NYC Jewish communities told to shelter in place after....

Should I send some Native Americans to blow up your house, colonizer?
I'm not a "colonizer" so on what grounds and to what purpose do you justify Native Americans "blowing up my house"?
Seems fair...right?
Do you have a 3000 year old claim on your country like the Jews do?
I have a lot more than 3000 years as claim to my country, Bonzo, but maybe Uncle Fetus didn't teach you that much history in the Ozarks, huh? :nono:
Bibi's crap in Gaza is causing problems for people all over the world.

It's like the 1950s. Israel would pull some vicious stunt and the Shia would riot in Arabia.
Didn't work like they thought it would this time eh, otherwise to think that Israel would just sit back and take it ???? Hey, if you poke a hornet's nest, then you best get ready to be stung. Israel's PM didn't start anything that defines the word "crap" in the context you are using it in, so better luck defending GAZA next time.
Didn't work like they thought it would this time eh, otherwise to think that Israel would just sit back and take it ???? Hey, if you poke a hornet's nest, then you best get ready to be stung.
Israel is in Hamas' cross hairs but their target is the US and the United Nations. This is a proxy attack meant to strike at the heart of the true Tyrant(s). So the answer to your question is, "Yes, they are taking it" and buzzing around trying to figure out how they are going save face and still maintain their grip on the region and the world. I don't think they can do both this time. :45:
Israel is in Hamas' cross hairs but their target is the US and the United Nations. This is a proxy attack meant to strike at the heart of the true Tyrant(s). So the answer to your question is, "Yes, they are taking it" and buzzing around trying to figure out how they are going save face and still maintain their grip on the region and the world. I don't think they can do both this time. :45:
My question to her was answered by me, otherwise in the hornet's nest analogy. I stand by it regardless of the political spin you put on it.
the left has shown their true Nazi colors with their Anti Israel protests .

Everyone wants the carnage to stop. There's been too much bloodshed for too many years.

Look at the Nuremberg laws.

Remember that the Jews were refugees. They were turned away from everywhere except Palestine.
Israel is in Hamas' cross hairs but their target is the US and the United Nations. This is a proxy attack meant to strike at the heart of the true Tyrant(s). So the answer to your question is, "Yes, they are taking it" and buzzing around trying to figure out how they are going save face and still maintain their grip on the region and the world. I don't think they can do both this time. :45:
..... the hornet's nest analogy. I stand by it regardless of the political spin you put on it.
There is no "spin" required. Logic is all that's needed. You can have your hornet's nest but that's not where the real battle is being fought.
GAZA will be liberated, the war will end quickly, and you'll be wrong for trying to paint ISRAEL as being wrong for their response against these savages. Stay tuned.
:auiqs.jpg:I don't b'leeve you understood a word I say'ed, but you damn sure got you-self a sense of humour, Joker.
I'm not going to ask, "If the Zionists hadn't stolen Palestinian land .... " because I can see that you aren't honest enough to answer such a question.

The Jew haters always circle back to the “Pal’istanian land” slogan.

They inevitably use that slogan to claim the Pallys have acquired some entitlement to control or ownership of the territory from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The Pallys and the Jew haters have convinced themselves that they have some perceived right to the territory simply because they were former Ottoman Empire/Turkish Republic subjects and occupied the territory formerly known as Palestine. BTW, the Ottoman Empire never recognized any geographic area called Pal’istan. More importantly, the so-called Pallys had no inherent sovereignty nor did they establish sovereignty over the territory.
There is no "spin" required. Logic is all that's needed. You can have your hornet's nest but that's not where the real battle is being fought.
Psychological Warfare and trying to turn people against Israel. Ignoring the barbarism Hamas did with Look its Genocide

Ray Charles can see your purpose.

Psychological Warfare and trying to turn people against Israel. Ignoring the barbarism Hamas did with Look its Genocide

Ray Charles can see your purpose.

I’ve seen interviews with the brainwashed college students, and many of them don’t even KNOW about Oct 7. The pro-Palestinians that have invaded our colleges led them to believe that Israel just started attacking GAZA out of the blue.
Silly comment.

No, they don't. Removing an obstacle doesn't automatically mean it's complete elimination. They want Palestine instated but the Zionists won't let them.

Is that statement an expression of adolescent frustration or are you a sexual deviant? o_O
You’re either a liar, a brainwashed college student, or an antisemite.

The “Zionists” have offered the Gazans a state, but their elected leaders refused it. That’s because they don’t want their own state - they want Israel and all her Jews eliminated.

You can’t spread your lies and propaganda against us. We are too knowledgeable.
The Jew haters always circle back to the “Pal’istanian land” slogan.
I don't know if they do or not but I'm not a "Jew Hater" (you'd shit yourself if you knew anything about me) and I say "Palestinian land". So all that you are trying to sell is a bag of farts with a straw in it.

I wonder what you call those who always circle back to "the chosen people slogan". They must be Palestinian haters and anti-Semites, huh? :disbelief:
I don't know if they do or not but I'm not a "Jew Hater" (you'd shit yourself if you knew anything about me) and I say "Palestinian land". So all that you are trying to sell is a bag of farts with a straw in it.

I wonder what you call those who always circle back to "the chosen people slogan". They must be Palestinian haters and anti-Semites, huh? :disbelief:
I offered historical facts about the territory controlled by the Ottoman Turks. There was no territory recognized as "Palestine" during the Ottoman Empire. It's a historical fact that there was never any sovereign territory recognized as Palestine and controlled by Arab-Moslems.
I don't know if they do or not but I'm not a "Jew Hater" (you'd shit yourself if you knew anything about me) and I say "Palestinian land". So all that you are trying to sell is a bag of farts with a straw in it.

I wonder what you call those who always circle back to "the chosen people slogan". They must be Palestinian haters and anti-Semites, huh? :disbelief:
I offered historical facts about the territory controlled by the Ottoman Turks. There was no territory recognized as "Palestine" during the Ottoman Empire. It's a historical fact that there was never any sovereign territory recognized as Palestine and controlled by Arab-Moslems.
So, what I said in the previous post (just quoted here above) went straight ..... :aug08_031:... over your head. Is that an accurate conclusion?

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