NYC considers making walking while smoking illegal

Control the smokers control the people. It's pure bs either way you spin it. They aren't even allowed to smoke in their own homes some where i've read not sure if it is NY or not but rentals have a lease where they can't smoke. Something like that.


You have any idea how much a smoker's residue can fuck up an environment just from the smoke sticking to the walls? I live in such a house. Whole thing had to be repainted and seriously aired out. Ever been in a motel?

A rental unit means, by definition, that the landlord owns it. Why should a property owner be restrained from protecting his/her investment?
All of the Skyrise rentals and condo's in D.C. do not permit cigarette smoking, but failed to to inform the tenants to not smoke marijuana.

The second you get off of the elevator it hits you.
NYC Considers Making Walking While Smoking Illegal
If you don’t smoke and you find yourself walking behind someone who does, it can be unpleasant.

LMFAO!! OMG I thought I heard it all but this takes the cake . I don't even know what the hell to say to this one.
Apparently you've never walked behind a fuggin' smoker. Understandable, since that would first require actually leaving the house.

Hell I can smell it when somebody's smoking in the car ahead of me on the highway. It's disgusting.
I agree. I hate what it does to your clothes when you've been in the presence of those who puff.

God bless you always!!!


Another good point.

Smokers by smoking have already killed their olfactory senses, and we humans already don't have much of that compared to other animals, so they have no clue that when they walk into a room even without a cigarette they're broadcasting their own stench to everybody in there. And when they are smoking they distribute that same stench to everybody nearby, people who in no way agreed to smell like that.

Somebody needs to essplain where they get the right to stench up my clothes and why they aren't constantly doing my laundry for me.
Control the smokers control the people. It's pure bs either way you spin it. They aren't even allowed to smoke in their own homes some where i've read not sure if it is NY or not but rentals have a lease where they can't smoke. Something like that.


You have any idea how much a smoker's residue can fuck up an environment just from the smoke sticking to the walls? I live in such a house. Whole thing had to be repainted and seriously aired out. Ever been in a motel?

A rental unit means, by definition, that the landlord owns it. Why should a property owner be restrained from protecting his/her investment?
All of the Skyrise rentals and condo's in D.C. do not permit cigarette smoking, but failed to to inform the tenants to not smoke marijuana.

The second you get off of the elevator it hits you.

Seems to me "smoking" is "smoking". They shouldn't have to specify smoking 'what'.
. . . and if that passes, no more smoking outside in public.

Incrementalism - Wikipedia
There are many filthy habits. Ban them all.


Shut down the bars. . . . .

False comparison.

When someone is drinking --- only they are drinking. The people standing around him don't get drunk.

Some wag wiser than I correctly analogized it as "peeing in the swimming pool". Accurate except that secondhand smoke stenches up your clothes and gives you cancer, whereas when urine the pool, not so much.

Hell I can smell it when somebody's smoking in the car ahead of me on the highway. It's disgusting.

I can also and it is disgusting.

Thank goodness smoking has substantially decreased in the US.

Smoking is the sign of a real loser.

I have occasionally been wrong but generally when I see someone that smokes I stereotype them as been low class dumbass losers. Most of the time I am right.

I have got to the point where I don't even like to watch a movie where the characters smoke.
. . . and if that passes, no more smoking outside in public.

Incrementalism - Wikipedia
There are many filthy habits. Ban them all.


Shut down the bars. . . . .

False comparison.

When someone is drinking --- only they are drinking. The people standing around him don't get drunk.

Some wag wiser than I correctly analogized it as "peeing in the swimming pool". Accurate except that secondhand smoke stenches up your clothes and gives you cancer, whereas when urine the pool, not so much.

That's just your opinion Pogo.

The societal costs of Alcohol are incalculable.

Drunk driving, most use it as a tool b/c they are not able to be honest in their social interactions, and thus, their relationships are not honest.

We build a society on lies. Old men that go to bars use it as an escape. It deteriorates relationships and the fabric of community.

Nicotine on the other hand, it is a stimulant, not a depressant. . . it might have foul odor, but it is much better for your intellect. I was talking to my doctor once, and he told me that he knew A LOT of surgeons that smoke cigars. It is common knowlege that CEO's, bankers and traders do as well.

Most folks that turn to alcohol are self-medicating for slight mental problems they need some form of relief from after suffering from all day/week. Whether it is mild chronic anxiety, depression, social awkwardness, OCD. . the list is endless that alcohol treats.

On the other hand, stimulants have commonly been associated with active minds, doers, creators and thinkers.

The fact that you believe one drug is better than the other shows a very closed mind.
NYC Considers Making Walking While Smoking Illegal
If you don’t smoke and you find yourself walking behind someone who does, it can be unpleasant.

LMFAO!! OMG I thought I heard it all but this takes the cake . I don't even know what the hell to say to this one.

Apparently you've never walked behind a fuggin' smoker. Understandable, since that would first require actually leaving the house.

Hell I can smell it when somebody's smoking in the car ahead of me on the highway. It's disgusting.

I was walking behind you the other day and you smelled disgusting maybe we should make you illegal
The societal costs of Alcohol are incalculable.

Drunk driving, most use it as a tool b/c they are not able to be honest in their social interactions, and thus, their relationships are not honest.

Sure, alcohol has consequences, or can. But that's got nothing to do with my point, which is, again, the drinker, in the moment of drinking, inebriates only himself --- while the smoker, in the moment of smoking, directly involves everybody breathing the same air. Whatever the effects of either one AFTER that point, has zero to do with the fact that only the latter is involving others without their consent in the original act.

Now, your drinker may later descend into a destructive drunk driving demolition, or he may proffer a pugilistic provocation. On the other hand he may not. But the smoker ALWAYS renders the common atmosphere polluted, regardless whether the smoker or the bystander later comes up with lung cancer. And of course the reeking clothing that has to be removed and hung out on the clothesline to air out.

Nicotine on the other hand, it is a stimulant, not a depressant. . . it might have foul odor, but it is much better for your intellect. I was talking to my doctor once, and he told me that he knew A LOT of surgeons that smoke cigars. It is common knowlege that CEO's, bankers and traders do as well.

We're going with Appeal to Authority here to make an irrelevant point? With a dash of "Everybody Knows"?

Still irrelevant. As they used to say in my grammar school, 'if everybody jumped in the lake would you jump in too'? Sorry, the "four out of five doctors" a/k/a "best selling" etc line has never impressed me, even if it had been on the point.

Most folks that turn to alcohol are self-medicating for slight mental problems they need some form of relief from after suffering from all day/week. Whether it is mild chronic anxiety, depression, social awkwardness, OCD. . the list is endless that alcohol treats.

Possibly, wouldn't know. I don't use it myself but it sounds plausible. But this is on the topic of motivating factors, also irrelevant here. The present point is the immediate effect on those nearby who may not wish to be involved in it. Again the bystander next to a drinker has the choice whether to join him or not --- no such choice exists with the smoker.

The fact that you believe one drug is better than the other shows a very closed mind.

Actually I made no value judgments on either. I simply drew the distinction that one involves bystanders involuntarily, while the other does not.

Seems to me one has the inherent right to pollute one's own body as one chooses, whether alcohol, nicotine, sugars, or anything else. It's when you start forcing it on other people's bodies that a line has been crossed.
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NYC Considers Making Walking While Smoking Illegal
If you don’t smoke and you find yourself walking behind someone who does, it can be unpleasant.

LMFAO!! OMG I thought I heard it all but this takes the cake . I don't even know what the hell to say to this one.

Apparently you've never walked behind a fuggin' smoker. Understandable, since that would first require actually leaving the house.

Hell I can smell it when somebody's smoking in the car ahead of me on the highway. It's disgusting.

I was walking behind you the other day and you smelled disgusting maybe we should make you illegal

Whatever it was, it wasn't smoke. I guarantee you that.
If you let me know next time you're gonna be walking back there I'll plan to make my infamous chili.
The societal costs of Alcohol are incalculable.

Drunk driving, most use it as a tool b/c they are not able to be honest in their social interactions, and thus, their relationships are not honest.

Sure, alcohol has consequences, or can. But that's got nothing to do with my point, which is, again, the drinker, in the moment of drinking, inebriates only himself --- while the smoker, in the moment of smoking, directly involves everybody breathing the same air. Whatever the effects of either one AFTER that point, has zero to do with the fact that only the latter is involving others without their consent.

Nicotine on the other hand, it is a stimulant, not a depressant. . . it might have foul odor, but it is much better for your intellect. I was talking to my doctor once, and he told me that he knew A LOT of surgeons that smoke cigars. It is common knowlege that CEO's, bankers and traders do as well.

We're going with Appeal to Authority here to make an irrelevant point? With a dash of "Everybody Knows"?

Still irrelevant. As they used to say in my grammar school, 'if everybody jumped in the lake would you jump in too'? Sorry, the "four out of five doctors" a/k/a "best selling" etc line has never impressed me, even if it had been on the point.

Most folks that turn to alcohol are self-medicating for slight mental problems they need some form of relief from after suffering from all day/week. Whether it is mild chronic anxiety, depression, social awkwardness, OCD. . the list is endless that alcohol treats.

Possibly, wouldn't know. I don't use it myself but it sounds plausible. But this is on the topic of motivating factors, also irrelevant here.

The fact that you believe one drug is better than the other shows a very closed mind.

Actually I made no value judgments on either. I simply drew the distinction that one involves bystanders involuntarily, while the other does not.
You're absolutely right, folks that drink alcohol don't interact with society at all.

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