NYC To Fund Abortions

When you combine the Black and Hispanic populations which account for about 75% of abortions you could call it a racist political attack on the minority population not to mention a poke in the eye to the religious freedom of people who pay taxes. All in all it's a win-win for democrats.
You voted to pay for murdering babies? Really?

You need help

Yes I did. Along with thousands of others in my state. The initiative passed with a very good margin.

When the issue is put before the people and not politicians, the people choose choice, equality and freedom and we choose to pay for it.

There's absolutely nothing you or anyone can do about it.

It's not me you should be worried murderer.

You support it you're just as guilty of the sin of doing it. Enjoy hell
According to pro-lifers there are a million abortions which would mostly become unwanted children, to be supported by the state, and eventually become wards of the state. I wonder if our anti-welfare republicans are willing to support that increase in their tax dollars.

The assumption you are making is that the men won't step up to support their own children if it was for abortion.

I don't think that's a valid assumption.

Further, a lot of those aborted would have never been conceived in the first place if the parents knew they couldn't get free and easy abortions.

Yes it is. Millions of men have sex then walk away without looking back to see what they've caused. Millions deny the child is even theirs. Their own flesh and blood. A DNA test is forced because that man is too much of a jerk to support his own flesh and blood.

My education is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field for decades. I worked running the payroll department of a large home improvement chain in the west. One of my jobs was garnishments. I would say that about 90% of those garnishments were for child support. I had two very tall file cabinets filled with files on child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files only ONE was on a woman. The only reason being she set it up as an automatic deduction on her check so she wouldn't get behind in payments. The rest were men and all of them were court ordered. None of them were voluntary like the one with the woman. Everyone of them were behind on their chid support payments and had to be garnished to get the money and to put the children on health insurance. I got calls daily by those men threatening me because I legally garnished their wages to support their own flesh and blood.

The majority of unplanned pregnancies are caused by just such men. Men who don't use birth control and walk away from their own flesh and blood.

I worked for decades garnishing men for child support. Every time I got the court order papers and found another deadbeat all of us in my department did our happy dance. Another child will be helped who wouldn't have been helped because that man refused to pony up and take care of their own flesh and blood.

The fact that men walk away from their own flesh and blood is one of the major causes and reasons for abortion. If all men were treated the same way women are, there would be less abortions. If more men didn't walk away from their own flesh and blood there would be less abortions.

No, most men don't take that responsibility and do everything they can to not have to take that responsibility.

You all did a happy dance? Gawd that must have been a horrid bunch of people to work with. No wonder you're such a bitter person.

But it is interesting you think killing babies is just dandy due to child support. Good grief

Final takes two to concieve...both bear personal responsibility. If a man can't support use protection...if a woman can't...use protection. Abortion numbers would sink like a stone
Yes I did. Along with thousands of others in my state. The initiative passed with a very good margin.

When the issue is put before the people and not politicians, the people choose choice, equality and freedom and we choose to pay for it.

There's absolutely nothing you or anyone can do about it.

It's not me you should be worried murderer.

You support it you're just as guilty of the sin of doing it. Enjoy hell
According to pro-lifers there are a million abortions which would mostly become unwanted children, to be supported by the state, and eventually become wards of the state. I wonder if our anti-welfare republicans are willing to support that increase in their tax dollars.

The assumption you are making is that the men won't step up to support their own children if it was for abortion.

I don't think that's a valid assumption.

Further, a lot of those aborted would have never been conceived in the first place if the parents knew they couldn't get free and easy abortions.

Yes it is. Millions of men have sex then walk away without looking back to see what they've caused. Millions deny the child is even theirs. Their own flesh and blood. A DNA test is forced because that man is too much of a jerk to support his own flesh and blood.

My education is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field for decades. I worked running the payroll department of a large home improvement chain in the west. One of my jobs was garnishments. I would say that about 90% of those garnishments were for child support. I had two very tall file cabinets filled with files on child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files only ONE was on a woman. The only reason being she set it up as an automatic deduction on her check so she wouldn't get behind in payments. The rest were men and all of them were court ordered. None of them were voluntary like the one with the woman. Everyone of them were behind on their chid support payments and had to be garnished to get the money and to put the children on health insurance. I got calls daily by those men threatening me because I legally garnished their wages to support their own flesh and blood.

The majority of unplanned pregnancies are caused by just such men. Men who don't use birth control and walk away from their own flesh and blood.

I worked for decades garnishing men for child support. Every time I got the court order papers and found another deadbeat all of us in my department did our happy dance. Another child will be helped who wouldn't have been helped because that man refused to pony up and take care of their own flesh and blood.

The fact that men walk away from their own flesh and blood is one of the major causes and reasons for abortion. If all men were treated the same way women are, there would be less abortions. If more men didn't walk away from their own flesh and blood there would be less abortions.

No, most men don't take that responsibility and do everything they can to not have to take that responsibility.

You all did a happy dance? Gawd that must have been a horrid bunch of people to work with. No wonder you're such a bitter person.

But it is interesting you think killing babies is just dandy due to child support. Good grief

Final takes two to concieve...both bear personal responsibility. If a man can't support use protection...if a woman can't...use protection. Abortion numbers would sink like a stone
Republicans don’t support children. I suspect many don’t even support their own children.

It's not me you should be worried murderer.

You support it you're just as guilty of the sin of doing it. Enjoy hell
According to pro-lifers there are a million abortions which would mostly become unwanted children, to be supported by the state, and eventually become wards of the state. I wonder if our anti-welfare republicans are willing to support that increase in their tax dollars.

The assumption you are making is that the men won't step up to support their own children if it was for abortion.

I don't think that's a valid assumption.

Further, a lot of those aborted would have never been conceived in the first place if the parents knew they couldn't get free and easy abortions.

Yes it is. Millions of men have sex then walk away without looking back to see what they've caused. Millions deny the child is even theirs. Their own flesh and blood. A DNA test is forced because that man is too much of a jerk to support his own flesh and blood.

My education is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field for decades. I worked running the payroll department of a large home improvement chain in the west. One of my jobs was garnishments. I would say that about 90% of those garnishments were for child support. I had two very tall file cabinets filled with files on child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files only ONE was on a woman. The only reason being she set it up as an automatic deduction on her check so she wouldn't get behind in payments. The rest were men and all of them were court ordered. None of them were voluntary like the one with the woman. Everyone of them were behind on their chid support payments and had to be garnished to get the money and to put the children on health insurance. I got calls daily by those men threatening me because I legally garnished their wages to support their own flesh and blood.

The majority of unplanned pregnancies are caused by just such men. Men who don't use birth control and walk away from their own flesh and blood.

I worked for decades garnishing men for child support. Every time I got the court order papers and found another deadbeat all of us in my department did our happy dance. Another child will be helped who wouldn't have been helped because that man refused to pony up and take care of their own flesh and blood.

The fact that men walk away from their own flesh and blood is one of the major causes and reasons for abortion. If all men were treated the same way women are, there would be less abortions. If more men didn't walk away from their own flesh and blood there would be less abortions.

No, most men don't take that responsibility and do everything they can to not have to take that responsibility.

You all did a happy dance? Gawd that must have been a horrid bunch of people to work with. No wonder you're such a bitter person.

But it is interesting you think killing babies is just dandy due to child support. Good grief

Final takes two to concieve...both bear personal responsibility. If a man can't support use protection...if a woman can't...use protection. Abortion numbers would sink like a stone
Republicans don’t support children. I suspect many don’t even support their own children.


I'm not a Republican so you're barking up the wrong tree, mutt. But we do have three adopted children. How many do you have, motormouth?
You voted to pay for murdering babies? Really?

You need help

Yes I did. Along with thousands of others in my state. The initiative passed with a very good margin.

When the issue is put before the people and not politicians, the people choose choice, equality and freedom and we choose to pay for it.

There's absolutely nothing you or anyone can do about it.

It's not me you should be worried murderer.

You support it you're just as guilty of the sin of doing it. Enjoy hell
According to pro-lifers there are a million abortions which would mostly become unwanted children, to be supported by the state, and eventually become wards of the state. I wonder if our anti-welfare republicans are willing to support that increase in their tax dollars.

The assumption you are making is that the men won't step up to support their own children if it was for abortion.

I don't think that's a valid assumption.

Further, a lot of those aborted would have never been conceived in the first place if the parents knew they couldn't get free and easy abortions.

Yes it is. Millions of men have sex then walk away without looking back to see what they've caused. Millions deny the child is even theirs. Their own flesh and blood. A DNA test is forced because that man is too much of a jerk to support his own flesh and blood.

My education is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field for decades. I worked running the payroll department of a large home improvement chain in the west. One of my jobs was garnishments. I would say that about 90% of those garnishments were for child support. I had two very tall file cabinets filled with files on child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files only ONE was on a woman. The only reason being she set it up as an automatic deduction on her check so she wouldn't get behind in payments. The rest were men and all of them were court ordered. None of them were voluntary like the one with the woman. Everyone of them were behind on their chid support payments and had to be garnished to get the money and to put the children on health insurance. I got calls daily by those men threatening me because I legally garnished their wages to support their own flesh and blood.

The majority of unplanned pregnancies are caused by just such men. Men who don't use birth control and walk away from their own flesh and blood.

I worked for decades garnishing men for child support. Every time I got the court order papers and found another deadbeat all of us in my department did our happy dance. Another child will be helped who wouldn't have been helped because that man refused to pony up and take care of their own flesh and blood.

The fact that men walk away from their own flesh and blood is one of the major causes and reasons for abortion. If all men were treated the same way women are, there would be less abortions. If more men didn't walk away from their own flesh and blood there would be less abortions.

No, most men don't take that responsibility and do everything they can to not have to take that responsibility.

Most liberal men don't , I'll give you that. Bill Clinton has never even acknowledged his son , Danney Williams Clinton or paid any support for upkeep. Not 5 cents. Didn't send his boy Danney to Stanford or other prestigious school.

But that doesn't mean that Clinton's boy deserved to be aborted, at least not in my view.

Yet another abortion thread, yet further proof of the authoritarian right’s contempt for the will of the people and the rule of law.

Indeed, it exposes true conservative hypocrisy – conservatives who claim to be ‘advocates’ of the will of the people, that state and local government should be at liberty to govern as they see fit – clearly conservatives believe no such thing.
Yet another abortion thread, yet further proof of the authoritarian right’s contempt for the will of the people and the rule of law.

Indeed, it exposes true conservative hypocrisy – conservatives who claim to be ‘advocates’ of the will of the people, that state and local government should be at liberty to govern as they see fit – clearly conservatives believe no such thing.

You blabber too much. Give your yapper a rest. Nobody believes you anyway
Democrat women, low income women meaning brown and black women on welfare. By having abortions they are killing off the next generation of deranged liberals and predators. What could be wrong with that. If you are a good Christian have the children these women refuse to have and promote abortion among the invaders.

Or... we could expect that these people exercise some goddamn personal responsibility.

Crazy fucking concept, I know...
The concept is a good one. Now. So what. The concept is meaningless. If you cannot control the behavior of others then use that behavior to best advantage.
Yet another abortion thread, yet further proof of the authoritarian right’s contempt for the will of the people and the rule of law.

Indeed, it exposes true conservative hypocrisy – conservatives who claim to be ‘advocates’ of the will of the people, that state and local government should be at liberty to govern as they see fit – clearly conservatives believe no such thing.


They demand that it should be up to the individual states to decide. Only if the state has the same view about it as the far right radical extremists have. If a state doesn't have the same anti choice views the far right radical extremists want, they don't want it to be up to the states.

My state had the people vote at the ballot box. No politician passed our abortion laws.

NYC decided to vote for people who will pass laws for choice to protect women.

The far right radical extremists throw fits.
It's not me you should be worried murderer.

You support it you're just as guilty of the sin of doing it. Enjoy hell
According to pro-lifers there are a million abortions which would mostly become unwanted children, to be supported by the state, and eventually become wards of the state. I wonder if our anti-welfare republicans are willing to support that increase in their tax dollars.

The assumption you are making is that the men won't step up to support their own children if it was for abortion.

I don't think that's a valid assumption.

Further, a lot of those aborted would have never been conceived in the first place if the parents knew they couldn't get free and easy abortions.

Yes it is. Millions of men have sex then walk away without looking back to see what they've caused. Millions deny the child is even theirs. Their own flesh and blood. A DNA test is forced because that man is too much of a jerk to support his own flesh and blood.

My educae
Republicans don’t support children. I suspect many don’t even support their own children.

So Tired of this one, Deanrd. Find something to say about it. That's just ridiculous anyway. Some sad attempt about progressivism? English Woman has been educated professionally, with equal nutrition, or healthcare, for 500 years?
It's a step in the right direction and long over due.

My state has been funding abortions through Medicaid since 1981.

I'm glad to see a city try to catch up with the 17 of us states that already pay for abortions for low income women.

This is for any woman who needs one. The woman doesn't have to live in NYC. All she has to do is be in the city to get the abortion.

New York could become first city to provide abortion funding

Why can't anti-life people like yourself just pony up to pay the Abortionists?

Why do you feel it necessary to impose this on your fellow citizens who actually cherish the gift of life itself?

I do.

I voted in 1981 to allow my state tax dollars to pay for abortions. The initiative passed with a good margin. I voted in the majority.

I've been paying for abortions since 1981 with my state tax dollars.

I've been sending money to Planned Parenthood's fund that pays for abortions for low income women in other states since the 1990s.

I've been sending money to another private organization that all they do is fund abortions and pays for travel and lodging for abortions since the early 2000s.

So when have you helped a single mom? What have you done to back your words with action? Or are you all words and zero action? How many unwanted kids have you adopted? How many foster children have you opened your home to?

"The State" doesn't pay for shit. Instead, taxpayers pay for it,including those who love life.

I can appreciate that you are anti-life, but why make others pay for your own ideas?

Why not let the broad's boyfriend or pimp pony up? I didn't F her, they did- paying for the abortion might get them to act responsibly

Do you believe in democracy and the voice of the people?

That's what happened in my state. It was on the ballot and we voted on it. Those who are anti choice and pro destroying women's lives lost. Those of us who believe in choice and don't want to destroy lives won.

That's democracy. The majority rules. It's obvious to me you don't like and don't believe in the voice of the people and democracy. Even though one of your talking points is to leave it up to the states. Well we the people in my state did just that. Now you have a problem with it. Make up your mind. Or is that leave it up to the states just more of the far right radical extremist lies?

I back my words with action. You don't. I've adopted a child. I was a foster parent for many years in the 90s. I pay for abortions with both my tax dollars and donations.

You are just a person who wants to destroy lives and kill women. You use lies and intimidation to force your beliefs on our nation.

If you don't believe in abortion why not live your life that way and leave everyone else alone? Why can't you be happy living your life as you want? Why do you believe you have the right to force your way of life on everyone else? Why don't you believe in liberty, freedom and democracy?

LOL the man pony up. Are you serious? Our nation believes that the woman is solely responsible for all life that grows in her uterus. Not the man. The woman is shamed and shunned. The man is praised for his "masculinity" and "macho." Men cause pregnancies then walk away without even looking back to see what they've caused. Millions of them even deny their own flesh and blood for the only reason they don't want to pay the cost of raising a child. So the woman is stuck with it. Our society only gets involved if the woman goes on public assistance or the child's safety is in jeopardy. When all men start changing their attitude about pregnancy and take real steps to make sure that every man supports their child then I might think you're serious. But that's not happening. I see posts from you and other far right radical extremists that go on and on calling women sluts, whores and say spread their legs and all kinds of disgusting things yet nothing derogatory about what that man did. So I don't believe you or any far right radical extremist. It's easy to post on a message board.

It's much harder to back your words with action. As evidenced by you and the rest of you far right radical extremists.

Tell Californians about democracy and proposition 187
they know all about the lefts " peoples democracy "
tell the french on the EU

The totalitarian nazi left has no clue as to what democracy is

Blow it out your ass with democracy sweetheart go adopt a child that had its head cut off with a scissors

Project much ?
You are just a person who wants to destroy lives and kill women. You use lies and intimidation to force your beliefs on our nation.
It's a step in the right direction and long over due.

My state has been funding abortions through Medicaid since 1981.

I'm glad to see a city try to catch up with the 17 of us states that already pay for abortions for low income women.

This is for any woman who needs one. The woman doesn't have to live in NYC. All she has to do is be in the city to get the abortion.

New York could become first city to provide abortion funding
How they are going to fund it? By raising taxes on cigarettes? The state has already raised the taxes on cigarettes, that the price of a pack of cigarettes is around $12 a pack. But a separate city tax on it to fund abortions for all the occupants that lives in the surrounding states. That a pack of cigarettes might cost $25. The cost of living is going to go up high in N.Y. city, that everybody will be beating up the mayor All they are doing is hurting the poor.

Base price of cigarettes in NYC up to $13 a pack

When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” Revelation 6:5-6 NIV
A loaf of wheat bread may soon cost $23 due to skyrocketing food price inflation
NYC can pay for those abortions if they want to.

The issue was on the ballot in my state in 1981. It passed with a very good margin. I voted in the majority. I'm proud that my state uses our medicaid dollars to pay for abortions for low income women.

When the issue was put before the people, the people chose to pay for abortions. There are 17 states that pay for abortions for low income women. Mine is one of them.

You voted to pay for murdering babies? Really?

You need help

Yes I did. Along with thousands of others in my state. The initiative passed with a very good margin.

When the issue is put before the people and not politicians, the people choose choice, equality and freedom and we choose to pay for it.

There's absolutely nothing you or anyone can do about it.

It's not me you should be worried murderer.

You support it you're just as guilty of the sin of doing it. Enjoy hell
According to pro-lifers there are a million abortions which would mostly become unwanted children, to be supported by the state, and eventually become wards of the state. I wonder if our anti-welfare republicans are willing to support that increase in their tax dollars.

The assumption you are making is that the men won't step up to support their own children if it was for abortion.

I don't think that's a valid assumption.

Further, a lot of those aborted would have never been conceived in the first place if the parents knew they couldn't get free and easy abortions.
A 20 year study on the reasons women have abortions reveal that the decision to have an abortion is typically motivated by multiple, diverse and interrelated reasons. It is not just financial support. 74% said having a child would interfere with their education, work or ability to care for other dependents. Although financial constraints were listed, the women considered the lack of non-financial support in raising a child from a partner just as important. When asked would you still have an abortion if there was no financial help from Planned Parenthood, insurance or state programs. 71% said yes.
Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives
Yet another abortion thread, yet further proof of the authoritarian right’s contempt for the will of the people and the rule of law.

Indeed, it exposes true conservative hypocrisy – conservatives who claim to be ‘advocates’ of the will of the people, that state and local government should be at liberty to govern as they see fit – clearly conservatives believe no such thing.


They demand that it should be up to the individual states to decide. Only if the state has the same view about it as the far right radical extremists have. If a state doesn't have the same anti choice views the far right radical extremists want, they don't want it to be up to the states.

My state had the people vote at the ballot box. No politician passed our abortion laws.

NYC decided to vote for people who will pass laws for choice to protect women.

The far right radical extremists throw fits.
Realistically, abortion kills more women than it protects. Not all those murdered babies are male.
Yes I did. Along with thousands of others in my state. The initiative passed with a very good margin.

When the issue is put before the people and not politicians, the people choose choice, equality and freedom and we choose to pay for it.

There's absolutely nothing you or anyone can do about it.

It's not me you should be worried murderer.

You support it you're just as guilty of the sin of doing it. Enjoy hell
According to pro-lifers there are a million abortions which would mostly become unwanted children, to be supported by the state, and eventually become wards of the state. I wonder if our anti-welfare republicans are willing to support that increase in their tax dollars.

The assumption you are making is that the men won't step up to support their own children if it was for abortion.

I don't think that's a valid assumption.

Further, a lot of those aborted would have never been conceived in the first place if the parents knew they couldn't get free and easy abortions.

Yes it is. Millions of men have sex then walk away without looking back to see what they've caused. Millions deny the child is even theirs. Their own flesh and blood. A DNA test is forced because that man is too much of a jerk to support his own flesh and blood.

My education is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field for decades. I worked running the payroll department of a large home improvement chain in the west. One of my jobs was garnishments. I would say that about 90% of those garnishments were for child support. I had two very tall file cabinets filled with files on child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files only ONE was on a woman. The only reason being she set it up as an automatic deduction on her check so she wouldn't get behind in payments. The rest were men and all of them were court ordered. None of them were voluntary like the one with the woman. Everyone of them were behind on their chid support payments and had to be garnished to get the money and to put the children on health insurance. I got calls daily by those men threatening me because I legally garnished their wages to support their own flesh and blood.

The majority of unplanned pregnancies are caused by just such men. Men who don't use birth control and walk away from their own flesh and blood.

I worked for decades garnishing men for child support. Every time I got the court order papers and found another deadbeat all of us in my department did our happy dance. Another child will be helped who wouldn't have been helped because that man refused to pony up and take care of their own flesh and blood.

The fact that men walk away from their own flesh and blood is one of the major causes and reasons for abortion. If all men were treated the same way women are, there would be less abortions. If more men didn't walk away from their own flesh and blood there would be less abortions.

No, most men don't take that responsibility and do everything they can to not have to take that responsibility.

You all did a happy dance? Gawd that must have been a horrid bunch of people to work with. No wonder you're such a bitter person.

But it is interesting you think killing babies is just dandy due to child support. Good grief

Final takes two to concieve...both bear personal responsibility. If a man can't support use protection...if a woman can't...use protection. Abortion numbers would sink like a stone
Actually they have. Abortions have fallen from 1.4 million in 1990 to 638,000 in 2015, down 54% due largely to more effective and widely use of contraception. Studies indicate that if contraception was free to all and readily available, the number of abortions would be cut in half.
Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia
It's not me you should be worried murderer.

You support it you're just as guilty of the sin of doing it. Enjoy hell
According to pro-lifers there are a million abortions which would mostly become unwanted children, to be supported by the state, and eventually become wards of the state. I wonder if our anti-welfare republicans are willing to support that increase in their tax dollars.

The assumption you are making is that the men won't step up to support their own children if it was for abortion.

I don't think that's a valid assumption.

Further, a lot of those aborted would have never been conceived in the first place if the parents knew they couldn't get free and easy abortions.

Yes it is. Millions of men have sex then walk away without looking back to see what they've caused. Millions deny the child is even theirs. Their own flesh and blood. A DNA test is forced because that man is too much of a jerk to support his own flesh and blood.

My education is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field for decades. I worked running the payroll department of a large home improvement chain in the west. One of my jobs was garnishments. I would say that about 90% of those garnishments were for child support. I had two very tall file cabinets filled with files on child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files only ONE was on a woman. The only reason being she set it up as an automatic deduction on her check so she wouldn't get behind in payments. The rest were men and all of them were court ordered. None of them were voluntary like the one with the woman. Everyone of them were behind on their chid support payments and had to be garnished to get the money and to put the children on health insurance. I got calls daily by those men threatening me because I legally garnished their wages to support their own flesh and blood.

The majority of unplanned pregnancies are caused by just such men. Men who don't use birth control and walk away from their own flesh and blood.

I worked for decades garnishing men for child support. Every time I got the court order papers and found another deadbeat all of us in my department did our happy dance. Another child will be helped who wouldn't have been helped because that man refused to pony up and take care of their own flesh and blood.

The fact that men walk away from their own flesh and blood is one of the major causes and reasons for abortion. If all men were treated the same way women are, there would be less abortions. If more men didn't walk away from their own flesh and blood there would be less abortions.

No, most men don't take that responsibility and do everything they can to not have to take that responsibility.

You all did a happy dance? Gawd that must have been a horrid bunch of people to work with. No wonder you're such a bitter person.

But it is interesting you think killing babies is just dandy due to child support. Good grief

Final takes two to concieve...both bear personal responsibility. If a man can't support use protection...if a woman can't...use protection. Abortion numbers would sink like a stone
Actually they have. Abortions have fallen from 1.4 million in 1990 to 638,000 in 2015, down 54% due largely to more effective and widely use of contraception. Studies indicate that if contraception was free to all and readily available, the number of abortions would be cut in half.
Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia

It's been free for decades. So tired of these idiot talking points.
You voted to pay for murdering babies? Really?

You need help

Yes I did. Along with thousands of others in my state. The initiative passed with a very good margin.

When the issue is put before the people and not politicians, the people choose choice, equality and freedom and we choose to pay for it.

There's absolutely nothing you or anyone can do about it.

It's not me you should be worried murderer.

You support it you're just as guilty of the sin of doing it. Enjoy hell
According to pro-lifers there are a million abortions which would mostly become unwanted children, to be supported by the state, and eventually become wards of the state. I wonder if our anti-welfare republicans are willing to support that increase in their tax dollars.

The assumption you are making is that the men won't step up to support their own children if it was for abortion.

I don't think that's a valid assumption.

Further, a lot of those aborted would have never been conceived in the first place if the parents knew they couldn't get free and easy abortions.
A 20 year study on the reasons women have abortions reveal that the decision to have an abortion is typically motivated by multiple, diverse and interrelated reasons. It is not just financial support. 74% said having a child would interfere with their education, work or ability to care for other dependents. Although financial constraints were listed, the women considered the lack of non-financial support in raising a child from a partner just as important. When asked would you still have an abortion if there was no financial help from Planned Parenthood, insurance or state programs. 71% said yes.
Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives

I didn't bring up financial reasons the loon did. I brought up personal responsibility
According to pro-lifers there are a million abortions which would mostly become unwanted children, to be supported by the state, and eventually become wards of the state. I wonder if our anti-welfare republicans are willing to support that increase in their tax dollars.

The assumption you are making is that the men won't step up to support their own children if it was for abortion.

I don't think that's a valid assumption.

Further, a lot of those aborted would have never been conceived in the first place if the parents knew they couldn't get free and easy abortions.

Yes it is. Millions of men have sex then walk away without looking back to see what they've caused. Millions deny the child is even theirs. Their own flesh and blood. A DNA test is forced because that man is too much of a jerk to support his own flesh and blood.

My education is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field for decades. I worked running the payroll department of a large home improvement chain in the west. One of my jobs was garnishments. I would say that about 90% of those garnishments were for child support. I had two very tall file cabinets filled with files on child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files only ONE was on a woman. The only reason being she set it up as an automatic deduction on her check so she wouldn't get behind in payments. The rest were men and all of them were court ordered. None of them were voluntary like the one with the woman. Everyone of them were behind on their chid support payments and had to be garnished to get the money and to put the children on health insurance. I got calls daily by those men threatening me because I legally garnished their wages to support their own flesh and blood.

The majority of unplanned pregnancies are caused by just such men. Men who don't use birth control and walk away from their own flesh and blood.

I worked for decades garnishing men for child support. Every time I got the court order papers and found another deadbeat all of us in my department did our happy dance. Another child will be helped who wouldn't have been helped because that man refused to pony up and take care of their own flesh and blood.

The fact that men walk away from their own flesh and blood is one of the major causes and reasons for abortion. If all men were treated the same way women are, there would be less abortions. If more men didn't walk away from their own flesh and blood there would be less abortions.

No, most men don't take that responsibility and do everything they can to not have to take that responsibility.

You all did a happy dance? Gawd that must have been a horrid bunch of people to work with. No wonder you're such a bitter person.

But it is interesting you think killing babies is just dandy due to child support. Good grief

Final takes two to concieve...both bear personal responsibility. If a man can't support use protection...if a woman can't...use protection. Abortion numbers would sink like a stone
Actually they have. Abortions have fallen from 1.4 million in 1990 to 638,000 in 2015, down 54% due largely to more effective and widely use of contraception. Studies indicate that if contraception was free to all and readily available, the number of abortions would be cut in half.
Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia

It's been free for decades. So tired of these idiot talking points.
It is only free if your income is low enough. Generally, it's the same as Medicaid in most states. However, what should be free and readily available is contraception, the pill, IUDs, morning after pill, etc.
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It's not me you should be worried murderer.

You support it you're just as guilty of the sin of doing it. Enjoy hell
According to pro-lifers there are a million abortions which would mostly become unwanted children, to be supported by the state, and eventually become wards of the state. I wonder if our anti-welfare republicans are willing to support that increase in their tax dollars.

The assumption you are making is that the men won't step up to support their own children if it was for abortion.

I don't think that's a valid assumption.

Further, a lot of those aborted would have never been conceived in the first place if the parents knew they couldn't get free and easy abortions.

Yes it is. Millions of men have sex then walk away without looking back to see what they've caused. Millions deny the child is even theirs. Their own flesh and blood. A DNA test is forced because that man is too much of a jerk to support his own flesh and blood.

My education is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field for decades. I worked running the payroll department of a large home improvement chain in the west. One of my jobs was garnishments. I would say that about 90% of those garnishments were for child support. I had two very tall file cabinets filled with files on child support garnishments. In all those thousands of files only ONE was on a woman. The only reason being she set it up as an automatic deduction on her check so she wouldn't get behind in payments. The rest were men and all of them were court ordered. None of them were voluntary like the one with the woman. Everyone of them were behind on their chid support payments and had to be garnished to get the money and to put the children on health insurance. I got calls daily by those men threatening me because I legally garnished their wages to support their own flesh and blood.

The majority of unplanned pregnancies are caused by just such men. Men who don't use birth control and walk away from their own flesh and blood.

I worked for decades garnishing men for child support. Every time I got the court order papers and found another deadbeat all of us in my department did our happy dance. Another child will be helped who wouldn't have been helped because that man refused to pony up and take care of their own flesh and blood.

The fact that men walk away from their own flesh and blood is one of the major causes and reasons for abortion. If all men were treated the same way women are, there would be less abortions. If more men didn't walk away from their own flesh and blood there would be less abortions.

No, most men don't take that responsibility and do everything they can to not have to take that responsibility.

You all did a happy dance? Gawd that must have been a horrid bunch of people to work with. No wonder you're such a bitter person.

But it is interesting you think killing babies is just dandy due to child support. Good grief

Final takes two to concieve...both bear personal responsibility. If a man can't support use protection...if a woman can't...use protection. Abortion numbers would sink like a stone
Actually they have. Abortions have fallen from 1.4 million in 1990 to 638,000 in 2015, down 54% due largely to more effective and widely use of contraception. Studies indicate that if contraception was free to all and readily available, the number of abortions would be cut in half.
Abortion statistics in the United States - Wikipedia

A fall in abortions is bad news for Planned Parenthood. No wonder why they are pushing laws like in NY and VA to publicly fund and promote the practice.

I've see pictures of protesters in front of abortionists homes, they are always classy. These characters live really high on the hog.

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