NYC woman filmed carrying anti-Semitic sign is identified


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Looking at pictures of the school she attends, it looks like a hot bed of hate.



A woman who was recorded proudly displaying an overtly anti-Semitic sign - suggesting the world needs to be 'cleaned' of Jews - during a pro-Palestinian rally Wednesday, has been identified. Fahima Karim, a 19-year-old student at the Urban Assembly Institute of Math and Science for Young Women in Brooklyn, brandished the disturbing sign that featured the words 'Please Keep the World Clean' next to a Star of David in a trash can.

There's no way this hate wasn't there the whole time. The attack on Israel just somehow

made their masks slip. It's gobsmacking to me. :omg:

The left, especially the far left, has been rabidly anti-Semitic for many years. Constant protests against Israeli "apartheid", pro-Hamas rallies disguised as "Palestinian liberation", the whole bullshit BDS (boycott/divestment/sanctions) movement against Jewish-owned businesses, the bigotry and violence against Orthodox Jews in New York and LA, etc. That's been going on for many years.

There was really no way the left could pretend they don't support the Hamas terrorist attacks against Jews after their years of support for that exact cause.
The total absence of lefties on this thread is all the proof you need that not only will they not condemn this anti-Semitism, they support it.
They don't just support it, they elect antisemites, and they approve of Left wing universities propagating hate to the next generation of government and corporate leaders.

They are ushering in another Jewish Holocaust and they love it.
It's sad really. I've never understood Jew hating. Back in 1945 the world said never again and yet here we are

I've never understood hating for what a person is in general. I like to reserve my scorn for a person's actions, and then usually only those that are trying to suppress others or lie about the true intent of their actions.
yes and thanks to being identified this young lady who probably did not want her picture or her name plastered in the news is now a poster girl of hate.
I've never understood hating for what a person is in general. I like to reserve my scorn for a person's actions, and then usually only those that are trying to suppress others or lie about the true intent of their actions.

Judge on character and not anything else
Judge on character and not anything else

Only when that Character turns into action. People can say whatever they want in my book.

These knee jerk responses to Hamas support just plays into the authoritarians on both sides.

Now if someone JOINS Hamas, then I say fuck em.
If one supports a faction that invaded and killed concert attendees I have no use for them

It was terrorism

Agreed on the terrorism. But ruining someone over an opinion when they didn't take any action is wrong no matter who does it.

Now if we can find if she sent $$ to Hamas, then all bets are off.
Agreed on the terrorism. But ruining someone over an opinion when they didn't take any action is wrong no matter who does it.

Now if we can find if she sent $$ to Hamas, then all bets are off.

Your and mind mind think are like 180...if one supports Hamas and terrorist actions? You had the monster of a terrorist

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