Obama actually did lose Iraq, Graham explains the negotiations.

I think we can all just agree that it was a fuck-up by the United States Of America and they've left a pile of shit for the world to sort out.
Americans can argue amongst themselves who's fault it was...leave it to the rest of the world to deal with as usual.
He certainly chose the UN to disarm Iraq peacefully in order to avoid using military force against Iraq.
Bush didn't choose the UN to so that he could avoid using military force against Iraq. The opposite is true, Bush went through the UN precisely so that he could use military force against Iraq.
And the UN refused him the authority to do so.
As always I ask you to provide proof of your comments far left drone! So lets see the quotes with links!!
Quotes about what? When you document your opinions I will be glad to do so.
Are 'far left drones' the ones that have been raining Hellfire missiles down on Muslims in ever greater numbers since Obama became President?
He certainly chose the UN to disarm Iraq peacefully in order to avoid using military force against Iraq.
Bush didn't choose the UN to so that he could avoid using military force against Iraq. The opposite is true, Bush went through the UN precisely so that he could use military force against Iraq.
And the UN refused him the authority to do so.
Bush claimed the UN authority was already granted. I'm not agreeing with him, just being matter of fact. The UN hasn't challenged him on it and they really can't, again just being matter of fact. Americans looking to blame someone for the Iraq War ought to look in the mirror before pointing the finger. Bush did what many of us knew he would do once Congress authorized it.
There is no rebuttal to the point that the UN did not grant the USA authority to invade Iraq.

Yes, Bush caused the war, and all of America is complicit because he was president.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....
Apparently Graham has forgotten that it was him and the other douche bag, bloodthirsty war hawks in Washington that got us into the mess in Iraq in the first place, If it wasn't for the dickheads like him and all the drones that cheered them on 4,500 dead Americans and 10's of thousands of Iraqi's would still be alive, not to mention all the maimed individuals and those that have had their homes destroyed in that POINTLESS FUCKING WAR.

Personally I think we should ship Graham, McCain, Bush, Cheney and all the other morons that voted for that idiotic war over to Iraq to personally clean up the mess they've made.
Not a God Damn person in America gives a fuck what the UN thinks

Like this guy?

Bush asks UN for help in Iraq
Resolution is defeat for hawks in White House

The Bush administration suffered a humiliating diplomatic climbdown over Iraq yesterday as it presented a draft resolution to the UN, asking for military and financial help to rescue it from the ballooning human, financial and political costs of the occupation.
The draft resolution calls for a security council mandate for a multinational military force, under a unified command and with American commanders ultimately in charge.

Bush asks UN for help in Iraq
The rightwing propaganda machine is programmed to come up with a pro-right myth to explain every event in history.
The rise of ISIS is just one more. Blaming it on Obama, and in the process pretending to exonerate and elevate Bush and the neocons, is exactly what the machine is programmed to do.
Not a God Damn person in America gives a fuck what the UN thinks

Like this guy?

Bush asks UN for help in Iraq
Resolution is defeat for hawks in White House

The Bush administration suffered a humiliating diplomatic climbdown over Iraq yesterday as it presented a draft resolution to the UN, asking for military and financial help to rescue it from the ballooning human, financial and political costs of the occupation.
The draft resolution calls for a security council mandate for a multinational military force, under a unified command and with American commanders ultimately in charge.

Bush asks UN for help in Iraq
Fucking arseholes!!!!
How can anyone defend these fuckers or what they did in the name of the USA?!!!
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.

he couldnt work out the deals

and it fell apart
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.
I do not believe we could fight WWII today.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.
I do not believe we could fight WWII today.
The US couldn't fight WWII when WWII started.
What are you talking about?
We lost Iraq on March 20 2003 when President Bush chose to invade on the flimsiest of reasons. Wow, blaming Obama for the result of current events extant from Bushes poor judgment, that astounds me.

Where were you when Obama declared the war over but didn't tell that to the enemy?

Um, excuse me. I seem to remember things differently. America invaded Iraq in 03. No WMD's like GW Bush promised. I remember the line about "Not being in the business of nation building" too. Mistakes were made alright. What Obama did after the fact, rather weak and flaccid excuse for what's happening NOW.

Was I talking about 03?

Why do you still want to apologize for Obama Declaring the war over?

That was supposed to be his legacy after all..

Bush declared the war over.....mission accomplished

Was there a standing army left to fight?


All mop up from there and Obama refused to finish taking out the trash....

As you recall

Bushes standing army after declaring mission accomplished was woefully inadequate. After all, they were going to treat us as liberators

Cost us 4000 troops
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.
I do not believe we could fight WWII today.
The US couldn't fight WWII when WWII started.
What are you talking about?
Think of the things we did to force the enemy to surrender. We couldn't do that today. The D-Day invasion would be declared an immediate disaster by the talking heads on TV, the atom bomb would spark intense backlash leading to the impeachment or resignation of the president, any protracted battle would have us wringing our hands and demanding that we withdraw immediately. The sheer number of ships being torpedoed would cause us to stop shipping instead of finding ways to combat the U-boats, etc. We don't have the stomach to do it any more.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.
I do not believe we could fight WWII today.
The US couldn't fight WWII when WWII started.
What are you talking about?
Think of the things we did to force the enemy to surrender. We couldn't do that today. The D-Day invasion would be declared an immediate disaster by the talking heads on TV, the atom bomb would spark intense backlash leading to the impeachment or resignation of the president, any protracted battle would have us wringing our hands and demanding that we withdraw immediately. The sheer number of ships being torpedoed would cause us to stop shipping instead of finding ways to combat the U-boats, etc. We don't have the stomach to do it any more.
The resources to do that were not available to the US when WWII broke out.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Who Lost Iraq Power Line

Lindsey Graham: I think it was our fault. The president got the answer he wanted when it comes to troop levels. He wanted zero. He got zero. He promised to end the War in Iraq. He actually lost the War in Iraq.

But this is something that most people don’t know. I want to make sure you understand. Secretary Clinton called me to go over to Iraq to talk to all the parties to see if we can find a way to achieve a residual force to be left behind. I went with Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman. We met with Mr. Allawi who’s is the Aratia party leader, the former prime minister. He is a Shia, but it was a Sunni coalition. We flew up to meet with President Barzani – not president – but Barzani, the head of the Kurds. … Then we met with Maliki.

So we had Ambassador Jeffrey – U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Gen. Austin, the commander of Iraq forces at the time in the meeting with me, Maliki, and McCain. I asked Prime Minister Maliki, “Would you accept troops?” He says, “If other will, I will.” Then he turned to me and said, “How many troops are you talking about?” I turned to Gen. Austin and then Ambassador Jeffrey – “What’s the answer to the prime minister’s question?” Gen. Dreyfuss says, “We’re still working on the number.” The number went from 18,000 recommended by Austin down to 3,000 coming out of the White House.

General Dempsey answered Senator McCain’s question and my question as to how the numbers went down – “What is because the Iraqis suggest too many?” He said, “No, the cascading numbers came from the White House.” I was there. They were all ready to accept a residual force. But when you get below 3,000, it was a joke. And we got the answer we wanted. I was on the ground. I asked the question. I heard the answer from Gen. Austin – the White House hasn’t made up their mind, yet.
FYI - We NEVER had intentions to win in Iraq, Viet Nam, or Afghanistan. We do NOT fight war as war, rather we fight political and diplomatic wars.
I do not believe we could fight WWII today.
The US couldn't fight WWII when WWII started.
What are you talking about?
Think of the things we did to force the enemy to surrender. We couldn't do that today. The D-Day invasion would be declared an immediate disaster by the talking heads on TV, the atom bomb would spark intense backlash leading to the impeachment or resignation of the president, any protracted battle would have us wringing our hands and demanding that we withdraw immediately. The sheer number of ships being torpedoed would cause us to stop shipping instead of finding ways to combat the U-boats, etc. We don't have the stomach to do it any more.
The resources to do that were not available to the US when WWII broke out.
I'm clearly not talking about resources. I'm talking about the will to do and suffer the things we did that finally forced the enemy into surrender. It was only after the war was over that we learned about the lengths to which we went and the losses we suffered.
There is no rebuttal to the point that the UN did not grant the USA authority to invade Iraq.
Not explicitly, no rebuttal. But that misses the point I was making, the one you found humorous. Bush used the UN process to give a veneer of legitimacy for the war. The intent to go to war was always there.
Where were you when Obama declared the war over but didn't tell that to the enemy?

Um, excuse me. I seem to remember things differently. America invaded Iraq in 03. No WMD's like GW Bush promised. I remember the line about "Not being in the business of nation building" too. Mistakes were made alright. What Obama did after the fact, rather weak and flaccid excuse for what's happening NOW.

Was I talking about 03?

Why do you still want to apologize for Obama Declaring the war over?

That was supposed to be his legacy after all..

Bush declared the war over.....mission accomplished

Was there a standing army left to fight?


All mop up from there and Obama refused to finish taking out the trash....

As you recall

Bushes standing army after declaring mission accomplished was woefully inadequate. After all, they were going to treat us as liberators

Cost us 4000 troops

And Obama cost us all the gains we made, throwing away the blood and treasure sacrificed in stabilizing Iraq in the first place

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