NYC Bar Association Issues Stunning Rebuke Of Bill Barr, Asks For Congressional Investigation

For all those dismissing this, no attorney wants to be disbarred. I don’t know know how many states Barr is admitted to practice in, but if he loses his New York License he loses his right to practice law thus his job. The NYS Bar is right to investigate Barr for the violation of his oath and unethical behavior.

You want to take Barr’s license? Good luck with that. And your evidence is? Oh yeah, nothing. You just don’t like Dims being held responsible for their crimes.

Big fucking deal. They are easily the most progressive and corrupt group of lawyers on the planet.
Haha as if you know jack shit about them. Give me a break.

And yes, it's a pretty big deal.

No, it ain't. They are a hugely partisan group, and Barr is fucking up their money making schemes which involve screwing over the American Public. Shit, I remember when liberals actually cared about people. Which means you ain't a liberal, you are yet another partisan, progressive whore who only cares about power, and how to screw over the middle class. obviously haven’t a clue how the Bar works.
Clear it up for us.
I would but not to fucking morons like yourself.
So you have nothing. As always. And expected.
Billy the Bagman might have to answer for his actions?


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