Obama, a lame duck now and if reelected a lame duck then/why bother?

Because a lot of people would rather have a restrained legislature than a legislature with a corroborating executive that churns out laws fundamentally against those people's principles. Ever heard of the strategy that if you can't get what you want then you do everything you can to prevent your opposition from getting what they want? Welcome to politics! Re-electing Obama would be a curb against Republican initiatives. Even with a supermajority his presence would at least force a 60-vote Senate on everything, and the GOP may not always be perfectly aligned on all legislation; it's less-worse than just handing the executive to the Republicans too because oh well what can Bama do--that doesn't make sense.

Also, why would a Dem register with Republicans in order to vote for Romney or Hunstman? Those are probably the two with widest appeal to the center. Maybe Gingrich too I don't know. If Dems are going to start voting in the Republican primaries wouldn't it be best to nominate the candidate with least appeal to the center--i.e. Bachman. What Dem ground troops need to focus on is the House. That is takable because I think the GOPs dogmatic anti-tax platform is not going to rally the middle and will ultimately cost them votes; they're making the mistake of thinking the rest of the country feels just like them.

That's running on the assumption that Obama wins. 50/50 shot at best. That's a huge risk to not want to kick him to the curb and take the same risk only with the possibility to actually elect someone that congress might work with. It's clear that Obama has no hope of passing further legislation.
Obama, a lame duck now and if reelected a lame duck then/why bother?

The SPITE vote, naturally.

If people like you hate the guy, he must be okay.

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