NYC shooter: Another victory for our mental health care "system". Great job, Pubbies.

haterpubdupes said:
NYC shooter: Another victory for our mental health care "system". Great job, Pubbies.
Greedy idiot RW billionaires, your brainwashing masters, refuse to be taxed their fair share or invest in mental health.
Just noticed this thread. Unsurprisingly, it's yet another pack of lies from the usual haterpubdupes.

Time for a reprint:


Angry over mentally ill people able to get guns Guess who you can thank for it. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It used to be that a citizen could petition a court to have someone committed to a mental institution, and the court could grant such committment if enough valid evidence was presented.
This changed in the 1960s and 70s.

In 1967 two Democrats and a Republican in California's state legislature came up with the
Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, designed to end INVOLUNTARY commitments of mentallly ill, alcoholic, etc. people into large mental institutions. The LPS Act was hailed by liberals all over the country as putting an end to eeevil government practices of dictating to helpless victims where they would go and what treatments they would get whether they liked it or not. It was overwhelmingly passed by California's Assembly and Senate, and finally signed by Governor Ronald Reagan in 1967. Similar laws were quickly passed all over the country, advocated mostly by liberal groups and do-gooders.

The liberal ACLU kept pushing this agenda to get these patients out of mental institutions, and finally resulted in 1975 (coincidentally Reagans' last year as Governor) in the U.S. Supreme Court handing down a decision in O'Connor vs. Donaldson (422 US 563). This Court decision announced a new "Constitutional right": The mentally ill could not be forced to stay in such institutions if they were not an actual threat to others. This opened the floodgates and let huge numbers of patients, in various degrees of helplessness, out of the institutions.

When it was discovered that these laws and court decisions had the effect of putting many people who could not, in fact, take care of themselves out on the street, the liberals did a fast 180, hastily forgot about their long, enthusiastic nationwide advocacy and support of the agenda, and invented a completely new accusation: That it was Ronald Reagan alone who had "kicked all those poor people out of their nice, safe hospitals and made them homeless".

In his novel "1984", George Orwell referred to such total mental reversements of "fact" as doublethink, where the person doing it simply announces a new set of "facts" and forgets, as he relies on those around him to forget, that he held the completely opposite belief just five minutes previously. Today, they are simply referred to as "lies", with a mob-mentality tendency of others to accept the lies as "truth".

From Wikipedia:

The Lanterman–Petris–Short (LPS) Act (Cal. Welf & Inst. Code, sec. 5000 et seq.) concerns the involuntary civil commitment to a mental health institution in the State of California. The act set the precedent for modern mental health commitment procedures in the United States. It was co-authored by California State Assemblyman Frank Lanterman (R) and California State Senators Nicholas C. Petris (D) and Alan Short (D), and signed into law in 1967 by Governor Ronald Reagan. The Act went into full effect on July 1, 1972. It cited seven articles of intent:

• To end the inappropriate, indefinite, and involuntary commitment of mentally disordered persons, people with developmental disabilities, and persons impaired by chronic alcoholism, and to eliminate legal disabilities;
• To provide prompt evaluation and treatment of persons with serious mental disorders or impaired by chronic alcoholism;
• To guarantee and protect public safety;
• To safeguard individual rights through judicial review;
• To provide individualized treatment, supervision, and placement services by a conservatorship program for gravely disabled persons;
• To encourage the full use of all existing agencies, professional personnel and public funds to accomplish these objectives and to prevent duplication of services and unnecessary expenditures;
• To protect mentally disordered persons and developmentally disabled persons from criminal acts.

The Act in effect ended all hospital commitments by the judiciary system, except in the case of criminal sentencing, e.g., convicted sexual offenders, and those who were "gravely disabled", defined as unable to obtain food, clothing, or housing [Conservatorship of Susan T., 8 Cal. 4th 1005 (1994)]. It did not, however, impede the right of voluntary commitments. It expanded the evaluative power of psychiatrists and created provisions and criteria for holds.
Not excuses, intelligent observation, hater dupes.
Poor little haterpubdupes apparently missed the history of the events that led to mental cases like this shooter, being let out of mental institutions. And how it was brought about by flaming, self-righteous liberals such as himself.

As well as completely missing the repeated videos shown for the last few days, of mobs of Sharpton-inspired rent-a-mobs chanting "What do we want? DEAD COPS!" as they roamed through public streets. -----> Video Shows NYC Protesters Chanting for Dead Cops NBC New York

That's what he proudly calls "intelligent observation", while deriding others for being stupid or ignorant.

If only the wealthy and greedy corporations paid their "fair share" the cerebrally challenged could get the communal mental care they require.
Actually, little haterpubdupes should be grateful to the liberals who got the LPS act through, and swayed the Supreme Court to rule that mental cases should be released and let out onto the streets.

It's the only reason he is free among us and able to post his nonsense here on the internet. :biggrin:
That nut job didn't need a gun. He could have rammed his car into them

You people weren't so sympathetic to a Rancher who only owed back fines when 200 ARMED FEDERAL agents were sent to his property with his family there.

two faced hypocrites

Actually, the rancher- you know, the one who pined for the good old days of slavery - wasn't on his property, his cattle were on FEDERAL land.

And one of his admirers went on to murder two cops.
Acorn, there's a big difference between, "Not locking someone up against their will in an institution that does nothing to help cure them" and "Letting them buy an AR-15 and a 100 round magazine".

There's a kind of a sensible middle ground of "We won't lock you up, but we won't let you own a gun, either."
The racist far left OP shows why computers should be banned from those living in said mental institutions.
Tried to kill himself a year ago, shot his ex GF before leaving Baltimore. Never got help- not funded- this money must stay with the bloated rich. Must be De Basio's fault lol...
The most important medical issue before us is the brain transplant for Obama...I hope it's not too late.
I would love for one Liberal...Just one to approach either family member of these executed officers
and say....

It's really your fault because this angel didn't get his much needed hand holding and treatment.
The racist far left OP shows why computers should be banned from those living in said mental institutions.
So what race do I believe is inferior and discriminate against, brainwashed dingbat?
I would love for one Liberal...Just one to approach either family member of these executed officers
and say....

It's really your fault because this angel didn't get his much needed hand holding and treatment.
Who the hell said that, hater dupe?
Not excuses, intelligent observation, hater dupes.
Poor little haterpubdupes apparently missed the history of the events that led to mental cases like this shooter, being let out of mental institutions. And how it was brought about by flaming, self-righteous liberals such as himself.

As well as completely missing the repeated videos shown for the last few days, of mobs of Sharpton-inspired rent-a-mobs chanting "What do we want? DEAD COPS!" as they roamed through public streets. -----> Video Shows NYC Protesters Chanting for Dead Cops NBC New York

That's what he proudly calls "intelligent observation", while deriding others for being stupid or ignorant.

Oh, an actual hater dupe who believes the misleading propaganda that 40 a-holes are mobs and Sharpton had anything to do with it. Change the channel, zombie moron. Bingo!
Most people that "protests" against police brutality or racism have mental health issues. Black males have real hostility and anger issues that reflect against their own wives and children, officer Wilson himself was originally helping a black child when he was called to a minor disturbance about a shoplifting when he saw the perpetrator boldly walking down the middle of street, all Brown had to do was walk on the side walk and pretend he was normal, but, instead he acted like an idiot and defied a cop, then tried to grab the cop's gun, then ran, then ran back and the cop shot his stupid ass. Really? This is what all the protests are about? All the riots and hate? And the cop killings, really? based on this stupidity?
This guy who shot two cops is the real victim....
Fucking Libs.
No, trying to find a solution to the problem of so many crazy people killing themselves and others, brainwashed functional shyttehead. Our crappy mental health system and poverty, for example. Blaming these 2 cops never happened. Bvvvvv.
Most people that "protests" against police brutality or racism have mental health issues. Black males have real hostility and anger issues that reflect against their own wives and children, officer Wilson himself was originally helping a black child when he was called to a minor disturbance about a shoplifting when he saw the perpetrator boldly walking down the middle of street, all Brown had to do was walk on the side walk and pretend he was normal, but, instead he acted like an idiot and defied a cop, then tried to grab the cop's gun, then ran, then ran back and the cop shot his stupid ass. Really? This is what all the protests are about? All the riots and hate? And the cop killings, really? based on this stupidity?
All of those "Foxfacts" are highly debatable. Shooting an unarmed man with his hands up running away 7 times is not protocol under any circumstances. There should have been a trial. Several of your witnesses were FOS and not creditable. Prosecutors with close ties to the police aren't the best to have in charge of a preliminary investigation.
Most people that "protests" against police brutality or racism have mental health issues. Black males have real hostility and anger issues that reflect against their own wives and children, officer Wilson himself was originally helping a black child when he was called to a minor disturbance about a shoplifting when he saw the perpetrator boldly walking down the middle of street, all Brown had to do was walk on the side walk and pretend he was normal, but, instead he acted like an idiot and defied a cop, then tried to grab the cop's gun, then ran, then ran back and the cop shot his stupid ass. Really? This is what all the protests are about? All the riots and hate? And the cop killings, really? based on this stupidity?
All of those "Foxfacts" are highly debatable. Shooting an unarmed man with his hands up running away 7 times is not protocol under any circumstances. There should have been a trial. Several of your witnesses were FOS and not creditable. Prosecutors with close ties to the police aren't the best to have in charge of a preliminary investigation.

All of those "Foxfacts" are highly debatable. Shooting an unarmed man with his hands up running away 7 times is not protocol under any circumstances. There should have been a trial. Several of your witnesses were FOS and not creditable. Prosecutors with close ties to the police aren't the best to have in charge of a preliminary investigation.

Who are you referring to?
Who was running away with hands up?

I missed this somehow.
Maybe because it never happened...
Are you referring to ...
The gentle giant?
Most people that "protests" against police brutality or racism have mental health issues. Black males have real hostility and anger issues that reflect against their own wives and children, officer Wilson himself was originally helping a black child when he was called to a minor disturbance about a shoplifting when he saw the perpetrator boldly walking down the middle of street, all Brown had to do was walk on the side walk and pretend he was normal, but, instead he acted like an idiot and defied a cop, then tried to grab the cop's gun, then ran, then ran back and the cop shot his stupid ass. Really? This is what all the protests are about? All the riots and hate? And the cop killings, really? based on this stupidity?
All of those "Foxfacts" are highly debatable. Shooting an unarmed man with his hands up running away 7 times is not protocol under any circumstances. There should have been a trial. Several of your witnesses were FOS and not creditable. Prosecutors with close ties to the police aren't the best to have in charge of a preliminary investigation.

All of those "Foxfacts" are highly debatable. Shooting an unarmed man with his hands up running away 7 times is not protocol under any circumstances. There should have been a trial. Several of your witnesses were FOS and not creditable. Prosecutors with close ties to the police aren't the best to have in charge of a preliminary investigation.

Who are you referring to?
Who was running away with hands up?

I missed this somehow.
Maybe because it never happened...
Are you referring to ...
The gentle giant?
I am shocked by your ignorance lol. CHANGE THE CHANNEL. Do you have a computer and the ability to google?

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