NY Times says Trump will win nomination outright

The party is just gonna have to bend over and take it.

Next time run a hardcore absolutist conservative to keep that wing happy.

Then maybe the party can calm down and get serious after that.

When wanting to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs makes people think you are crazy,

maybe the problem is them.

when illegals are being deported at high rates, and mexicans aren't coming over the boarder in near the numbers they were leaving a net zero on the illegal immigrant population) and someone revs up bigots, telling them that they are failures because of mexicans or jews or any other group, then they may not be "crazy", but they say crazy stuff.

oldest trick in the book....getting the trash to blame everyone else for their lack of education, training and ability.

1. Wow. There is a small decline in the 11 MILLION illegals in this country. I guess that means that it is not a valid issue. LOL!:rolleyes:

2. Calling people who disagree with you "losers" is not a rebuttal. It is just you being a jerk.

3. Sometimes the problems ARE caused by outsiders.

4. And of course.

The party is just gonna have to bend over and take it.

Next time run a hardcore absolutist conservative to keep that wing happy.

Then maybe the party can calm down and get serious after that.

When wanting to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs makes people think you are crazy,

maybe the problem is them.

when illegals are being deported at high rates, and mexicans aren't coming over the boarder in near the numbers they were leaving a net zero on the illegal immigrant population) and someone revs up bigots, telling them that they are failures because of mexicans or jews or any other group, then they may not be "crazy", but they say crazy stuff.

oldest trick in the book....getting the trash to blame everyone else for their lack of education, training and ability.

1. Wow. There is a small decline in the 11 MILLION illegals in this country. I guess that means that it is not a valid issue. LOL!:rolleyes:

2. Calling people who disagree with you "losers" is not a rebuttal. It is just you being a jerk.

3. Sometimes the problems ARE caused by outsiders.

4. And of course.

The establishment Left is working overtime to demonize Trump. It is their only hope of getting a lying, corrupt, and criminal pol in a pantsuit elected.
The party is just gonna have to bend over and take it.

Next time run a hardcore absolutist conservative to keep that wing happy.

Then maybe the party can calm down and get serious after that.

When wanting to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs makes people think you are crazy,

maybe the problem is them.

when illegals are being deported at high rates, and mexicans aren't coming over the boarder in near the numbers they were leaving a net zero on the illegal immigrant population) and someone revs up bigots, telling them that they are failures because of mexicans or jews or any other group, then they may not be "crazy", but they say crazy stuff.

oldest trick in the book....getting the trash to blame everyone else for their lack of education, training and ability.

1. Wow. There is a small decline in the 11 MILLION illegals in this country. I guess that means that it is not a valid issue. LOL!:rolleyes:

2. Calling people who disagree with you "losers" is not a rebuttal. It is just you being a jerk.

3. Sometimes the problems ARE caused by outsiders.

4. And of course.

Don't be so harsh on Silly Jilly. She only knows what she hears from MSLSD.
The party is just gonna have to bend over and take it.

Next time run a hardcore absolutist conservative to keep that wing happy.

Then maybe the party can calm down and get serious after that.

When wanting to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs makes people think you are crazy,

maybe the problem is them.

when illegals are being deported at high rates, and mexicans aren't coming over the boarder in near the numbers they were leaving a net zero on the illegal immigrant population) and someone revs up bigots, telling them that they are failures because of mexicans or jews or any other group, then they may not be "crazy", but they say crazy stuff.

oldest trick in the book....getting the trash to blame everyone else for their lack of education, training and ability.

1. Wow. There is a small decline in the 11 MILLION illegals in this country. I guess that means that it is not a valid issue. LOL!:rolleyes:

2. Calling people who disagree with you "losers" is not a rebuttal. It is just you being a jerk.

3. Sometimes the problems ARE caused by outsiders.

4. And of course.

The establishment Left is working overtime to demonize Trump. It is their only hope of getting a lying, corrupt, and criminal pol in a pantsuit elected.

I love how they are attacking Trump for being an isolationist while supporting Pro-Iraq War Hillary.

They will say or do anything to advance the liberal agenda. They are utterly without shame.
The party is just gonna have to bend over and take it.

Next time run a hardcore absolutist conservative to keep that wing happy.

Then maybe the party can calm down and get serious after that.

When wanting to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs makes people think you are crazy,

maybe the problem is them.

when illegals are being deported at high rates, and mexicans aren't coming over the boarder in near the numbers they were leaving a net zero on the illegal immigrant population) and someone revs up bigots, telling them that they are failures because of mexicans or jews or any other group, then they may not be "crazy", but they say crazy stuff.

oldest trick in the book....getting the trash to blame everyone else for their lack of education, training and ability.

1. Wow. There is a small decline in the 11 MILLION illegals in this country. I guess that means that it is not a valid issue. LOL!:rolleyes:

2. Calling people who disagree with you "losers" is not a rebuttal. It is just you being a jerk.

3. Sometimes the problems ARE caused by outsiders.

4. And of course.

The establishment Left is working overtime to demonize Trump. It is their only hope of getting a lying, corrupt, and criminal pol in a pantsuit elected.

I love how they are attacking Trump for being an isolationist while supporting Pro-Iraq War Hillary.

They will say or do anything to advance the liberal agenda. They are utterly without shame.
Yes it is most ironic.

Those on the left do not even know that Hillary is a leading neocon. No doubt Bush and Cheney will support her over Trump...but Ds and leftists can't see the deception.

Add in that Trump is probably more progressive than any recent R nominee and that is saying a lot, since all have been progressives since Reagan, and you have one of the most historic deceptions in the history of the world.

What a pretty picture....ugh!!!
Last edited:
Correll is correct when he writes that Trump needs white working class Dem votes to win.

Correll, based on the narrative themes of Trump's campaign, has not been able to describe a potentially viable path to victory including that group.

Trump will now pivot toward the center to reach those voters. Expect talk of possible amnesty or immigration reform in place of mass deportation. Expect a much softer campaign now to reach women's votes concerning health, abortion, and employment.

Should Trump be able to hold together the GOP core of the previous four national elections, he will need at least 35% of the Hispanic vote, meaning he will need to double what he appears to have right now.

Trump has a long road to walk in a few short months, not only in the terms above, but also in avoiding the destructive efforts by Cruz, Kasich, Rubio, Fiorina and others who are now looking to 2020 as their next best hope.
Correll is correct when he writes that Trump needs white working class Dem votes to win.

Correll, based on the narrative themes of Trump's campaign, has not been able to describe a potentially viable path to victory including that group.

Trump will now pivot toward the center to reach those voters. Expect talk of possible amnesty or immigration reform in place of mass deportation. Expect a much softer campaign now to reach women's votes concerning health, abortion, and employment.

Should Trump be able to hold together the GOP core of the previous four national elections, he will need at least 35% of the Hispanic vote, meaning he will need to double what he appears to have right now.

Trump has a long road to walk in a few short months, not only in the terms above, but also in avoiding the destructive efforts by Cruz, Kasich, Rubio, Fiorina and others who are now looking to 2020 as their next best hope.

Softening on Immigration is not a way to reach those voters. His Immigration and Trade positions are his strongest draws for those working class votes.

His "pivot" will consist of being less antagonistic and volatile, imo.

Expect him to draw attention to less central issues where his positions are less taboo breaking than wanting to deport illegals or to bring back manufacturing jobs.

Without softening on his core issues.

If he can run up the white vote, drawing away large number of core democratic support, he can with without 35% of Hispanics.

Keep in mind, that that majority of Democratic votes still come from white voters.

The other candidates, once the primary is over, if they want to have a chance for the future, will NOT side with Hillary and antagonize the large segment of Trump supporters in the GOP.
Pie in the sky hopes, Correll, with no basis for thinking it will happen.

He may not get 40% of the total vote the way he is going.

As far future candidates and your ilk, they did not care about you when you were voting for them.
Pie in the sky hopes, Correll, with no basis for thinking it will happen.

He may not get 40% of the total vote the way he is going.

As far future candidates and your ilk, they did not care about you when you were voting for them.

My basis for thinking it can happen are

1. that fact that those policies would benefit working class voters.


2 anecdotal reports about working class dems who are liking Trump.

If the rest of the REpublicans would stop supporting the Anti-Republican lies the Media is telling, and start challenging them instead, he can and will start making headway once the general starts.

And yes, those far future candidates do NOT want to be partially responsible for election Hillary.

That is the type of thing to come back and haunt you.

Note how Colin Powell destroyed his support in the GOP with his endorsement of Obama.
I understand your reasoning, Correll, and I think it is pie in the sky hoping that these things will occur.

You are ignoring that if HRC is elected, non one in the establishment of the party or its mainstream is going to worry about what the hard right think.

I know it is hard for you to grasp, but the fact is that the mainstream of the GOP simply do not care what the far right thinks.
I understand your reasoning, Correll, and I think it is pie in the sky hoping that these things will occur.

You are ignoring that if HRC is elected, non one in the establishment of the party or its mainstream is going to worry about what the hard right think.

I know it is hard for you to grasp, but the fact is that the mainstream of the GOP simply do not care what the far right thinks.

I know it is hard for you to grasp but you cannot win without those you call "the far right".

Those other candidates, if they know what is good for them and their future hopes, will lose graciously and then rally around the Nominee.
The the great majority of the establishment and mainstream don't care about winning if it is Trump.

They will win if Trump loses. On this point, albeit for the wrong reasons, Rush is correct.
The the great majority of the establishment and mainstream don't care about winning if it is Trump.

They will win if Trump loses. On this point, albeit for the wrong reasons, Rush is correct.

I was actually referring to the future.

If you alienate those you call the "far right" enough, you will destroy the GOP forever.

You Establishment Republicans cannot win without us.
That would be a very good step for you to take.

Except for that fact that you have the LIberal Disease where anything you don't agree with is not a valid reason or doesn't even exist.

Before they even started answering your questions about their "thought process" you would already have decided to disagree with EVERYTHING they say and assign them motives based on your bigotry, ie stupid or racist.

And nothing they could ever say would be considered by you ever.

Again, I haven't met that person yet, and I don't think they exist.

Mostly, what I see here are about half the people who've been on here hating on Obama for the last 5 years I've been here, are supporting Trump and half of them are dead set against him. But I haven't seen anyone IRL or here who supported Obama in 08 or 12 who is now supporting Trump.

Now, here's the thing. There are a few good things Trump is for. He's finally calling bullshit on Free Trade, and he's one of the few on the GOP side who had the balls to call the Iraq War a really, really, really stupid idea. And Hitler had this really neat idea for something called an Autobahn...

But frankly, his racism and misogyny pretty much outweigh those few merits.

You see, the thing is, the GOP has spent 40 years stirring up white male resentment about a changing America. They wrapped those things up in nice sounding labels like "National Security" and "Traditional Values" and "Liberty and Freedom".

Trump has dispensed with all the packaging, and he's just selling the raw product. He doesn''t give a flip about Israel or Abortion or Gay Marriage or tax cuts or any of that shit. He's just selling, "if you're angry and you're white, follow me", when he isn't retweeting the deep thoughts of white supremists and other highly evolved sociopaths.

YOu admit that Trump has good ideas on Trade and Foreign Policy.

This is why, IMO, he can attract working class white democrats.

The rest of your post is delusional nonsense.

The economist magazine said that trump being elected would be as catastrophic to the global economy as another 9/11 type terrorist attack

That would be a very good step for you to take.

Except for that fact that you have the LIberal Disease where anything you don't agree with is not a valid reason or doesn't even exist.

Before they even started answering your questions about their "thought process" you would already have decided to disagree with EVERYTHING they say and assign them motives based on your bigotry, ie stupid or racist.

And nothing they could ever say would be considered by you ever.

Again, I haven't met that person yet, and I don't think they exist.

Mostly, what I see here are about half the people who've been on here hating on Obama for the last 5 years I've been here, are supporting Trump and half of them are dead set against him. But I haven't seen anyone IRL or here who supported Obama in 08 or 12 who is now supporting Trump.

Now, here's the thing. There are a few good things Trump is for. He's finally calling bullshit on Free Trade, and he's one of the few on the GOP side who had the balls to call the Iraq War a really, really, really stupid idea. And Hitler had this really neat idea for something called an Autobahn...

But frankly, his racism and misogyny pretty much outweigh those few merits.

You see, the thing is, the GOP has spent 40 years stirring up white male resentment about a changing America. They wrapped those things up in nice sounding labels like "National Security" and "Traditional Values" and "Liberty and Freedom".

Trump has dispensed with all the packaging, and he's just selling the raw product. He doesn''t give a flip about Israel or Abortion or Gay Marriage or tax cuts or any of that shit. He's just selling, "if you're angry and you're white, follow me", when he isn't retweeting the deep thoughts of white supremists and other highly evolved sociopaths.

YOu admit that Trump has good ideas on Trade and Foreign Policy.

This is why, IMO, he can attract working class white democrats.

The rest of your post is delusional nonsense.

The economist magazine said that trump being elected would be as catastrophic to the global economy as another 9/11 type terrorist attack


I am well aware of the Free Trade ideology.

I used to be a Free Trader.

That is why I can see that events in the REal World are NOT following what that economic Theory predicted.

The Displaced Workers were NOT supposed to be negatively effected PERMANENTLY like we are seeing.

Wages for American workers were NOT supposed to be PERMANENTLY suppressed.

Yet that is what is happening.

It took me quite a while to come to grips with the failure of my ideological expectations.

But I have.

Many people obviously have not.

DId the Economist magazine you read address the fact of Working retraining and reallocation NOT following their economic model?
That would be a very good step for you to take.

Except for that fact that you have the LIberal Disease where anything you don't agree with is not a valid reason or doesn't even exist.

Before they even started answering your questions about their "thought process" you would already have decided to disagree with EVERYTHING they say and assign them motives based on your bigotry, ie stupid or racist.

And nothing they could ever say would be considered by you ever.

Again, I haven't met that person yet, and I don't think they exist.

Mostly, what I see here are about half the people who've been on here hating on Obama for the last 5 years I've been here, are supporting Trump and half of them are dead set against him. But I haven't seen anyone IRL or here who supported Obama in 08 or 12 who is now supporting Trump.

Now, here's the thing. There are a few good things Trump is for. He's finally calling bullshit on Free Trade, and he's one of the few on the GOP side who had the balls to call the Iraq War a really, really, really stupid idea. And Hitler had this really neat idea for something called an Autobahn...

But frankly, his racism and misogyny pretty much outweigh those few merits.

You see, the thing is, the GOP has spent 40 years stirring up white male resentment about a changing America. They wrapped those things up in nice sounding labels like "National Security" and "Traditional Values" and "Liberty and Freedom".

Trump has dispensed with all the packaging, and he's just selling the raw product. He doesn''t give a flip about Israel or Abortion or Gay Marriage or tax cuts or any of that shit. He's just selling, "if you're angry and you're white, follow me", when he isn't retweeting the deep thoughts of white supremists and other highly evolved sociopaths.

YOu admit that Trump has good ideas on Trade and Foreign Policy.

This is why, IMO, he can attract working class white democrats.

The rest of your post is delusional nonsense.

The economist magazine said that trump being elected would be as catastrophic to the global economy as another 9/11 type terrorist attack


I am well aware of the Free Trade ideology.

I used to be a Free Trader.

That is why I can see that events in the REal World are NOT following what that economic Theory predicted.

The Displaced Workers were NOT supposed to be negatively effected PERMANENTLY like we are seeing.

Wages for American workers were NOT supposed to be PERMANENTLY suppressed.

Yet that is what is happening.

It took me quite a while to come to grips with the failure of my ideological expectations.

But I have.

Many people obviously have not.

DId the Economist magazine you read address the fact of Working retraining and reallocation NOT following their economic model?

by "free trade" you mean laissez faire capitalism and even adam smith knew it failed.

but no matter how many times your people break things, people like you, deluded into voting against their own economic interest, still spout lies and distortions and wish to revive long failed policies.

no thanks. normal people don't choose to live in a Dickensian nightmare.
The the great majority of the establishment and mainstream don't care about winning if it is Trump.

They will win if Trump loses. On this point, albeit for the wrong reasons, Rush is correct.

I was actually referring to the future.

If you alienate those you call the "far right" enough, you will destroy the GOP forever.

You Establishment Republicans cannot win without us.
Of course we can, once we expel your nonsensical principles and positions. We will be competitive nationally in four years without you, and we will offer a far superior product to you and the Dems. We will be fine in the mainstream GOP.
Very possible. Once Cruz let himself get associated with the Establishment's attempts to steal the nomination from Trump and the voters, his support has collapsed.

Ironic. If the Establishment knew the way to kill Cruz was to embrace him, they'd have done it years ago.

Excellent observation of the irony associated with the orange clown.
That would be a very good step for you to take.

Except for that fact that you have the LIberal Disease where anything you don't agree with is not a valid reason or doesn't even exist.

Before they even started answering your questions about their "thought process" you would already have decided to disagree with EVERYTHING they say and assign them motives based on your bigotry, ie stupid or racist.

And nothing they could ever say would be considered by you ever.

Again, I haven't met that person yet, and I don't think they exist.

Mostly, what I see here are about half the people who've been on here hating on Obama for the last 5 years I've been here, are supporting Trump and half of them are dead set against him. But I haven't seen anyone IRL or here who supported Obama in 08 or 12 who is now supporting Trump.

Now, here's the thing. There are a few good things Trump is for. He's finally calling bullshit on Free Trade, and he's one of the few on the GOP side who had the balls to call the Iraq War a really, really, really stupid idea. And Hitler had this really neat idea for something called an Autobahn...

But frankly, his racism and misogyny pretty much outweigh those few merits.

You see, the thing is, the GOP has spent 40 years stirring up white male resentment about a changing America. They wrapped those things up in nice sounding labels like "National Security" and "Traditional Values" and "Liberty and Freedom".

Trump has dispensed with all the packaging, and he's just selling the raw product. He doesn''t give a flip about Israel or Abortion or Gay Marriage or tax cuts or any of that shit. He's just selling, "if you're angry and you're white, follow me", when he isn't retweeting the deep thoughts of white supremists and other highly evolved sociopaths.

YOu admit that Trump has good ideas on Trade and Foreign Policy.

This is why, IMO, he can attract working class white democrats.

The rest of your post is delusional nonsense.

The economist magazine said that trump being elected would be as catastrophic to the global economy as another 9/11 type terrorist attack


I am well aware of the Free Trade ideology.

I used to be a Free Trader.

That is why I can see that events in the REal World are NOT following what that economic Theory predicted.

The Displaced Workers were NOT supposed to be negatively effected PERMANENTLY like we are seeing.

Wages for American workers were NOT supposed to be PERMANENTLY suppressed.

Yet that is what is happening.

It took me quite a while to come to grips with the failure of my ideological expectations.

But I have.

Many people obviously have not.

DId the Economist magazine you read address the fact of Working retraining and reallocation NOT following their economic model?

by "free trade" you mean laissez faire capitalism and even adam smith knew it failed.

but no matter how many times your people break things, people like you, deluded into voting against their own economic interest, still spout lies and distortions and wish to revive long failed policies.

no thanks. normal people don't choose to live in a Dickensian nightmare.

Mmm, the economists you were citing were supporting the Status Quo of "Free Trade".

The other republican candidates, and Hillary are supporting the Status Quo of "Free Trade".

Trump and his supporters are the ones running against the Status Quo of "Free Trade".

And imo, that is why Trump can attract Working CLass white Democrats, who have been serious harmed by "Free Trade", especially in the Rust Belt.
The the great majority of the establishment and mainstream don't care about winning if it is Trump.

They will win if Trump loses. On this point, albeit for the wrong reasons, Rush is correct.

I was actually referring to the future.

If you alienate those you call the "far right" enough, you will destroy the GOP forever.

You Establishment Republicans cannot win without us.
Of course we can, once we expel your nonsensical principles and positions. We will be competitive nationally in four years without you, and we will offer a far superior product to you and the Dems. We will be fine in the mainstream GOP.

THe various numbers you like to use against Trump, with minorities, are WORSE for the GOP, if you lose start losing conservative whites ALSO.

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