Obama admin bullying states into allowing transgendered bathrooms

Government abuse of power....
Comply or lose federal funding
Comply or be fined
Comply or have charges brought....

We need to fight back against this tyranny.

Don't fight Rozman, just invest your money into building your own hospitals, schools,
cities, and deduct business expenses 100% from federal taxes.
Don't give them your money. Invest it in what you do believe will work better.
Instant solution!
This law is just the first step to making all facilities completely biologically integrated.
How many incidents have there been?

Of federal intrusion on states' and people's rights?
Or Democrats overriding Constitutional limits on govt in general?

For Obama's administration
A. the ACA mandates are contested as unconstitutional, both the vote in Congress
and the judicial ruling where Roberts changed both his position and changed the law to be "interpreted"
as a tax when it wasn't passed as one
Proposed solution: to run a vote through Congress on whether or not proposed bills are Constitutional
or require a Constitutional amendment first to expand the powers of federal govt or to recognize
something as a right that isn't already expressed in the law

B. the ruling on marriage
contested as the role of legislatures or states to write this as a right,
and not the role of judiciary to make laws from the bench.
It can be argued that BANS on gay marriage are unconstitutional,
but it is another thing to ESTABLISH same sex marriage through govt
through the judiciary instead of appropriate legislation voted on by the public

C. now this bathroom policy issue (threat only, no official executive order or action yet)
Because issues of homosexuality and orientation/gender that aren't proven by science yet
remain FAITH BASED, these issues of BELIEFS should be treated equally as beliefs
about Christianity, creation/evolution, and other things not established by science.
They remain up to the faith and free choice of individuals.

Bullying, harassment and abuse of persons should be protected against for
ALL people not just LGBT. Any contested policy should be resolved locally by the people affected and/or in charge, without harassing, excluding, penalizing or discriminating against any person for their beliefs.

For the President to take one side and threaten punishment against others is abuse of office *IF HE ABUSES HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY TO DO SO*. If he is just preaching in the media, then this is not discrimination if all public leaders are allowed to preach their personal, religious or political beliefs in the media. But the limit is whether someone abuses public office, authority or laws to enforce one side of a faith based conflict,
then that is discriminating by creed against citizens of other beliefs who can't be forced by govt to change their faith.

If you want the list for the City of Houston that has been run by Democrats, aside from conspiring with developers to deny civil rights and equal protections to the residents of Freedmen's Town where I live,
I can count at least 3 Constitutional violations that required lawsuits against the City:
A. the red light camera ordinance
Sued and won on the basis of violating due process
Result was citizens still have to pay 4.8 million of public money to the contractors
and are not refunded for tickets paid previously. some of the contested tickets
came from police ordering drivers to run red lights and they still got tickets through the system.
B. the homeless ordinance
religious groups contested this ordinance banning groups from offering assistance to homeless people downtown, unless they were with an organization that met strict criteria such as having a permanent address and other regulations that not all the nonprofit volunteers and ministries could meet. some volunteers were threatened with arrest and fines, which they argued violated their religious freedom to obey their calling to help these people by going to them wherever they were.
I don't think this issue has been resolved.
C. change in marriage benefits and proposed bathroom ordinance under "HERO" (equal rights ordinance)
first the previous Mayor Annise Parker used her executive authority as Mayor to change the city policy to recognize same sex couples in order to extend the same benefits afforded to employees and their spouses who are married, which was argued as violating Texas law that does not recognize same sex marriages.

then the same Mayor not only pushed an ordinance punishing citizens with up to $5000 in fines if they even questioned transgender people in the restroom which counted as harassment (after this was contested repeatedly but ignored) but abused power to reject a valid PETITION to put this to a vote, and cost citizens MORE money to fight in court in order for the Petition to be found valid after the Mayor LIED about the results the City Secretary had confirmed. The vote resulted in the ordinance FAILING to pass, though the same Mayor resolved to keep pushing for this policy.

This push for personal beliefs of one side, while penalizing people of opposing beliefs, cost the taxpayers thousands if not millions of dollars.

I didn't put Freedmen's Town on the list, where the debts and damages go way off the chart.
But it grieves me to no end that our Mayors would waste millions of dollars on political abuse,
when that money could have gone into restoring important national historic landmarks in Houston we
are at risk at losing completely -- not just Freedmen's Town, but also the Astrodome. There is no
funding to save national history, while our city administration has blown millions upon millions of
dollars on politics that has proven destructive and damaging, all at taxpayers expense.

So that is the list I am making to organize a formal public complain against the Democratic Party
for causing damage at both local and federal levels. Ironically, to pay for the damage, it may
take going after the contract money wasted under the Bush administration as part of the contested
war spending that cost taxpayers trillions of dollars. If Republicans go after that corruption under their
own party leadership, I propose they lend it to the Democrats to fix corruption under their leadership.

If we set up a restitution system to bank against debts owed to taxpayers for illicit, abusive or wasteful
spending that wasn't authorized and/or was contested, maybe we can invest CREDITS to develop jobs reforming the health care, VA, prison and education system to accommodate the changes both sides are asking for. If we don't agree on what to change policies to, that's where I call for separate systems by party, and let people fund their own programs as voted on and managed by their own party systems. So there is no need to fight, but everyone can get what they want, fund it directly, and deduct expenses from federal taxes.

No freak. Of transgendered people assaulting women in bathrooms.


Correction LoneLaugher

1. the issue is NOT "transgender people" assaulting anyone
it's OTHER PEOPLE ABUSING the policy because it's poorly written.

just allowing MEN in the women's restroom means predators can enter

The argument is trying to write the policy for the % of 1% opens
the door to abuse by other people not related to that at all.

2. now if you write school policies POORLY
this opens the door for
"adolescent boys to shower with adolescent girls"

this isn't just about the Transgender crowd, it's about not
considering the consequences and affecting other people, too!

How could they deny the shower room, no matter how it's written.

If declared a female, they must have full access to all female accomodations. That is how Civil Rights work.

Fine, if someone is BIOLOGICALLY FEMALE there is no issue, Pop23
but base this on SCIENCE not on what someone "feels":

What's messed up is the loose definitions open the door
for MALES to get in the Women's facilities. That's what the hubbub is about.

Don't write the laws so poorly that MALES get in there!

And don't PUNISH people for insisting that the policies be written clearly
where it doesn't infringe on the other 99% of the population's right to
assemble peacefully and securely in restrooms!

I agree, but understand. There are no "rules" to be written if this is declared a Civil Right, they get ALL RIGHTS afforded any Woman. They cannot be denied access to ALL facilities allowed women.

Public or Private.

If a business offers segregated restrooms, the tranny male will be allowed in them as well.
Of federal intrusion on states' and people's rights?
Or Democrats overriding Constitutional limits on govt in general?

For Obama's administration
A. the ACA mandates are contested as unconstitutional, both the vote in Congress
and the judicial ruling where Roberts changed both his position and changed the law to be "interpreted"
as a tax when it wasn't passed as one
Proposed solution: to run a vote through Congress on whether or not proposed bills are Constitutional
or require a Constitutional amendment first to expand the powers of federal govt or to recognize
something as a right that isn't already expressed in the law

B. the ruling on marriage
contested as the role of legislatures or states to write this as a right,
and not the role of judiciary to make laws from the bench.
It can be argued that BANS on gay marriage are unconstitutional,
but it is another thing to ESTABLISH same sex marriage through govt
through the judiciary instead of appropriate legislation voted on by the public

C. now this bathroom policy issue (threat only, no official executive order or action yet)
Because issues of homosexuality and orientation/gender that aren't proven by science yet
remain FAITH BASED, these issues of BELIEFS should be treated equally as beliefs
about Christianity, creation/evolution, and other things not established by science.
They remain up to the faith and free choice of individuals.

Bullying, harassment and abuse of persons should be protected against for
ALL people not just LGBT. Any contested policy should be resolved locally by the people affected and/or in charge, without harassing, excluding, penalizing or discriminating against any person for their beliefs.

For the President to take one side and threaten punishment against others is abuse of office *IF HE ABUSES HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY TO DO SO*. If he is just preaching in the media, then this is not discrimination if all public leaders are allowed to preach their personal, religious or political beliefs in the media. But the limit is whether someone abuses public office, authority or laws to enforce one side of a faith based conflict,
then that is discriminating by creed against citizens of other beliefs who can't be forced by govt to change their faith.

If you want the list for the City of Houston that has been run by Democrats, aside from conspiring with developers to deny civil rights and equal protections to the residents of Freedmen's Town where I live,
I can count at least 3 Constitutional violations that required lawsuits against the City:
A. the red light camera ordinance
Sued and won on the basis of violating due process
Result was citizens still have to pay 4.8 million of public money to the contractors
and are not refunded for tickets paid previously. some of the contested tickets
came from police ordering drivers to run red lights and they still got tickets through the system.
B. the homeless ordinance
religious groups contested this ordinance banning groups from offering assistance to homeless people downtown, unless they were with an organization that met strict criteria such as having a permanent address and other regulations that not all the nonprofit volunteers and ministries could meet. some volunteers were threatened with arrest and fines, which they argued violated their religious freedom to obey their calling to help these people by going to them wherever they were.
I don't think this issue has been resolved.
C. change in marriage benefits and proposed bathroom ordinance under "HERO" (equal rights ordinance)
first the previous Mayor Annise Parker used her executive authority as Mayor to change the city policy to recognize same sex couples in order to extend the same benefits afforded to employees and their spouses who are married, which was argued as violating Texas law that does not recognize same sex marriages.

then the same Mayor not only pushed an ordinance punishing citizens with up to $5000 in fines if they even questioned transgender people in the restroom which counted as harassment (after this was contested repeatedly but ignored) but abused power to reject a valid PETITION to put this to a vote, and cost citizens MORE money to fight in court in order for the Petition to be found valid after the Mayor LIED about the results the City Secretary had confirmed. The vote resulted in the ordinance FAILING to pass, though the same Mayor resolved to keep pushing for this policy.

This push for personal beliefs of one side, while penalizing people of opposing beliefs, cost the taxpayers thousands if not millions of dollars.

I didn't put Freedmen's Town on the list, where the debts and damages go way off the chart.
But it grieves me to no end that our Mayors would waste millions of dollars on political abuse,
when that money could have gone into restoring important national historic landmarks in Houston we
are at risk at losing completely -- not just Freedmen's Town, but also the Astrodome. There is no
funding to save national history, while our city administration has blown millions upon millions of
dollars on politics that has proven destructive and damaging, all at taxpayers expense.

So that is the list I am making to organize a formal public complain against the Democratic Party
for causing damage at both local and federal levels. Ironically, to pay for the damage, it may
take going after the contract money wasted under the Bush administration as part of the contested
war spending that cost taxpayers trillions of dollars. If Republicans go after that corruption under their
own party leadership, I propose they lend it to the Democrats to fix corruption under their leadership.

If we set up a restitution system to bank against debts owed to taxpayers for illicit, abusive or wasteful
spending that wasn't authorized and/or was contested, maybe we can invest CREDITS to develop jobs reforming the health care, VA, prison and education system to accommodate the changes both sides are asking for. If we don't agree on what to change policies to, that's where I call for separate systems by party, and let people fund their own programs as voted on and managed by their own party systems. So there is no need to fight, but everyone can get what they want, fund it directly, and deduct expenses from federal taxes.

No freak. Of transgendered people assaulting women in bathrooms.


Correction LoneLaugher

1. the issue is NOT "transgender people" assaulting anyone
it's OTHER PEOPLE ABUSING the policy because it's poorly written.

just allowing MEN in the women's restroom means predators can enter

The argument is trying to write the policy for the % of 1% opens
the door to abuse by other people not related to that at all.

2. now if you write school policies POORLY
this opens the door for
"adolescent boys to shower with adolescent girls"

this isn't just about the Transgender crowd, it's about not
considering the consequences and affecting other people, too!

How could they deny the shower room, no matter how it's written.

If declared a female, they must have full access to all female accomodations. That is how Civil Rights work.

Fine, if someone is BIOLOGICALLY FEMALE there is no issue, Pop23
but base this on SCIENCE not on what someone "feels":

What's messed up is the loose definitions open the door
for MALES to get in the Women's facilities. That's what the hubbub is about.

Don't write the laws so poorly that MALES get in there!

And don't PUNISH people for insisting that the policies be written clearly
where it doesn't infringe on the other 99% of the population's right to
assemble peacefully and securely in restrooms!

I agree, but understand. There are no "rules" to be written if this is declared a Civil Right, they get ALL RIGHTS afforded any Woman. They cannot be denied access to ALL facilities allowed women.

Public or Private.

If a business offers segregated restrooms, the tranny male will be allowed in them as well.

Pop23 the marriage issue was also declared a right through that court ruling.
But marriage remains faith based, and so does this.

Apparently it is up to the people to defend faith-based issues and beliefs
from being regulated through govt.

You can even see this in the ACA that seeks to regulate which religious memberships
count as exemptions or not.
Government abuse of power....
Comply or lose federal funding
Comply or be fined
Comply or have charges brought....

We need to fight back against this tyranny.
Where would we be without the 2nd amendment right now? How much more would the Feds be wanting the people to comply with? And how would they be dealing with people who didn't comply?
"Obama admin bullying states into allowing transgendered bathrooms"


This is a lie.

Dear C_Clayton_Jones
He threatened to pull federal funding.

SEE Department of Justice definition of domestic violence
that includes "withholding one's access to money"

Economic Abuse: Is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one's access to money, or forbidding one's attendance at school or employment.

In the link I posted to Dan Patrick's statement, he reiterated
this is ONLY A THREAT. Obama hasn't actually issued official orders yet.

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