NY Times says Trump will win nomination outright

Inbred atheist thumpers like you JoeB can fly away.

I found some vid of you when you were young.

Inbred atheist thumpers like you JoeB can fly away.

I found some vid of you when you were young.

Get Bent, Fake Snarkey. Establishment Republicans like you created Trump. you own him.
Don't dish if you can't eat the dish yourself. Establishment does not want Trump; he is the creature of the far right and the losers over there.

I noticed you must have forget to include the vid of you when you were young, so . . . no need to thank me.

You cannot deport enormous numbers of illegals and yo are not going to be bring back any significant manufacturing jobs in the next decade. That will have to wait on the next round of automation and technology.
Not sure why the left is too stupid to understand. If you cut off the ability for the illegal to work or get services in the country, they will self deport. You dont have to physically find them and toss them back.
You cannot deport enormous numbers of illegals and yo are not going to be bring back any significant manufacturing jobs in the next decade. That will have to wait on the next round of automation and technology.
Not sure why the left is too stupid to understand. If you cut off the ability for the illegal to work or get services in the country, they will self deport. You dont have to physically find them and toss them back.
The left understand that completely, and our GOP understands it as well. However, the corporatists have the parties in their money pockets. E-verify and business death penalties will not pass in Congress remains the problem.
Donald, hitting 1,237 won't matter: RNC delegate
Donald, hitting 1,237 won't matter: RNC delegate

Donald Trump may be the only Republican presidential candidate who can realistically hit the magic 1,237 number for the majority of delegates, but according to a senior Republican National Committee official that does not mean he will become the GOP presidential nominee.

Curly Haugland, a longstanding RNC official and an unbound delegate from North Dakota who will be on the convention rules committee in July, told CNBC that attaining 1,237 during the primaries does not secure the nomination.

"Even if Trump reaches the magic number of 1,237 the media and RNC are touting, that does not mean Trump is automatically the nominee," Haugland said. "The votes earned during the primary process are only estimates and are not legal convention votes. The only official votes to nominate a candidate are those that are cast from the convention floor."...

"You become the presumptive nominee when you get 1,237 bound delegates," RNC spokesman Lindsay Walters told CNBC. "You officially become nominee when you have 1,237 votes on the floor of the convention."

Extra butter on mine, please!
Inbred atheist thumpers like you JoeB can fly away.

I found some vid of you when you were young.

Get Bent, Fake Snarkey. Establishment Republicans like you created Trump. you own him.

I am sure the big ass is responding, but I can't see it......on ignore.

But, you are so correct....the establishment's refusal to even listen to other trains of thought has created this backlash...

Trump will cost the GOP big time.....and the establishment...who won't vote for him...will say...we told you so....

The far right will never even think of pulling behind an establishment candidate......

If I were a young democrat....I'd be feeling pretty good about things.
Don't dish if you can't eat the dish yourself. Establishment does not want Trump; he is the creature of the far right and the losers over there.

I noticed you must have forget to include the vid of you when you were young, so . . . no need to thank me.

I ignored it like I ignore 90% of your trolling and lack of substance. .

that said, Trump is your creation. The establishment for years passively went along with this White Identity Politics. Trump has just figured out how to play the game better than you can.
A limited far right IQ and the crippled far lefty are in agreement.

That means the mainstream establishment is doing things correctly.
Don't dish if you can't eat the dish yourself. Establishment does not want Trump; he is the creature of the far right and the losers over there.

I noticed you must have forget to include the vid of you when you were young, so . . . no need to thank me.

I ignored it like I ignore 90% of your trolling and lack of substance. .

that said, Trump is your creation. The establishment for years passively went along with this White Identity Politics. Trump has just figured out how to play the game better than you can.

drumpf is the creation of the rabid right who has shrieked for thirty years about how they hate government.

the GOP let the teatards in, let in the radical religious right... let in the kkk'ers and encouraged them. so you have white christian populist males who hate everyone who doesn't look or believe like they do.

now they hate government so much, they want it to crash and burn.

hence the donald.

luckily he represents only part of the electorate in this country. most people are skewed by him and his radical right populist, bigoted, misogynist, rhetoric.
A limited far right IQ and the crippled far lefty are in agreement.

That means the mainstream establishment is doing things correctly.

Uh, no, doing things correctly would have an establishment candidate in the lead, not in third place.

Doing things right is not being rejected by 80% of your rank and file.

Doing things right is not backing someone you know is a loser (Cruz) to avoid nominating someone who will wreck your party brand for decades.
The party is just gonna have to bend over and take it.

Next time run a hardcore absolutist conservative to keep that wing happy.

Then maybe the party can calm down and get serious after that.

When wanting to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs makes people think you are crazy,

maybe the problem is them.

when illegals are being deported at high rates, and mexicans aren't coming over the boarder in near the numbers they were leaving a net zero on the illegal immigrant population) and someone revs up bigots, telling them that they are failures because of mexicans or jews or any other group, then they may not be "crazy", but they say crazy stuff.

oldest trick in the book....getting the trash to blame everyone else for their lack of education, training and ability.
That would be a very good step for you to take.

Except for that fact that you have the LIberal Disease where anything you don't agree with is not a valid reason or doesn't even exist.

Before they even started answering your questions about their "thought process" you would already have decided to disagree with EVERYTHING they say and assign them motives based on your bigotry, ie stupid or racist.

And nothing they could ever say would be considered by you ever.

Again, I haven't met that person yet, and I don't think they exist.

Mostly, what I see here are about half the people who've been on here hating on Obama for the last 5 years I've been here, are supporting Trump and half of them are dead set against him. But I haven't seen anyone IRL or here who supported Obama in 08 or 12 who is now supporting Trump.

Now, here's the thing. There are a few good things Trump is for. He's finally calling bullshit on Free Trade, and he's one of the few on the GOP side who had the balls to call the Iraq War a really, really, really stupid idea. And Hitler had this really neat idea for something called an Autobahn...

But frankly, his racism and misogyny pretty much outweigh those few merits.

You see, the thing is, the GOP has spent 40 years stirring up white male resentment about a changing America. They wrapped those things up in nice sounding labels like "National Security" and "Traditional Values" and "Liberty and Freedom".

Trump has dispensed with all the packaging, and he's just selling the raw product. He doesn''t give a flip about Israel or Abortion or Gay Marriage or tax cuts or any of that shit. He's just selling, "if you're angry and you're white, follow me", when he isn't retweeting the deep thoughts of white supremists and other highly evolved sociopaths.

YOu admit that Trump has good ideas on Trade and Foreign Policy.

This is why, IMO, he can attract working class white democrats.

The rest of your post is delusional nonsense.
You denied that those Working Class Whites voted for dems. And then insulted them, with quite a list of insults. Based on your irrational racist beliefs.

The rest of your post is just more of your irrational bigotry.

Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Gore, they are all rich also. Yet, you attack those you are bigoted against for voting for Rich People.

And of course your nonsensical and incredibly hypocritical use of the Race Card is noted and ridiculed.

Here's the difference between Kerry and Trump.

Kerry has spent most of his life trying to make things better for working people, whether it was taking a principled stand against an immoral war, or fighting for workers rights and better wages and more consumer protections. He might be rich, but he was on the right side of the issues.

Meanwhile, Romney made himself and his investors stinking rich buying up companies, liquidating the assets, manipulating the banking system, and leaving working folks holding the bag with lost jobs and looted pension funds.

And the funny thing is, the dumb-ass, bible thumping, inbred rednecks wanted no part of him when he ran in 2008 because he was a Mormon and worshipped a different Jesus than they did. And in 2012 they fought himtooth and nail. Until he was the only alternative to Obama, where he could have worshiped C'Thulhu and you dumb-ass, inbred bible thumping rednecks would have supported him because he done got the ni66er out of the White House before he released the Great Old Ones.

You are all over the place.

You ridicule Working CLass whites for voting for "rich people" and then when I point out that the dem candidates are "rich people" too, you bring up all these policies positions that have nothing to with Class, and everything to do with Conservative vs Liberal.

So, when you ridiculed the Working Class GOP voters for voting for "Rich people", you were talking bullshit.

AND a good half of your "reasons" are nothing but bigoted nonsense on your part.

That one can't debunk because the moment you seriously address them point by point, you go off on some tangent about voting for "Rich people" or something like that.

And if you get called on that nonsense you just switch reasons again.


Just because someone disagrees with you, or reaches a different conclusion than you about a policy question, does not mean that they are a bad person.

Try to be less of a closed minded jerk.
You denied that those Working Class Whites voted for dems. And then insulted them, with quite a list of insults. Based on your irrational racist beliefs.

The rest of your post is just more of your irrational bigotry.

Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Gore, they are all rich also. Yet, you attack those you are bigoted against for voting for Rich People.

And of course your nonsensical and incredibly hypocritical use of the Race Card is noted and ridiculed.

Here's the difference between Kerry and Trump.

Kerry has spent most of his life trying to make things better for working people, whether it was taking a principled stand against an immoral war, or fighting for workers rights and better wages and more consumer protections. He might be rich, but he was on the right side of the issues.

Meanwhile, Romney made himself and his investors stinking rich buying up companies, liquidating the assets, manipulating the banking system, and leaving working folks holding the bag with lost jobs and looted pension funds.

And the funny thing is, the dumb-ass, bible thumping, inbred rednecks wanted no part of him when he ran in 2008 because he was a Mormon and worshipped a different Jesus than they did. And in 2012 they fought himtooth and nail. Until he was the only alternative to Obama, where he could have worshiped C'Thulhu and you dumb-ass, inbred bible thumping rednecks would have supported him because he done got the ni66er out of the White House before he released the Great Old Ones.

ANd of course, also this.


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