NYS first female MUSLIM judge found floating in east river

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Like that christian that walked into his wife's school in San Bernadino and shot her, a few kids, and then finally himself?
On what do you base your belief that the man was Christian. It looked like black on black violence.

the 'pastor' had a history of violence, a prison record, and a number of restraining orders on him.

But the fact that he's a 'christian' means the murder suicide was based on his religion
Oh...is that your claim?

Why bring up his religion otherwise?
Your logic is illogical. The OP was based on the fact that she was Muslim.

"The OP was based on the fact that she was Muslim."

That's because it's in the first sentence of the actual article, are you also now going to have a Bedwetting Snowflake fit because the headline points out this woman was Black?

First African-American woman on New York’s highest court, Judge Sheila Abdus-Salaam, found dead on Hudson River shore

"Sheila Abdus-Salaam, the first-ever female Muslim judge in U.S. history and the first African-American woman to serve on New York’s highest court, was found dead Wednesday on the bank of the Hudson River, police said.

Abdus-Salaam, 65, was discovered floating fully clothed on the Manhattan side of the river, by the Henry Hudson Parkway near W. 132nd St. — just a mile from her central Harlem home, just before 2 p.m."

N.Y. Court of Appeals judge found dead near Hudson River
Know you know how muslim men like to treat their wimmims, right?
Sheila Abdus-Salaam, the first-ever female Muslim judge in U.S. history and the first African-American woman to serve on New York’s highest court, was found dead Wednesday on the bank of the Hudson River, police said.

Abdus-Salaam, 65, was discovered floating fully clothed on the Manhattan side of the river, by the Henry Hudson Parkway near W. 132nd St. — just a mile from her central Harlem home, just before 2 p.m.
N.Y. Court of Appeals judge found dead near Hudson River

They don't know yet how she died, moron.

Is there any particular reason that you have "Muslim" in all caps? Is that because of your insane islamophobia, coward bigot?

I don't watcfh videos from rightwingnuts and can't access them at work anyway.

use your words, bigot boy
Tragically, studies reveal that spousal abuse is just as common within the evangelical churches as anywhere else. This means that about 25 percent of Christian homes witness abuse of some kind

These numbers may shock you—and they certainly shocked me—so you may be wondering if the studies were done by secular researchers hostile to the church. I can assure you, sadly, they were not.

Denise George, a gifted writer and the wife of theologian Timothy George, has published a new book called What Women Wish Pastors Knew. "Spouse abuse shocks us," George writes. "We just cannot believe that a church deacon or member goes home after worship . . . and beats his wife." Tragically, however, George notes, some of these men justify their violence "by citing biblical passages."

Well, obviously they're misinterpreting Scripture. In Ephesians 5:22, husbands are told to love their wives as Christ loved the church; beating wives black-and-blue hardly constitutes Christian love. 1 Peter 3:1-7 tells husbands to live with their wives considerately. And the Bible makes it clear that the church has no business closing its eyes to violent men. In 1 Timothy 3:3, the church is told that when it comes to choosing leaders, they must find men who are "not violent but gentle," sober, and temperate.

Domestic Violence within the Church: The Ugly Truth

Domestic abuse is a very serious issue in any home. But that kind of abuse by someone claiming to be a Christian is an affront to all that are serious about following the teachings of Christ.

Ahh yes, as the good little liberal you are, it's your duty to trash the dominant American religion in order to defend and protect your precious religion.
I think she was murdered.

To determine yes or no, of course will be an autopsy.

Some murders are made to resemble suicide, but most murderers get caught.

EG. Strangling someone and then stringing them up to make it seem they hanged themselves. You have Manual Strangulation, which in nearly ALL instances severely damages the larynx, fractures the hyoid bone and involves having to put considerable pressure with the hands and the fingers on the front of the throat.

Hanging does not damage the larynx or fracture the hyoid bone and does not show bruising from pressure from the hands and the fingers and Rope Burn from a murder and subsequent hanging will not erase the brusing imprints from the hands and the fingers of Manual Strangulation made to look like Suicide by Hanging.

Hyoid bone - Wikipedia

I had also earlier mentioned murder via drowning elsewhere and then taken and thrown into the river, but again, through autopsy that's going to be easily determined also:

"Or she might have been murdered, say drowned in a bath tub and then her body taken to this river and thrown into it to give the idea her death occured in the river....for this option they will find out when the autopsy is performed, this by extraction of her lungs which will determine the type of water that was IN her lungs at the approx time of death, is the water a household purified/filtered water or is the water dirty river water containing all sorts of filth and pollutants and fungi etc."

NYS first female MUSLIM judge found floating in east river
Tragically, studies reveal that spousal abuse is just as common within the evangelical churches as anywhere else. This means that about 25 percent of Christian homes witness abuse of some kind

These numbers may shock you—and they certainly shocked me—so you may be wondering if the studies were done by secular researchers hostile to the church. I can assure you, sadly, they were not.

Denise George, a gifted writer and the wife of theologian Timothy George, has published a new book called What Women Wish Pastors Knew. "Spouse abuse shocks us," George writes. "We just cannot believe that a church deacon or member goes home after worship . . . and beats his wife." Tragically, however, George notes, some of these men justify their violence "by citing biblical passages."

Well, obviously they're misinterpreting Scripture. In Ephesians 5:22, husbands are told to love their wives as Christ loved the church; beating wives black-and-blue hardly constitutes Christian love. 1 Peter 3:1-7 tells husbands to live with their wives considerately. And the Bible makes it clear that the church has no business closing its eyes to violent men. In 1 Timothy 3:3, the church is told that when it comes to choosing leaders, they must find men who are "not violent but gentle," sober, and temperate.

Domestic Violence within the Church: The Ugly Truth

Domestic abuse is a very serious issue in any home. But that kind of abuse by someone claiming to be a Christian is an affront to all that are serious about following the teachings of Christ.

25%? I call bullshit.

The figures I have seen say 1 in 4 women suffers from domestic abuse.

And I am calling bullshit on those numbers. No fucking way, in America today.

You calling bullshit does not change the facts.
When have your kind ever had facts?

Not sure what you mean by "your kind". If you mean handsome, intelligent, witty and charming, I guess I fit the bill.

The facts i have read on several sites dealing with domestic & sexual abuse.
All this loving, cuddling, protecting and excusing Muslims started after George Walker Bush made the statement - defying all logic, honesty, facts, sober thought, decency and honor - after the greatest massacre by Muslims in modern history, that Islam is a religion of peace.

The Left despised GWB, but sure took that statement - the biggest lie in human history - to heart.
All this loving, cuddling, protecting and excusing Muslims started after George Walker Bush made the statement - defying all logic, honesty, facts, sober thought, decency and honor - after the greatest massacre by Muslims in modern history, that Islam is a religion of peace.

The Left despised GWB, but sure took that statement - the biggest lie in human history - to heart.
That is one way, a wrong way, to look at it.
25%? I call bullshit.

The figures I have seen say 1 in 4 women suffers from domestic abuse.

And I am calling bullshit on those numbers. No fucking way, in America today.

You calling bullshit does not change the facts.
When have your kind ever had facts?

Not sure what you mean by "your kind". If you mean handsome, intelligent, witty and charming, I guess I fit the bill.

The facts i have read on several sites dealing with domestic & sexual abuse.
You know exactly what I mean, stop pretending.
The figures I have seen say 1 in 4 women suffers from domestic abuse.

And I am calling bullshit on those numbers. No fucking way, in America today.

You calling bullshit does not change the facts.
When have your kind ever had facts?

Not sure what you mean by "your kind". If you mean handsome, intelligent, witty and charming, I guess I fit the bill.

The facts i have read on several sites dealing with domestic & sexual abuse.
You know exactly what I mean, stop pretending.
You pretend all the time, miketx, so knock it off. The kind opposite of you are witty, charming men whom the women love. And maybe some of the men as well.
The figures I have seen say 1 in 4 women suffers from domestic abuse.

And I am calling bullshit on those numbers. No fucking way, in America today.

You calling bullshit does not change the facts.
When have your kind ever had facts?

Not sure what you mean by "your kind". If you mean handsome, intelligent, witty and charming, I guess I fit the bill.

The facts i have read on several sites dealing with domestic & sexual abuse.
You know exactly what I mean, stop pretending.

Yeah, I do. Funny, most people don't consider a pro 2nd amendment, pro tax reform, anti big govt and constitutionalist to be a liberal. But you are free to think what you want.
Similar to how some hard alt right evangelicals, fundamentalists, and Pentecostals treat their women, right?
Why? It's common knowledge that such groups have men who brutalize and murder their women. Do you deny it? Those who deny it are trolls and flamers.
Common knowledge as you well know. If you deny it, then you are lying or are very foolish, imo.
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