NYT Reporter: The White House Is So Much Cockier Right Now


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May 22, 2012
NYT Reporter: The White House Is So Much Cockier Right Now (Video)​

by Jim Hoft
December 9, 2012

NY Times reporter Helene Cooper told the panel on Meet the Press that Obama will have to own the recession if the US economy goes off the cliff.
Via TowhHall:

Helene Cooper: VIDEO

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXKN8EEFyWY]Cooper: WH Acting Cockier, Not Willing To Negotiate - YouTube[/ame]​

“I think when you talk about the feeling at the White House, there’s a palpable difference now compared to 2011 — the summer of 2011. They are so much cockier right now at the White House than they were a year and a half ago when they were doing this. They really believe they’re have set out — you come to us, we’re not going to negotiate against ourselves. [Remember] the summer of 2011, when President Obama was perceived, and they believed at the White House, that he kept making concession after concession and didn’t get anywhere? They are definitely not doing that now.”

Cooper also went on to say Obama will own the recession if the US economy goes off the cliff.

Read it all:
So the President has stopped negotiating with political terrorists and is now extremely confident after being re-elected by a majority of Americans? ...And the bad thing is?
So the President has stopped negotiating with political terrorists and is now extremely confident after being re-elected by a majority of Americans? ...And the bad thing is?

Hmm..., Who are the true political terrorists? Those who mouth the words of comprimise, or those who approach the table with real comprimise? Why is it that Oblamer continues to say, "I won and it's my way or the highway".
Who does Oblamer now blame for the mess of four years that he's inherited?
So the President has stopped negotiating with political terrorists and is now extremely confident after being re-elected by a majority of Americans? ...And the bad thing is?

Hmm..., Who are the true political terrorists? Those who mouth the words of comprimise, or those who approach the table with real comprimise? Why is it that Oblamer continues to say, "I won and it's my way or the highway".
Who does Oblamer now blame for the mess of four years that he's inherited?

Because the other side has held this country hostage and done everything possible to drag it's feet and destroy our way of life because they think the President is from Kenya?
So the President has stopped negotiating with political terrorists and is now extremely confident after being re-elected by a majority of Americans? ...And the bad thing is?

Hmm..., Who are the true political terrorists? Those who mouth the words of comprimise, or those who approach the table with real comprimise? Why is it that Oblamer continues to say, "I won and it's my way or the highway".
Who does Oblamer now blame for the mess of four years that he's inherited?

Because the other side has held this country hostage and done everything possible to drag it's feet and destroy our way of life because they think the President is from Kenya?

Actually, its even worse than that.

They know our president was born in Hawaii but they also know they can control the minds of the mindless fox watchers and they have used that.

As for President Obama - he's doing what every other second term prez has done. He's using his political clout to get what he was elected to do.

The problem is, the R still hasn't admitted that Obama (the LEFT) won.

Its time for the rw's to sit back and take it.

You can go to the polls again in four years and, very likely, lost again because Obama, the Ds, Libs, progressive policies are what the US wants.
Remember, back before he was elected the first time, the rw's didn't even know Hawaii is a state.

THAT is how the whole birther crap started. It was the ignorance of the rw that started it.
Obama will get his tax increase, economy will tank and it will still be Boooooooosh fault
Why shouldn't they be cocky? They just handed the GOP a defining defeat and threw back the billions corporate America and fat cat billionaires spent to buy the election.

I'd say they've got a pretty good reason to feel sure of themselves, wouldn't you?
Remember, back before he was elected the first time, the rw's didn't even know Hawaii is a state.

THAT is how the whole birther crap started. It was the ignorance of the rw that started it.

fuck you say! bamie didn't even know how many states there were.
So the President has stopped negotiating with political terrorists and is now extremely confident after being re-elected by a majority of Americans? ...And the bad thing is?

Hmm..., Who are the true political terrorists? Those who mouth the words of comprimise, or those who approach the table with real comprimise? Why is it that Oblamer continues to say, "I won and it's my way or the highway".
Who does Oblamer now blame for the mess of four years that he's inherited?

Because the other side has held this country hostage and done everything possible to drag it's feet and destroy our way of life because they think the President is from Kenya?

It's a horrible notation to see people like you so "Brainwashed" by the Social-Marxists of this nation. The Republican Congress has passed many Bills to repair the problems of this nation, it's Nancy Reid and the Democrats working in the Senate majority that have blocked any forward movement to save this nation.
Hmm..., Who are the true political terrorists? Those who mouth the words of comprimise, or those who approach the table with real comprimise? Why is it that Oblamer continues to say, "I won and it's my way or the highway".
Who does Oblamer now blame for the mess of four years that he's inherited?

Because the other side has held this country hostage and done everything possible to drag it's feet and destroy our way of life because they think the President is from Kenya?

It's a horrible notation to see people like you so "Brainwashed" by the Social-Marxists of this nation. The Republican Congress has passed many Bills to repair the problems of this nation, it's Nancy Reid and the Democrats working in the Senate majority that have blocked any forward movement to save this nation.

Do I really need to post a list of the bills the Republicans have blocked that would have benefitted Americans since Obama's election? I don't want to because it's long and it'll muddle up the thread but I'll drop some science if you're denying reality.
Why shouldn't they be cocky? They just handed the GOP a defining defeat and threw back the billions corporate America and fat cat billionaires spent to buy the election.

I'd say they've got a pretty good reason to feel sure of themselves, wouldn't you?

Isn't that really the best part?

all those BILLLLLIONS of BUCKS and they still lost.

Scum like Kochs, Adelson, Cheney, Rove - they thought the United States is for sale and they were wrong.

We recognized the empty suit Romney for what he is and we dumped him.

Poor Mittens just met a boxer and felt he had to introduce himself as having lost the prez race. Weird. And, a loser.

Adelson and Kochs say they plan to spend even more next time but Adelson will still have to face the current charges. Can't buy off the court. tsk tsk tsk
Because the other side has held this country hostage and done everything possible to drag it's feet and destroy our way of life because they think the President is from Kenya?

It's a horrible notation to see people like you so "Brainwashed" by the Social-Marxists of this nation. The Republican Congress has passed many Bills to repair the problems of this nation, it's Nancy Reid and the Democrats working in the Senate majority that have blocked any forward movement to save this nation.

Do I really need to post a list of the bills the Republicans have blocked that would have benefitted Americans since Obama's election? I don't want to because it's long and it'll muddle up the thread but I'll drop some science if you're denying reality.

Denying reality is what rw's are good at.

Think of how many more jobs we would have if the damn GObP hadn't been so busy filibustering and obstruction.

And, look at how they hate our First and Second Ladies for working FOR our vets while they LOVE the damn Rs for voting against our disabled vets.

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