NYC is considering removing statues of Washington and Columbus

You soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo concerned about slavery that ended in America before your great great grandparents were born, but you seem oblivious to slavery being practiced TODAY
Not oblivious, just don't give a shit. Certainly not more than I care about conditions in the country that me and my family live in. How is this confusing for you you dumb Bingo? 😄 Are you more concerned with things happening abroad than at home?
You don't represent black voters. Most of them are smarter than you and not sucking white supremacist dick in exchange for belly rubs.

You're nothing but a pet to them.
I never said I represent black voters you cowardly moron. 😄 I said your comments describe 90% of black voters. As soon as that reality was pointed out to you you started to bitch up real quick. 😄
How is this fact not true? Without slavery you would be living in a mud hut in Africa.
You should be grateful for the opportunities to raise your standard of living.

p.s. Antifa tried to remove the Columbus statue in Philadelphia. That effort got shut down by the Italians with baseball bats.
That's still not a fact you dumb Simp. It still remains an example of how shit your reasoning and critical thinking skills are. 😄
Lol, it was your own argument. You shot yourself in the leg.
Which of my arguments do you think shot myself in the leg? My arguments are brilliant and unassailable.
I know you like to debate. What, in your opinion, is different about an indentured servant who could come and go as he/she pleased and was paid for their services contrasted with someone today who is paid wages for their services. Exclude the slaves who were beaten, held against their will, and paid no wages. Thats obviously wrong.
Debate requires some sort of disagreement. What are we debating here?

To answer your question though if we're talking indentured servitude in the 1700s and laborers today the big differences I can think of off the top of my head are

1. The social caste system. Commoners back then didn't have an opportunity for social mobility like people who work hard and get lucky today can.

2. As I understand it indentured servitude was entered into to work off some debt where as employers today are the ones incurring the debt when people labor for them and they pay that debt off in the form of your pay check.
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It's not a fact. You simply don't know how logic works. 😄

You have no logic

How are lives not improved by rejection and suppression of a deplorable mutant culture?

Thiers that tolerance and love

But you're so angwy over the past !

It's by design and you don't even notice it in yourself

Leftist are sad creatures wonder they're all on anti depressants or seeing shrinks

LOL! Tis but a a scratch...
Sure.... apparently you think your ignorant and racist understanding of African cultures is rational... 😄

Nevermind the Nubian empire that built more pyramids than Egypt and carved building out of stone but all Africans would be living in mud huts because Bingo here got a backwards homeschooled education.... 😄

Logic! 😄

BTW Egyptian culture is also an African culture but we both know you were only talking about the Black ones....
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Sure.... apparently you think your ignorant and racist understanding of African cultures is rational...

Never-mind the Nubian empire that built more pyramids than Egypt and carved building out of stone but all Africans would be living in mud huts because Bingo here got a backwards home-schooled education.... Logic!

BTW Egyptian culture is also an African culture but we both know you were only talking about the Black ones....
Lay off the Founding Fathers and we're fine.
I prefer a color-blind society, if you don't, then you are the racist.
So your DNA is Nubian or Egyptian?
If you can't handle history, don't read it.
Lay off the Founding Fathers and we're fine.
I prefer a color-blind society, if you don't, then you are the racist.
So your DNA is Nubian or Egyptian?
If you can't handle history, don't read it.
I don't have to lay off shit. I can question the veneration of slavers all I like and with morons like you on the other side of the debate why shouldn't I feel confident in my eventual victory?
You morons would still be living in mud huts if it wasn't for slavery. You're welcome.
Or they would have simply been killed by their captors rather than sold to some Spanish slave merchant for a gallon of rum.

As far as I'm concerned African governments owe US A FUCKING REFUND, for selling us defective pieces of shit.
Lay off the Founding Fathers and we're fine.
I prefer a color-blind society, if you don't, then you are the racist.
So your DNA is Nubian or Egyptian?
If you can't handle history, don't read it. think that sniveling faggot can read?
Is your strawman commentary supposed to be an example of your logic?
Remember when you fag commies were crying over confederate statues and removing them while you were peacefully burning down cities and destroying black lives by murdering them or destroying thier businesses

It's just the continuation of the erasure of the past

They made you an angry ignorant moron on purpose


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