NYTs: Biden is "alarmingly incoherent".

The Amazing Biden is rescuing America

It will take TWO terms to repair the damage done by Trump
Face reality, dude. You're going to stretch that out as far as you can. If we have 4 straight democrat presidents, you're going to be declaring it until the last one leaves office.
I'll just stand over here and LMAO.

The "amazing" Bidung is a walking, talking disaster.

The price of everything has gone up and the border is a mess with a million more illegals in our country.

Illegals that cost us billions each year. He's dumped illegals all over the country instead of bussing them back to the border. If he's your idea of a good POTUS then you are one dumb fuck.

You deserve that idiot but the rest of us sure don't. Good Lord.
This whole thread is a farce.

First, the headline is a downright untruth. The NYT's editorial board never wrote that Biden was "alarmingly incoherent." It was Brett Stephens, a conservative columnist and Biden critic that made the statement in an opinion piece.

Second, the OP makes an additional false statement when he writes in his opening post that Biden lost the NYTs.

Only when the NYT's editorial board makes a statement like that will it ring true, which they did not do here, but now, it is just another fabrication.
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Even the Times thinks the President of the United States is "alarmingly incoherent" today but the consensus of the liberal media is that we are O.K. for the next three years. Does that make sense?
Yes, because he’s a Demo-RAT
The Amazing Biden is making America GREAT again

Like it was under Obama

^^^This is the kind of delusion that spreads Joe Biden's Big Lies, like this one:

Fact Check: Did Joe Biden spread misinformation on COVID vaccines?

The president claimed at a CNN town hall that people vaccinated against COVID do not get hospitalized, need ICU treatment, or die because of the disease.

The president said there is a pandemic for those who are not vaccinated against COVID. He went on to claim: "If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in an ICU unit, and you are not going to die."

Biden also said: "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations."
Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one. Trump was in charge and therefore gets the heat.
When Sleepy Joe was running against Trump he said anyone who can’t get the Virus under control is unfit to be POTUS. That obviously included him for more then one reason
I'll just stand over here and LMAO.

The "amazing" Bidung is a walking, talking disaster.

The price of everything has gone up and the border is a mess with a million more illegals in our country.

Illegals that cost us billions each year. He's dumped illegals all over the country instead of bussing them back to the border. If he's your idea of a good POTUS then you are one dumb fuck.

You deserve that idiot but the rest of us sure don't. Good Lord.
The Amazing Biden received more votes than any President in HISTORY!
This whole thread is a farce.

First, the headline is a downright untruth. The NYT's editorial board never wrote that Biden was "alarmingly incoherent." It was Brett Stephens, a conservative columnist and Biden critic that made the statement in an opinion piece.

Second, the OP makes an additional false statement when he writes in his opening post that Biden lost the NYTs.

Only when the NYT's editorial board makes a statement like that will it ring true, which they did not do here, but now, it is just another fabrication.
In a pigs ass he did. He got handed a stolen election and if you think he got 80 million votes it just shows what a fool you are.

Bidung is a walking, talking disaster and you voted for that walking, talking disaster. Congrats.

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