NY Times says Trump will win nomination outright

Thus, if we can debunk those vile lies, we could see a major shift in those voters.

Sure all you have to do is get Trump never to say anything Racist or Misogynistic again...

and then go back through all the Video Archives and erase everything he's said that is Racist or Misogynistic over the last 30 years.

Then hope that everyone bumps their heads and forgets Trump actually said all that Racist and Misogynistic stuff.

However, your approach being "Well, Calling Mexicans Rapists isn't racist" and "Saying Megan Kelly was bleeding out of her whatever wasn't misogynistic" is really going to fool anyone.

On the other hand, if you are a dumb-ass inbred redneck who thinks the coloreds and feminists and queers are ruining his life, then Trump is the man for you.

It is interesting the way that the blatant bigotry of the Left, doesn't have any impact on the voting patterns of the people they are bigoted against, ie working class whites,

But the alleged bigotry of the Republicans does.

ALmost as though the bigotry, or the "bigotry" in question is not what is driving the voting.

Why don't you identify that blatant bigotry from the left and we can see if it is the same

My discussion with joe started with the insults Obama has for working class whites in Pennsylvania and moved on Joe's complete contempt for them.

It is something he has discussed in the past. He likes to call them "rednecks" and "bubbas". He is completely open about his blatant bigotry.

He seemed to not know that the majority of dem voters are white and that large percentages of working class whites in Rust Belt States are core Democrat voters.

What part of this is unknown to you?
Thus, if we can debunk those vile lies, we could see a major shift in those voters.

Sure all you have to do is get Trump never to say anything Racist or Misogynistic again...

and then go back through all the Video Archives and erase everything he's said that is Racist or Misogynistic over the last 30 years.

Then hope that everyone bumps their heads and forgets Trump actually said all that Racist and Misogynistic stuff.

However, your approach being "Well, Calling Mexicans Rapists isn't racist" and "Saying Megan Kelly was bleeding out of her whatever wasn't misogynistic" is really going to fool anyone.

On the other hand, if you are a dumb-ass inbred redneck who thinks the coloreds and feminists and queers are ruining his life, then Trump is the man for you.

It is interesting the way that the blatant bigotry of the Left, doesn't have any impact on the voting patterns of the people they are bigoted against, ie working class whites,

But the alleged bigotry of the Republicans does.

ALmost as though the bigotry, or the "bigotry" in question is not what is driving the voting.

Why don't you identify that blatant bigotry from the left and we can see if it is the same

My discussion with joe started with the insults Obama has for working class whites in Pennsylvania and moved on Joe's complete contempt for them.

It is something he has discussed in the past. He likes to call them "rednecks" and "bubbas". He is completely open about his blatant bigotry.

He seemed to not know that the majority of dem voters are white and that large percentages of working class whites in Rust Belt States are core Democrat voters.

What part of this is unknown to you?
That is not going to mean anything if Trump keeps talking chumpaloopa to them.
Thus, if we can debunk those vile lies, we could see a major shift in those voters.

Sure all you have to do is get Trump never to say anything Racist or Misogynistic again...

and then go back through all the Video Archives and erase everything he's said that is Racist or Misogynistic over the last 30 years.

Then hope that everyone bumps their heads and forgets Trump actually said all that Racist and Misogynistic stuff.

However, your approach being "Well, Calling Mexicans Rapists isn't racist" and "Saying Megan Kelly was bleeding out of her whatever wasn't misogynistic" is really going to fool anyone.

On the other hand, if you are a dumb-ass inbred redneck who thinks the coloreds and feminists and queers are ruining his life, then Trump is the man for you.

It is interesting the way that the blatant bigotry of the Left, doesn't have any impact on the voting patterns of the people they are bigoted against, ie working class whites,

But the alleged bigotry of the Republicans does.

ALmost as though the bigotry, or the "bigotry" in question is not what is driving the voting.

Why don't you identify that blatant bigotry from the left and we can see if it is the same

My discussion with joe started with the insults Obama has for working class whites in Pennsylvania and moved on Joe's complete contempt for them.

It is something he has discussed in the past. He likes to call them "rednecks" and "bubbas". He is completely open about his blatant bigotry.

He seemed to not know that the majority of dem voters are white and that large percentages of working class whites in Rust Belt States are core Democrat voters.

What part of this is unknown to you?

So that's your claim of bigotry?

Joe calling names

That the GOP is not in touch with the major portions of minority voters is truth.

"not in touch"?

"Not in touch" is not what minority voters are bombarded with.

I over heard a couple of blacks talking in a store yesterday. They were concerned if Trump is elected that they will be forced to pick cotton again.

That's not reasoned difference of opinion and policy.

Those are people who have been successfully panic mongered.

Those people have not listened to anything we have had to say for generations.

Picking cotton is what is known as a metaphor

Why do conservatives take everything literally?

You did not hear them.

These people have been fed nothing but complete bullshit their entire lives.

This has nothing to do with what Republicans have done.

THis is on you libs and your propaganda.

YOu have filled them with fear and hatred of their fellow citizens because it serves your partisan purposes.


Explain what republicans have done to help minority communities

Nice moving of the goalposts.

What republicans have or have NOT done to "help minority communities" is a far cry from being their active enemies which is what blacks have been lied into believing.

Trump's policies would be very good for blacks. Reducing competition for jobs from immigrants, and bringing back manufacturing jobs would benefit blacks very much, and even disproportionately, as you libs love to focus on.

But they are not in play despite that, because they have been told their entire lives by everyone they have any trust in, that the GOP is their arch-nemesis.
"I over heard a couple of blacks talking in a store yesterday. They were concerned if Trump is elected that they will be forced to pick cotton again." is a fallacy of hasty generalization" and "those people" (blatant bigotry) are not going to listen as long as you fail to address their needs.

"These people" referred to the people I was talking about.

How is that blatant bigotry, you asshole?

And as I said, Trump's policies would address "their needs" quite nicely. Not that they are capable of hearing that, after a lifetime of propaganda from you lying leftists.
Thus, if we can debunk those vile lies, we could see a major shift in those voters.

Sure all you have to do is get Trump never to say anything Racist or Misogynistic again...

and then go back through all the Video Archives and erase everything he's said that is Racist or Misogynistic over the last 30 years.

Then hope that everyone bumps their heads and forgets Trump actually said all that Racist and Misogynistic stuff.

However, your approach being "Well, Calling Mexicans Rapists isn't racist" and "Saying Megan Kelly was bleeding out of her whatever wasn't misogynistic" is really going to fool anyone.

On the other hand, if you are a dumb-ass inbred redneck who thinks the coloreds and feminists and queers are ruining his life, then Trump is the man for you.

It is interesting the way that the blatant bigotry of the Left, doesn't have any impact on the voting patterns of the people they are bigoted against, ie working class whites,

But the alleged bigotry of the Republicans does.

ALmost as though the bigotry, or the "bigotry" in question is not what is driving the voting.

Why don't you identify that blatant bigotry from the left and we can see if it is the same

My discussion with joe started with the insults Obama has for working class whites in Pennsylvania and moved on Joe's complete contempt for them.

It is something he has discussed in the past. He likes to call them "rednecks" and "bubbas". He is completely open about his blatant bigotry.

He seemed to not know that the majority of dem voters are white and that large percentages of working class whites in Rust Belt States are core Democrat voters.

What part of this is unknown to you?

So that's your claim of bigotry?

Joe calling names


Joe's belief that working class whites, possess characteristics specific to that group, that distinguish them as inferior to another groups, IS bigotry and racism.

That you don't see that is not surprising.

It does show how much you lefties MISuse those words, that you have forgotten their real meanings.

This is completely different from the supposed bigotry of the Republicans which near as I can tell from your lefties incoherent ravings, AT BEST is "not helping minority communities" or God Forbid, having a policy that might disproportionately impact them negatively.

Which is NOT actually racism or bigotry.
Joe's belief that working class whites, possess characteristics specific to that group, that distinguish them as inferior to another groups, IS bigotry and racism.

No, it's an observation of how FUCKING STUPID YOU ARE.

the Mexican immigrant is not your enemy. He's in the same boat you are. The boat that rich people are trying to sink.

But your stupid, dumb-fuck, inbred, gun-toting, bible thumping ass keeps voting for the rich to SCREW YOU because you hate the beaners and the colored and the queers and a lot of people who are in that same boat.

But you don't represent 60% of white people. You represent 40% of Republicans.

Trump is dumping all the Libertarian Nonsense, all the Christian Nonsense, all the Supply Side Nonsense, and just reducing the GOP to a White Identity party.

He'll lose, but it will take the GOP years to scrub off the stain.
That the GOP is not in touch with the major portions of minority voters is truth.

"not in touch"?

"Not in touch" is not what minority voters are bombarded with.

I over heard a couple of blacks talking in a store yesterday. They were concerned if Trump is elected that they will be forced to pick cotton again.

That's not reasoned difference of opinion and policy.

Those are people who have been successfully panic mongered.

Those people have not listened to anything we have had to say for generations.

Picking cotton is what is known as a metaphor

Why do conservatives take everything literally?

You did not hear them.

These people have been fed nothing but complete bullshit their entire lives.

This has nothing to do with what Republicans have done.

THis is on you libs and your propaganda.

YOu have filled them with fear and hatred of their fellow citizens because it serves your partisan purposes.


Explain what republicans have done to help minority communities

Nice moving of the goalposts.

What republicans have or have NOT done to "help minority communities" is a far cry from being their active enemies which is what blacks have been lied into believing.

Trump's policies would be very good for blacks. Reducing competition for jobs from immigrants, and bringing back manufacturing jobs would benefit blacks very much, and even disproportionately, as you libs love to focus on.

But they are not in play despite that, because they have been told their entire lives by everyone they have any trust in, that the GOP is their arch-nemesis.

The minority vote is the goal post

Republicans need to do more than scold them, call them lazy freeloaders and tell them to work harder.

Dems have invoked positive programs to help minorities.......affirmative action, childcare, healthcare, raising the minimum wage

All opposed by Republicans
Joe's belief that working class whites, possess characteristics specific to that group, that distinguish them as inferior to another groups, IS bigotry and racism.

No, it's an observation of how FUCKING STUPID YOU ARE.

the Mexican immigrant is not your enemy. He's in the same boat you are. The boat that rich people are trying to sink.

But your stupid, dumb-fuck, inbred, gun-toting, bible thumping ass keeps voting for the rich to SCREW YOU because you hate the beaners and the colored and the queers and a lot of people who are in that same boat.

But you don't represent 60% of white people. You represent 40% of Republicans.

Trump is dumping all the Libertarian Nonsense, all the Christian Nonsense, all the Supply Side Nonsense, and just reducing the GOP to a White Identity party.

He'll lose, but it will take the GOP years to scrub off the stain.

And Rightwinger?!

I understand that you have come to think Racist or Bigot is just something to call REpublicans who are winning arguments,

BUT THIS ABOVE? That's the real deal.

Note the hate.

FUCKING STUPID, dumb fuck, inbred, gun toting, bible thumping, ect.
Joe is a class warrior not a bigot.

Correll is a bigot.

The above post of his is rant of hate of a group that he believes to have characteristics, which he lists some of above, that make them inferior to other groups.

That is what racism and bigotry IS.

THat you don't know that, is a result of you misusing the word for DECADES, primarily as a dishonest personal smear against people you don't like.

To the point that you've managed to "forget" the real meaning.
"not in touch"?

"Not in touch" is not what minority voters are bombarded with.

I over heard a couple of blacks talking in a store yesterday. They were concerned if Trump is elected that they will be forced to pick cotton again.

That's not reasoned difference of opinion and policy.

Those are people who have been successfully panic mongered.

Those people have not listened to anything we have had to say for generations.

Picking cotton is what is known as a metaphor

Why do conservatives take everything literally?

You did not hear them.

These people have been fed nothing but complete bullshit their entire lives.

This has nothing to do with what Republicans have done.

THis is on you libs and your propaganda.

YOu have filled them with fear and hatred of their fellow citizens because it serves your partisan purposes.


Explain what republicans have done to help minority communities

Nice moving of the goalposts.

What republicans have or have NOT done to "help minority communities" is a far cry from being their active enemies which is what blacks have been lied into believing.

Trump's policies would be very good for blacks. Reducing competition for jobs from immigrants, and bringing back manufacturing jobs would benefit blacks very much, and even disproportionately, as you libs love to focus on.

But they are not in play despite that, because they have been told their entire lives by everyone they have any trust in, that the GOP is their arch-nemesis.

The minority vote is the goal post

Republicans need to do more than scold them, call them lazy freeloaders and tell them to work harder.

Dems have invoked positive programs to help minorities.......affirmative action, childcare, healthcare, raising the minimum wage

All opposed by Republicans

Racism/bigotry is not defined by the judgement of minority voters.

NOt supporting programs to help minority communities in not racism.

JOe above demonstrated racism/bigotry against working class whites, as I pointed out, and he just doubled down on it again in post 228

Calling someone a racist because of a difference on social policy is a very poisonous blow to the state of Civil Society in America.

And you lefties have been doing it constantly for the last 50 years.

When you do that you are spreading a vile lie about good people.

And you have successfully made that Hateful Lie part of the Conventional Wisdom of Modern America.

It is certainly believed by the Blacks, with their 90 plus block voting for you guys.

GOod job.

But, it's not true.

So,don't blame us for the lies you guys have told, nor the results of them.

You libs accuse Trump of being divisive.

His worst is nothing compared to the damage to this country you leftists have inflicted.
Scolding and deriding minorities will not get the vote.
But it gets the TeaTard vote

What was joe doing? What did you just do?

Scolding and deriding the working class whites.

And yet the working class whites still give you one of your largest core constituencies.

Like I said, Trump can put them into play.

And btw, if it is wrong when we do it, is it ok when you do it?

If it is "proof" of our "racism" when we do it, what is it when you do it?
Picking cotton is what is known as a metaphor

Why do conservatives take everything literally?

You did not hear them.

These people have been fed nothing but complete bullshit their entire lives.

This has nothing to do with what Republicans have done.

THis is on you libs and your propaganda.

YOu have filled them with fear and hatred of their fellow citizens because it serves your partisan purposes.


Explain what republicans have done to help minority communities

Nice moving of the goalposts.

What republicans have or have NOT done to "help minority communities" is a far cry from being their active enemies which is what blacks have been lied into believing.

Trump's policies would be very good for blacks. Reducing competition for jobs from immigrants, and bringing back manufacturing jobs would benefit blacks very much, and even disproportionately, as you libs love to focus on.

But they are not in play despite that, because they have been told their entire lives by everyone they have any trust in, that the GOP is their arch-nemesis.

The minority vote is the goal post

Republicans need to do more than scold them, call them lazy freeloaders and tell them to work harder.

Dems have invoked positive programs to help minorities.......affirmative action, childcare, healthcare, raising the minimum wage

All opposed by Republicans

Racism/bigotry is not defined by the judgement of minority voters.

NOt supporting programs to help minority communities in not racism.

JOe above demonstrated racism/bigotry against working class whites, as I pointed out, and he just doubled down on it again in post 228

Calling someone a racist because of a difference on social policy is a very poisonous blow to the state of Civil Society in America.

And you lefties have been doing it constantly for the last 50 years.

When you do that you are spreading a vile lie about good people.

And you have successfully made that Hateful Lie part of the Conventional Wisdom of Modern America.

It is certainly believed by the Blacks, with their 90 plus block voting for you guys.

GOod job.

But, it's not true.

So,don't blame us for the lies you guys have told, nor the results of them.

You libs accuse Trump of being divisive.

His worst is nothing compared to the damage to this country you leftists have inflicted.
Correll's rant is that of a bigot.
And Rightwinger?!

I understand that you have come to think Racist or Bigot is just something to call REpublicans who are winning arguments,

BUT THIS ABOVE? That's the real deal.

Note the hate.

FUCKING STUPID, dumb fuck, inbred, gun toting, bible thumping, ect.

Since I am white, working class and brought up as a Christian, not really. It's a valid criticism of the group I am in.

Hell, I was a right wing white Republican, until my boss screwed me over and announced "Well, that's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union". Then I realized, I'm in the same boat as the Hispanic Lesbian.

But you dumb, inbred, bible-thumping, gun-toating assholes keep thinking your biggest problem is some tranny might use the wrong bathroom. Or some poor guy from Mexico might get a job scrubbing something you'd never want to scrub.
Correll, you know they're going to play that card, it's in their DNA.

No mirrors in their homes. They're every bit as bigoted and hateful as they claim anyone else is.

Waste of time.
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What was joe doing? What did you just do?

Scolding and deriding the working class whites.

And yet the working class whites still give you one of your largest core constituencies.

Like I said, Trump can put them into play.

And btw, if it is wrong when we do it, is it ok when you do it?

If it is "proof" of our "racism" when we do it, what is it when you do it?

The only working class whites who are still voting Republican at this point, are the dumb, inbred bible thumping, gun toting idiots who've been voting against their own interests since Nixon.

Trump isn't bringing anything new to the party. He's just making the labelling a lot more honest.

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