called demagoguery, lot of silliness and poor logic.

Immigration, Correll, is and has been and always will be a major American theme. At times it has upset the current political system, forcing the parties to address cultural issues. The country survived. And it will survive again.

That is based on WHAT happened.

You base your material on your "feelz."

It was your logic that I used.

You cited a history of events as proof that those events would go the same way in the future as in the past.

Just because the I survived in the past, does not mean that I will always survive.

Just because the United States survived in the past, does not mean that it will always survive.

(by survive i mean in a form that present day americans would recognize or desire)
So we should not use history to learn. Correll, you are a hoot. Your 'feelz' is getting in the way. We are not talking about America's survival, which is a non sequitur on your part. We are talking about the impact of immigration on American culture, and, yes, we can learn from the past.

I did not say that we should not use history to learn from the past.

But we can not blindly assume that because something today looks somewhat like something in the past, that the result will be the same.

As my example of my "immortality" showed.

We are not the same nation that assimilated past immigration waves.

This immigration wave is no that same as past immigration waves.

You have done nothing to challenge rightwing and my scenario of a One Party Dystopia, other than cite similar historical examples.

That is not enough.
I have easily disproved your rightwing nonsense, Correll.

That is more than enough.

No, I completely destroyed YOUR logic when I used it to "prove" I was Immortal.

For you to claim that you won the debate at this point is sheer Bullshit.
I have easily disproved your rightwing nonsense, Correll. That is more than enough.
No, I completely destroyed YOUR logic when I used it to "prove" I was Immortal. For you to claim that you won the debate at this point is sheer Bullshit.
:) I own you, Correll, and I always will.

You made one claim. I showed how your claim did not prove your point.

You disagree, without really adding anything to your argument, and now you declare yourself the winner?

YOu are a dishonest prick.

And according to your logic, that you are standing by

Almost half cross with valid documentation and overstay their visas

Which is a reason to ignore the half that come across the border because...?
Because walls are a waste of money and don't work

Build a 50 foot wall and they will bring a 51 foot ladder

Says the man that has been gloating about the nation becoming Majority Minority and the country becoming a Defacto ONe Party State.

YOu should realize consider the possibility that your emotional investment in the Leftist Agenda is affecting your ability to be objective in your judgment on the Wall.
Not my fault Republicans shot themselves in the foot

The GOP must bring itself down into the dust before they realize the problem is with themselves and not the media, crooked voting and free stuff

And again you ignore my point in order to blame Republicans for events outside of their control.

Keep up the Good Work.

The Wall is a good idea. Securing the Border is part of reducing Immigration, and thus encouraging a rise in wages.
Again you absolve republicans for not being able to draw minorities and women. It is out of their control if those populations increase

There is nothing that prevents republicans from drawing more votes from those populations other than their own twisted policies
This country is still majority white, by a fair margin. If we can run up the White Vote, we have a chance.

A better chance than some standard pro-immigration pro-free trade Establishment approved candidate that won't give those dyed in the wool democrats a reason to cross party lines.

Except those dyed in the wool white Democrats are really uncomfortable with Trump's racism and misogyny.
Yep. Obama ridiculed them.

You libs hold them in contempt.

With the right message they can be put into play.

Trump has that message.

They kind of deserve to be ridiculed.

You see, the thing was, working class whites used to vote Democratic, and they benefited greatly. They got good union wages and protections at work. Even Republicans kind of got it, which is why Ike was pretty moderate.

Then the 1960's rolled around, and the women and the minorities and the gays got a little uppity, and while the Democrats said, "Yeah, that sound reasonable" the Republicans went back to the White Working Class and said,"They're coming for your children!!!"

We used to call these folks "Reagan Democrats", but it was really Nixon who started it. But no one wants to own Tricky Dick at this point. So sad.

You see, what you dumbasses clinging to your gun and your bibles never seem to get is that while the rich get what they want, you never get what you want.

The rich got huge tax cuts, but gays can get married now.

The rich got to bust the unions, but abortion is still legal.

The rich got deregulation, but your kid is still being taught evolution in the schools and can't pray to your Zombie on a Stick.

Now, true, we can't get reasonable gun control in this country, but that's because big business is making a fortune flooding our streets with guns. So you get to win that one, kind of. Yeah, team.
Trump may will, and next series of adventures is pacifying the groups that he has so worked at pissing off. HRC looks a girl scout compared to Trump's sinister personality.

I decided to vote for Trump. He is what is best for the party and America in general


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