Obama actually did lose Iraq, Graham explains the negotiations.

The war was not over get it through your brains,

The war Bush started in March 2003 to disarm Iraq of hidden WMD ended on the date that Bush and Maliki set in the U.S. withdrawal and surrender agreement reached in December 2008. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over. We lost because no WMD was found.
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Um, excuse me. I seem to remember things differently. America invaded Iraq in 03. No WMD's like GW Bush promised. I remember the line about "Not being in the business of nation building" too. Mistakes were made alright. What Obama did after the fact, rather weak and flaccid excuse for what's happening NOW.

Was I talking about 03?

Why do you still want to apologize for Obama Declaring the war over?

That was supposed to be his legacy after all..

Bush declared the war over.....mission accomplished

Was there a standing army left to fight?


All mop up from there and Obama refused to finish taking out the trash....

As you recall

Bushes standing army after declaring mission accomplished was woefully inadequate. After all, they were going to treat us as liberators

Cost us 4000 troops

And Obama cost us all the gains we made, throwing away the blood and treasure sacrificed in stabilizing Iraq in the first place

What gains?

The historic democracy that left the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds still warring with each other?
Was I talking about 03?

Why do you still want to apologize for Obama Declaring the war over?

That was supposed to be his legacy after all..

Bush declared the war over.....mission accomplished

Was there a standing army left to fight?


All mop up from there and Obama refused to finish taking out the trash....

As you recall

Bushes standing army after declaring mission accomplished was woefully inadequate. After all, they were going to treat us as liberators

Cost us 4000 troops

And Obama cost us all the gains we made, throwing away the blood and treasure sacrificed in stabilizing Iraq in the first place

What gains?

The historic democracy that left the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds still warring with each other?


These gains you Obama Fluffing fucking retard


Here's Iraq today thanks to Obama
Um, excuse me. I seem to remember things differently. America invaded Iraq in 03. No WMD's like GW Bush promised. I remember the line about "Not being in the business of nation building" too. Mistakes were made alright. What Obama did after the fact, rather weak and flaccid excuse for what's happening NOW.

Was I talking about 03?

Why do you still want to apologize for Obama Declaring the war over?

That was supposed to be his legacy after all..

Bush declared the war over.....mission accomplished

Was there a standing army left to fight?


All mop up from there and Obama refused to finish taking out the trash....

As you recall

Bushes standing army after declaring mission accomplished was woefully inadequate. After all, they were going to treat us as liberators

Cost us 4000 troops

And Obama cost us all the gains we made, throwing away the blood and treasure sacrificed in stabilizing Iraq in the first place

The only country to make any gains during President Bushes invasion and occupation of Iraq was Iran. Our President was humbled by the UN in 2008, forcing him to either sign a SOFA with Iraq of leave the country entirely by the end of 2008. Remember when the shoe incident happened? That was when they announce the signing of the SOFA that led to our withdrawal by the end of 2011.
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Bush declared the war over.....mission accomplished

Was there a standing army left to fight?


All mop up from there and Obama refused to finish taking out the trash....

As you recall

Bushes standing army after declaring mission accomplished was woefully inadequate. After all, they were going to treat us as liberators

Cost us 4000 troops

And Obama cost us all the gains we made, throwing away the blood and treasure sacrificed in stabilizing Iraq in the first place

What gains?

The historic democracy that left the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds still warring with each other?


These gains you Obama Fluffing fucking retard


Here's Iraq today thanks to Obama

Why women are less free after Iraq War - CNN.com

It is 10 years after the invasion of Iraq, and images of Iraqi women from various political parties are filling the streets of Baghdad ahead of April's local elections -- a sign to casual observers that women's equality is on track in this war-ravaged country.

But although the women of Iraq have obtained some benefits on paper, the reality is that they have lost far more than they have gained since the war began in 2003.

Constitutionally, women were able to secure the ability to pass their citizenship on to their children by non-Iraqi husbands, making Iraq one of a handful Arab countries with such a provision for their female citizens.

But on the other hand, women are no longer guaranteed equal treatment under one law in terms of marriage, divorce, inheritance and custody. That law, the Family Statutes Law, has been replaced one giving religious and tribal leaders the power to regulate family affairs in the areas they rule in accordance with their interpretation of religious laws.

This not only is making women more vulnerable, it is giving women from various sects (Sunni or Shia) or religion (Muslim or Christian) different legal treatments on the same issues.

Economically, women have gone from being visibly active in the Iraqi work force in the 1980s -- particularly in the farming, marketing and professional services sectors -- to being nearly non-existent in 2013.


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Was there a standing army left to fight?


All mop up from there and Obama refused to finish taking out the trash....

As you recall

Bushes standing army after declaring mission accomplished was woefully inadequate. After all, they were going to treat us as liberators

Cost us 4000 troops

And Obama cost us all the gains we made, throwing away the blood and treasure sacrificed in stabilizing Iraq in the first place

What gains?

The historic democracy that left the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds still warring with each other?


These gains you Obama Fluffing fucking retard


Here's Iraq today thanks to Obama

Why women are less free after Iraq War - CNN.com

It is 10 years after the invasion of Iraq, and images of Iraqi women from various political parties are filling the streets of Baghdad ahead of April's local elections -- a sign to casual observers that women's equality is on track in this war-ravaged country.

But although the women of Iraq have obtained some benefits on paper, the reality is that they have lost far more than they have gained since the war began in 2003.

Constitutionally, women were able to secure the ability to pass their citizenship on to their children by non-Iraqi husbands, making Iraq one of a handful Arab countries with such a provision for their female citizens.

But on the other hand, women are no longer guaranteed equal treatment under one law in terms of marriage, divorce, inheritance and custody. That law, the Family Statutes Law, has been replaced one giving religious and tribal leaders the power to regulate family affairs in the areas they rule in accordance with their interpretation of religious laws.

This not only is making women more vulnerable, it is giving women from various sects (Sunni or Shia) or religion (Muslim or Christian) different legal treatments on the same issues.

Economically, women have gone from being visibly active in the Iraqi work force in the 1980s -- particularly in the farming, marketing and professional services sectors -- to being nearly non-existent in 2013.

That's AFTER Obama turned it over the the Jihadists
Did we lose Iraq to the Iranians
Or the foreign terrorists not from Iran?

Or did we lose it to the Iraqi nationalists and their coming civil war?

If it is the last, then we actually gave it back to the Iraqis--or is it possible you did not want the Iraqis to have Iraq?
Did we lose Iraq to the Iranians
Or the foreign terrorists not from Iran?

Or did we lose it to the Iraqi nationalists and their coming civil war?

If it is the last, then we actually gave it back to the Iraqis--or is it possible you did not want the Iraqis to have Iraq?

Thise who say Obama lost Iraq have no clue since Iraq was not ours to lose. The Shiite Sunni Sectarian war was a loss/failure by the Bush Administration the day they attacked Iraq while ignorantly believing there would be no sectarian war as a result.

Even now with ISIS in steady retreat in Iraq - Iraq continues to belong to Iraqis. The ground combat against ISIS is 99.9% Iraqi Sunni Shiite and Kurd fighting together against the terrorists that Bush's decision created.
As you recall

Bushes standing army after declaring mission accomplished was woefully inadequate. After all, they were going to treat us as liberators

Cost us 4000 troops

And Obama cost us all the gains we made, throwing away the blood and treasure sacrificed in stabilizing Iraq in the first place

What gains?

The historic democracy that left the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds still warring with each other?


These gains you Obama Fluffing fucking retard


Here's Iraq today thanks to Obama

Why women are less free after Iraq War - CNN.com

It is 10 years after the invasion of Iraq, and images of Iraqi women from various political parties are filling the streets of Baghdad ahead of April's local elections -- a sign to casual observers that women's equality is on track in this war-ravaged country.

But although the women of Iraq have obtained some benefits on paper, the reality is that they have lost far more than they have gained since the war began in 2003.

Constitutionally, women were able to secure the ability to pass their citizenship on to their children by non-Iraqi husbands, making Iraq one of a handful Arab countries with such a provision for their female citizens.

But on the other hand, women are no longer guaranteed equal treatment under one law in terms of marriage, divorce, inheritance and custody. That law, the Family Statutes Law, has been replaced one giving religious and tribal leaders the power to regulate family affairs in the areas they rule in accordance with their interpretation of religious laws.

This not only is making women more vulnerable, it is giving women from various sects (Sunni or Shia) or religion (Muslim or Christian) different legal treatments on the same issues.

Economically, women have gone from being visibly active in the Iraqi work force in the 1980s -- particularly in the farming, marketing and professional services sectors -- to being nearly non-existent in 2013.

That's AFTER Obama turned it over the the Jihadists

Nope that was Maliki's Shiite government at work. The article was from March 2013. The ten year anniversary.
Bush threw away the war.

Then Obama threw it away again.

Jake admits Obama fucked up?!?!?!?!?!??!?

Alert the media!
I have often not agreed with Obama, as you well know. Bush fucked up, and Obama never should have sent troops back.

Bookmark it, laminate it. Send it to Canvas on Demand and hang it at the entry to USMB

Starkey criticized Obama for the first time ever
:lol: Many, many times, of course. CF is a far right old dunderhead who thinks the John Birch Society and the Tea Party Movement are too left for him.
Yes we know you far left drones do not see any history past 2003..

The rightwing ISIS propaganda team in the U.S. does not see any Iraq history after January of 2015. When the retreat by ISIS from territory they seized about 7 months before that has begun. ISiS is still in retreat and never advancing beyond Sunni dominated areas, or into Baghdad, or into Shiite dominated cities. In other words ISIS never advanced into most of Iraq.

The U.S. Propaganda machine is running in high gear with the title of this thread. According to this thread's title Obama lost Iraq to ISIS which gives ISIS credit for conquering all of Iraq. !!!!Headline!!!! Obama Lost Iraq!!!!!

Current history shows ISIS is losing in Iraq on a steady basis.

Here is an example of what has been happening in Iraq for the past 15 months.

Territory being cleansed of ISIS by Iraqis:

Security forces start cleansing borderline between Iraq, Syria and Jordan By Abdelhak Mamoun - May 19, 2016.

So Obama has never lost Iraq except to RWer propagandists who don't follow Iraq's history on any kind of up to date news reports.

We should expect the U.S. rright wing to stop lying about the most current news about Iraq pushing the terrorists back and cutting off their supply routes on on the borders between Iraq, Syria and Jordan.

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