NYT: What’s The Mystery Behind The Sharp Drop Of Arrivals On The Southern Border?

One of the great mysteries of the universe that may never be solved.

For Leftards anyway.

A Sharp Drop in Migrant Arrivals on the Border: What’s Happening?
Your link:

"SAN DIEGO — At its peak, the nonprofit shelter run by Jewish Family Service of San Diego held more than 300 migrants dropped off by United States immigration authorities after they crossed the border from Mexico. Some days this spring were so busy that new arrivals had to be sent to overflow sites.

"Now, the shelter is almost eerily empty.

"The number of people arriving there has plunged in recent weeks amid a precipitous decline in arrivals along the southern border, where the Department of Homeland Security said that apprehensions dropped 28 percent in June."

US policies designed to "discourage" legal immigration are killing children on the border. Too much MAGA?

Migrant Woman Testifies: My Child Died On What Is Mother's Day In My Country
Should have been arrested for endangering her child. Everyone knows it’s just Concentration Camps and gas chambers here.
Should have been arrested for endangering her child. Everyone knows it’s just Concentration Camps and gas chambers here.
MAGA yet?

Migrant Woman Testifies: My Child Died On What Is Mother's Day In My Country

"Juárez said she had fled Guatemala with her daughter, Mariee, because she feared for their lives and hoped for a better future. 'Instead, I watched my baby girl die slowly and painfully just a few months before her second birthday.'

"Mariee had been a healthy and happy baby, making the journey to the U.S. southern border without any health problems, Juárez testified. They spent a few days in a Customs and Border Protection facility she referred to as the 'icebox' for its cold temperature.

"She said they were locked in a cage with about 30 other people, sleeping on a concrete floor."

Juarez and her daughter have the right to apply for asylum without being forced to sleep on concrete floor inside an "icebox."

Her daughter's life was red meat tossed to brain-dead bigots by a POTUS who employed illegal labor for years at his US golf courses.

Pipeline of Undocumented Workers for Trump Golf Course Was ‘Open Secret’: WaPo
One of the great mysteries of the universe that may never be solved.

For Leftards anyway.

A Sharp Drop in Migrant Arrivals on the Border: What’s Happening?
I guess that's the difference between the Left and the Right. The Left wants to know why something works or doesn't work. The Right, thanks to their ideological purity, knows all the answers and don't need facts to muddy the waters.
Yea. That must be it.

Fucking idiots.
If this woman had stayed home her child would still be happy and healthy.
Migrants have a legal right to apply for asylum in the US without sacrificing their children to MAGA.

Teenager Is Latest Migrant Child To Die In U.S. Custody

"A 16-year-old has become the fifth migrant child since December to die after being apprehended at the U.S. border."
Maybe they shouldn't make the trek while they are sick. Anyway Trump is taking care of it, and Mexico is paying for it!
If this woman had stayed home her child would still be happy and healthy.
Migrants have a legal right to apply for asylum in the US without sacrificing their children to MAGA.

Teenager Is Latest Migrant Child To Die In U.S. Custody

"A 16-year-old has become the fifth migrant child since December to die after being apprehended at the U.S. border."
Maybe they shouldn't make the trek while they are sick. Anyway Trump is taking care of it, and Mexico is paying for it!
Maybe they shouldn't make the trek while they are sick. Anyway Trump is taking care of it, and Mexico is paying for it!
The child was healthy before Trump's goons got their hands on her:

Migrant Woman Testifies: My Child Died On What Is Mother's Day In My Country

"Mariee had been a healthy and happy baby, making the journey to the U.S. southern border without any health problems, Juárez testified. They spent a few days in a Customs and Border Protection facility she referred to as the 'icebox' for its cold temperature. She said they were locked in a cage with about 30 other people, sleeping on a concrete floor."

Why do you think CBP houses asylum seekers in "iceboxes"?
If this woman had stayed home her child would still be happy and healthy.
Migrants have a legal right to apply for asylum in the US without sacrificing their children to MAGA.

Teenager Is Latest Migrant Child To Die In U.S. Custody

"A 16-year-old has become the fifth migrant child since December to die after being apprehended at the U.S. border."
Maybe they shouldn't make the trek while they are sick. Anyway Trump is taking care of it, and Mexico is paying for it!
Maybe they shouldn't make the trek while they are sick. Anyway Trump is taking care of it, and Mexico is paying for it!
The child was healthy before Trump's goons got their hands on her:

Migrant Woman Testifies: My Child Died On What Is Mother's Day In My Country

"Mariee had been a healthy and happy baby, making the journey to the U.S. southern border without any health problems, Juárez testified. They spent a few days in a Customs and Border Protection facility she referred to as the 'icebox' for its cold temperature. She said they were locked in a cage with about 30 other people, sleeping on a concrete floor."

Why do you think CBP houses asylum seekers in "iceboxes"?
The same happened under Obama you stupid shit, but you don't care if it happens under your guy. Remember about 6 weeks ago Pelosi and Schumer said there was no crisis. Also if you really care about the children, you would care about all the homeless children living with hypodermic needles and human waste in Pelosi"s city. But you don't, so fuck off.
Simple solution? Tax the remittances thru Western Union 50%......and kiss about 10 million of the taco-benders adios. Without Juan's money coming in from los estados, Maria will take up with Pedro and Juan knows it.
Also, check the border weather temperatures. (Only because I live in the Mojave.).

Hotter than a two-peckered goat out there now.....takes a gallon of water a day to stay alive holding still.....two or three if you're walking....3 day walk....a gallon of water weighs a little over 8 pounds.....that's 72lbs....not many women can do that...hell, not a lot of men can do that. Walk at night and there's the rattlers....Mojave rattler now in the cobra class of neuro-toxins. Fall behind, get left behind.

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