NYC mayor decries open border

Yes I am. Instead of letting invaders take over our country, I have a really far fetched idea: Reduce government benefits so Americans have no choice but to go back to work.
Pure fantasy. There simply isn’t enough people to do the work.

Unless you intend to start making the elderly and disabled go to work. How cruel!
Who's "we"? And stop the BS leftists have fought the wall at every turn.

You can't be this daft...oh wait it's you
Not even close to what i was talking about.

We Natives should have built a wall to keep you colonizers out. We didn't because we took you at your word. A mistake not likely to be repeated.
Enjoy the karma. You've earned it.
Not even close to what i was talking about.

We Natives should have built a wall to keep you colonizers out. We didn't because we took you at your word. A mistake not likely to be repeated.
Enjoy the karma. You've earned it.
Very few native confederations strong enough to resist. Most of you were too busy squabbling with each other.
Pure fantasy. There simply isn’t enough people to do the work.

Unless you intend to start making the elderly and disabled go to work. How cruel!

I just provided you with a link of 7 million men not working that could be. Again, the solution is for government to quit supporting these people,and they'll go back to work because they'll have no choice.
I just provided you with a link of 7 million men not working that could be. Again, the solution is for government to quit supporting these people,and they'll go back to work because they'll have no choice.
Why wouldn’t they have a choice?

“ The report points to reasons like caregiving for an elderly parent or child, health-related concerns, retiring early, going to school or joining the military.”

It doesn’t say that government benefits are the reason they’re not working.

Your dogma really limits your critical thinking abilities.
Why wouldn’t they have a choice?

“ The report points to reasons like caregiving for an elderly parent or child, health-related concerns, retiring early, going to school or joining the military.”

It doesn’t say that government benefits are the reason they’re not working.

Your dogma really limits your critical thinking abilities.

How could it be joining the military when recruitment rates have decreased dramatically? So how are these people taking care of kids, the elderly, or going to school with no income into the household? You act like these are things Americans have never done before.
So how are these people taking care of kids, the elderly, or going to school with no income into the household?
Cmon man. Stop with the dogmatic thinking. Where did you determine there was income into the household? Don’t make assumptions just because it’s convenient for your world view.
You act like these are things Americans have never done before.
With more women earning more and having successful careers, more men naturally are going to stay home and take care of the kids. Elderly parents are sicker, more disabled and need far more help than in previous generous, so taking care of them is naturally going to occupy more of our time.

People’s priorities changed a lot after COVID.

The point here is that it isn’t changing government benefits that’s “the solution” as you dogmatically believe.
We already have jobs, the unemployment rate is at historic lows. You want us all to work 2-3 jobs now?
Are you afraid that an overbearing big government will force you tp work two jobs against your will?

I think the free market will solve the employment puzzle
Are you afraid that an overbearing big government will force you tp work two jobs against your will?

I think the free market will solve the employment puzzle
The free market can’t increase the labor force. There’s only two ways to do have more workers.

Population growth through people having kids

The free market doesn’t affect either. Government can but you oppose policies that would help.

You are the problem. Not the market.

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