NYT: Prosecutors Signal Charges Likely Against Trump

Yes, it was nonsense that republicans refused to vote guilty, even though they admitted he was guilty after the vote, but MAGAs care more about protecting trump than they do about the country.
Yes, it was nonsense that republicans refused to vote guilty, even though they admitted he was guilty after the vote, but MAGAs care more about protecting trump than they do about the country.
More nonsense.
Who told you all that crazy crap? Try to make a complete sentence every once in a while. It will help you to not sound like a 6 year old.
If you haven't noticed the United States is being treated { Micromanaged }
as if a large Nursery school.Freedoms are being denied.Sane conservative
Citizens are treated worse than convicted felons.
Crime is no longer treated seriously.Voting Conservative is now
treated as if some new form of White Nationalism or MAGAism.
Like Making America Great is some Evil.
You've been played like a card shark who likes knowing how
how to cheat while having the time of his life.
Translation ... There is an obvious epidemic of spineless lack
of morals and a conscience.Turning away from this epidemic is like
those in Transylvania taking for granted how Dracula operated and
merely hiding in their cottages with the wooden shutters closed
and locked.
If you haven't noticed the United States is being treated { Micromanaged }
as if a large Nursery school.Freedoms are being denied.Sane conservative
Citizens are treated worse than convicted felons.
Crime is no longer treated seriously.Voting Conservative is now
treated as if some new form of White Nationalism or MAGAism.
Like Making America Great is some Evil.
You've been played like a card shark who likes knowing how
how to cheat while having the time of his life.
Translation ... There is an obvious epidemic of spineless lack
of morals and a conscience.Turning away from this epidemic is like
those in Transylvania taking for granted how Dracula operated and
merely hiding in their cottages with the wooden shutters closed
and locked.
So much bullshit, so little concern to cover all of it. What freedom has been denied, and who did that?
Yes, it was nonsense that republicans refused to vote guilty, even though they admitted he was guilty after the vote, but MAGAs care more about protecting trump than they do about the country.
I guess in Moron school they dint teach yuz about the word
{ America } as in MAGA.
So much bullshit, so little concern to cover all of it. What freedom has been denied, and who did that?
Oh! absolutely none.Everything is just hunky dory like Grandmas
fresh baked apple pie.
Oh! that is IF Grandma is still around.If Governor Cuomo
was still in Office he'd probably make sure more Grandmas
and Grandpas were denied visitation by Family.While in Nursing
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We know the Traitor lied at first about banging Stephanie Clifford, a.k.a "Stormy Daniels". He then, when confronted with the evidence of his lying about banging Ms. Clifford admitted to the extra-marital affair with her (Melania was pregnant at the time).

Then there was story about the Traitor paying off Ms. Clifford, using his then bag man Michael Cohen as the go between. He lied about any such payments.

Then when evidence of such payments having been made, he admitted to it. Then came the story that the Traitor reimbursed Cohen for the money that Cohen gave to Clifford, which the Traitor lied about having paid to her. The Traitor lied about reimbursing Cohen, until Cohen ponied up a picture with the Traitor's scrawl on it. Then the Traitor fessed to that as well.

Then Cohen went federal prison for his part in all of it, and the Traitor kicked him under the bus. Then after Cohen was released, he decided to write about what had happened, and the Traitor had his butt boy billy bar send Cohen back to prison for writing book. Cohen was released after a period of time, nothing your own personal A.G. to do you bidding.

Indictments are coming down. Fuck Traitor and his slimy group single digit, dead from the neck up meat headed supporters.
The only traitor is you, you are human excrement supporting evil!
These fuktards of the mentally deranged order, have been spewing this bullshit since his first day in Oval Office.......and they haven't fucking shut thier spewing shitholes since.

And nobody has done nothing to Trump. And they won't.
The four years in office, he could not be charged with crimes under DOJ policy.

So it's been two years where they could charge him with crimes, and we are still waiting....still nada!

NY State is required under law to give the target the opportunity to testify before the grand jury in their own defense, before charges can be brought.

If this offer truly was made to Trump, then NY State is likely bringing charges....

Buttttttt, again....that fat lady has not sung!
Four unnamed people with supposed knowledge of the matter say something could happen that’s rock solid. (Sarcasm)
I think I read me about some Four Horseman and the
Apocalypse.Or was it the Four Horseman OF the
Biden Administration.
Oh! absolutely none.Everything is just hunky dory like Grandmas
fresh baked apple pie.
Oh! that is IF Grandma is still around.If Governor Cuomo
was still in Office he'd probably make sure more Grandmas
and Grandpas were denied visitation by Family.While in Nursing
That's it? Some high risk people were quarantined during a pandemic, and you call that losing our rights? That's just goofy. An example of lost rights is when women are denied the right to make their own decisions on healthcare. You MAGAs are such childish, petty little idiots, aren't you?
The Manhattan district attorney’s office recently signaled to Donald J. Trump’s lawyers that he could face criminal charges for his role in the payment of hush money to a porn star, the strongest indication yet that prosecutors are nearing an indictment of the former president, according to four people with knowledge of the matter.

And this is just the beginning.
Nobody discredits trump but trump.
Well aside from the fact that this is demonstrably untrue inasmuch as the Media complex have done nothing else but for the past six and a half years with no signs of slowing down.....it has some element of
reality to it. If Trump had Pence's personality and manners along with his strong convictions....he would be POTUS for life. But alas he never has been able to control himself.
Well aside from the fact that this is demonstrably untrue inasmuch as the Media complex have done nothing else but for the past six and a half years with no signs of slowing down.....it has some element of
reality to it. If Trump had Pence's personality and manners along with his strong convictions....he would be POTUS for life. But alas he never has been able to control himself.
Most children can't control themselves. Trump is no exception.
Most children can't control themselves. Trump is no exception.
Most of History's Great leaders were narcissists.....Trump is no exception to either of those two terms.
Obama on the other had was simply a narcissist,
The Traitor May Face An Anonymous Jury In High-Profile Defamation Law Suit.

Donald Trump and the New York author who claims he raped her in the 1990s may get an anonymous jury at their upcoming defamation trial — an unusual scenario for a civil case with high-profile litigants.

E. Jean Carroll, once a prominent advice columnist with Elle magazine, went public in 2019 with her claim that the former president raped her in a dressing room, and then sued him for defamation when he called her a liar. The trial is set to start April 10.

US District Judge Lewis Kaplan in Manhattan on Saturday issued an order asking Trump and Carroll to respond by March 17 if they have any objections to using an anonymous jury. Kaplan didn’t elaborate on his reasoning, though it’s a clear signal that he’s concerned about the privacy of jurors who will hand down a verdict in a politically charged case involving a 2024 presidential candidate.

For the MAGA MAGGOT Mind Impair (Stupid, dumb as sack of hammers) an anonymous jury means the name of jurors would not be released.

By NOT releasing the names this would prevent those who might think they affect the outcome of the trial by intimidating or bribing those jurors is prevented.
Judge OKs Use of Access Hollywood Tape In Trump's Defamation Suit

NEW YORK — The longtime magazine columnist who accused former President Donald Trump of raping her in the 1990s can use the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape as evidence at trial in her defamation case, a federal judge ruled Friday.

The Manhattan judge also rejected Trump’s effort to block the columnist, E. Jean Carroll, from using the testimony of two other women who previously accused him of sexual assault.

District Judge Lewis Kaplan wrote that “a jury reasonably could find, even from the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape alone, that Mr. Trump admitted in the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape that he in fact has had contact with women’s genitalia in the past without their consent, or that he has attempted to do so.”

In the tape, a recording from 2005 that was widely scrutinized during the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump boasts, “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything,” adding: “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Though Carroll’s 2019 lawsuit alleges only defamation, not sexual assault itself, Judge Kaplan found that “in order to prevail on her libel claim, Ms. Carroll must prove that Mr. Trump sexually assaulted her.”

Without proving the underlying claim of sexual assault, the judge wrote, “she cannot establish that Mr. Trump’s charge that her story was a lie and a hoax was false.

The tape demonstrates a pattern of behavior. In that tape, the Traitor boasts about sexually assaulting women.
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