NYT president: I told Trump calling journalists "enemy of the people" will lead to violence

Funny....fake news responsible for increasing division and helping spread violent intolerance doing all it can to stop the proverbial ass-kicking Trump keeps giving them by exposing them...

Tell me, how would you characterize Trump? Isn't he just as right wing as Goldwater?

Trump ran a racist campaign against Obama for 5 years. Then he won. Apparently, racism gets a pass these days.

Immediately after Obama took office, a bunch of idiots donned revolutionary era clothing, called themselves the tea party, then gathered together to burn effigies of Obama and wave racist slogans. Is this not a sharp move to the right?

Later on Ted Nugent, the washed up rocker beloved by Republicans, said that if Obama was reelected, he'd either be dead or in jail in a year. How would you describe that? After Trump won, Nugent shook hands with Trump in the Oval Office. That's the reward for threatening a sitting president.

Then there's Alex Jones, the sick conspiracy guy beloved by millions of right wingers, who also love Trump. This guy says no kids were killed at Sandy Hook and Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring in the basement of a pizza joint. Trump has appeared on his show. And on election night, Jones congratulated Trump.

So tell me, why does all this crazy fucked up right wing shit get a pass, but Democrats nationwide are commie assholes because HC uttered the word "deplorables" once?
Any campaign against their (failed) New Messiah would be labelled "racist" by liberal scum.

This is not news.
The media threatens violence? They realize Trump is CIC of the armed forces right. :auiqs.jpg:

The DNC media INCITES violence on a daily basis. It's not just Maxine Waters and Keith Elison calling on people to riot. It's fucking gutter scum like Don Lemon and Joe Scarborough as well.

The democrat press is the enemy of the American people, utterly dedicated to the destruction of the nation and the Constitution it is based upon.

Trump naming many of them for what they clearly are is not the cause of the rising animosity.

Media is free to write and publish what it wants. People are free to react to it as they will.

Freedom is not without consequences.

Hey NO question about what you said... Media can write what they want!
And so can Trump and the millions of the rest of us who KNOW that the MSM conflates...hyperbolates i.e. print/show headlines for attention which sells advertising.
That's it. What Trump and the rest of us can do is educate more people NOT to believe the MSM.

You tell me what I'm suppose think about this statement:

Gordon Peterson: "What do you think, Evan? Are the mainstream media bashing the president[GWB--in 2007] unfairly?"
Evan Thomas:publisher of NewsWeek: "Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do almost --"
Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President'

Now I have to point out to you I guess that there was ONLY ONE President during 2007... George Bush would you agree?

So when Thomas says our job is to bash the President...
Pretty damn clear that Thomas says that's what the MSM is suppose to do!

BUT when it came to Obama?
He's standing above us!
Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

Now are you going to BASH a sort of God who stands above you? I mean this is a hardened wizened news editor and he gushes about Obama?
Think what kind of kid glove handling Obama received and here is the proof.
View attachment 207552
Breaking news. Obama is not president and he never spewed the evil Trump does.


Trump naming many of them for what they clearly are is not the cause of the rising animosity.

Media is free to write and publish what it wants. People are free to react to it as they will.

Freedom is not without consequences.

Hey NO question about what you said... Media can write what they want!
And so can Trump and the millions of the rest of us who KNOW that the MSM conflates...hyperbolates i.e. print/show headlines for attention which sells advertising.
That's it. What Trump and the rest of us can do is educate more people NOT to believe the MSM.

You tell me what I'm suppose think about this statement:

Gordon Peterson: "What do you think, Evan? Are the mainstream media bashing the president[GWB--in 2007] unfairly?"
Evan Thomas:publisher of NewsWeek: "Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do almost --"
Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President'

Now I have to point out to you I guess that there was ONLY ONE President during 2007... George Bush would you agree?

So when Thomas says our job is to bash the President...
Pretty damn clear that Thomas says that's what the MSM is suppose to do!

BUT when it came to Obama?
He's standing above us!
Evan Thomas "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

Now are you going to BASH a sort of God who stands above you? I mean this is a hardened wizened news editor and he gushes about Obama?
Think what kind of kid glove handling Obama received and here is the proof.
View attachment 207552
Breaking news. Obama is not president and he never spewed the evil Trump does.

1 hr


Trump naming many of them for what they clearly are is not the cause of the rising animosity.

Media is free to write and publish what it wants. People are free to react to it as they will.

Freedom is not without consequences.
Of course since it's a fact that the MSM is in bed with Democrats....Obama and Hillary practically running the Democrat Party.....clearly they are the reason the press has decided to label Trump a traitor....it's clear what they're doing. They are fomenting sedition.

...how is that worse than FOX News (clearly a Republican mill) people running Trump administration communication department?

Sean-fn-Hannity practically has a desk at the White House and keeps getting caught with his pants down while manufacturing bs conspiracies for Trump.
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Trump naming many of them for what they clearly are is not the cause of the rising animosity.

Media is free to write and publish what it wants. People are free to react to it as they will.

Freedom is not without consequences.
Of course since it's a fact that the MSM is in bed with Democrats....Obama and Hillary practically running the Democrat Party.....clearly they are the reason the press has decided to label Trump a traitor....it's clear what they're doing. They are fomenting sedition.

...how is that worse than FOX News (clearly a Republican mill)

For starters, Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith would take issue with that.
Funny....fake news responsible for increasing division and helping spread violent intolerance doing all it can to stop the proverbial ass-kicking Trump keeps giving them by exposing them...

Tell me, how would you characterize Trump? Isn't he just as right wing as Goldwater?

Trump ran a racist campaign against Obama for 5 years. Then he won. Apparently, racism gets a pass these days.

Immediately after Obama took office, a bunch of idiots donned revolutionary era clothing, called themselves the tea party, then gathered together to burn effigies of Obama and wave racist slogans. Is this not a sharp move to the right?

Later on Ted Nugent, the washed up rocker beloved by Republicans, said that if Obama was reelected, he'd either be dead or in jail in a year. How would you describe that? After Trump won, Nugent shook hands with Trump in the Oval Office. That's the reward for threatening a sitting president.

Then there's Alex Jones, the sick conspiracy guy beloved by millions of right wingers, who also love Trump. This guy says no kids were killed at Sandy Hook and Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring in the basement of a pizza joint. Trump has appeared on his show. And on election night, Jones congratulated Trump.

So tell me, why does all this crazy fucked up right wing shit get a pass, but Democrats nationwide are commie assholes because HC uttered the word "deplorables" once?
Name any real influence or institutional power that those types have other than Trump. None really beyond elected offices. Schooling, news media and entertainment, which all influence culture and public opinion the most, are firmly under the left side's control. They claim to have a monopoly on truth and decency when they clearly do not, and have shown themselves more than willing to deceive, mislead and indoctrinate in order to achieve their own ends. I'm no republican but you'd have to be as ignorant as any one of them not to see that fact plain as day. It doesn't mean everyone on the left is bad, it just means that everyone is very capable of being hypocritical and nefarious in pursuit of their ideology.

Trump naming many of them for what they clearly are is not the cause of the rising animosity.

Media is free to write and publish what it wants. People are free to react to it as they will.

Freedom is not without consequences.
Of course since it's a fact that the MSM is in bed with Democrats....Obama and Hillary practically running the Democrat Party.....clearly they are the reason the press has decided to label Trump a traitor....it's clear what they're doing. They are fomenting sedition.

...how is that worse than FOX News (clearly a Republican mill)

For starters, Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith would take issue with that.

But Nicolle Wallace and Hugh Hewitt will not?
Funny....fake news responsible for increasing division and helping spread violent intolerance doing all it can to stop the proverbial ass-kicking Trump keeps giving them by exposing them...

Tell me, how would you characterize Trump? Isn't he just as right wing as Goldwater?

Trump ran a racist campaign against Obama for 5 years. Then he won. Apparently, racism gets a pass these days.

Immediately after Obama took office, a bunch of idiots donned revolutionary era clothing, called themselves the tea party, then gathered together to burn effigies of Obama and wave racist slogans. Is this not a sharp move to the right?

Later on Ted Nugent, the washed up rocker beloved by Republicans, said that if Obama was reelected, he'd either be dead or in jail in a year. How would you describe that? After Trump won, Nugent shook hands with Trump in the Oval Office. That's the reward for threatening a sitting president.

Then there's Alex Jones, the sick conspiracy guy beloved by millions of right wingers, who also love Trump. This guy says no kids were killed at Sandy Hook and Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring in the basement of a pizza joint. Trump has appeared on his show. And on election night, Jones congratulated Trump.

So tell me, why does all this crazy fucked up right wing shit get a pass, but Democrats nationwide are commie assholes because HC uttered the word "deplorables" once?
Name any real influence or institutional power that those types have other than Trump. None really beyond elected offices. Schooling, news media and entertainment, which all influence culture and public opinion the most, are firmly under the left side's control. They claim to have a monopoly on truth and decency when they clearly do not, and have shown themselves more than willing to deceive, mislead and indoctrinate in order to achieve their own ends. I'm no republican but you'd have to be as ignorant as any one of them not to see that fact plain as day. It doesn't mean everyone on the left is bad, it just means that everyone is very capable of being hypocritical and nefarious in pursuit of their ideology.
I'm no republican either and I can smell the stink coming from republican congress as they rush to protect the president rather than go after russia hacking into our elections.. Impeach Rosenstein ,Mueller?? Republicans are no better than low life traitors
Funny....fake news responsible for increasing division and helping spread violent intolerance doing all it can to stop the proverbial ass-kicking Trump keeps giving them by exposing them...

Tell me, how would you characterize Trump? Isn't he just as right wing as Goldwater?

Trump ran a racist campaign against Obama for 5 years. Then he won. Apparently, racism gets a pass these days.

Immediately after Obama took office, a bunch of idiots donned revolutionary era clothing, called themselves the tea party, then gathered together to burn effigies of Obama and wave racist slogans. Is this not a sharp move to the right?

Later on Ted Nugent, the washed up rocker beloved by Republicans, said that if Obama was reelected, he'd either be dead or in jail in a year. How would you describe that? After Trump won, Nugent shook hands with Trump in the Oval Office. That's the reward for threatening a sitting president.

Then there's Alex Jones, the sick conspiracy guy beloved by millions of right wingers, who also love Trump. This guy says no kids were killed at Sandy Hook and Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring in the basement of a pizza joint. Trump has appeared on his show. And on election night, Jones congratulated Trump.

So tell me, why does all this crazy fucked up right wing shit get a pass, but Democrats nationwide are commie assholes because HC uttered the word "deplorables" once?
Name any real influence or institutional power that those types have other than Trump. None really beyond elected offices. Schooling, news media and entertainment, which all influence culture and public opinion the most, are firmly under the left side's control. They claim to have a monopoly on truth and decency when they clearly do not, and have shown themselves more than willing to deceive, mislead and indoctrinate in order to achieve their own ends. I'm no republican but you'd have to be as ignorant as any one of them not to see that fact plain as day. It doesn't mean everyone on the left is bad, it just means that everyone is very capable of being hypocritical and nefarious in pursuit of their ideology.

As far as the educational system here are the FACTS regarding that.

The biased MSM is educated by biased liberal (here is a link from a former lawyer for the Black Panthers.... David Horowitz) colleges.

The vastly disproportionate presence of leftist professors on university campuses across the United States has been well documented.
One of the first studies on this subject was conducted in 2003 by the Center for the Study of Popular Culture (CSPC, now called the David Horowitz Freedom Center), David Horowitz Freedom Center

which examined the ratio of registered Democrats to registered Republicans on the faculties of 32 elite colleges and universities nationwide.
In its examinations of more than 150 departments and upper-level administrations at the 32 colleges and universities,
the CSPC found that the overall ratio of registered Democrats to registered Republicans was greater than than 10-to-1 (1,397 Democrats, 134 Republicans).

The One-Party University - Discover the Networks
Funny....fake news responsible for increasing division and helping spread violent intolerance doing all it can to stop the proverbial ass-kicking Trump keeps giving them by exposing them...

Tell me, how would you characterize Trump? Isn't he just as right wing as Goldwater?

Trump ran a racist campaign against Obama for 5 years. Then he won. Apparently, racism gets a pass these days.

Immediately after Obama took office, a bunch of idiots donned revolutionary era clothing, called themselves the tea party, then gathered together to burn effigies of Obama and wave racist slogans. Is this not a sharp move to the right?

Later on Ted Nugent, the washed up rocker beloved by Republicans, said that if Obama was reelected, he'd either be dead or in jail in a year. How would you describe that? After Trump won, Nugent shook hands with Trump in the Oval Office. That's the reward for threatening a sitting president.

Then there's Alex Jones, the sick conspiracy guy beloved by millions of right wingers, who also love Trump. This guy says no kids were killed at Sandy Hook and Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring in the basement of a pizza joint. Trump has appeared on his show. And on election night, Jones congratulated Trump.

So tell me, why does all this crazy fucked up right wing shit get a pass, but Democrats nationwide are commie assholes because HC uttered the word "deplorables" once?
Name any real influence or institutional power that those types have other than Trump. None really beyond elected offices. Schooling, news media and entertainment, which all influence culture and public opinion the most, are firmly under the left side's control. They claim to have a monopoly on truth and decency when they clearly do not, and have shown themselves more than willing to deceive, mislead and indoctrinate in order to achieve their own ends. I'm no republican but you'd have to be as ignorant as any one of them not to see that fact plain as day. It doesn't mean everyone on the left is bad, it just means that everyone is very capable of being hypocritical and nefarious in pursuit of their ideology.
I'm no republican either and I can smell the stink coming from republican congress as they rush to protect the president rather than go after russia hacking into our elections.. Impeach Rosenstein ,Mueller?? Republicans are no better than low life traitors
Are they supposed to indict the same people that Mueller has? Really. Mueller is charged with leading the investigation into that and they've not yet obstructed him bringing up charges on foreign entities that have done the actual hacking and such.

I agree with you otherwise: some republicans are quick to just run interference for Trump rather than just letting the investigation unearth whatever it will. If Trump is clean like they say he is then there's nothing to worry about.
Funny....fake news responsible for increasing division and helping spread violent intolerance doing all it can to stop the proverbial ass-kicking Trump keeps giving them by exposing them...

Tell me, how would you characterize Trump? Isn't he just as right wing as Goldwater?

Trump ran a racist campaign against Obama for 5 years. Then he won. Apparently, racism gets a pass these days.

Immediately after Obama took office, a bunch of idiots donned revolutionary era clothing, called themselves the tea party, then gathered together to burn effigies of Obama and wave racist slogans. Is this not a sharp move to the right?

Later on Ted Nugent, the washed up rocker beloved by Republicans, said that if Obama was reelected, he'd either be dead or in jail in a year. How would you describe that? After Trump won, Nugent shook hands with Trump in the Oval Office. That's the reward for threatening a sitting president.

Then there's Alex Jones, the sick conspiracy guy beloved by millions of right wingers, who also love Trump. This guy says no kids were killed at Sandy Hook and Hillary Clinton ran a pedophile ring in the basement of a pizza joint. Trump has appeared on his show. And on election night, Jones congratulated Trump.

So tell me, why does all this crazy fucked up right wing shit get a pass, but Democrats nationwide are commie assholes because HC uttered the word "deplorables" once?
Name any real influence or institutional power that those types have other than Trump. None really beyond elected offices. Schooling, news media and entertainment, which all influence culture and public opinion the most, are firmly under the left side's control. They claim to have a monopoly on truth and decency when they clearly do not, and have shown themselves more than willing to deceive, mislead and indoctrinate in order to achieve their own ends. I'm no republican but you'd have to be as ignorant as any one of them not to see that fact plain as day. It doesn't mean everyone on the left is bad, it just means that everyone is very capable of being hypocritical and nefarious in pursuit of their ideology.

As far as the educational system here are the FACTS regarding that.

The biased MSM is educated by biased liberal (here is a link from a former lawyer for the Black Panthers.... David Horowitz) colleges.

The vastly disproportionate presence of leftist professors on university campuses across the United States has been well documented.
One of the first studies on this subject was conducted in 2003 by the Center for the Study of Popular Culture (CSPC, now called the David Horowitz Freedom Center), David Horowitz Freedom Center

which examined the ratio of registered Democrats to registered Republicans on the faculties of 32 elite colleges and universities nationwide.
In its examinations of more than 150 departments and upper-level administrations at the 32 colleges and universities,
the CSPC found that the overall ratio of registered Democrats to registered Republicans was greater than than 10-to-1 (1,397 Democrats, 134 Republicans).

The One-Party University - Discover the Networks
Our concept of education in this country needs to be completely scrapped and re-thought from the ground up. It's a relic of the 1920's designed to churn out obedient factory workers, not well developed multi-faceted humans.

Trump naming many of them for what they clearly are is not the cause of the rising animosity.

Media is free to write and publish what it wants. People are free to react to it as they will.

Freedom is not without consequences.
Of course since it's a fact that the MSM is in bed with Democrats....Obama and Hillary practically running the Democrat Party.....clearly they are the reason the press has decided to label Trump a traitor....it's clear what they're doing. They are fomenting sedition.

...how is that worse than FOX News (clearly a Republican mill)

For starters, Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith would take issue with that.

But Nicolle Wallace and Hugh Hewitt will not?

I'm no republican either and I can smell the stink coming from republican congress as they rush to protect the president rather than go after Russia hacking into our elections..
I completely agree. What are they waiting for?

Russian Interference began in 2014; yet, no one is attempting to hold President Obama accountable for learning all about it and doing nothing to stop it.

2014, btw, was the year Obama:
- Learned about Russian Interference...and allowed them to continue.

- Ignored the US promise to help protect the Ukraine's sovereign border and allowed Putin to militarily annex Crimea

- Allowed 6 foreign entities steal / acquire TOP SECRET+ data from Hillary's illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured (all illegal) server

Obama's own Cabinet members / advisors have admitted Obama learned of Russian interference in 2014 and they did almost nothing to end it.

If ANYONE is investigating 'Russian Interference' how can you NOT go back to when it began - back in 2014 - and begin your investigation there?

The fact that Mueller did NOT do that proves he is running a witch hunt.

Congress needs to get on the ball and begin investigating Obama, his 2014 Cabinet, and their facilitating the Russian interference.
Trump naming many of them for what they clearly are is not the cause of the rising animosity.

Media is free to write and publish what it wants. People are free to react to it as they will.

Freedom is not without consequences.
Of course since it's a fact that the MSM is in bed with Democrats....Obama and Hillary practically running the Democrat Party.....clearly they are the reason the press has decided to label Trump a traitor....it's clear what they're doing. They are fomenting sedition.

...how is that worse than FOX News (clearly a Republican mill)

For starters, Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith would take issue with that.

But Nicolle Wallace and Hugh Hewitt will not?


Republicans/Conservatives with their own time slots on MSNBC, that’s who.

I wonder how many times the CEO of NYT went to Obumma when he was slamming cops, supporting riots and racial tension, etc., that it might lead to violence? Anyone know?

Idiot, none of those are examples of slamming the media.

AND none of those are true or come anywhere near declaring the media enemy of the people.

You show a SINGLE instance of Obama supporting rioting or making categorical disparaging comments about cops.

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