CDZ NYC on track for lowest number of murders in decades

It’s a city so nice they named it twice!

New York, New York.

Aka The Center of the Universe!
278 homicides for a city of that size is admirable
278 homicides this year (down from over 2000 in the 90s) down 14.5% since last year

Shows the impact of strict gun rules in the murder rate

New York City on pace to record lowest murder tally in decades - CNN

When will you guys ever learn....this year they had a major crackdown on gangs...arreted a whole bunch of criminals, that is how you keep the murder rate low. Also, the gangs there aren't as interested in killing each other...another factor. Chicago has the same strict gun control...Baltimore has even stricter gun control and has more gun murders than New York.....

Baltimore has every single gun control law that New York has, and even more......

At 278, Baltimore has more homicides so far this year than New York and more per-capita than Chicago

At 278, Baltimore has more homicides so far this year than New York and more per-capita than Chicag


Population of cities 2016:

N.Y................8.5 million


Murder rate 2016:


278 homicides this year (down from over 2000 in the 90s) down 14.5% since last year

Shows the impact of strict gun rules in the murder rate

New York City on pace to record lowest murder tally in decades - CNN

This is one of the isn't law abiding gun owners who do the focusing on them is focus on actual this...and using federal charges helps a lot....

Monster Gang Bust Snares Dozens in NYC

Nearly three dozen members of violent gangs based in the south Bronx face federal charges including racketeering, selling crack cocaine and marijuana and firearms offenses, according to court papers.

Court papers also describe two separate alleged attempts to murder rival gang members.

Federal agents and NYPD officers began rounding up the suspects early Wednesday. The raids and arrests were conducted by DEA and FBI agents, along with NYPD, and were centered in and around the Mill Brook Houses, a public housing project located in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx, officials said.
278 homicides this year (down from over 2000 in the 90s) down 14.5% since last year

Shows the impact of strict gun rules in the murder rate

New York City on pace to record lowest murder tally in decades - CNN

And another reason....Balitmore and Chicago have gone all in on the Ferguson Effect.....which means their cops are not proactively policing the city...they are simply waiting for call outs........

One Third of Last Year's Homicide Increase in the US Due To Chicago - The Truth About Guns

Maybe Mayor Rahm will want to re-think that whole ‘no troops in my town’ attitude . . . ONE-THIRD Of U.S. Homicide Spike Coming From 5 Chicago Neighborhoods

Murders in the U.S. rose nearly 9% last year, and one-third of that increase came from just a few neighborhoods in Chicago, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of the FBI’s annual 2016 publication, Crime in the United States.

While violent crime (homicide, rape, assault, and robbery) also rose nationwide from 2015 to 2016 — over 4% — the data show the increase was not uniform, but rather concentrated in cities like Chicago and Baltimore.

Do tell. It’s almost as if the city’s catch-and-release law enforcement systemisn’t really working. Oh, and there’s this:

Interestingly, the paper’s neighborhood-by-neighborhood analysis claimed that areas where homicides spiked had a “lighter street presence by police following officers’ high-profile killings of young black men.”

Can you say “Ferguson effect”? Maybe the Windy City’s worst neighborhoods are becoming unofficial no-go-zones for Chicago’s finest.

In Chicago, as in Baltimore, police became less proactive following protests against the fatal 2014 shooting of a black teenager, Laquan McDonald, by a white police officer, Jason Van Dyke, who has been charged with first-degree murder.
278 homicides this year (down from over 2000 in the 90s) down 14.5% since last year

Shows the impact of strict gun rules in the murder rate

New York City on pace to record lowest murder tally in decades - CNN

And here....Chicago still isn't taking their gun criminals seriously, dittos Baltimore...

Quote of the Day: Chicago's Law Enforcement Cycle of Failure - The Truth About Guns

“A lot of the shootings occur by repeat gun offenders, which are with the gangs. So when those guys get picked up, for whatever reason, who do you think the gangs are going to bail out first? They bail out the shooters because they are the most valuable pieces to that gang organization. Because they aren’t afraid to use violence to get their message across. So what we see is just an unbelievable cycle of CPD arresting these guys, and then for whatever reason, the judicial system spits them right back out, only to be dealt with … again.” – Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson in Cook County courts raise bonds for gun crimes — but suspects getting out faster [via]
This is why chicago has a high gun murder rate....vs. New York....but New York will catch up....

Cook County courts raise bonds for gun crimes — but suspects getting out faster

Despite increasingly high bonds, the opposite has happened — the same group of those charged with gun crimes is getting out of jail more than twice as fast as they were four years ago, according to a Tribune analysis of jail data of arrests and bonds.

At the same time, the Chicago Police Department is making fewer gun arrests and recovering fewer guns. From 2012 through the end of last year, the number of guns recovered fell by 33 percent and the number of arrests dropped by nearly 9 percent overall despite a recent uptick, according to department figures.
New York has the strictest gun laws in the far

They also have historic low homicide rates

A lesson other cities need to follow
The largest city in the US shows that Democratic leadership and strict gun laws will lower your homicide rates
278 homicides this year (down from over 2000 in the 90s) down 14.5% since last year

Shows the impact of strict gun rules in the murder rate

New York City on pace to record lowest murder tally in decades - CNN
278 homicides this year (down from over 2000 in the 90s) down 14.5% since last year

Shows the impact of strict gun rules in the murder rate

Why do people do that? What "that," one might ask? Commit the fallacy of oversimplification. In this instance, what you've done, OP-er, is observe a change in a single metric, NYC's crime rate, and attribute its change to and discuss its change as though the shift be solely a function of the one thing, gun laws. It is intellectually irresponsible to attribute gun laws (including the lack or permissiveness thereof) to changes in a multivariate metric, which is what the crime rate is.
What are the variables that combine to produce changes in crime rates? Per the FBI, these are they:
  • Population density and degree of urbanization.
  • Variations in composition of the population, particularly youth concentration.
  • Stability of the population with respect to residents’ mobility, commuting patterns, and transient factors.
  • Modes of transportation and highway system.
  • Economic conditions, including median income, poverty level, and job availability.
  • Cultural factors and educational, recreational, and religious characteristics. [One cultural factor is the body of laws, aka a culture's jurisprudence, a polity both has enacted and hs refrained from enacting.]
  • Family conditions with respect to divorce and family cohesiveness.
  • Climate.
  • Effective strength of law enforcement agencies.
  • Administrative and investigative emphases of law enforcement.
  • Policies of other components of the criminal justice system (i.e., prosecutorial, judicial, correctional, and probational). [Included here and in the cultural factors, are gun laws.]
  • Citizens’ attitudes toward crime. [These attitudes govern the nature of, among other things, gun-related jurisprudence a given citizenry allows its political leaders (at whatever level) to implement.]
  • Crime reporting practices of the citizenry.
Gun laws directly affect gun crime and, because gun crime is a form of crime, it is a component of the summary metric called the "crime rate." Insofar as guns are used to commit murders, gun laws have a direct impact on the gun murder rate and an indirect impact on the murder rates associated with other means of killing. Accordingly, regardless of one's stance on gun laws, citing overall crime rates is ridiculous and arguments/assertions about the efficacy (or lack thereof) of gun laws and that are based in whole or in part on general crime rates rather than gun crime rates are, at best, sophistic.

If a given speaker/writer knows that crime rates are a function of many variables and s/he persists in presenting overly simplified arguments that substantively equate it with one factor, gun laws, the egregiousness of their doing so rises from being intellectually irresponsible, on account of either their stupidity or ignorance,to being disingenuous. Disingenuousness runs rampant among politicians; the last thing we need is for it do so too among non-politicians who'd care to see implemented effective solutions to the problems of crime in general and the category of crime of crime called "gun-violence" in particular.
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New York has the strictest gun laws in the far

They also have historic low homicide rates

A lesson other cities need to follow

Wrong....Baltimore has even worse gun control laws and with a population that is tiny compared to New York, you can see how many murders they have. Law abiding people carrying guns don't drive the gun murder rate.......chicago has the same gun control laws and more gun murders than L.A. and New York is the nature of the criminals in the city that drives the crime rate, not the gun control laws.
The largest city in the US shows that Democratic leadership and strict gun laws will lower your homicide rates

Wrong.....New York lowered their crime rates because of Rudy Guilliani"s policies......which they kept in place up to this socialist they have right now.....the worst cities in the country have been under the control of democrats for decades, some for far longer.......
The largest city in the US shows that Democratic leadership and strict gun laws will lower your homicide rates

Explain ,Chicago, St. Louis, L.A., Baltimore, New Orleans, Baton Rouge....all democrat controlled for decades, and they all have huge gun murder is how these cities use their police, how they treat their police, how long they put violent gun offenders in prison, how fast they allow them to be bailed is the culture of the criminal and the criminal justice system, not the law abiding gun owner that drives the gun crime rate.
New York has the strictest gun laws in the far

They also have historic low homicide rates

A lesson other cities need to follow

Wrong....Baltimore has even worse gun control laws and with a population that is tiny compared to New York, you can see how many murders they have. Law abiding people carrying guns don't drive the gun murder rate.......chicago has the same gun control laws and more gun murders than L.A. and New York is the nature of the criminals in the city that drives the crime rate, not the gun control laws.

Small sample size

New York City is the largest testing ground in the country for strict gun laws. The evidence clearly indicates that strict gun laws (and yes, it is very hard to get a gun in NYC) reduce your homicide rate
The largest city in the US shows that Democratic leadership and strict gun laws will lower your homicide rates

Explain ,Chicago, St. Louis, L.A., Baltimore, New Orleans, Baton Rouge....all democrat controlled for decades, and they all have huge gun murder is how these cities use their police, how they treat their police, how long they put violent gun offenders in prison, how fast they allow them to be bailed is the culture of the criminal and the criminal justice system, not the law abiding gun owner that drives the gun crime rate.

Democratic Mayor DeBlasio has a lower homicide rate than his Republican predecessors Bloomberg and Giuliani

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