Obama Adm. Interference in Foreign Elections.Business as Usual in 2016 to Spy on Trump

The Obama administration was notorious for intervening in foreign elections. 2016 spying on Trump was just business as usual. Corrupt Chicago politics on a larger scale.
Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.
This crap has been going on for a long long time not only by and against this country but almost every other country with any wealth is involved. It's the main purpose for spy's and covert agencies around the globe like our CIA and other groups. We do it to them and they do it to us. Hell we even spy on ourselves and agencies spy and collude against one another.
The Obama administration was notorious for intervening in foreign elections. 2016 spying on Trump was just business as usual. Corrupt Chicago politics on a larger scale.
Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples | The American Spectator | Politics is too important to be taken seriously.

Sorry B92, but Barry meddling in foreign elections, spying on and screwing with an incoming president, using fraudulent documents to start investigations, being overseas talking shit with Merkel against the interests of his own country, none of that raises an ire in Washington WHEN YOU ARE AS DEMOCRAT.

The only things that get their political juices flowing is when a businessman comes along with (*shock*) BUSINESS INTERESTS around the world in places like Russia, and has the temerity to think that as president, he has the weight to stop an illegal investigation into him simply because the deep state never intended for him to win.

Now the FULL WEIGHT of the American Corrupt Political Legal System is going to try to lay their full weight on his neck in an effort to show him and all future wannabes


And it ain't you.

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