NYC mayor decries open border

I want to drastically increase the number of legal immigrants. Do you?
Not the way you have in mind

No background checks, even minimum health standards for dangerous diseases, no criminal background checks, no education needed

Just show up at the border and Marener will give you a green card
Not the way you have in mind

No background checks, even minimum health standards for dangerous diseases, no criminal background checks, no education needed

Just show up at the border and Marener will give you a green card
So do background checks and a health check. Neither of those take very long at all.

And then you are okay with drastically increasing legal immigration?
Legal immigration is bureaucratic a dumpster fire, and we all know it. It’s also come under attack by conservatives who want to reduce it because they’re afraid of immigration.

We should limit legal immigration to persons with high skills that contribute on a higher level than mowing lawns

Add to that their immediate family of wife and children

But no uncles, cousins, grandparents, ect

We should limit legal immigration to persons with high skills that contribute on a higher level than mowing lawns

Add to that their immediate family of wife and children

But no uncles, cousins, grandparents, ect
The economy needs people of all skill levels. In fact, lower skill jobs are especially hard to fill. Lawn services need people that can mow lawns.

So when we talk to legal immigrants, we can say to them that you don’t want them. Thanks for proving me right.
The economy needs people of all skill levels. In fact, lower skill jobs are especially hard to fill. Lawn services need people that can mow lawns.
You can find them sitting on their butts sucking up welfare
So when we talk to legal immigrants, we can say to them that you don’t want them. Thanks for proving me right.
I know you are going to continue to lie whether here or somewhere else

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