NYT president: I told Trump calling journalists "enemy of the people" will lead to violence

The right continues to call for violence, and at least one person was murdered (run over) by a far right conservative.

There are a great number of incidents where liberals have actually been violent in their protests. You really want to go there?

The NYT is blind. When the Left does not get get their way or the Left wants to preserve their way, violence ensues. Trump embracing or admonishing the media has no impact. Truth be told, sounds like the NYT was threatening that there will be violence. Most of the media is comprised of angry leftists who have no problem with violence when it is aligned with their side. The American People know this which is why they voted Trump.
The right continues to call for violence, and at least one person was murdered (run over) by a far right conservative.

There are a great number of incidents where liberals have actually been violent in their protests. You really want to go there?

The NYT is blind. When the Left does not get get their way or the Left wants to preserve their way, violence ensues. Trump embracing or admonishing the media has no impact. Truth be told, sounds like the NYT was threatening that there will be violence. Most of the media is comprised of angry leftists who have no problem with violence when it is aligned with their side. The American People know this which is why they voted Trump.

Trump has been a president for a year and half where is the widespread liberhul “VIOLENCE!!!” to match your rhetoric? :rolleyes:
They all imply violence, and that is enough.

Do understand, that Charlottesville the hard right mixed it up with antifa and good their asses beat.

That will always be the case. Always. The hard right are marshmellows and you know it.
Idiot, none of those are examples of slamming the media.
Jackass, I never mentioned the media. I was talking about inciting violence PERIOD against all people. And the CEO of the NYT was talking about incidents that happened outside the USA.

AND none of those are true or come anywhere near declaring the media enemy of the people.
Again, jerk, I never said a word about the media. And they are absolutely true. Obama and Holder played a very big part in inflaming violence and tension against police asnd others all across the country. I'll take a cop over a lying reporter any day.

You show a SINGLE instance of Obama supporting rioting or making categorical disparaging comments about cops.

Police group director: Obama caused a 'war on cops'

Obama Blames Police - Baltimore Moves Him Closer to Federalization of Policing - www.independentsentinel.com

Once Again, Obama Tries To Deflect Blame For Police Shootings | Investor's Business Daily

7 Disgusting Things Obama Said While Hijacking Memorial For Slain Dallas Police

Police groups blame Obama, Black Lives Matter for "war on cops"



George Zimmerman: Obama inflamed racial tensions against me

Shocking: Proof That Michelle And Barack Obama Are Racists
The right continues to call for violence, and at least one person was murdered (run over) by a far right conservative.

There are a great number of incidents where liberals have actually been violent in their protests. You really want to go there?

The NYT is blind. When the Left does not get get their way or the Left wants to preserve their way, violence ensues. Trump embracing or admonishing the media has no impact. Truth be told, sounds like the NYT was threatening that there will be violence. Most of the media is comprised of angry leftists who have no problem with violence when it is aligned with their side. The American People know this which is why they voted Trump.

Trump has been a president for a year and half where is the widespread liberhul “VIOLENCE!!!” to match your rhetoric? :rolleyes:

Follow the ANTIFA trail, for one. They are not conservatives.
Funny....fake news responsible for increasing division and helping spread violent intolerance doing all it can to stop the proverbial ass-kicking Trump keeps giving them by exposing them...
Even If You Spit Out the Bubblegum, You Still Chewed It Before Doing So

Division and violent intolerance are no worse than before, even though they get publicized in a narrowly focused airwave torrent. Once again, opponents of the media are accepting the media's view of reality.
Funny....fake news responsible for increasing division and helping spread violent intolerance doing all it can to stop the proverbial ass-kicking Trump keeps giving them by exposing them...
Even If You Spit Out the Bubblegum, You Still Chewed It Before Doing So

Division and violent intolerance are no worse than before, even though they get publicized in a narrowly focused airwave torrent. Once again, opponents of the media are accepting the media's view of reality.
Intolerant violence, especially from the Left have NEVER been higher than now. Just because the Liberal media tells you it ain't so does not make it so.
Of course since it's a fact that the MSM is in bed with Democrats....Obama and Hillary practically running the Democrat Party.....clearly they are the reason the press has decided to label Trump a traitor....it's clear what they're doing. They are fomenting sedition.

...how is that worse than FOX News (clearly a Republican mill)

For starters, Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith would take issue with that.

But Nicolle Wallace and Hugh Hewitt will not?


Republicans/Conservatives with their own time slots on MSNBC, that’s who.


I know who they are. I was referring to their importance.

They do not play Republicans/Conservatives well.
...how is that worse than FOX News (clearly a Republican mill)

For starters, Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith would take issue with that.

But Nicolle Wallace and Hugh Hewitt will not?


Republicans/Conservatives with their own time slots on MSNBC, that’s who.


I know who they are. I was referring to their importance.

They do not play Republicans/Conservatives well.

I'm showing you two clear examples of Republicans at MSNBC, with their own shows no less. You've got no counter-argument and are just down to fucktard denials.
Funny....fake news responsible for increasing division and helping spread violent intolerance doing all it can to stop the proverbial ass-kicking Trump keeps giving them by exposing them...

Tell me, how would you characterize Trump? Isn't he just as right wing as Goldwater?

Trump ran a racist campaign against Obama for 5 years. Then he won. Apparently, racism gets a pass these days.

Immediately after Obama took office, a bunch of idiots donned revolutionary era clothing, called themselves the tea party, then gathered together to burn effigies of Obama and wave racist slogans. Is this not a sharp move to the right?

Later on Ted Nugent, the washed up rocker beloved by Republicans, said that if Obama was reelected, he'd either be dead or in jail in a year. How would you describe that? After Trump won, Nugent shook hands with Trump in the Oval Office. That's the reward for threatening a sitting president.

Then there's Alex Jones, the sick conspiracy guy beloved by millions of right wingers, who also love Trump. This guy says no kids were killed at Sandy Hook and Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring in the basement of a pizza joint. Trump has appeared on his show. And on election night, Jones congratulated Trump.

So tell me, why does all this crazy fucked up right wing shit get a pass, but Democrats nationwide are commie assholes because HC uttered the word "deplorables" once?
Name any real influence or institutional power that those types have other than Trump. None really beyond elected offices. Schooling, news media and entertainment, which all influence culture and public opinion the most, are firmly under the left side's control. They claim to have a monopoly on truth and decency when they clearly do not, and have shown themselves more than willing to deceive, mislead and indoctrinate in order to achieve their own ends. I'm no republican but you'd have to be as ignorant as any one of them not to see that fact plain as day. It doesn't mean everyone on the left is bad, it just means that everyone is very capable of being hypocritical and nefarious in pursuit of their ideology.

As far as the educational system here are the FACTS regarding that.

The biased MSM is educated by biased liberal (here is a link from a former lawyer for the Black Panthers.... David Horowitz) colleges.

The vastly disproportionate presence of leftist professors on university campuses across the United States has been well documented.
One of the first studies on this subject was conducted in 2003 by the Center for the Study of Popular Culture (CSPC, now called the David Horowitz Freedom Center), David Horowitz Freedom Center

which examined the ratio of registered Democrats to registered Republicans on the faculties of 32 elite colleges and universities nationwide.
In its examinations of more than 150 departments and upper-level administrations at the 32 colleges and universities,
the CSPC found that the overall ratio of registered Democrats to registered Republicans was greater than than 10-to-1 (1,397 Democrats, 134 Republicans).

The One-Party University - Discover the Networks
Before Making Whores Out of Their Flunkies, the Plutocrats Put Them Through a Rape Room

Then why do Right Wing businessmen require degrees from Left Wing academentia? If they weren't sadists, they would demand that the universities award a practical degree without imposing any core courses and electives.
Idiot, none of those are examples of slamming the media.
Jackass, I never mentioned the media.

...Idiot, you were complaning about a MEDIA CFO coming to Trump to talk about his remarks re. the MEDIA, but not coming to Obama to complain about [NOT MEDIA]

Jackass, I never mentioned the media. If you can mention Trump, I can mention Obama. If you want to talk strictly MEDIA then all I can say is: James Rosen. Where was the concern for the media there?

Fox Reporter James Rosen Called ‘Co-Conspirator,’ Targeted Like AP Scandal


Why the AP scandal is so scary - NY Daily News

Common denominator, that vicious, tyrannical malevolence, Barack Obama. Where was the CEO of the NYT then????? :rolleyes:
For starters, Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith would take issue with that.

But Nicolle Wallace and Hugh Hewitt will not?


Republicans/Conservatives with their own time slots on MSNBC, that’s who.


I know who they are. I was referring to their importance.

They do not play Republicans/Conservatives well.

I'm showing you two clear examples of Republicans at MSNBC, with their own shows no less. You've got no counter-argument and are just down to fucktard denials.

I'm telling you that their masks are askew.

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