NYC Declares 3,700 New Wuhan Virus Deaths That May Have Zero Connection to the Pandemic

Perhaps you can explain why they ought to waste tests on dead people when living people can't get one?
/——/ They shouldn’t waste a test on dead people, nor should they “assume” the cause of death. You can’t understand that simple concept?
So people that die of COVID-19 should not be counted if they weren't tested when they were alive.

Yiou stupid fucks will do anything to try to make Trump not look like the jackass he is.
How do you know they died of the Chinese virus?

You assfucks think they finds a dead body in woods & claim it was COVID-19 which is just another one of your lies. No one is doing that.
Maybe they were Clintoncided. They have all the symptoms...............dead.
Maybe when you drop dead, they will cite that you died of stupidity. You had all the symptoms.
^^^^Really triggered^^^^^^ :abgg2q.jpg:
Wyoming was the last state to declare emergency since they had low numbers, 280 infected and 1 death so the CDC had to send out a crack team urgently to do some testing up there. Gotta get those numbers up.
Why do you assfucks not want people to know how many people are affected? is itr because you know Trump screwed the pooch on this?

Well, considering thousands of the initial tests were contaminated and then giving off false positives, I'll pass. You go right ahead though and feel good about yourself.

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