NYC Bar asks AG Barr to Recuse Himself from Ukraine/Crowdstrike Matters in 2016 Election

William Barr has been delivered a kick in the ass from the NYC Bar Association.

William Barr is patently and blatantly the most corrupt AG of recent times. He is implicated in the Ukraine corruption scandal and is widely considered a stooge and servant of Donald Trump.

The embarrassment for William Barr is that it is not just a suggestion from the NYC Bar Association, it is a demand. William Barr's cowardly avoidance of recusal has now led to the matter being taken out of his hands.

William Barr must recuse himself from Ukraine probe, New York City Bar Association says

William Barr must recuse himself from Ukraine probe, New York City Bar Association says
By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News

The New York City Bar Association is demanding that U.S. Attorney General William Barr recuse himself from the Department of Justice probe into the Trump-Ukraine phone call that is central to the impeachment inquiry against the president, citing potential conflicts of interest.

A whistleblower within the intelligence community raised concerns in a formal letter filed in mid-August, of a quid pro quo between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after Trump allegedly attempted to persuade the foreign leader to investigate the Biden family for possible corruption in exchange for U.S. military aid during a July 25 phone call.

According to a rough log of the call released in September, Trump said: “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great.”

At the time, several hundred million dollars in military aid to Ukraine, which is under siege from Moscow, had been frozen by the Trump administration.

The Bar Association, in a statement Wednesday laying out its case for recusal, said: "As White House records made clear, the president told his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, that Mr. Barr "would be in touch with him" to follow up on the president's requests. The whistleblower found this telephone call to be of "urgent concern" because of the president's apparent intermingling of U.S. foreign policy interests with his personal political interests in apparent violation of U.S. law."

The association insisted that their focus was not on "the legality of the president's actions or even the merits of the whistleblower's complaint," nor on "whether the DOJ's review of this action was justified."
Trump wants Barr to look into potential ties linking Ukraine, Hillary Clinton and Steele dossierVideo
Instead, the association raised concerns about whether Barr had knowledge of promises made by Trump in the phone call. In addition, the association said Barr "was obligated to recuse himself from any involvement in DOJ's review of either the whistleblower complaint of the substance of the president's actions once the president offered Mr. Barr's services to President Zelensky."

Barr's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), under the Department of Justice, also advised Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, a Trump appointee, to forgo forwarding the whistleblower's complaint to Congress, despite Michael Atkinson, intelligence community inspector general, saying it was credible and of “urgent concern."

The bar association wrote that Barr "appears to have participated in the DOJ review of the whistleblower's complaint and its decision not to forward that complaint to Congress" and his failure to recuse himself endangers the DOJ's "impartiality in the investigation of the Ukraine Matter."

The bar also suggested that Barr be forced to resign, face sanctions or be removed if he doesn't recuse himself from the probe.
The New York Bar Association is a private self-interest group that can make its opinions known like anyone else, but they have no authority to enforce that kind of decision.
The DOJ experts will advise Barr if he has any conflicts like they did for Jeff Sessions. The NY Bar, or any other state's Bar can opine, but they have no authority. Maybe its just another talking point for the MSM to run with to try and discredit Barr's findings?
It won't matter. Indictments speak louder than Bar Associations.

p.s. first time I ever agreed with The Lady...
The DOJ experts will advise Barr if he has any conflicts like they did for Jeff Sessions. The NY Bar, or any other state's Bar can opine, but they have no authority. Maybe its just another talking point for the MSM to run with to try and discredit Barr's findings?
It won't matter. Indictments speak louder than Bar Associations.

p.s. first time I ever agreed with The Lady...

Barr has already discredited himself by publicly uttering lies about Mueller's findings.
The DOJ experts will advise Barr if he has any conflicts like they did for Jeff Sessions. The NY Bar, or any other state's Bar can opine, but they have no authority. Maybe its just another talking point for the MSM to run with to try and discredit Barr's findings?
It won't matter. Indictments speak louder than Bar Associations.

p.s. first time I ever agreed with The Lady...

Barr has already discredited himself by publicly uttering lies about Mueller's findings.
Fake news.
So now the idiots in N.Y. think they're running the US government???

Somebody has to do it. Trump's insane corruption, lawlessness, and chaos cannot be allowed to continue unchecked.
The definition of insanity...UPDATED.

You might be insane if you hold these two beliefs in your brain, simultaneously.
1 Trump is insane, corrupt, scandalous, and a serial liar.
2 Obama is truthful, without scandal, and extremely intelligent.
Democrats are having a hard time accepting an AG who serves the constitution and our laws. It was never like that with deep staters, Holder and Lynch. The main reason they want to shut down Barr is because, like Trump, he threatens their ability to commit crimes for profit and power. Deep state Democrats are nervous. So are the neocon crooks.
The DOJ experts will advise Barr if he has any conflicts like they did for Jeff Sessions. The NY Bar, or any other state's Bar can opine, but they have no authority. Maybe its just another talking point for the MSM to run with to try and discredit Barr's findings?
It won't matter. Indictments speak louder than Bar Associations.

p.s. first time I ever agreed with The Lady...

Barr has already discredited himself by publicly uttering lies about Mueller's findings.

Maybe you don't understand that it's Barr's call on Mueller's findings. Just because the MSM and the dems don't like the truth.
Here, read these and see what legal experts say. (you don't have anyone who can Trump these guys) BARR WINS!!

Alan Dershowitz: Barr is right, Mueller is wrong
Alan Dershowitz: Barr is right, Mueller is wrong

Turley: Trump Fell Short Of Obstruction "By Some Distance"; "Laughable" To Bring Case To Court
Turley: Trump Fell Short Of Obstruction "By Some Distance"; "Laughable" To Bring Case To Court
William Barr has been delivered a kick in the ass from the NYC Bar Association.

William Barr is patently and blatantly the most corrupt AG of recent times. He is implicated in the Ukraine corruption scandal and is widely considered a stooge and servant of Donald Trump.

The embarrassment for William Barr is that it is not just a suggestion from the NYC Bar Association, it is a demand. William Barr's cowardly avoidance of recusal has now led to the matter being taken out of his hands.

William Barr must recuse himself from Ukraine probe, New York City Bar Association says

William Barr must recuse himself from Ukraine probe, New York City Bar Association says
By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News

The New York City Bar Association is demanding that U.S. Attorney General William Barr recuse himself from the Department of Justice probe into the Trump-Ukraine phone call that is central to the impeachment inquiry against the president, citing potential conflicts of interest.

A whistleblower within the intelligence community raised concerns in a formal letter filed in mid-August, of a quid pro quo between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after Trump allegedly attempted to persuade the foreign leader to investigate the Biden family for possible corruption in exchange for U.S. military aid during a July 25 phone call.

According to a rough log of the call released in September, Trump said: “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great.”

At the time, several hundred million dollars in military aid to Ukraine, which is under siege from Moscow, had been frozen by the Trump administration.

The Bar Association, in a statement Wednesday laying out its case for recusal, said: "As White House records made clear, the president told his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, that Mr. Barr "would be in touch with him" to follow up on the president's requests. The whistleblower found this telephone call to be of "urgent concern" because of the president's apparent intermingling of U.S. foreign policy interests with his personal political interests in apparent violation of U.S. law."

The association insisted that their focus was not on "the legality of the president's actions or even the merits of the whistleblower's complaint," nor on "whether the DOJ's review of this action was justified."
Trump wants Barr to look into potential ties linking Ukraine, Hillary Clinton and Steele dossierVideo
Instead, the association raised concerns about whether Barr had knowledge of promises made by Trump in the phone call. In addition, the association said Barr "was obligated to recuse himself from any involvement in DOJ's review of either the whistleblower complaint of the substance of the president's actions once the president offered Mr. Barr's services to President Zelensky."

Barr's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), under the Department of Justice, also advised Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, a Trump appointee, to forgo forwarding the whistleblower's complaint to Congress, despite Michael Atkinson, intelligence community inspector general, saying it was credible and of “urgent concern."

The bar association wrote that Barr "appears to have participated in the DOJ review of the whistleblower's complaint and its decision not to forward that complaint to Congress" and his failure to recuse himself endangers the DOJ's "impartiality in the investigation of the Ukraine Matter."

The bar also suggested that Barr be forced to resign, face sanctions or be removed if he doesn't recuse himself from the probe.

The New York Bar? Barr is federal level
William Barr has been delivered a kick in the ass from the NYC Bar Association.

William Barr is patently and blatantly the most corrupt AG of recent times. He is implicated in the Ukraine corruption scandal and is widely considered a stooge and servant of Donald Trump.

The embarrassment for William Barr is that it is not just a suggestion from the NYC Bar Association, it is a demand. William Barr's cowardly avoidance of recusal has now led to the matter being taken out of his hands.

William Barr must recuse himself from Ukraine probe, New York City Bar Association says

William Barr must recuse himself from Ukraine probe, New York City Bar Association says
By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News

The New York City Bar Association is demanding that U.S. Attorney General William Barr recuse himself from the Department of Justice probe into the Trump-Ukraine phone call that is central to the impeachment inquiry against the president, citing potential conflicts of interest.

A whistleblower within the intelligence community raised concerns in a formal letter filed in mid-August, of a quid pro quo between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after Trump allegedly attempted to persuade the foreign leader to investigate the Biden family for possible corruption in exchange for U.S. military aid during a July 25 phone call.

According to a rough log of the call released in September, Trump said: “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great.”

At the time, several hundred million dollars in military aid to Ukraine, which is under siege from Moscow, had been frozen by the Trump administration.

The Bar Association, in a statement Wednesday laying out its case for recusal, said: "As White House records made clear, the president told his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, that Mr. Barr "would be in touch with him" to follow up on the president's requests. The whistleblower found this telephone call to be of "urgent concern" because of the president's apparent intermingling of U.S. foreign policy interests with his personal political interests in apparent violation of U.S. law."

The association insisted that their focus was not on "the legality of the president's actions or even the merits of the whistleblower's complaint," nor on "whether the DOJ's review of this action was justified."
Trump wants Barr to look into potential ties linking Ukraine, Hillary Clinton and Steele dossierVideo
Instead, the association raised concerns about whether Barr had knowledge of promises made by Trump in the phone call. In addition, the association said Barr "was obligated to recuse himself from any involvement in DOJ's review of either the whistleblower complaint of the substance of the president's actions once the president offered Mr. Barr's services to President Zelensky."

Barr's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), under the Department of Justice, also advised Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, a Trump appointee, to forgo forwarding the whistleblower's complaint to Congress, despite Michael Atkinson, intelligence community inspector general, saying it was credible and of “urgent concern."

The bar association wrote that Barr "appears to have participated in the DOJ review of the whistleblower's complaint and its decision not to forward that complaint to Congress" and his failure to recuse himself endangers the DOJ's "impartiality in the investigation of the Ukraine Matter."

The bar also suggested that Barr be forced to resign, face sanctions or be removed if he doesn't recuse himself from the probe.


The job of the AG isn’t to faithfully and independently enforce the laws of the nation! It’s to personally protect The Orange Messiah and all his corruptions!
Desperation has set in. So now I guess they're going to try to revoke his Bar license in order to stop his investigation into the origins of the Coup.

NYC Bar Calls For AG Barr to Recuse Himself From 'Ukraine-Related Matters' - Including Ukrainian Involvement in 2016 Election, Biden Crime Family
Actually this is common sense, and common practice.

Billy-boy is implicated in these crimes, it would be ridiculous to have him participate in an investigation of himself.
What crimes?
Don't any of you idiots watch the news?
William Barr has been delivered a kick in the ass from the NYC Bar Association.

William Barr is patently and blatantly the most corrupt AG of recent times. He is implicated in the Ukraine corruption scandal and is widely considered a stooge and servant of Donald Trump.

The embarrassment for William Barr is that it is not just a suggestion from the NYC Bar Association, it is a demand. William Barr's cowardly avoidance of recusal has now led to the matter being taken out of his hands.

William Barr must recuse himself from Ukraine probe, New York City Bar Association says

William Barr must recuse himself from Ukraine probe, New York City Bar Association says
By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News

The New York City Bar Association is demanding that U.S. Attorney General William Barr recuse himself from the Department of Justice probe into the Trump-Ukraine phone call that is central to the impeachment inquiry against the president, citing potential conflicts of interest.

A whistleblower within the intelligence community raised concerns in a formal letter filed in mid-August, of a quid pro quo between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after Trump allegedly attempted to persuade the foreign leader to investigate the Biden family for possible corruption in exchange for U.S. military aid during a July 25 phone call.

According to a rough log of the call released in September, Trump said: “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great.”

At the time, several hundred million dollars in military aid to Ukraine, which is under siege from Moscow, had been frozen by the Trump administration.

The Bar Association, in a statement Wednesday laying out its case for recusal, said: "As White House records made clear, the president told his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, that Mr. Barr "would be in touch with him" to follow up on the president's requests. The whistleblower found this telephone call to be of "urgent concern" because of the president's apparent intermingling of U.S. foreign policy interests with his personal political interests in apparent violation of U.S. law."

The association insisted that their focus was not on "the legality of the president's actions or even the merits of the whistleblower's complaint," nor on "whether the DOJ's review of this action was justified."
Trump wants Barr to look into potential ties linking Ukraine, Hillary Clinton and Steele dossierVideo
Instead, the association raised concerns about whether Barr had knowledge of promises made by Trump in the phone call. In addition, the association said Barr "was obligated to recuse himself from any involvement in DOJ's review of either the whistleblower complaint of the substance of the president's actions once the president offered Mr. Barr's services to President Zelensky."

Barr's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), under the Department of Justice, also advised Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, a Trump appointee, to forgo forwarding the whistleblower's complaint to Congress, despite Michael Atkinson, intelligence community inspector general, saying it was credible and of “urgent concern."

The bar association wrote that Barr "appears to have participated in the DOJ review of the whistleblower's complaint and its decision not to forward that complaint to Congress" and his failure to recuse himself endangers the DOJ's "impartiality in the investigation of the Ukraine Matter."

The bar also suggested that Barr be forced to resign, face sanctions or be removed if he doesn't recuse himself from the probe.
Who could be more corrupt than the New York Bar Association? Barr is doing good work, It's obvious he has all the deep state goons terrified. Many of them are members of the New York Bar Association.
William Barr has been delivered a kick in the ass from the NYC Bar Association.

William Barr is patently and blatantly the most corrupt AG of recent times. He is implicated in the Ukraine corruption scandal and is widely considered a stooge and servant of Donald Trump.

The embarrassment for William Barr is that it is not just a suggestion from the NYC Bar Association, it is a demand. William Barr's cowardly avoidance of recusal has now led to the matter being taken out of his hands.

William Barr must recuse himself from Ukraine probe, New York City Bar Association says

William Barr must recuse himself from Ukraine probe, New York City Bar Association says
By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News

The New York City Bar Association is demanding that U.S. Attorney General William Barr recuse himself from the Department of Justice probe into the Trump-Ukraine phone call that is central to the impeachment inquiry against the president, citing potential conflicts of interest.

A whistleblower within the intelligence community raised concerns in a formal letter filed in mid-August, of a quid pro quo between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after Trump allegedly attempted to persuade the foreign leader to investigate the Biden family for possible corruption in exchange for U.S. military aid during a July 25 phone call.

According to a rough log of the call released in September, Trump said: “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great.”

At the time, several hundred million dollars in military aid to Ukraine, which is under siege from Moscow, had been frozen by the Trump administration.

The Bar Association, in a statement Wednesday laying out its case for recusal, said: "As White House records made clear, the president told his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, that Mr. Barr "would be in touch with him" to follow up on the president's requests. The whistleblower found this telephone call to be of "urgent concern" because of the president's apparent intermingling of U.S. foreign policy interests with his personal political interests in apparent violation of U.S. law."

The association insisted that their focus was not on "the legality of the president's actions or even the merits of the whistleblower's complaint," nor on "whether the DOJ's review of this action was justified."
Trump wants Barr to look into potential ties linking Ukraine, Hillary Clinton and Steele dossierVideo
Instead, the association raised concerns about whether Barr had knowledge of promises made by Trump in the phone call. In addition, the association said Barr "was obligated to recuse himself from any involvement in DOJ's review of either the whistleblower complaint of the substance of the president's actions once the president offered Mr. Barr's services to President Zelensky."

Barr's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), under the Department of Justice, also advised Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, a Trump appointee, to forgo forwarding the whistleblower's complaint to Congress, despite Michael Atkinson, intelligence community inspector general, saying it was credible and of “urgent concern."

The bar association wrote that Barr "appears to have participated in the DOJ review of the whistleblower's complaint and its decision not to forward that complaint to Congress" and his failure to recuse himself endangers the DOJ's "impartiality in the investigation of the Ukraine Matter."

The bar also suggested that Barr be forced to resign, face sanctions or be removed if he doesn't recuse himself from the probe.


The job of the AG isn’t to faithfully and independently enforce the laws of the nation! It’s to personally protect The Orange Messiah and all his corruptions!

Yeah, because we all know that Lynch and Holder "faithfully and independently enforced the laws of the nation" You're a fucking idiot and a douchebag.

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