NYT's Paul Krugman: Pay For Entitlements With Death Panels

Who's that Great and Terrible OZ (liberal) behind the curtain? It's none other than Paul Krugman...

Yet liberals on this board, in the media and even abroad, attacked Sarah Palin when she pulled that curtain back and exposed this liberal attitude as it is alluded to in Obamacare language... I seriously find liberal idiots puke worthy~
Who's that Great and Terrible OZ (liberal) behind the curtain? It's none other than Paul Krugman...

Yet liberals on this board, in the media and even abroad, attacked Sarah Palin when she pulled that curtain back and exposed this liberal attitude as it is alluded to in Obamacare language... I seriously find liberal idiots puke worthy~

just the facts ma'am

Inflating Your Way To Prosperity

One thing I often see in comments is people attributing to me, or to others, the notion that you can inflate your way to prosperity — which is presented as self-evidently absurd.

Well, if you think that it’s self-evidently absurd, you’ve been listening to the wrong people.

Nobody thinks that an economy operating somewhere near full employment can inflate its way to higher output. But under depression conditions — which is what we have now — inflation is very much a positive thing.

Here’s a quick example from Eichengreen and Sachs showing changes in the gold value of currencies 1929-35 versus changes in industrial production; the devaluation of currencies against gold was closely related to the changes in their overall price level:
Slow Learners - NYTimes.com

Inflating Your Way To Prosperity - NYTimes.com


Well, as I’ve said before, Mr. Romney’s “plan” is a sham. It’s a list of things he claims will happen, with no description of the policies he would follow to make those things happen. “We will cut the deficit and put America on track to a balanced budget,” he declares, but he refuses to specify which tax loopholes he would close to offset his $5 trillion in tax cuts.

Actually, if describing what you want to see happen without providing any specific policies to get us there constitutes a “plan,” I can easily come up with a one-point plan that trumps Mr. Romney any day. Here it is: Every American will have a good job with good wages. Also, a blissfully happy marriage. And a pony.

So Mr. Romney is faking it. His real plan seems to be to foster economic recovery through magic, inspiring business confidence through his personal awesomeness. But what about the man he wants to kick out of the White House?

The jobs will come from the great American economy when Pubs stop obstructing and fear mongering with the stupid debt ceiling crisis/fiscal cliff/sequestration and learn how to compromise, idiot dupe.

The republicans have been more then happy to compromise. The problem is the Democrats, who want the Republicans to sacrifice stuff without sacrificing stuff of their own.
The jobs will come from the great American economy when Pubs stop obstructing and fear mongering with the stupid debt ceiling crisis/fiscal cliff/sequestration and learn how to compromise, idiot dupe. Change the channel- hoping for your recovery, chump of the idiot greedy rich.

The frustrating thing about pro-communist parasites like you is that you know damn well that your policies create poverty and failure, but you don't care. You just lie and pretend, because you want to get your greedy hands on other people's money.

Case in point - here is Detroit. A city run and ruled by radical left-wing liberal policy for over 60 years. A booming auto industry which was collapsed by radical liberal unions, liberal taxes which caused poverty, liberal policy on crime caused rampant crime. Here it is, and cannot be denied (though that won't stop your greedy ass from trying):

PHOTOS: A crumbling Detroit? ? Glenn Beck
You're a gd brainwashed ignorant Beckbot fool/chicken little. You're so far off the charts you think pragmatic centrists are commies, and old cokehead DJ Beck is a genius and Nobel Prize winner Krugman is an idiot. STFU and read something. 90% chance racist.

Detroit's problem was shytty management and design. NOW FIXED by Obama's braintrust, SHYTTEHEAD. lol

Yes - from LIBERALS stupid. That's what Dumbocrats give us - "shytty management and design". And that's why Obama has collapsed the world economy.

Thank God that the American people turned to conservatives in the November 2010 elections - and those conservatives are now the governors of states and are turning around the economy in their states - despite the economic marxist policies that were crushing this country.

You're just a greedy communist parasite trying to get your hands on other people's money. We all see through you - hence your "opinion" that communism is better doesn't mean shit to any of us.
The jobs will come from the great American economy when Pubs stop obstructing and fear mongering with the stupid debt ceiling crisis/fiscal cliff/sequestration and learn how to compromise, idiot dupe. Change the channel- hoping for your recovery, chump of the idiot greedy rich.

The frustrating thing about pro-communist parasites like you is that you know damn well that your policies create poverty and failure, but you don't care. You just lie and pretend, because you want to get your greedy hands on other people's money.

Case in point - here is Detroit. A city run and ruled by radical left-wing liberal policy for over 60 years. A booming auto industry which was collapsed by radical liberal unions, liberal taxes which caused poverty, liberal policy on crime caused rampant crime. Here it is, and cannot be denied (though that won't stop your greedy ass from trying):

PHOTOS: A crumbling Detroit? ? Glenn Beck
You're a gd brainwashed ignorant Beckbot fool/chicken little. You're so far off the charts you think pragmatic centrists are commies, and old cokehead DJ Beck is a genius and Nobel Prize winner Krugman is an idiot. STFU and read something. 90% chance racist.

Detroit's problem was shytty management and design. NOW FIXED by Obama's braintrust, SHYTTEHEAD. lol

I love how angry you get in the face of indisputable facts! :lmao:

The pictures do not lie - and neither do the results of 60+ years of idiot liberal leadership. You're side's entire ideology of spread the wealth always ends in poverty and decay. From the former U.S.S.R., to Cuba, to Detroit today.

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