NYC Declares 3,700 New Wuhan Virus Deaths That May Have Zero Connection to the Pandemic

Perhaps you can explain why they ought to waste tests on dead people when living people can't get one?
How about not "presuming" people died of the virus to artificially inflate the death toll?
Don't be a fool, If someone is exposed and develops symptoms and dies from those symptoms it's a safe bet what killed them. The shit you people come up with.
Where does it say they died from those symptoms?
Because we don't put dead bodies in the curbside trash. We note the cause of derarth on death certificates. Really, we do.
Normally, medical professionals don't make up a cause of death based upon instructions from politicians, Dummy.
They didn't assfuck.

But we should ignore all those who did die of the virus but weren't tested because your fat assed orange buddy ignored the virus for 6 weeks and we did not have enough tests.
Yes, they did. Please pay attention.

Lying fuck.
I accept your concession.

Now, run along kid.:abgg2q.jpg:

No concessuion identyting you as the lying fuck that you are.
English, do you speak it?
There is no way to get close to number of deaths they need to justify this massive overreaction unless they.....

Fluff up the numbers!!

Birx already admitted they are now classifying anyone who dies with Covid 19 as dying FROM Covid 19.

So, they just happen to catch the virus the couple days before they died. I get it.

Without this " overreaction" millions could be dead you fucking moron.
How do you know they caught the virus a few days before they died if they were never diagnosed with it?

You obviously don’t believe in science.

The post to which I replied said the people with the virus that died for other reasons....

Try to keep up asshole.
There is no way to get close to number of deaths they need to justify this massive overreaction unless they.....

Fluff up the numbers!!

Birx already admitted they are now classifying anyone who dies with Covid 19 as dying FROM Covid 19.

So, they just happen to catch the virus the couple days before they died. I get it.

Without this " overreaction" millions could be dead you fucking moron.
How do you know they caught the virus a few days before they died if they were never diagnosed with it?

You obviously don’t believe in science.

The post to which I replied said the people with the virus that died for other reasons....

Try to keep up asshole.
Poor kid. Can’t keep up with the thread topic.......3700 deaths attributed to the Chinese virus despite NONE OF THEM TESTING POSITIVE for the Chinese virus.

You are dumber than a box of retarded hair.
So, only people that were terted positive for COVID-19, died from it.

No one EVER EVER died of it without being tesdted.

According to dumbfuck you, If we stopped testing, no one would die of COVID-19 and there would be no pandemic

Trumpette thinking at its best, right?

You arer one stuipid fucvk./
Perhaps you can explain why they ought to waste tests on dead people when living people can't get one?

Perhaps you could explain how Cuomo benefits from pretending he's not ready to step in for Biden when he appears with his skivvies on the outside of his pants. He wanted 40K ventilators when he knew he only needed 5K and the people gasped when Trump wondered if they were going out the back doors of the NYC hospitals.
Cuomo has done a good job & it makes you Trumpettes so mad that he is making your orange god look bad.
There is no way to get close to number of deaths they need to justify this massive overreaction unless they.....

Fluff up the numbers!!

Birx already admitted they are now classifying anyone who dies with Covid 19 as dying FROM Covid 19.

So, they just happen to catch the virus the couple days before they died. I get it.

Without this " overreaction" millions could be dead you fucking moron.
How do you know they caught the virus a few days before they died if they were never diagnosed with it?

You obviously don’t believe in science.
Democrats never believe in any science.
This from the climate change denier crowd.

SCIENCE was saying it was going to be bad while you & your fat asssed orange buddy were blowing it off.

Fuck you & Fuck your orange buddy.
Trump will blame Obama or Clinton?

Lock Trump up for criminal negligence and impersonating a POTUS.
Perhaps you can explain why they ought to waste tests on dead people when living people can't get one?
/——/ They shouldn’t waste a test on dead people, nor should they “assume” the cause of death. You can’t understand that simple concept?
We're just now seeing the horror of assisted care centers and nursing homes

They're finding places that have 100 residents and 60 of them dead (some of them attendants)....and everyone else HAS the virus

Is that normal? Did those 60 die from the virus?
Is this like someone commits suicide because they lost their job because Congress shut down the economy.

Whoops! Coronavirus death!
Perhaps you can explain why they ought to waste tests on dead people when living people can't get one?
/——/ They shouldn’t waste a test on dead people, nor should they “assume” the cause of death. You can’t understand that simple concept?
So people that die of COVID-19 should not be counted if they weren't tested when they were alive.

Yiou stupid fucks will do anything to try to make Trump not look like the jackass he is.
Wyoming was the last state to declare emergency since they had low numbers, 280 infected and 1 death so the CDC had to send out a crack team urgently to do some testing up there. Gotta get those numbers up.
Love the stunt they pulled adding Probable Deaths to the list without doing any testing.
They were doing this all along and that announcement was just CYA.
Perhaps you can explain why they ought to waste tests on dead people when living people can't get one?
/——/ They shouldn’t waste a test on dead people, nor should they “assume” the cause of death. You can’t understand that simple concept?
So people that die of COVID-19 should not be counted if they weren't tested when they were alive.

Yiou stupid fucks will do anything to try to make Trump not look like the jackass he is.
/----/ "So people that die of COVID-19 should not be counted "
Hey Stupid Head, the cause of death was assumed. Your public school education is letting you down again.
as•sumed ə-soo͞md′
adj. Taken up or used so as to deceive; pretended.
  • adj.
    Taken for granted; supposed.
  • Presumed to be true or real without conclusive evidence.
idiot award.jpg
Perhaps you can explain why they ought to waste tests on dead people when living people can't get one?
/——/ They shouldn’t waste a test on dead people, nor should they “assume” the cause of death. You can’t understand that simple concept?
So people that die of COVID-19 should not be counted if they weren't tested when they were alive.

Yiou stupid fucks will do anything to try to make Trump not look like the jackass he is.
/----/ "So people that die of COVID-19 should not be counted "
Hey Stupid Head, the cause of death was assumed. Your public school education is letting you down again.
as•sumed ə-soo͞md′
adj. Taken up or used so as to deceive; pretended.
  • adj.
    Taken for granted; supposed.
  • Presumed to be true or real without conclusive evidence.
View attachment 324088
Evidently my PUBLIC school education is far superior to yours.

To claim no one has died friom COVID-19 that were not tested is fucking retarded.

Evidently your parents were cheated when they sent your stupid ass to private school.
There is no way to get close to number of deaths they need to justify this massive overreaction unless they.....

Fluff up the numbers!!

Birx already admitted they are now classifying anyone who dies with Covid 19 as dying FROM Covid 19.

So, they just happen to catch the virus the couple days before they died. I get it.

Without this " overreaction" millions could be dead you fucking moron.
How do you know they caught the virus a few days before they died if they were never diagnosed with it?

You obviously don’t believe in science.

The post to which I replied said the people with the virus that died for other reasons....

Try to keep up asshole.
There is no way to get close to number of deaths they need to justify this massive overreaction unless they.....

Fluff up the numbers!!

Birx already admitted they are now classifying anyone who dies with Covid 19 as dying FROM Covid 19.

So, they just happen to catch the virus the couple days before they died. I get it.

Without this " overreaction" millions could be dead you fucking moron.
How do you know they caught the virus a few days before they died if they were never diagnosed with it?

You obviously don’t believe in science.

The post to which I replied said the people with the virus that died for other reasons....

Try to keep up asshole.
Poor kid. Can’t keep up with the thread topic.......3700 deaths attributed to the Chinese virus despite NONE OF THEM TESTING POSITIVE for the Chinese virus.

You are dumber than a box of retarded hair.
So, only people that were terted positive for COVID-19, died from it.

No one EVER EVER died of it without being tesdted.

According to dumbfuck you, If we stopped testing, no one would die of COVID-19 and there would be no pandemic

Trumpette thinking at its best, right?

You arer one stuipid fucvk./
No Dumbass, if you stopped testing you couldn't say with scientific certainty that's why they died. It is very simple, yet seems to be beyond your reasoning skills.
Perhaps you can explain why they ought to waste tests on dead people when living people can't get one?

Perhaps you could explain how Cuomo benefits from pretending he's not ready to step in for Biden when he appears with his skivvies on the outside of his pants. He wanted 40K ventilators when he knew he only needed 5K and the people gasped when Trump wondered if they were going out the back doors of the NYC hospitals.
Cuomo has done a good job & it makes you Trumpettes so mad that he is making your orange god look bad.
He did nothing to mitigate until his entire state was a cesspool of infection and death..............then he went on TV every day begging the rest of us to bail him out because he bought solar panels instead of ventilators.

He is a clown.
Wyoming was the last state to declare emergency since they had low numbers, 280 infected and 1 death so the CDC had to send out a crack team urgently to do some testing up there. Gotta get those numbers up.
Why do you assfucks not want people to know how many people are affected? is itr because you know Trump screwed the pooch on this?
There is no way to get close to number of deaths they need to justify this massive overreaction unless they.....

Fluff up the numbers!!

Birx already admitted they are now classifying anyone who dies with Covid 19 as dying FROM Covid 19.

So, they just happen to catch the virus the couple days before they died. I get it.

Without this " overreaction" millions could be dead you fucking moron.
How do you know they caught the virus a few days before they died if they were never diagnosed with it?

You obviously don’t believe in science.
Democrats never believe in any science.
This from the climate change denier crowd.

SCIENCE was saying it was going to be bad while you & your fat asssed orange buddy were blowing it off.

Fuck you & Fuck your orange buddy.
Who has made the claim the climate doesn't change? Oops, you just got caught making shit up again. :abgg2q.jpg:
Perhaps you can explain why they ought to waste tests on dead people when living people can't get one?
/——/ They shouldn’t waste a test on dead people, nor should they “assume” the cause of death. You can’t understand that simple concept?
So people that die of COVID-19 should not be counted if they weren't tested when they were alive.

Yiou stupid fucks will do anything to try to make Trump not look like the jackass he is.
How do you know they died of the Chinese virus?

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