NYC mayor decries open border

I have a solution.

Make them legal. Get stats. Let them work.

God. It’s so simple.

No, that's simply stupid. You don't reward people for breaking our laws or invading our country. It's like asking the burglar you caught in your home if he'd like you to fix him a midnight snack and make some coffee.
Not an open border....but time to increase enforcement against those who hire illegals.

Ridiculous. Do you keep your door unlocked all night and if a prowler breaks in, shoot him, or do you lock your doors at night so they don't get in in the first place?
No, that's simply stupid. You don't reward people for breaking our laws or invading our country. It's like asking the burglar you caught in your home if he'd like you to fix him a midnight snack and make some coffee.
I reward people who want to come to this country to work and make a better life for themselves. I don’t punish people for fleeing violence and corruption.

You know, the whole being an empathetic person.

Immigrants aren’t breaking into my home. They’re here to do work that needs to be done.
Cmon man. Stop with the dogmatic thinking. Where did you determine there was income into the household? Don’t make assumptions just because it’s convenient for your world view.

So show me any household that can survive without any money or support coming in.

With more women earning more and having successful careers, more men naturally are going to stay home and take care of the kids. Elderly parents are sicker, more disabled and need far more help than in previous generous, so taking care of them is naturally going to occupy more of our time.

People’s priorities changed a lot after COVID.

The point here is that it isn’t changing government benefits that’s “the solution” as you dogmatically believe.

Bullshit. Dementia increased food stamps the highest percentage since the program began. Increased the earned income child credit to the largest it's ever been to encourage people to stay home. In recent years the US lifespan went down, not up. People do what they've always done when their parents can't take care of themselves, they move them into a nursing facility.

Unemployment is measured by people not working that are looking for a job. If you are surveyed and state you are not looking for work, you are not considered unemployed. That's how we have such a low unemployment rate and a labor shortage at the same time.
I reward people who want to come to this country to work and make a better life for themselves. I don’t punish people for fleeing violence and corruption.

You know, the whole being an empathetic person.

Immigrants aren’t breaking into my home. They’re here to do work that needs to be done.
Just do not give them anything. Not a penny. Nothing. Like it used to be when we were a rising nation. Force to learn English. No dual or tri language nation crap. Many good people there. Following protocols of assimilation is important and takes time. Now we vote for Socialists moving to Communism.
I reward people who want to come to this country to work and make a better life for themselves. I don’t punish people for fleeing violence and corruption.

You know, the whole being an empathetic person.

Immigrants aren’t breaking into my home. They’re here to do work that needs to be done.

No, they illegally entered the country and expect to be rewarded, and people like you are willing to reward them.

How is it the NYC Mayor, a Democrat, is now having problems with all these new working people?

We already allow a million people a year to visit here, work, and take advantage of everything we created. We allow a million people a year to become American citizens every single year. Thanks to our lax enforcement of laws, they are changing our country. We are becoming a bilingual nation instead of an English speaking nation. Last time I voted they asked me what language I would like my ballot in. Our children in schools that we pay for are being held up because of the non-English speaking kids who's parents invaded our country that we have to figure out how to educate. Some jobs such as government jobs now require you to know Spanish as well to get a job with them.

Shelter is becoming so expensive in the US people are living out in the street. Do you know how that happens? Supply and demand. When these invaders come here, they have to live somewhere. That decreases supply and we Americans are the people that have to suffer for it.
No, they illegally entered the country and expect to be rewarded, and people like you are willing to reward them.

How is it the NYC Mayor, a Democrat, is now having problems with all these new working people?

We already allow a million people a year to visit here, work, and take advantage of everything we created. We allow a million people a year to become American citizens every single year. Thanks to our lax enforcement of laws, they are changing our country. We are becoming a bilingual nation instead of an English speaking nation. Last time I voted they asked me what language I would like my ballot in. Our children in schools that we pay for are being held up because of the non-English speaking kids who's parents invaded our country that we have to figure out how to educate. Some jobs such as government jobs now require you to know Spanish as well to get a job with them.

Shelter is becoming so expensive in the US people are living out in the street. Do you know how that happens? Supply and demand. When these invaders come here, they have to live somewhere. That decreases supply and we Americans are the people that have to suffer for it.
We could build houses for everyone if we had more labor.

Have you tried having any construction done lately? Not enough workers to get the jobs done. We already have to suffer from lack of supply.

That’s what your policy leads to. Suffering.
We could build houses for everyone if we had more labor.

Have you tried having any construction done lately? Not enough workers to get the jobs done. We already have to suffer from lack of supply.

That’s what your policy leads to. Suffering.

Labor will go up and down, but land will always rise. The less land, the more expensive it is to buy.

As long as we encourage Americans not to work, we will continue to have this problem. The world population is 7.5 billion people, probably many of which would love to live in the US as border records show. So how many of these 7.5 billion do you want to let in?
Labor will go up and down, but land will always rise. The less land, the more expensive it is to buy.

As long as we encourage Americans not to work, we will continue to have this problem. The world population is 7.5 billion people, probably many of which would love to live in the US as border records show. So how many of these 7.5 billion do you want to let in?
Labor will get tighter and tighter without expansion. Without labor, it’s pretty hard to build houses. Housing prices go up. More Americans become homeless.

Are you willing to accept the consequences of your economic sabotage?
Labor will get tighter and tighter without expansion. Without labor, it’s pretty hard to build houses. Housing prices go up. More Americans become homeless.

Are you willing to accept the consequences of your economic sabotage?

Sure I am, because if it were up to me, social programs would be greatly slashed so Americans would go back to work. That way we'd be solving three problems: less people on the dole, enough workers to do the work we need done, no need to have these immigrants here changing our country.
Sure I am, because if it were up to me, social programs would be greatly slashed so Americans would go back to work. That way we'd be solving three problems: less people on the dole, enough workers to do the work we need done, no need to have these immigrants here changing our country.
Great. Let’s start by immediately raising the age you get social security and Medicare to 75 so that they have to go back to work.
Oh the horror of having illegal aliens injected into a sanctuary city .. and this may include an unexpected surge .. just like border states such as Arizona, Texas and Florida. Oh .. it brings such emotion...
Great. Let’s start by immediately raising the age you get social security and Medicare to 75 so that they have to go back to work.

Most can't go back to work, and not many employers would hire people that old. The better idea is to slash benefits to people that are mentally and physically capable of working.

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