Obama actually did lose Iraq, Graham explains the negotiations.

No, he was in the position to dictate terms to the corrupt guys in Iraq, we had troops on the ground, we were the ones who made their existence possible, so if we told them we were keeping troops in their country they would have nothing to say...since we didn't go there to free them but to stop their crazies from attacking us over there.

NO, Obama wasn't "in the position to dictate terms"...

'Mr President, Iraq is sovereign'

12:05AM BST 29 Jun 2004

President George W Bush and Tony Blair gave warning last night of a major military crackdown in Iraq after they startled the world by handing over sovereignty in secret two days early.

Standing side-by-side as they have done so often in two years of crises and international divisions over Iraq, they acknowledged that the new government under Iyad Allawi, the prime minister, might have to take tough measures to repress the growing insurgency.


The transfer was contained in a document signed by Paul Bremer, the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, and handed over to Mr Allawi, marking the formal end of the 15-month occupation.

News of the handover was given to Mr Bush at the Nato summit in Istanbul in a hand-written note from Condoleezza Rice, his national security adviser.

She wrote: "Mr President, Iraq is sovereign." He scrawled on it: "Let freedom reign!"

Mr President Iraq is sovereign - Telegraph
Suppressing the population of Iraq. Funny, that's what Republicans want to do here. They consider that "tried and true". And we know it worked under Saddam.
Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.

You lie like a rug!

Bush lost the Iraq war & hid the true cost from the American people. Iran supplied Iraq with roadside bombs, soldiers & training. They were killing the hell out of US & coalition forces. Our citizens & coalition partners had it with Abu-Ghraib & Bush-Cheney's lies & told them to kiss their ass.

Bush sent Condi Rice hat in hand to Iran negotiations. Bush offered Iran to keep running centrifuges to make nuclear weapons if they would please stop killing US in Iraq & keep the Shia from fighting US so we could exit. Then he sent $20 Billion Cash to Iraq & surged our troops there. We were getting killed big-time until we paid off the Sunni fighters to stop fighting US.

After giving our enemies everything they wanted to stop fighting US, Bush claimed the surge worked & started our exit from Iraq. After Abu-Ghraib the Iraqi Parilement & people would not allow US forces to stay in Iraq. Maliki would not give US soldiers immunity to Iraqi prosecution.

Obama had to pull US troops out before Iraq filled up their prison with them. Then Obama had to fix the Iran nuclear mess Bush created. Obama is getting Iran to hand over their 10 bomb stockpile of nuclear materials Bush allowed to to amass & halt production of the nuclear materials & bombs.

Gee, you make it sound like Obozo lied to us...
Flashback Obama We re Leaving Behind A Sovereign Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq - YouTube

All politicians lie. You are the one who chose to continue to believe Bush-Cheney. Bush's high school friend General Tommy Franks gave the stand down order to our US forces who had Osama Bin Laden cornered in Tora Bora. He allowed Bin Laden to flee & never chased him again. Pakistan arrested Bin Laden & allowed Obama to execute him. They respected Obama, not Bush who lied about everything.

Are you this stupid.....yes. obama was living free in pakistan, and obama didn't want to kill him, had to be told to do it by Leon Panetta........

Osama Bin Laden lived because Bush had friend General Tommy Franks give the stand-down order so he could escape. Obama killed Osama Bin Laden !!!

Shiites and Sunnis have been at war for over a thousand years. If Republicans weren't so ignorant and didn't believe education is for snobs, they would have known. They think the "surge" could have worked. As if pointing a hundred thousand guns at someone, making them stop fighting for a few minutes is sustainable and will work over the lost term You have to be completely tarded to believe something so ignorant.

The surge was highly successful. Don't you research before commenting and looking really stupid?
No, he was in the position to dictate terms to the corrupt guys in Iraq, we had troops on the ground, we were the ones who made their existence possible, so if we told them we were keeping troops in their country they would have nothing to say...since we didn't go there to free them but to stop their crazies from attacking us over there.

NO, Obama wasn't "in the position to dictate terms"...

'Mr President, Iraq is sovereign'

12:05AM BST 29 Jun 2004

President George W Bush and Tony Blair gave warning last night of a major military crackdown in Iraq after they startled the world by handing over sovereignty in secret two days early.

Standing side-by-side as they have done so often in two years of crises and international divisions over Iraq, they acknowledged that the new government under Iyad Allawi, the prime minister, might have to take tough measures to repress the growing insurgency.


The transfer was contained in a document signed by Paul Bremer, the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, and handed over to Mr Allawi, marking the formal end of the 15-month occupation.

News of the handover was given to Mr Bush at the Nato summit in Istanbul in a hand-written note from Condoleezza Rice, his national security adviser.

She wrote: "Mr President, Iraq is sovereign." He scrawled on it: "Let freedom reign!"

Mr President Iraq is sovereign - Telegraph
Suppressing the population of Iraq. Funny, that's what Republicans want to do here. They consider that "tried and true". And we know it worked under Saddam.

Moron....they had free elections, their girls went to school without having to worry about being selected for rape by the regime.......you have no moral compass....helping them become stable and ready to rule themselves is to a lefty suppressing a population....you guys have no freaking clue about truth or reality.
The surge was highly successful. Don't you research before commenting and looking really stupid?

You lie like a rug! Iran was highly successful at defeating Bush.

Bush lost the Iraq war & hid the true cost from the American people. Iran supplied Iraq with roadside bombs, soldiers & training. They were killing the hell out of US & coalition forces. Our citizens & coalition partners had it with Abu-Ghraib & Bush-Cheney's lies & told them to kiss their ass.

Bush sent Condi Rice hat in hand to Iran negotiations. Bush offered Iran to keep running centrifuges to make nuclear weapons if they would please stop killing US in Iraq & keep the Shia from fighting US so we could exit. Then he sent $20 Billion Cash to Iraq & surged our troops there. We were getting killed big-time until we paid off the Sunni fighters to stop fighting US.

After giving our enemies everything they wanted to stop fighting US, Bush claimed the surge worked & started our exit from Iraq. After Abu-Ghraib the Iraqi Parilement & people would not allow US forces to stay in Iraq. Maliki would not give US soldiers immunity to Iraqi prosecution.

Obama had to pull US troops out before Iraq filled up their prison with them without immunity to Iraqi prosecution. Then Obama had to fix the Iran nuclear mess Bush created. Obama is getting Iran to hand over their 10 bomb stockpile of nuclear materials Bush allowed to to amass & halt production of the nuclear materials & bombs.

Last edited:
The Bushes own Iraq. They broke it. Both Bush presidents gave us ISIS - especially Bush 43. Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

The surge was highly successful. Don't you research before commenting and looking really stupid?

You lie like a rug! Iran was highly successful at defeating Bush.


You parrot Dem talking points, I don't take that shit serious, I also know far more people that know the military and what happened than you

You lie again! Show me the Democrat Talking Points I am parroting!

^^^ And why do you left loons keep screaming "you lie!!!!" Sheesh get past that middle school shit
Obama wanted to keep 10,000 troops in Iraq


What killed the deal

The agreement failed over a demand that American troops be given immunity from prosecution by Iraqis, a very touchy political issue within the Iraqi Parliament. Some experts said Iraqi leaders may not have been willing to take great political risk with their citizens in exchange for a relatively small American force.

But no immunity meant no sizable residual troop presence.

"When the Americans asked for immunity, the Iraqi side answered that it was not possible," al-Maliki said in an October 2011 news conference. "The discussions over the number of trainers and the place of training stopped. Now that the issue of immunity was decided and that no immunity to be given, the withdrawal has started."

Three years later, as the Islamic State advanced in the country and shocked the world, a CNN reporter asked Obama if he regretted the decision not to leave a residual force in Iraq. Obama said, "Keep in mind, that wasn't a decision made by me. That was a decision made by the Iraqi government."

The political overtones have ratcheted up with international headlines about Islamic State, which also is called ISIS. Conservatives blame Obama for pulling out too soon, for leaving Iraq vulnerable, and liberals argue the pullout deadline was prescribed by Bush.

"You pick your poison there," said Lance Janda, chairman of Cameron University’s Department of History and Government. "It’s fair to say no one saw this ISIS stuff coming."
The Bushes lost Iraq. No amount of NaziCon spin and whitewashing can change that fact. The Bushes own Iraq FOREVER.
The surge was highly successful. Don't you research before commenting and looking really stupid?
You lie like a rug! Iran was highly successful at defeating Bush.

Bush lost the Iraq war & hid the true cost from the American people. Iran supplied Iraq with roadside bombs, soldiers & training. They were killing the hell out of US & coalition forces. Our citizens & coalition partners had it with Abu-Ghraib & Bush-Cheney's lies & told them to kiss their ass.

Bush sent Condi Rice hat in hand to Iran negotiations. Bush offered Iran to keep running centrifuges to make nuclear weapons if they would please stop killing US in Iraq & keep the Shia from fighting US so we could exit. Then he sent $20 Billion Cash to Iraq & surged our troops there. We were getting killed big-time until we paid off the Sunni fighters to stop fighting US.

After giving our enemies everything they wanted to stop fighting US, Bush claimed the surge worked & started our exit from Iraq. After Abu-Ghraib the Iraqi Parilement & people would not allow US forces to stay in Iraq. Maliki would not give US soldiers immunity to Iraqi prosecution.

Obama had to pull US troops out before Iraq filled up their prison with them without immunity to Iraqi prosecution. Then Obama had to fix the Iran nuclear mess Bush created. Obama is getting Iran to hand over their 10 bomb stockpile of nuclear materials Bush allowed to to amass & halt production of the nuclear materials & bombs.

You parrot Dem talking points, I don't take that shit serious, I also know far more people that know the military and what happened than you

You lie again! Show me the Democrat Talking Points I am parroting!

^^^ And why do you left loons keep screaming "you lie!!!!" Sheesh get past that middle school shit

So again you lied. You failed to show any of my post was from Democrat Talking Points!
The surge was highly successful. Don't you research before commenting and looking really stupid?

You lie like a rug! Iran was highly successful at defeating Bush.


You parrot Dem talking points, I don't take that shit serious, I also know far more people that know the military and what happened than you

You lie again! Show me the Democrat Talking Points I am parroting!

^^^ And why do you left loons keep screaming "you lie!!!!" Sheesh get past that middle school shit

So again you lied. You failed to show any of my post was from Democrat Talking Points!

GFY, child
Obama wanted to keep 10,000 troops in Iraq


What killed the deal

The agreement failed over a demand that American troops be given immunity from prosecution by Iraqis, a very touchy political issue within the Iraqi Parliament. Some experts said Iraqi leaders may not have been willing to take great political risk with their citizens in exchange for a relatively small American force.

But no immunity meant no sizable residual troop presence.

"When the Americans asked for immunity, the Iraqi side answered that it was not possible," al-Maliki said in an October 2011 news conference. "The discussions over the number of trainers and the place of training stopped. Now that the issue of immunity was decided and that no immunity to be given, the withdrawal has started."

Three years later, as the Islamic State advanced in the country and shocked the world, a CNN reporter asked Obama if he regretted the decision not to leave a residual force in Iraq. Obama said, "Keep in mind, that wasn't a decision made by me. That was a decision made by the Iraqi government."

The political overtones have ratcheted up with international headlines about Islamic State, which also is called ISIS. Conservatives blame Obama for pulling out too soon, for leaving Iraq vulnerable, and liberals argue the pullout deadline was prescribed by Bush.

"You pick your poison there," said Lance Janda, chairman of Cameron University’s Department of History and Government. "It’s fair to say no one saw this ISIS stuff coming."

Are you people this freaking stupid.....yes you are. The deal was accepted because obama wanted out, regardless of the cost or what would happen if we just picked up and left...and we see what happened, isis grew and is now using mustard gas.

Obama could have arranged any deal he wanted if he wanted it......they owed us everything, and had no say over the deal...they were holding out for perks and he just left.

The big lie of the Iraq situation is now being told by the democrats....if the democrats have one major super power it is the ability to create a big lie and get the country to believe it...of course being in charge of education, entertainment and the press helps a lot....but the internet won't let you completely control the lie.
The Bushes lost Iraq. No amount of NaziCon spin and whitewashing can change that fact. The Bushes own Iraq FOREVER.

The Generals on the ground wanted 80,000 troops to surge and pacify iraq, obama wanted out and agreed to 30,000 with a due date to pull them out again, which he announced to everyone....some fucking way to run a war.....
No, he was in the position to dictate terms to the corrupt guys in Iraq, we had troops on the ground, we were the ones who made their existence possible, so if we told them we were keeping troops in their country they would have nothing to say...since we didn't go there to free them but to stop their crazies from attacking us over there.

NO, Obama wasn't "in the position to dictate terms"...

'Mr President, Iraq is sovereign'

12:05AM BST 29 Jun 2004

President George W Bush and Tony Blair gave warning last night of a major military crackdown in Iraq after they startled the world by handing over sovereignty in secret two days early.

Standing side-by-side as they have done so often in two years of crises and international divisions over Iraq, they acknowledged that the new government under Iyad Allawi, the prime minister, might have to take tough measures to repress the growing insurgency.


The transfer was contained in a document signed by Paul Bremer, the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority, and handed over to Mr Allawi, marking the formal end of the 15-month occupation.

News of the handover was given to Mr Bush at the Nato summit in Istanbul in a hand-written note from Condoleezza Rice, his national security adviser.

She wrote: "Mr President, Iraq is sovereign." He scrawled on it: "Let freedom reign!"

Mr President Iraq is sovereign - Telegraph
Suppressing the population of Iraq. Funny, that's what Republicans want to do here. They consider that "tried and true". And we know it worked under Saddam.

Moron....they had free elections, their girls went to school without having to worry about being selected for rape by the regime.......you have no moral compass....helping them become stable and ready to rule themselves is to a lefty suppressing a population....you guys have no freaking clue about truth or reality.

After reading your posts, I think you need to get a "freaking clue about truth or reality".
You sir, are totally clueless. If I was you, I'd take some night classes and study history.

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