Obama actually did lose Iraq, Graham explains the negotiations.

Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.

Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.

You lie like a rug!

Bush lost the Iraq war & hid the true cost from the American people. Iran supplied Iraq with roadside bombs, soldiers & training. They were killing the hell out of US & coalition forces. Our citizens & coalition partners had it with Abu-Ghraib & Bush-Cheney's lies & told them to kiss their ass.

Bush sent Condi Rice hat in hand to Iran negotiations. Bush offered Iran to keep running centrifuges to make nuclear weapons if they would please stop killing US in Iraq & keep the Shia from fighting US so we could exit. Then he sent $20 Billion Cash to Iraq & surged our troops there. We were getting killed big-time until we paid off the Sunni fighters to stop fighting US.

After giving our enemies everything they wanted to stop fighting US, Bush claimed the surge worked & started our exit from Iraq. After Abu-Ghraib the Iraqi people would not allow US forces to stay in Iraq with immunity to Iraqi prosecution.

Obama had to pull US troops out before filled up their prison with them. Then Obama had to fix the Iran nuclear mess Bush created. Obama is getting Iran to hand over their 10 bomb stockpile of nuclear materials Bush allowed to to amass & halt production of the nuclear materials & bombs.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.

Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.

You lie like a rug!

Bush lost the Iraq war & hid the true cost from the American people. Iran supplied Iraq with roadside bombs, soldiers & training. They were killing the hell out of US & coalition forces. Our citizens & coalition partners had it with Abu-Ghraib & Bush-Cheney's lies & told them to kiss their ass.

Bush sent Condi Rice hat in hand to Iran negotiations. Bush offered Iran to keep running centrifuges to make nuclear weapons if they would please stop killing US in Iraq & keep the Shia from fighting US so we could exit. Then he sent $20 Billion Cash to Iraq & surged our troops there. We were getting killed big-time until we paid off the Sunni fighters to stop fighting US.

After giving our enemies everything they wanted to stop fighting US, Bush claimed the surge worked & started our exit from Iraq. After Abu-Ghraib the Iraqi Parilement & people would not allow US forces to stay in Iraq. Maliki would not give US soldiers immunity to Iraqi prosecution.

Obama had to pull US troops out before Iraq filled up their prison with them. Then Obama had to fix the Iran nuclear mess Bush created. Obama is getting Iran to hand over their 10 bomb stockpile of nuclear materials Bush allowed to to amass & halt production of the nuclear materials & bombs.

Gee, you make it sound like Obozo lied to us...
Flashback Obama We re Leaving Behind A Sovereign Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq - YouTube
Bush lost Iraq and the entire Middle East the instant he invaded Iraq!
You realize that obama was President after Bush...and if he wanted troops to stay in Iraq he would have made it happen
So now Obama is the Emperor of Iraq as well as the Dictator of the USA. :asshole:
Wasn't the mission of Iraq War their self-governance under a democratic government?
No, it was to make as much money for the MIC as possible over the course of twenty years as the war spread to Syria, Libya and Iran. The pentagon has got to be pissed that we are not pouring billions into their pockets to conduct "nation-building" operations all over the middle-east.
You realize that obama was President after Bush...and if he wanted troops to stay in Iraq he would have made it happen
So now Obama is the Emperor of Iraq as well as the Dictator of the USA. :asshole:

No, he was in the position to dictate terms to the corrupt guys in Iraq, we had troops on the ground, we were the ones who made their existence possible, so if we told them we were keeping troops in their country they would have nothing to say...since we didn't go there to free them but to stop their crazies from attacking us over there.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.

Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.

You lie like a rug!

Bush lost the Iraq war & hid the true cost from the American people. Iran supplied Iraq with roadside bombs, soldiers & training. They were killing the hell out of US & coalition forces. Our citizens & coalition partners had it with Abu-Ghraib & Bush-Cheney's lies & told them to kiss their ass.

Bush sent Condi Rice hat in hand to Iran negotiations. Bush offered Iran to keep running centrifuges to make nuclear weapons if they would please stop killing US in Iraq & keep the Shia from fighting US so we could exit. Then he sent $20 Billion Cash to Iraq & surged our troops there. We were getting killed big-time until we paid off the Sunni fighters to stop fighting US.

After giving our enemies everything they wanted to stop fighting US, Bush claimed the surge worked & started our exit from Iraq. After Abu-Ghraib the Iraqi Parilement & people would not allow US forces to stay in Iraq. Maliki would not give US soldiers immunity to Iraqi prosecution.

Obama had to pull US troops out before Iraq filled up their prison with them. Then Obama had to fix the Iran nuclear mess Bush created. Obama is getting Iran to hand over their 10 bomb stockpile of nuclear materials Bush allowed to to amass & halt production of the nuclear materials & bombs.

Gee, you make it sound like Obozo lied to us...
Flashback Obama We re Leaving Behind A Sovereign Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq - YouTube

All politicians lie. You are the one who chose to continue to believe Bush-Cheney. Bush's high school friend General Tommy Franks gave the stand down order to our US forces who had Osama Bin Laden cornered in Tora Bora. He allowed Bin Laden to escape & never chased him again. Pakistan arrested Bin Laden & took Saudi money to care for him. Pakistan allowed Obama to execute Bin Laden, because they respect Obama, not Bush who lied about everything.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.

Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.

You lie like a rug!

Bush lost the Iraq war & hid the true cost from the American people. Iran supplied Iraq with roadside bombs, soldiers & training. They were killing the hell out of US & coalition forces. Our citizens & coalition partners had it with Abu-Ghraib & Bush-Cheney's lies & told them to kiss their ass.

Bush sent Condi Rice hat in hand to Iran negotiations. Bush offered Iran to keep running centrifuges to make nuclear weapons if they would please stop killing US in Iraq & keep the Shia from fighting US so we could exit. Then he sent $20 Billion Cash to Iraq & surged our troops there. We were getting killed big-time until we paid off the Sunni fighters to stop fighting US.

After giving our enemies everything they wanted to stop fighting US, Bush claimed the surge worked & started our exit from Iraq. After Abu-Ghraib the Iraqi Parilement & people would not allow US forces to stay in Iraq. Maliki would not give US soldiers immunity to Iraqi prosecution.

Obama had to pull US troops out before Iraq filled up their prison with them. Then Obama had to fix the Iran nuclear mess Bush created. Obama is getting Iran to hand over their 10 bomb stockpile of nuclear materials Bush allowed to to amass & halt production of the nuclear materials & bombs.

Gee, you make it sound like Obozo lied to us...
Flashback Obama We re Leaving Behind A Sovereign Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq - YouTube

All politicians lie. You are the one who chose to continue to believe Bush-Cheney. Bush's high school friend General Tommy Franks gave the stand down order to our US forces who had Osama Bin Laden cornered in Tora Bora. He allowed Bin Laden to flee & never chased him again. Pakistan arrested Bin Laden & allowed Obama to execute him. They respected Obama, not Bush who lied about everything.

Are you this stupid.....yes. obama was living free in pakistan, and obama didn't want to kill him, had to be told to do it by Leon Panetta........
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.

Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.

You lie like a rug!

Bush lost the Iraq war & hid the true cost from the American people. Iran supplied Iraq with roadside bombs, soldiers & training. They were killing the hell out of US & coalition forces. Our citizens & coalition partners had it with Abu-Ghraib & Bush-Cheney's lies & told them to kiss their ass.

Bush sent Condi Rice hat in hand to Iran negotiations. Bush offered Iran to keep running centrifuges to make nuclear weapons if they would please stop killing US in Iraq & keep the Shia from fighting US so we could exit. Then he sent $20 Billion Cash to Iraq & surged our troops there. We were getting killed big-time until we paid off the Sunni fighters to stop fighting US.

After giving our enemies everything they wanted to stop fighting US, Bush claimed the surge worked & started our exit from Iraq. After Abu-Ghraib the Iraqi Parilement & people would not allow US forces to stay in Iraq. Maliki would not give US soldiers immunity to Iraqi prosecution.

Obama had to pull US troops out before Iraq filled up their prison with them. Then Obama had to fix the Iran nuclear mess Bush created. Obama is getting Iran to hand over their 10 bomb stockpile of nuclear materials Bush allowed to to amass & halt production of the nuclear materials & bombs.

Gee, you make it sound like Obozo lied to us...
Flashback Obama We re Leaving Behind A Sovereign Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq - YouTube

All politicians lie. You are the one who chose to continue to believe Bush-Cheney. Bush's high school friend General Tommy Franks gave the stand down order to our US forces who had Osama Bin Laden cornered in Tora Bora. He allowed Bin Laden to escape & never chased him again. Pakistan arrested Bin Laden & took Saudi money to care for him. Pakistan allowed Obama to execute Bin Laden, because they respect Obama, not Bush who lied about everything.
Actually, I find your rewriting of the facts to be pretty hilarious, but thank you for your admission that Hillary has been lying to us...... That sure makes the whole investigation into her emails and server a lot more interesting.

And BTW, Pakistan arrested the guy that told us where Bin Laden was, and Obozo is letting him rot in a Pakistani prison.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.

Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.

You lie like a rug!

Bush lost the Iraq war & hid the true cost from the American people. Iran supplied Iraq with roadside bombs, soldiers & training. They were killing the hell out of US & coalition forces. Our citizens & coalition partners had it with Abu-Ghraib & Bush-Cheney's lies & told them to kiss their ass.

Bush sent Condi Rice hat in hand to Iran negotiations. Bush offered Iran to keep running centrifuges to make nuclear weapons if they would please stop killing US in Iraq & keep the Shia from fighting US so we could exit. Then he sent $20 Billion Cash to Iraq & surged our troops there. We were getting killed big-time until we paid off the Sunni fighters to stop fighting US.

After giving our enemies everything they wanted to stop fighting US, Bush claimed the surge worked & started our exit from Iraq. After Abu-Ghraib the Iraqi Parilement & people would not allow US forces to stay in Iraq. Maliki would not give US soldiers immunity to Iraqi prosecution.

Obama had to pull US troops out before Iraq filled up their prison with them. Then Obama had to fix the Iran nuclear mess Bush created. Obama is getting Iran to hand over their 10 bomb stockpile of nuclear materials Bush allowed to to amass & halt production of the nuclear materials & bombs.

Gee, you make it sound like Obozo lied to us...
Flashback Obama We re Leaving Behind A Sovereign Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq - YouTube

All politicians lie. You are the one who chose to continue to believe Bush-Cheney. Bush's high school friend General Tommy Franks gave the stand down order to our US forces who had Osama Bin Laden cornered in Tora Bora. He allowed Bin Laden to flee & never chased him again. Pakistan arrested Bin Laden & allowed Obama to execute him. They respected Obama, not Bush who lied about everything.

Are you this stupid.....yes. obama was living free in pakistan, and obama didn't want to kill him, had to be told to do it by Leon Panetta........

Osama Bin Laden lived because Bush had friend General Tommy Franks give the stand-down order so he could escape. Obama killed Osama Bin Laden !!!
Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.

You lie like a rug!

Bush lost the Iraq war & hid the true cost from the American people. Iran supplied Iraq with roadside bombs, soldiers & training. They were killing the hell out of US & coalition forces. Our citizens & coalition partners had it with Abu-Ghraib & Bush-Cheney's lies & told them to kiss their ass.

Bush sent Condi Rice hat in hand to Iran negotiations. Bush offered Iran to keep running centrifuges to make nuclear weapons if they would please stop killing US in Iraq & keep the Shia from fighting US so we could exit. Then he sent $20 Billion Cash to Iraq & surged our troops there. We were getting killed big-time until we paid off the Sunni fighters to stop fighting US.

After giving our enemies everything they wanted to stop fighting US, Bush claimed the surge worked & started our exit from Iraq. After Abu-Ghraib the Iraqi Parilement & people would not allow US forces to stay in Iraq. Maliki would not give US soldiers immunity to Iraqi prosecution.

Obama had to pull US troops out before Iraq filled up their prison with them. Then Obama had to fix the Iran nuclear mess Bush created. Obama is getting Iran to hand over their 10 bomb stockpile of nuclear materials Bush allowed to to amass & halt production of the nuclear materials & bombs.

Gee, you make it sound like Obozo lied to us...
Flashback Obama We re Leaving Behind A Sovereign Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq - YouTube

All politicians lie. You are the one who chose to continue to believe Bush-Cheney. Bush's high school friend General Tommy Franks gave the stand down order to our US forces who had Osama Bin Laden cornered in Tora Bora. He allowed Bin Laden to flee & never chased him again. Pakistan arrested Bin Laden & allowed Obama to execute him. They respected Obama, not Bush who lied about everything.

Are you this stupid.....yes. obama was living free in pakistan, and obama didn't want to kill him, had to be told to do it by Leon Panetta........

Osama Bin Laden lived because Bush had friend General Tommy Franks give the stand-down order so he could escape. Obama killed Osama Bin Laden !!!
What real difference does it make. He was just one person. The real damage was caused by many thousands.
Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.

You lie like a rug!

Bush lost the Iraq war & hid the true cost from the American people. Iran supplied Iraq with roadside bombs, soldiers & training. They were killing the hell out of US & coalition forces. Our citizens & coalition partners had it with Abu-Ghraib & Bush-Cheney's lies & told them to kiss their ass.

Bush sent Condi Rice hat in hand to Iran negotiations. Bush offered Iran to keep running centrifuges to make nuclear weapons if they would please stop killing US in Iraq & keep the Shia from fighting US so we could exit. Then he sent $20 Billion Cash to Iraq & surged our troops there. We were getting killed big-time until we paid off the Sunni fighters to stop fighting US.

After giving our enemies everything they wanted to stop fighting US, Bush claimed the surge worked & started our exit from Iraq. After Abu-Ghraib the Iraqi Parilement & people would not allow US forces to stay in Iraq. Maliki would not give US soldiers immunity to Iraqi prosecution.

Obama had to pull US troops out before Iraq filled up their prison with them. Then Obama had to fix the Iran nuclear mess Bush created. Obama is getting Iran to hand over their 10 bomb stockpile of nuclear materials Bush allowed to to amass & halt production of the nuclear materials & bombs.

Gee, you make it sound like Obozo lied to us...
Flashback Obama We re Leaving Behind A Sovereign Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq - YouTube

All politicians lie. You are the one who chose to continue to believe Bush-Cheney. Bush's high school friend General Tommy Franks gave the stand down order to our US forces who had Osama Bin Laden cornered in Tora Bora. He allowed Bin Laden to flee & never chased him again. Pakistan arrested Bin Laden & allowed Obama to execute him. They respected Obama, not Bush who lied about everything.

Are you this stupid.....yes. obama was living free in pakistan, and obama didn't want to kill him, had to be told to do it by Leon Panetta........

Osama Bin Laden lived because Bush had friend General Tommy Franks give the stand-down order so he could escape. Obama killed Osama Bin Laden !!!

The country was stable...obama pulled the troops before the job was done and didn't deal with iran sending troops, money and supplies to the terrorists, and now he wants to give them the bomb. obama picked up the marbles before the game was over.......

You do realize that World War 2 ended in 1945 and that we still have troops in Germany, and Japan...right, and the Korean war was over in the 50s and we still have troops in South Korea........and obama pulled our troops out as soon as he got into office.....and you blame Bush for losing Iraq.....you guys really need to think before you post.

You revisionists never tire of trotting out your alternate histories, do you!

1. The last US combat troops were pulled from Iraq on Dec 16, 2011 BEFORE the existing Bush regime Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the al-Maliki Shia government expired at midnight Dec 31, 2011. al-Maliki and company flatly refused to include the customary immunity for US forces in Iraq from Iraqi law/Sharia. US troop levels were also part of the SOFA discussions between the US and Iraq, but when Iraq's leadership declared in Oct. 2011 their would be no immunity for US forces because of the Iraqi's "sovereignty concerns" the die was cast. Your statement that, "...obama pulled our troops out as soon as he got into office..." is pure bullshit! Lindsey Graham is a POS, impotent warhawk!

2. We still have troops in many allied countries, including Germany, Japan, Korea, England, Spain, Italy, et al! WTF is your point?

3. The Korean War is not over as you claim. We, as a UN Security Council member, are still at war with N. Korea. There is merely a truce in place.

4. Obama did not pull the troops out of Iraq when he took office as you stated; that is a total fabrication! They were withdrawn in Dec of 2011 just days before the Bush regime SOFA expired. See #1 above!

You wrote in your closing remark,"...you guys really need to think before you post." Well I'm thinkin' that applies to you, given all the errors you racked up in so few words.
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Bush's Saudi friends paid Pakistan to keep Osama Bin Laden safe.

Osama Bin Laden lived because Bush's high school friend General Tommy Franks give the stand-down order so he could escape.

Obama gave the orders to kill Osama Bin Laden !!! Our troops killed Osama Bin Laden on Obama's orders.

Last edited:
Bush's Saudi friends paid Pakistan to keep Osama Bin Laden safe.

Osama Bin Laden lived because Bush had high school friend General Tommy Franks give the stand-down order so he could escape.

Obama gave the orders to kill Osama Bin Laden !!! Our troops killed Osama Bin Laden on Obama's orders.
And Obozo is letting the guy that turned Bin Laden in rot in a Pakistani prison.

How about providing credible links for the other noise you're making?
No, he was in the position to dictate terms to the corrupt guys in Iraq, we had troops on the ground, we were the ones who made their existence possible, so if we told them we were keeping troops in their country they would have nothing to say...since we didn't go there to free them but to stop their crazies from attacking us over there.

NO, Obama wasn't "in the position to dictate terms"...

'Mr President, Iraq is sovereign'

12:05AM BST 29 Jun 2004

President George W Bush and Tony Blair gave warning last night of a major military crackdown in Iraq after they startled the world by handing over sovereignty in secret two days early.

Standing side-by-side as they have done so often in two years of crises and international divisions over Iraq, they acknowledged that the new government under Iyad Allawi, the prime minister, might have to take tough measures to repress the growing insurgency.


The transfer was contained in a document signed by Paul Bremer, the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, and handed over to Mr Allawi, marking the formal end of the 15-month occupation.

News of the handover was given to Mr Bush at the Nato summit in Istanbul in a hand-written note from Condoleezza Rice, his national security adviser.

She wrote: "Mr President, Iraq is sovereign." He scrawled on it: "Let freedom reign!"

Mr President Iraq is sovereign - Telegraph
Shiites and Sunnis have been at war for over a thousand years. If Republicans weren't so ignorant and didn't believe education is for snobs, they would have known. They think the "surge" could have worked. As if pointing a hundred thousand guns at someone, making them stop fighting for a few minutes is sustainable and will work over the lost term You have to be completely tarded to believe something so ignorant.

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