NYT Reporter: The White House Is So Much Cockier Right Now

NYT Reporter: The White House Is So Much Cockier Right Now (Video)​

by Jim Hoft
December 9, 2012

NY Times reporter Helene Cooper told the panel on Meet the Press that Obama will have to own the recession if the US economy goes off the cliff.
Via TowhHall:

Helene Cooper: VIDEO

“I think when you talk about the feeling at the White House, there’s a palpable difference now compared to 2011 — the summer of 2011. They are so much cockier right now at the White House than they were a year and a half ago when they were doing this. They really believe they’re have set out — you come to us, we’re not going to negotiate against ourselves. [Remember] the summer of 2011, when President Obama was perceived, and they believed at the White House, that he kept making concession after concession and didn’t get anywhere? They are definitely not doing that now.”

Cooper also went on to say Obama will own the recession if the US economy goes off the cliff.

Read it all:

Wehrwolfen, please keep up the good work. You should be on the DNC payroll.
Remember when the potters won in 2010 and we all thought the country was in the crapper? Remember that the potters ran on the promise of jobs?
The potters have yet to introduce or vote on even one jobs bill?

The country saw the potters being bought by the Kochs.
The country knows they were lied to.

The country voted for Obama.

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