NY times swoons over anti Israel "Jews"

The Phantom Establishment of the Jewish Anti-Israel Left

February 20, 2014 by Daniel Greenfi


Alan Alda’s wife signed a letter denouncing the newly elected left-wing mayor of New York for doing AIPAC’s bidding. The Sandinista supporter had been accused of many things, but being an Israeli stooge wasn’t one of them. Signing the letter, along with the spouse of that guy from MASH, were Martha Weinman Lear, the wife of the cousin of liberal producer Norman Lear, Eve Ensler of the Vagina Monologues and diet guru Jane Hirschmann author of Overcoming Overeating who took a break from obsessing over food to sail on a Jihad cruise to Gaza.

Signing on to the attack on Bill de Blasio for being a dirty Zionist were such faded celebrities of the literary left as Erica Jong, who hasn’t written a single book that anyone can name in the forty years since Fear of Flying first came out and Gloria Steinem, who peaked around that same time.

These familiar names of the Manhattan cocktail party circuit who grind their teeth every time they hear Netanyahu’s name, give way to the professional activists, the board members of the toxic American Jewish World Service, the Nathan Cummings Foundation and Dorot, the Rabbis for Gaza and Rabbis for Obama and the men and women like Peter Beinart of Open Zion and Rebecca Vilkomerson of Jewish Voice for Peace who have built their lives around the war on Israel as much as any Islamic Jihadist tinkering with a Kassam rocket in Gaza.

The radical clergy sign on; Rachel Brown Cowan, a Unitarian who married a Jewish writer for the Village Voice, added “Rabbi” to her name and began attacking the Jewish State after her husband’s death, Rolando Matalon, who has yet to find a Latin American Marxist group he wouldn’t embrace and Sharon Kleinbaum, a lesbian supporter of the Fast for Gaza that aids and abets the not particularly pro-lesbian Hamas.

Reading these names feels like reviewing the membership of a small familiar club. Everyone knows everyone else and everyone in the club hates Israel.

Between Erica Jong and Alice Kessler-Harris (the biographer of Anti-Israel Communist playwright Lillian Hellman, whom Kessler described as having a “streak of Jewish anti-Semitism”) is Peter A. Joseph who pays for this whole dance, funding everything from Peter Beinart’s Open Zion to the Manhattan JCC whose anti-Israel turn has led to a pitched battle among members.


These fading Feminist writers, Wall Street millionaires trying to buy social relevance, hippie social scientists who hit it big with books about food, sex or childrearing, radical rabbis holding forth to congregations who believe in religion as little as their preachers, are a phantom establishment; community leaders without a community except their own mutual approbation.


A year after British comedian Stephen Fry appeared on a genealogy show to trace his mother’s Jewish roots, he signed on to a letter by British Jews, a group that he had never considered himself a member of, declaring its “independence” from the British Jewish establishment. The list included the expected collection of fading feminist authors, Marxist playwrights, historians and philosophers, as well as radical sociologists, pop psychologists and professional activists.

The “coming out party” of Independent Jewish Voices consisted of Marxist Jews who were notorious for hating Israel, the UK, industry, facts, mirrors and human civilization announcing that loudly in a letter that was covered by their media friends.


When its anger is spent and its letters are signed, the children will play on in the hills and fields of Israel, neither knowing nor caring that there was once a Jane Hirschmann, a Mrs. Noel A. Buckner, a Rachel Brown Cowan or a Rebecca Vilkomerson that sought to do them harm.

The Phantom Establishment of the Jewish Anti-Israel Left | FrontPage Magazine
It's good to see that there are many jewish groups who hate the slaughter of innocents by the IDF as much as the rest fo the right thinking world, I feel they should have more coverage in order to dampen down the anti semitism that can come from the attrocities of Israel by more simple minded.

Jews Not Zionists

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

Home | True Torah Jews

Faggot says what? Faggot had to lie eh?

What are you drunkenly slurring about? Have you not got any trannys to post about?

Now liberals can say being virulently anti israel isn't antisemitic, singling out israel, holding up to a different standard, ignoring other occupations, etc... becaues they founds some jews outside of Natura Kartei that proclaim to be jewish and oppose Israel.

Here's the problem, TrannySteve.

For a lot of American and European Jews, Israel is sort of an embarrassment. it's a violator or human rights.

This group has a religious complaint. Israel was created by a mandate by the UN, not the Messiah restoring it like the big book of Judean Fairy Tales says it will.

Now liberals can say being virulently anti israel isn't antisemitic, singling out israel, holding up to a different standard, ignoring other occupations, etc... becaues they founds some jews outside of Natura Kartei that proclaim to be jewish and oppose Israel.

NK and similar ultra-orthodox anti-Israel Jews oppose Israel on the grounds that they believe only G-d and/or the Messiah should establish the state of Israel, not the UN or other secular means. They don't oppose it in the sense they hate the idea, just not the manner in which it's come to be.
Don't think they're buying weapons for that or anything. I remember the Ahmadinejad handshake pic a few years back, when they got on my radar. In the big scheme of things they're not a concern.
Yet they side with those who want Israel's destruction

Because in the minds ofthe truely stupid there are only 2 standpoints an any issue. Go and obsess over boys dressed as girls and leave the adult topics for those with the IQs for it.

Now liberals can say being virulently anti israel isn't antisemitic, singling out israel, holding up to a different standard, ignoring other occupations, etc... becaues they founds some jews outside of Natura Kartei that proclaim to be jewish and oppose Israel.
Why do you suppose England proposed a "Jewish homeland in Palestine" less than a decade after the Royal Navy switched from coal to oil to powers its imperial fleets?

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East.

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,' he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

"Storrs’ analogy was no accident.

"Ireland was where the English invented the tactic of divide and conquer, and where the devastating effectiveness of using foreign settlers to drive a wedge between the colonial rulers and the colonized made it a template for worldwide imperial rule.

"Divide and Conquer Revisited..."

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

Now liberals can say being virulently anti israel isn't antisemitic, singling out israel, holding up to a different standard, ignoring other occupations, etc... becaues they founds some jews outside of Natura Kartei that proclaim to be jewish and oppose Israel.

Nothing new about that.

There's been Jews who objected to the creation of the STATE of Israel since 1948.

Many of those lived in Palestine BEFORE the state was declared.

Some of them object on religious grounds, others on MORAL grounds.

What's the big deal?

Now liberals can say being virulently anti israel isn't antisemitic, singling out israel, holding up to a different standard, ignoring other occupations, etc... becaues they founds some jews outside of Natura Kartei that proclaim to be jewish and oppose Israel.

Nothing new about that.

There's been Jews who objected to the creation of the STATE of Israel since 1948.

Many of those lived in Palestine BEFORE the state was declared.

Some of them object on religious grounds, others on MORAL grounds.

What's the big deal?

Any other countries they object to the existence of?

Now liberals can say being virulently anti israel isn't antisemitic, singling out israel, holding up to a different standard, ignoring other occupations, etc... becaues they founds some jews outside of Natura Kartei that proclaim to be jewish and oppose Israel.

Nothing new about that.

There's been Jews who objected to the creation of the STATE of Israel since 1948.

Many of those lived in Palestine BEFORE the state was declared.

Some of them object on religious grounds, others on MORAL grounds.

What's the big deal?
Some Semites like Uri Avnery, for example, felt the best choice for Palestine in 1948 was a Semitic Union established at the ballot box and not by UN fiat.

Maybe it's not too late?
Is it a coincidence that it is the only Jewish majority country on earth that people have a problem with the existence of? No other country on earth has it's legitimacy questioned let alone people thinking it should be destroyed or dismantled
Is it a coincidence that it is the only Jewish majority country on earth that people have a problem with the existence of? No other country on earth has it's legitimacy questioned let alone people thinking it should be destroyed or dismantled
Currently, there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea. Every single Jew of voting age has the right to cast a ballot determining who writes the laws they live under.

That is not the case for every single Arab living under Jewish civil or military (occupation) law.

Jewish state or Democratic state?
It's notbisraels fault the Arabs attacked it. Palis would have a 60 something year old state today

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