NYTs: Biden is "alarmingly incoherent".

The UK went through a similar situation in the early 19th Century when George III lost his marbles.

The liberal Congress should follow Parliament's lead and have Sleepy Joe's son act as regent until his pop regains his cognitive abilities.
Joe sounded very angry at republicans on Tuesday...what does he have to be angry about at those weak ass frightened clowns?....

Hell Lyndsey Graham and his pals are collecting dollars to give to Liz so she can run for president...talk about out of touch....
When a Dem loses the NYTs, he is toast. Even lefties are admitting Biden isn't all there.

Brett Stephens is a wingnut neo-con. Do you like neo-cons?
The DNC should book a theatre, and having a showing of "Weekend at Bernies" for their operatives, so they can learn to fake Sleepy Joe's coherentness.
Only democrat presidents shit their pants on a visit with the Pope AND let go with a large smelly fart at the Dutchess of Cornwall.
Did you inspect the britches for shit? I doubt it very seriously, it was probably just another shart like all old men have.
The funny thing about the OP, and stephens op ed, is that compares Biden's cognition to Reagan's prior to his winning a second term in perhaps the largest landslide of most of our lives AND TRUMP's inability to hold a GLASS OF WATER. Perhaps we can presume Nostril did not read the actual op ed.

But what gave me the biggest chuckle is that while I NEVER voted for Reagan, in his second term he actually proposed getting rid of all of the Soviet and US nukes. Reagan's advisors were aghast. But what struck me at the time was realizing Reagan (the old warmonger) had consistently suggested this because he thought the womd were a danger to humanity and inconsistent with his view of a deity or God. I've doubts about Biden's actual beliefs. I've always thought he at heart has always wanted a guaranteed income and cradle to grave govt care. But I don't see senility affecting either Reagan's or Biden's views of what they want for America.
Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one. Trump was in charge and therefore gets the heat.
LIAR. Trump stopped the funding, and Fau-Chi got around the stop, yet the MSM lies to protect Fau-Chi?!

Do try to keep up and keep your TDS under control.


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