Obama actually did lose Iraq, Graham explains the negotiations.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
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Does Hewitt or Graham tell you that they would be willing to do what Obama wouldn't do? Leave American troops in Iraq without immunity to Iraqi prosecution?
Never should have been there in the first place, they lied to get us there and we could have easily spent another twenty years unsuccessfully trying to pacify the place. I'm sure the pentagon would have enjoyed fighting a war for a generation but America was sick of feeding it's young men and women to that futile wood-chipper. We should also remember that Lindsey never met a wasteful military program he would not be willing to double the budget on.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.
Never should have been there in the first place, they lied to get us there and we could have easily spent another twenty years unsuccessfully trying to pacify the place. I'm sure the pentagon would have enjoyed fighting a war for a generation but America was sick of feeding it's young men and women to that futile wood-chipper. We should also remember that Lindsey never met a wasteful military program he would not be willing to double the budget on.

Did you hear...isis used mustard gas....I wonder where they got that?
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.

Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.
Never should have been there in the first place, they lied to get us there and we could have easily spent another twenty years unsuccessfully trying to pacify the place. I'm sure the pentagon would have enjoyed fighting a war for a generation but America was sick of feeding it's young men and women to that futile wood-chipper. We should also remember that Lindsey never met a wasteful military program he would not be willing to double the budget on.

Did you hear...isis used mustard gas....I wonder where they got that?
Probably Syria, what's your point? Every country in the world has some mustard and nerve gas, that alone is not enough to launch a unilateral attack on a sovereign nation. Bushco made the claim that Iraq was an eminent nuclear threat, that's the real WMD, and it was all a deliberate lie.
Never should have been there in the first place, they lied to get us there and we could have easily spent another twenty years unsuccessfully trying to pacify the place. I'm sure the pentagon would have enjoyed fighting a war for a generation but America was sick of feeding it's young men and women to that futile wood-chipper. We should also remember that Lindsey never met a wasteful military program he would not be willing to double the budget on.

Did you hear...isis used mustard gas....I wonder where they got that?
Probably Syria, what's your point? Every country in the world has some mustard and nerve gas, that alone is not enough to launch a unilateral attack on a sovereign nation. Bushco made the claim that Iraq was an eminent nuclear threat, that's the real WMD, and it was all a deliberate lie.

Sorry. They are in Iraq, and no Bush didn't lie us into the war, every intelligence service believed he had WMD in fact that shows that the weapons inspection process in Iraq was as bad as it could get, and now they want to use the same dopes to inspect iran's nuclear program....wait. That isn't true. iran has already set it up so that no real inspections are going to take place.

And I saw Odierno's press conference....the Generals in sadaam's army swore up and down that sadaam had WMD......after the war.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.

Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.
I totally disagree. In Iraq, after sacrificing almost 6,000 American lives, multi-$Billions spent, devastating a country, and then tucking our tails between our legs and running back home, what was accomplished that would remotely point to a victory? And, in Viet Nam, we sacrificed almost 60,000 American lives, spent multi-$Billions, then picked up our marbles and quit the game, ran back home, and didn't accomplish anything. The same in Afghanistan. All three encounters turned out to be both political and diplomatic wars, with no victory for our soldiers.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.

Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.
I totally disagree. In Iraq, after sacrificing almost 6,000 American lives, multi-$Billions spent, devastating a country, and then tucking our tails between our legs and running back home, what was accomplished that would remotely point to a victory? And, in Viet Nam, we sacrificed almost 60,000 American lives, spent multi-$Billions, then picked up our marbles and quit the game, ran back home, and didn't accomplish anything. The same in Afghanistan. All three encounters turned out to be both political and diplomatic wars, with no victory for our soldiers.

The country was stable...obama pulled the troops before the job was done and didn't deal with iran sending troops, money and supplies to the terrorists, and now he wants to give them the bomb. obama picked up the marbles before the game was over.......

You do realize that World War 2 ended in 1945 and that we still have troops in Germany, and Japan...right, and the Korean war was over in the 50s and we still have troops in South Korea........and obama pulled our troops out as soon as he got into office.....and you blame Bush for losing Iraq.....you guys really need to think before you post.
Never should have been there in the first place, they lied to get us there and we could have easily spent another twenty years unsuccessfully trying to pacify the place. I'm sure the pentagon would have enjoyed fighting a war for a generation but America was sick of feeding it's young men and women to that futile wood-chipper. We should also remember that Lindsey never met a wasteful military program he would not be willing to double the budget on.

Did you hear...isis used mustard gas....I wonder where they got that?
Probably Syria, what's your point? Every country in the world has some mustard and nerve gas, that alone is not enough to launch a unilateral attack on a sovereign nation. Bushco made the claim that Iraq was an eminent nuclear threat, that's the real WMD, and it was all a deliberate lie.

Sorry. They are in Iraq, and no Bush didn't lie us into the war, every intelligence service believed he had WMD in fact that shows that the weapons inspection process in Iraq was as bad as it could get, and now they want to use the same dopes to inspect iran's nuclear program....wait. That isn't true. iran has already set it up so that no real inspections are going to take place.

And I saw Odierno's press conference....the Generals in sadaam's army swore up and down that sadaam had WMD......after the war.
The Valerie Plame affair proves the white house knew better and would take illegal steps to keep anyone from telling the world that their pants were on fire. All they had was "yellow cake and aluminum tubes" which were greeted with extreme skepticism by anyone who had knowledge of the situation and was not in the bag for the white house. History has made it's judgement and found Bushco guilty of extreme willful dishonesty and the real tragedy is that you would vote for and support another god-damned Bush and do it all over again.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.

Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.
I totally disagree. In Iraq, after sacrificing almost 6,000 American lives, multi-$Billions spent, devastating a country, and then tucking our tails between our legs and running back home, what was accomplished that would remotely point to a victory? And, in Viet Nam, we sacrificed almost 60,000 American lives, spent multi-$Billions, then picked up our marbles and quit the game, ran back home, and didn't accomplish anything. The same in Afghanistan. All three encounters turned out to be both political and diplomatic wars, with no victory for our soldiers.

The country was stable...obama pulled the troops before the job was done and didn't deal with iran sending troops, money and supplies to the terrorists, and now he wants to give them the bomb. obama picked up the marbles before the game was over.......

You do realize that World War 2 ended in 1945 and that we still have troops in Germany, and Japan...right, and the Korean war was over in the 50s and we still have troops in South Korea........and obama pulled our troops out as soon as he got into office.....and you blame Bush for losing Iraq.....you guys really need to think before you post.
I do NOT blame Bush, either one of the Bushes, any more than I blame 55 years of anti-America government seated in Washington. By the way, I never said anything about blaming Bush, you injected that yourself.
The Egyptians expended less effort building the pyramids than the neocons will ultimately expend in their effort to construct a myth that will somehow exonerate them in the disaster of Iraq.
The Egyptians expended less effort building the pyramids than the neocons will ultimately expend in their effort to construct a myth that will somehow exonerate them in the disaster of Iraq.

the democrats, who began undermine the war before the first boot touched Iraqi soil, and whose President pulled out our troops and told the terrorists the exact day we would do it...yeah, they didn't cause the problem...considering if anyone knew about the facts on the ground as he was getting ready to pull out the troops it was Obama, you know, the guy in charge....he knew Isis was there and an actual threat and he didn't care....he pulled out our troops before Iraq was ready and the blood is on his hands.
Never should have been there in the first place, they lied to get us there and we could have easily spent another twenty years unsuccessfully trying to pacify the place. I'm sure the pentagon would have enjoyed fighting a war for a generation but America was sick of feeding it's young men and women to that futile wood-chipper. We should also remember that Lindsey never met a wasteful military program he would not be willing to double the budget on.
None of this disputes the OP.

Pure deflection

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