My Co-worker's 19 yr Old Niece Was Murdered By Her Boyfriend Last Sunday



Last Sunday my co-worker's niece was murdered by her boyfriend. I just wish she had a gun. What was even worse is her mother was on the phone with her when her boyfriend attacked her, and she heard the whole thing: Two women gruesomely killed in Indianapolis by partners with violent histories, police say

"Two women killed last weekend in Indianapolis. Two gruesome crime scenes on the north side. And two men, now facing murder charges, with histories of violence.

On Saturday morning, 37-year-old Sarah Serna was found dead on a couch inside a boarding house apartment. Nearby, police recovered a sledgehammer, the apparent murder weapon.

On Sunday evening, 19-year-old Liv Harrison died after police say her boyfriend stabbed her at least 28 times. A blood-soaked knife, containing a seven-and-a-half inch blade, laid near her body."

Liv Harrison
Around 6 p.m. on Sunday, officers were called to a house in the 1700 block of Stevenson Street on the north side.

The front door was open, according to a probable cause affidavit. Officers were greeted with the sounds of a woman screaming: "Break down the door!"

Officers pushed open a bedroom door.

They saw 19-year-old Liv Harrison sprawled across the floor, the affidavit said, her body covered in stab wounds and cuts.

Above her stood 26-year-old Ronald Tucker Jr., knife in hand. A female relative of Tucker's stood nearby.

Officers tried to separate Tucker from the witness while commanding him to drop the knife, court documents say.

Tucker didn't. Instead, he first cut his own throat, police said. Then he tried to stab himself in the stomach.

A officer used a stun gun, which sent Tucker to the ground. Still, he fought officers, even spitting blood into an officer's face and mouth.

Eventually, officers arrested him, which began by taking him to Eskenazi Hospital for treatment.

Harrison was pronounced dead at the scene. An autopsy found 28 injuries on her body. Her death was caused by injuries to her head and neck, according to the coroner.

Investigators interviewed Tucker's relative, who said she shared the home with Tucker and Harrison. Harrison had been there for six months, the relative said, and she and Tucker had been arguing recently about Harrison's desire to return to California, where she's from.


Indianapolis Metropolitan Police officers say Ronald Tucker Jr, 26, fatally stabbed Liv Harrison. (Photo: Provided by IMPD)

On Sunday, Harrison returned home from work with a few friends, the relative said, and talked again about wanting to return to California. That angered Tucker.

As Harrison gathered her belongings in a bedroom, the two started arguing. There was no physical contact, the relative said, until Tucker started stabbing Harrison with a knife.

The relative pleaded with Tucker to stop, she said, but Tucker continued stabbing. When the relative tried to escape the room, Tucker moved in front of the door frame to block her exit.

Tucker declined to speak with detectives, but one officer said Tucker said: "I killed her but I loved her."

He's under police custody while at Eskenazi Hospital. He's facing charges of murder, criminal confinement, intimidation and battery.

"We grieve for the family of the victim and encourage anyone in a violent relationship to reach out for help," IMPD Chief Bryan Roach said in a statement. "Abusive behavior should not be tolerated in any home, especially behind the guise of love."​

Would a gun have saved her? Probably not.

Rape rates in Alaska are the highest in the country, by a long way, and Alaska has a high rate of gun ownership.

They have rifles, which women don't carry around with them....also, women are the group with the lowest gun ownership rates.

Guns are the most effective way for a woman to protect herself from attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."
The OP wanted to talk about guns and he used the death of a girl in which no gun was used to introduce the subject.

Good gosh, LoneLaugher. The young woman was mudwhistle's coworker's daughter. You're just wrong. Mudwhistle knows when to show respect and when to introduce a subject. I've read his posts for years. He has deep feelings for people and his words as a rule of thumb, are nothing but appropriate.

Who do you think you're fooling?
My....these serial killers or these murderers have good taste...

in my next life I will study the mentality of these monsters.... I want to know the why... why they went for them...

and not for the others...
I wouldn't bother, Skye. Cain slew Abel his brother over a piece of meat. The killer here decided to kill a woman because she was leaving his house of hate. Some people do not learn to let go of their hate, even when taught that forgiveness is better than revenge. Mean people have ears, but do not hear or refuse to accept what they hear. It's that simple.

And you hate to judge a book by its cover, but this guy looked toxic and not very bright. Toxic and not very bright means run to most women. But she was very young.
That girl would be alive today if not for the liberals on this message board.
The OP wanted to talk about guns and he used the death of a girl in which no gun was used to introduce the subject.

For once in your life...............

What? Let an asshole use someones death to express his irrational fear over losing his guns without calling him out?

Nope. Not a chance.
Exactly where is it you think he did that? Can you quote what you seem to be outraged about?
The OP wanted to talk about guns and he used the death of a girl in which no gun was used to introduce the subject.

For once in your life...............

What? Let an asshole use someones death to express his irrational fear over losing his guns without calling him out?

Nope. Not a chance.
That's a false stereotype.
Most people that own guns have them for a reason.
They use them for defense or they collect them.
I haven't fired any of my guns.
The last time I fired one was when I was in the military. I have been trained extensively on them.

I deeply dislike game hunting. I think most of them just like killing helpless little animals for the fun of it.
But I'm not the type of person that enjoys taking other people's rights away like you do.

My major beef is that liberals on the left keep trying to take away our rights under the constitution.
I hate to break it to you, but you're a fool who's being used by leftists to push their agenda.
The only reason they want to take our guns is because guns make it more difficult for them to take more rights away.
It also makes us more fearful and dependent on government.

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Last Sunday my co-worker's niece was murdered by her boyfriend. I just wish she had a gun. What was even worse is her mother was on the phone with her when her boyfriend attacked her, and she heard the whole thing: Two women gruesomely killed in Indianapolis by partners with violent histories, police say

"Two women killed last weekend in Indianapolis. Two gruesome crime scenes on the north side. And two men, now facing murder charges, with histories of violence.

On Saturday morning, 37-year-old Sarah Serna was found dead on a couch inside a boarding house apartment. Nearby, police recovered a sledgehammer, the apparent murder weapon.

On Sunday evening, 19-year-old Liv Harrison died after police say her boyfriend stabbed her at least 28 times. A blood-soaked knife, containing a seven-and-a-half inch blade, laid near her body."

Liv Harrison
Around 6 p.m. on Sunday, officers were called to a house in the 1700 block of Stevenson Street on the north side.

The front door was open, according to a probable cause affidavit. Officers were greeted with the sounds of a woman screaming: "Break down the door!"

Officers pushed open a bedroom door.

They saw 19-year-old Liv Harrison sprawled across the floor, the affidavit said, her body covered in stab wounds and cuts.

Above her stood 26-year-old Ronald Tucker Jr., knife in hand. A female relative of Tucker's stood nearby.

Officers tried to separate Tucker from the witness while commanding him to drop the knife, court documents say.

Tucker didn't. Instead, he first cut his own throat, police said. Then he tried to stab himself in the stomach.

A officer used a stun gun, which sent Tucker to the ground. Still, he fought officers, even spitting blood into an officer's face and mouth.

Eventually, officers arrested him, which began by taking him to Eskenazi Hospital for treatment.

Harrison was pronounced dead at the scene. An autopsy found 28 injuries on her body. Her death was caused by injuries to her head and neck, according to the coroner.

Investigators interviewed Tucker's relative, who said she shared the home with Tucker and Harrison. Harrison had been there for six months, the relative said, and she and Tucker had been arguing recently about Harrison's desire to return to California, where she's from.


Indianapolis Metropolitan Police officers say Ronald Tucker Jr, 26, fatally stabbed Liv Harrison. (Photo: Provided by IMPD)

On Sunday, Harrison returned home from work with a few friends, the relative said, and talked again about wanting to return to California. That angered Tucker.

As Harrison gathered her belongings in a bedroom, the two started arguing. There was no physical contact, the relative said, until Tucker started stabbing Harrison with a knife.

The relative pleaded with Tucker to stop, she said, but Tucker continued stabbing. When the relative tried to escape the room, Tucker moved in front of the door frame to block her exit.

Tucker declined to speak with detectives, but one officer said Tucker said: "I killed her but I loved her."

He's under police custody while at Eskenazi Hospital. He's facing charges of murder, criminal confinement, intimidation and battery.

"We grieve for the family of the victim and encourage anyone in a violent relationship to reach out for help," IMPD Chief Bryan Roach said in a statement. "Abusive behavior should not be tolerated in any home, especially behind the guise of love."​

Would a gun have saved her? Probably not.

Rape rates in Alaska are the highest in the country, by a long way, and Alaska has a high rate of gun ownership.
Wrong... but anyway, So don't even try huh.... What a moron



Last Sunday my co-worker's niece was murdered by her boyfriend. I just wish she had a gun. What was even worse is her mother was on the phone with her when her boyfriend attacked her, and she heard the whole thing: Two women gruesomely killed in Indianapolis by partners with violent histories, police say

"Two women killed last weekend in Indianapolis. Two gruesome crime scenes on the north side. And two men, now facing murder charges, with histories of violence.

On Saturday morning, 37-year-old Sarah Serna was found dead on a couch inside a boarding house apartment. Nearby, police recovered a sledgehammer, the apparent murder weapon.

On Sunday evening, 19-year-old Liv Harrison died after police say her boyfriend stabbed her at least 28 times. A blood-soaked knife, containing a seven-and-a-half inch blade, laid near her body."

Liv Harrison
Around 6 p.m. on Sunday, officers were called to a house in the 1700 block of Stevenson Street on the north side.

The front door was open, according to a probable cause affidavit. Officers were greeted with the sounds of a woman screaming: "Break down the door!"

Officers pushed open a bedroom door.

They saw 19-year-old Liv Harrison sprawled across the floor, the affidavit said, her body covered in stab wounds and cuts.

Above her stood 26-year-old Ronald Tucker Jr., knife in hand. A female relative of Tucker's stood nearby.

Officers tried to separate Tucker from the witness while commanding him to drop the knife, court documents say.

Tucker didn't. Instead, he first cut his own throat, police said. Then he tried to stab himself in the stomach.

A officer used a stun gun, which sent Tucker to the ground. Still, he fought officers, even spitting blood into an officer's face and mouth.

Eventually, officers arrested him, which began by taking him to Eskenazi Hospital for treatment.

Harrison was pronounced dead at the scene. An autopsy found 28 injuries on her body. Her death was caused by injuries to her head and neck, according to the coroner.

Investigators interviewed Tucker's relative, who said she shared the home with Tucker and Harrison. Harrison had been there for six months, the relative said, and she and Tucker had been arguing recently about Harrison's desire to return to California, where she's from.


Indianapolis Metropolitan Police officers say Ronald Tucker Jr, 26, fatally stabbed Liv Harrison. (Photo: Provided by IMPD)

On Sunday, Harrison returned home from work with a few friends, the relative said, and talked again about wanting to return to California. That angered Tucker.

As Harrison gathered her belongings in a bedroom, the two started arguing. There was no physical contact, the relative said, until Tucker started stabbing Harrison with a knife.

The relative pleaded with Tucker to stop, she said, but Tucker continued stabbing. When the relative tried to escape the room, Tucker moved in front of the door frame to block her exit.

Tucker declined to speak with detectives, but one officer said Tucker said: "I killed her but I loved her."

He's under police custody while at Eskenazi Hospital. He's facing charges of murder, criminal confinement, intimidation and battery.

"We grieve for the family of the victim and encourage anyone in a violent relationship to reach out for help," IMPD Chief Bryan Roach said in a statement. "Abusive behavior should not be tolerated in any home, especially behind the guise of love."​

Would a gun have saved her? Probably not.

Rape rates in Alaska are the highest in the country, by a long way, and Alaska has a high rate of gun ownership.
Wrong... but anyway, So don't even try huh.... What a moron


Your argument is an insult. We all know that means you don't actually have an argument.
The OP wanted to talk about guns and he used the death of a girl in which no gun was used to introduce the subject.

For once in your life...............

What? Let an asshole use someones death to express his irrational fear over losing his guns without calling him out?

Nope. Not a chance.
That's a false stereotype.
Most people that own guns have them for a reason.
They use them for defense or they collect them.
I haven't fired any of my guns.
The last time I fired one was when I was in the military. I have been trained extensively on them.

I deeply dislike game hunting. I think most of them just like killing helpless little animals for the fun of it.
But I'm not the type of person that enjoys taking other people's rights away like you do.

My major beef is that liberals on the left keep trying to take away our rights under the constitution.
I hate to break it to you, but you're a fool who's being used by leftists to push their agenda.
The only reason they want to take our guns is because guns make it more difficult for them to take more rights away.
It also makes us more fearful and dependent on government.

Allie is great....

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