NYT: Prosecutors Signal Charges Likely Against Trump

I worry a criminal trial would turn Trump into a martyr-like figure. That's probably not a good argument not to prosecute, but we should not just assume that this is going to tank him. Hitler was tried and convicted - that's obviously an extreme example, but there are so many strongmen-ish figures who've been tried and convicted and clawed their way back to power.

Silvio Berlusconi has been tried (numerous times) and convicted, and he's a player again.

Recep Erdogan was jailed and is now a de facto strongman in Turkey - has been for over a decade.

Bibi Netanyahu.


I could go on.
I worry a criminal trial would turn Trump into a martyr-like figure. That's probably not a good argument not to prosecute, but we should not just assume that this is going to tank him. Hitler was tried and convicted - that's obviously an extreme example, but there are so many strongmen-ish figures who've been tried and convicted and clawed their way back to power.

Silvio Berlusconi has been tried (numerous times) and convicted, and he's a player again.

Recep Erdogan was jailed and is now a de facto strongman in Turkey - has been for over a decade.

Bibi Netanyahu.


I could go on.
That's not really a good excuse to let him get away with his crimes.
That's not really a good excuse to let him get away with his crimes.

The problem for the Traitor right now is simple, no matter where he turns he is facing legal challenges. He is losing on all fronts. Georgia, New York State and Manhattan are all on his ass.

The California A.G. Bonta, he is rumored to looking land deals made by the the Traitor in our state. The Traitor lawyers are as sick group silly ass fucks as one can find. The "Kracken" Powell used a woman who claim to a decapitated ghost, who saw things and heard things no one else could hear. Ghoulie has been disbarred in at least one state, and butt boy billy barr is knee in shit he created.

Will the Traitor go to jail....there is no provision for a former U.S. President to go to prison. He will spend the rest of his miserable life under house arrest at one of his properties, the rest will be forfeit. He will have lost his money, what little he has left. His supporters will cheer for him, but that will mean very little. He will be the diminished little boy he has always been.

He may even continue his ill advised run for the WH, but he will lose. He will gain little or traction in the primaries. His chances for the nomination are slim, nil and none. He will call his loss a fake or go independent and split the ConJob vote. The Traitor set out to destroy the Republican Party...he succeeded.
Paying her off violated multiple laws. The campaign law violation is a felony.
Paying for an NDA violated no laws at all.

Bragg is going to have a fucking hard time proving that an act in NY legal in NY becomes a felony for an alleged violation of FEDERAL law which the Federal prosecutors didn’t even seek to charge.

Your analysis is really stupid, skrewed. Maybe you’re channeling too much Bragg.
Paying for an NDA violated no laws at all.

Bragg is going to have a fucking hard time proving that an act in NY legal in NY becomes a felony for an alleged violation of FEDERAL law which the Federal prosecutors didn’t even seek to charge.

Your analysis is really stupid, skrewed. Maybe you’re channeling too much Bragg.
We'll see, won't we? So far, the court doesn't seem to have a problem with it.
The Manhattan district attorney’s office recently signaled to Donald J. Trump’s lawyers that he could face criminal charges for his role in the payment of hush money to a porn star, the strongest indication yet that prosecutors are nearing an indictment of the former president, according to four people with knowledge of the matter.

And this is just the beginning.
"Former President Donald Trump faces a felony charge, a source told CBS News Saturday. A person familiar with the matter told CBS News that Trump is being charged with falsifying business records in the first degree, a felony in New York State."

Paying for an NDA violated no laws at all.
Who says that is the main charge?

"Former President Donald Trump faces a felony charge, a source told CBS News Saturday. A person familiar with the matter told CBS News that Trump is being charged with falsifying business records in the first degree, a felony in New York State."

We'll see, won't we? So far, the court doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

The Traitor does not have a great track record court wise. Not even his hand picked SCOTUS seems deal him the way he wants.
Who says that is the main charge?

"Former President Donald Trump faces a felony charge, a source told CBS News Saturday. A person familiar with the matter told CBS News that Trump is being charged with falsifying business records in the first degree, a felony in New York State."

I didn’t say what was rhe main charge. But I’d guess that felony is the main charge.

It stems from the NDA. If you’re a moron like Dainty (and maybe like Bragg) you see the hush money payment as a crime. It isn’t. And then, you pretend that it was made for the purpose of and with the intent to conceal some other crimw. 🙄. What “other crime?” Some alleged violation of a FEDERAL campaign law that neither the DOJ nor the FEC bothered with because its nonsensical.

Dainty, your simple little brain is impervious to education.
I didn’t say what was rhe main charge. But I’d guess that felony is the main charge.

It stems from the NDA. If you’re a moron like Dainty (and maybe like Bragg) you see the hush money payment as a crime. It isn’t. And then, you pretend that it was made for the purpose of and with the intent to conceal some other crimw. 🙄. What “other crime?” Some alleged violation of a FEDERAL campaign law that neither the DOJ nor the FEC bothered with because its nonsensical.

Dainty, your simple little brain is impervious to education.
You appear to be regurgitating a Trump line of defense. Well, the facts speak for themselves.


APRIL 2018​

Trump, when asked by reporters if he knew about the payment to Daniels, responded, "No." Asked why Cohen made the payment, Trump said, "You'll have to ask Michael Cohen."

MAY 2018 In an ethics disclosure, Trump acknowledges reimbursing Cohen for the $130,000 paid for Daniels.

JULY 2018​

Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump's personal lawyers at the time, says Cohen recorded a conversation with Trump two months before the 2016 election in which the two discussed a potential payment to McDougal. Trump denies wrongdoing and calls Cohen's tape "perhaps illegal."

AUGUST 2018​

Cohen pleads guilty to criminal charges in Manhattan federal court, including campaign finance violations over the hush money payments. He testified that Trump directed him to make the payments "for the principal purpose of influencing the election."

In their indictment of Cohen, prosecutors say a candidate for federal office referred to as "Individual-1" arranged the payments. Trump was not charged with a crime. Geoffrey Berman, the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan at the time, later confirmed that Trump was Individual-1.


Trump, on Twitter, calls the hush money payments a "simple private transaction." In an interview with Reuters, he says the payment to Daniels "wasn't a campaign contribution" and "there was no violation based on what we did."

AUGUST 2019​

Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan District Attorney at the time, issues a subpoena to the Trump Organization - Trump's family real estate company - for records of hush money payments.

JULY 2021​

Vance's office indicts the Trump Organization and its top financial executive on tax fraud charges. Trump himself is not charged with a crime, and the indictment contains no references to hush money payments.
You appear to be regurgitating a Trump line of defense. Well, the facts speak for themselves.


You appear to be brain dead. Oh wait. You are brain dead.

Even your non sequiturs suck. Like you.
You appear to be brain dead. Oh wait. You are brain dead.

Even your non sequiturs suck. Like you.
Go back and look up terms in a dictionary. Then try and use terms appropriately. - Your very welcome. Hope you pass your High School English exams.
That would be pretty sweet for DeSantis. If they hit Trump with charges, his support would plummet. All of it will swing right to DeSantis, making him the clear pick. This would actually be a huge win for the GOP. Yeah Trump suffers from it, but the GOP would take the White House with ease.

Charges against Trump guarantees a 2024 victory for conservatives. If he gets his foot in the door, DeSantis will almost certainly be president until 2032.
/—-/ And what delusional world you must live in, if you think the democRATs and media would leave DeSantis alone. They are already attacking him for banning books.

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