NY Times says Trump will win nomination outright

Picking cotton is what is known as a metaphor

Why do conservatives take everything literally?

You did not hear them.

These people have been fed nothing but complete bullshit their entire lives.

This has nothing to do with what Republicans have done.

THis is on you libs and your propaganda.

YOu have filled them with fear and hatred of their fellow citizens because it serves your partisan purposes.


Explain what republicans have done to help minority communities

Nice moving of the goalposts.

What republicans have or have NOT done to "help minority communities" is a far cry from being their active enemies which is what blacks have been lied into believing.

Trump's policies would be very good for blacks. Reducing competition for jobs from immigrants, and bringing back manufacturing jobs would benefit blacks very much, and even disproportionately, as you libs love to focus on.

But they are not in play despite that, because they have been told their entire lives by everyone they have any trust in, that the GOP is their arch-nemesis.

The minority vote is the goal post

Republicans need to do more than scold them, call them lazy freeloaders and tell them to work harder.

Dems have invoked positive programs to help minorities.......affirmative action, childcare, healthcare, raising the minimum wage

All opposed by Republicans

Racism/bigotry is not defined by the judgement of minority voters.

NOt supporting programs to help minority communities in not racism.

JOe above demonstrated racism/bigotry against working class whites, as I pointed out, and he just doubled down on it again in post 228

Calling someone a racist because of a difference on social policy is a very poisonous blow to the state of Civil Society in America.

And you lefties have been doing it constantly for the last 50 years.

When you do that you are spreading a vile lie about good people.

And you have successfully made that Hateful Lie part of the Conventional Wisdom of Modern America.

It is certainly believed by the Blacks, with their 90 plus block voting for you guys.

GOod job.

But, it's not true.

So,don't blame us for the lies you guys have told, nor the results of them.

You libs accuse Trump of being divisive.

His worst is nothing compared to the damage to this country you leftists have inflicted.
First of all, I never mentioned racism, I discussed the minority vote

But yes, Republican policies are racist. Racist in the sense that they are crafted to appeal to those who hate those who are different, those who blame the poor for their lot in life, those who are looking for a scapegoat

Republicans provide the scapegoat
Correll, you know they're going to play that card, it's in their DNA.

No mirrors in their homes. They're every bit as bigoted and hateful as they claim anyone else is.

Waste of time.
Race card is cool isn't it?

It allows racists to spit out any hate they want and then scream...Race card, race card when they are challenged on it

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Correll, you know they're going to play that card, it's in their DNA.

No mirrors in their homes. They're every bit as bigoted and hateful as they claim anyone else is.

Waste of time.
Race card is cool isn't it?

It allows racists to spit out any hate they want and then scream...Race card, race card when they are challenged on it
It's this kind of intellectual dishonesty, the kind you're choosing to display right here, that makes trying to have normal conversations with hardcore partisan ideologues a complete waste of time.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from EITHER side.
Correll, you know they're going to play that card, it's in their DNA.

No mirrors in their homes. They're every bit as bigoted and hateful as they claim anyone else is.

Waste of time.
Race card is cool isn't it?

It allows racists to spit out any hate they want and then scream...Race card, race card when they are challenged on it
It's this kind of intellectual dishonesty, the kind you're choosing to display right here, that makes trying to have normal conversations with hardcore partisan ideologues a complete waste of time.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from EITHER side.
Sometimes there is racism...you can read all you want on this board
Just because someone doesn't scream n*gger at the top of their lungs doesn't mean that their statements are not racist
Correll, you know they're going to play that card, it's in their DNA.

No mirrors in their homes. They're every bit as bigoted and hateful as they claim anyone else is.

Waste of time.
Race card is cool isn't it?

It allows racists to spit out any hate they want and then scream...Race card, race card when they are challenged on it
It's this kind of intellectual dishonesty, the kind you're choosing to display right here, that makes trying to have normal conversations with hardcore partisan ideologues a complete waste of time.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from EITHER side.
Sometimes there is racism...you can read all you want on this board
Just because someone doesn't scream n*gger at the top of their lungs doesn't mean that their statements are not racist
Of course racism still exists, and constantly screaming "racist" at the top of your lungs only dilutes and trivializes a terribly important word.

I think the Left knows that, and I don't think they care. This is about winning, it's about payback. It's not about healing wounds.
Correll, you know they're going to play that card, it's in their DNA.

No mirrors in their homes. They're every bit as bigoted and hateful as they claim anyone else is.

Waste of time.
Race card is cool isn't it?

It allows racists to spit out any hate they want and then scream...Race card, race card when they are challenged on it
It's this kind of intellectual dishonesty, the kind you're choosing to display right here, that makes trying to have normal conversations with hardcore partisan ideologues a complete waste of time.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from EITHER side.
Sometimes there is racism...you can read all you want on this board
Just because someone doesn't scream n*gger at the top of their lungs doesn't mean that their statements are not racist
Of course racism still exists, and constantly screaming "racist" at the top of your lungs only dilutes and trivializes a terribly important word.

I think the Left knows that, and I don't think they care. This is about winning, it's about payback. It's not about healing wounds.
It is the right that claims they are accused of being racist every time they disagree with Obama .....in practice, that rarely happens

But the right is pandering to racists and many of their accusations towards Obama are racist
Correll, you know they're going to play that card, it's in their DNA.

No mirrors in their homes. They're every bit as bigoted and hateful as they claim anyone else is.

Waste of time.
Race card is cool isn't it?

It allows racists to spit out any hate they want and then scream...Race card, race card when they are challenged on it
It's this kind of intellectual dishonesty, the kind you're choosing to display right here, that makes trying to have normal conversations with hardcore partisan ideologues a complete waste of time.

Hardcore partisan ideologues from EITHER side.
Sometimes there is racism...you can read all you want on this board
Just because someone doesn't scream n*gger at the top of their lungs doesn't mean that their statements are not racist
Of course racism still exists, and constantly screaming "racist" at the top of your lungs only dilutes and trivializes a terribly important word.

I think the Left knows that, and I don't think they care. This is about winning, it's about payback. It's not about healing wounds.
It is the right that claims they are accused of being racist every time they disagree with Obama .....in practice, that rarely happens

But the right is pandering to racists and many of their accusations towards Obama are racist
When they make a comment about Obama that is actually racist, yes, that's racist.

When a left winger says that someone doesn't agree with Obama on some issue because he's black, or because "there's a black man in the White House" -- how many HUNDREDS of times have we seen that one on USMB alone? -- then THAT'S playing the race card.

That is a clear, obvious and unavoidable distinction. It's about winning, it's about payback, it's not about healing wounds.
You did not hear them.

These people have been fed nothing but complete bullshit their entire lives.

This has nothing to do with what Republicans have done.

THis is on you libs and your propaganda.

YOu have filled them with fear and hatred of their fellow citizens because it serves your partisan purposes.


Explain what republicans have done to help minority communities

Nice moving of the goalposts.

What republicans have or have NOT done to "help minority communities" is a far cry from being their active enemies which is what blacks have been lied into believing.

Trump's policies would be very good for blacks. Reducing competition for jobs from immigrants, and bringing back manufacturing jobs would benefit blacks very much, and even disproportionately, as you libs love to focus on.

But they are not in play despite that, because they have been told their entire lives by everyone they have any trust in, that the GOP is their arch-nemesis.

The minority vote is the goal post

Republicans need to do more than scold them, call them lazy freeloaders and tell them to work harder.

Dems have invoked positive programs to help minorities.......affirmative action, childcare, healthcare, raising the minimum wage

All opposed by Republicans

Racism/bigotry is not defined by the judgement of minority voters.

NOt supporting programs to help minority communities in not racism.

JOe above demonstrated racism/bigotry against working class whites, as I pointed out, and he just doubled down on it again in post 228

Calling someone a racist because of a difference on social policy is a very poisonous blow to the state of Civil Society in America.

And you lefties have been doing it constantly for the last 50 years.

When you do that you are spreading a vile lie about good people.

And you have successfully made that Hateful Lie part of the Conventional Wisdom of Modern America.

It is certainly believed by the Blacks, with their 90 plus block voting for you guys.

GOod job.

But, it's not true.

So,don't blame us for the lies you guys have told, nor the results of them.

You libs accuse Trump of being divisive.

His worst is nothing compared to the damage to this country you leftists have inflicted.
Correll's rant is that of a bigot.

Nothing in my post was bigoted.

YOu have just demonstrated, once again, that you libs are deluded about the meaning of the word.
And Rightwinger?!

I understand that you have come to think Racist or Bigot is just something to call REpublicans who are winning arguments,

BUT THIS ABOVE? That's the real deal.

Note the hate.

FUCKING STUPID, dumb fuck, inbred, gun toting, bible thumping, ect.

Since I am white, working class and brought up as a Christian, not really. It's a valid criticism of the group I am in.

Hell, I was a right wing white Republican, until my boss screwed me over and announced "Well, that's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union". Then I realized, I'm in the same boat as the Hispanic Lesbian.

But you dumb, inbred, bible-thumping, gun-toating assholes keep thinking your biggest problem is some tranny might use the wrong bathroom. Or some poor guy from Mexico might get a job scrubbing something you'd never want to scrub.

No, it is not a valid criticism.

If nothing else, you are delusional in that you have convinced yourself that working class whites, as a group, don't vote for dems.

THus, your insults and bigoted beliefs about them, are, to a great extent, blaming people on your side for the "sins" of others.
What was joe doing? What did you just do?

Scolding and deriding the working class whites.

And yet the working class whites still give you one of your largest core constituencies.

Like I said, Trump can put them into play.

And btw, if it is wrong when we do it, is it ok when you do it?

If it is "proof" of our "racism" when we do it, what is it when you do it?

The only working class whites who are still voting Republican at this point, are the dumb, inbred bible thumping, gun toting idiots who've been voting against their own interests since Nixon.

Trump isn't bringing anything new to the party. He's just making the labelling a lot more honest.

And as I point out that you are "scolding and deriding working class whites", a behavior which you libs love to claim as evidence of racism when republicans do it, and I ask why it is "different" when you do it,

for an answer,

you double down and insult working class whites some more.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.

AND you're wrong. Trump is firing up a lot of working class white DEMS in my RUst Belt area, who have NOT been voting republican since Nixon.
You did not hear them.

These people have been fed nothing but complete bullshit their entire lives.

This has nothing to do with what Republicans have done.

THis is on you libs and your propaganda.

YOu have filled them with fear and hatred of their fellow citizens because it serves your partisan purposes.


Explain what republicans have done to help minority communities

Nice moving of the goalposts.

What republicans have or have NOT done to "help minority communities" is a far cry from being their active enemies which is what blacks have been lied into believing.

Trump's policies would be very good for blacks. Reducing competition for jobs from immigrants, and bringing back manufacturing jobs would benefit blacks very much, and even disproportionately, as you libs love to focus on.

But they are not in play despite that, because they have been told their entire lives by everyone they have any trust in, that the GOP is their arch-nemesis.

The minority vote is the goal post

Republicans need to do more than scold them, call them lazy freeloaders and tell them to work harder.

Dems have invoked positive programs to help minorities.......affirmative action, childcare, healthcare, raising the minimum wage

All opposed by Republicans

Racism/bigotry is not defined by the judgement of minority voters.

NOt supporting programs to help minority communities in not racism.

JOe above demonstrated racism/bigotry against working class whites, as I pointed out, and he just doubled down on it again in post 228

Calling someone a racist because of a difference on social policy is a very poisonous blow to the state of Civil Society in America.

And you lefties have been doing it constantly for the last 50 years.

When you do that you are spreading a vile lie about good people.

And you have successfully made that Hateful Lie part of the Conventional Wisdom of Modern America.

It is certainly believed by the Blacks, with their 90 plus block voting for you guys.

GOod job.

But, it's not true.

So,don't blame us for the lies you guys have told, nor the results of them.

You libs accuse Trump of being divisive.

His worst is nothing compared to the damage to this country you leftists have inflicted.
First of all, I never mentioned racism, I discussed the minority vote

But yes, Republican policies are racist. Racist in the sense that they are crafted to appeal to those who hate those who are different, those who blame the poor for their lot in life, those who are looking for a scapegoat

Republicans provide the scapegoat

Joe, as I pointed out, demonstrated some real racism.

Believing that a group, particularly a racial group, has inherent characteristics that define them as being inferior to other groups.

Having a difference of opinion or even supporting policies that benefit you, or disproportionately burden a minority is NOT racism.

You claim that those policies are motivate by racism is an EXTREMELY SELF SERVING ASSUMPTION on your part.

One that you on the Left are FAR too comfortable throwing around, without any consideration for either how poisonous it is in our culture to civil society

OR how divisive it is to convince minorities that the majority of the majority is literally out to get them.

You have filled minorities with fear and anger at Republicans for generations, and then point to the low number of minority republican votes as "proof" of Republican Racism.

If you GOAL was to tear this country apart, lib, I can't think of anything you could do better, to further that aim.
Racism exists in such infitesimal quantities that it may well not exist at all. What you see, and mistake for racism is NFS. That's Negro Fatigue Syndrome. It's where the white majority and a goodly number of non whites are just tired of listening to the endless whining, Caterwauling and carping. They have become boring in a very irritating way.

The public doesn't want to see them, listen to them or pay any attention to their manufactured outrage over trivia.
No, it is not a valid criticism.

If nothing else, you are delusional in that you have convinced yourself that working class whites, as a group, don't vote for dems.

THus, your insults and bigoted beliefs about them, are, to a great extent, blaming people on your side for the "sins" of others.

Um, my criticism is not for working class whites who vote for Dems.

It's for working class whites like yourself who vote for rich bastards like Romney and Trump because they are white and say all the things you want to hear about the darkies, who aer in the same boat you're in.
And as I point out that you are "scolding and deriding working class whites", a behavior which you libs love to claim as evidence of racism when republicans do it, and I ask why it is "different" when you do it,

for an answer,

you double down and insult working class whites some more.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.

AND you're wrong. Trump is firing up a lot of working class white DEMS in my RUst Belt area, who have NOT been voting republican since Nixon.

Yes, I know, you really do think that someone who voted for Obama in 2012 is going to vote for Trump in 2016.

I would like to meet this person and find out what their thought process is...
No, it is not a valid criticism.

If nothing else, you are delusional in that you have convinced yourself that working class whites, as a group, don't vote for dems.

THus, your insults and bigoted beliefs about them, are, to a great extent, blaming people on your side for the "sins" of others.

Um, my criticism is not for working class whites who vote for Dems.

It's for working class whites like yourself who vote for rich bastards like Romney and Trump because they are white and say all the things you want to hear about the darkies, who aer in the same boat you're in.

You denied that those Working Class Whites voted for dems. And then insulted them, with quite a list of insults. Based on your irrational racist beliefs.

The rest of your post is just more of your irrational bigotry.

Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Gore, they are all rich also. Yet, you attack those you are bigoted against for voting for Rich People.

And of course your nonsensical and incredibly hypocritical use of the Race Card is noted and ridiculed.
And as I point out that you are "scolding and deriding working class whites", a behavior which you libs love to claim as evidence of racism when republicans do it, and I ask why it is "different" when you do it,

for an answer,

you double down and insult working class whites some more.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a turnip.

AND you're wrong. Trump is firing up a lot of working class white DEMS in my RUst Belt area, who have NOT been voting republican since Nixon.

Yes, I know, you really do think that someone who voted for Obama in 2012 is going to vote for Trump in 2016.

I would like to meet this person and find out what their thought process is...

That would be a very good step for you to take.

Except for that fact that you have the LIberal Disease where anything you don't agree with is not a valid reason or doesn't even exist.

Before they even started answering your questions about their "thought process" you would already have decided to disagree with EVERYTHING they say and assign them motives based on your bigotry, ie stupid or racist.

And nothing they could ever say would be considered by you ever.
That would be a very good step for you to take.

Except for that fact that you have the LIberal Disease where anything you don't agree with is not a valid reason or doesn't even exist.

Before they even started answering your questions about their "thought process" you would already have decided to disagree with EVERYTHING they say and assign them motives based on your bigotry, ie stupid or racist.

And nothing they could ever say would be considered by you ever.

Again, I haven't met that person yet, and I don't think they exist.

Mostly, what I see here are about half the people who've been on here hating on Obama for the last 5 years I've been here, are supporting Trump and half of them are dead set against him. But I haven't seen anyone IRL or here who supported Obama in 08 or 12 who is now supporting Trump.

Now, here's the thing. There are a few good things Trump is for. He's finally calling bullshit on Free Trade, and he's one of the few on the GOP side who had the balls to call the Iraq War a really, really, really stupid idea. And Hitler had this really neat idea for something called an Autobahn...

But frankly, his racism and misogyny pretty much outweigh those few merits.

You see, the thing is, the GOP has spent 40 years stirring up white male resentment about a changing America. They wrapped those things up in nice sounding labels like "National Security" and "Traditional Values" and "Liberty and Freedom".

Trump has dispensed with all the packaging, and he's just selling the raw product. He doesn''t give a flip about Israel or Abortion or Gay Marriage or tax cuts or any of that shit. He's just selling, "if you're angry and you're white, follow me", when he isn't retweeting the deep thoughts of white supremists and other highly evolved sociopaths.
You denied that those Working Class Whites voted for dems. And then insulted them, with quite a list of insults. Based on your irrational racist beliefs.

The rest of your post is just more of your irrational bigotry.

Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Gore, they are all rich also. Yet, you attack those you are bigoted against for voting for Rich People.

And of course your nonsensical and incredibly hypocritical use of the Race Card is noted and ridiculed.

Here's the difference between Kerry and Trump.

Kerry has spent most of his life trying to make things better for working people, whether it was taking a principled stand against an immoral war, or fighting for workers rights and better wages and more consumer protections. He might be rich, but he was on the right side of the issues.

Meanwhile, Romney made himself and his investors stinking rich buying up companies, liquidating the assets, manipulating the banking system, and leaving working folks holding the bag with lost jobs and looted pension funds.

And the funny thing is, the dumb-ass, bible thumping, inbred rednecks wanted no part of him when he ran in 2008 because he was a Mormon and worshipped a different Jesus than they did. And in 2012 they fought himtooth and nail. Until he was the only alternative to Obama, where he could have worshiped C'Thulhu and you dumb-ass, inbred bible thumping rednecks would have supported him because he done got the ni66er out of the White House before he released the Great Old Ones.

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