Obama admin demands you deny reality

still only 2...all the marxist, radical left social engineering in the world can't change DNA.
dna is only part of gender and sexuality only the willfully ignorant deny that.
nothing Marxist or leftist about recognizing those facts.
denying them is about as repressive as it gets.

Gender is quite clear. And it cannot be changed.
false! gender is not all physical.

We can easily tell what gender someone is, don't be so childish.
gender is not all physical
speaking of childish .

You can't tell the difference of a boy and girl physically?
Total liberal insanity coming from the non-natural born citizen constitutionally ineligible president. Will he institute this where his daughters attend school?

Obama DOE: Schools Must Offer Mixed Sex Showers - The Gateway Pundit

So, in order to make a small percent happy (and make the guys that want to sneak a peek really happy), Obama is willing to make the majority uncomfortable. Typical.

'the guys that want a sneak peak', huh?
"During her Middle School years, Student A transitions to living full-time as a young woman. Since then she has presented a female appearance, completed a legal name change, obtained a passport reflecting a gender change, received a diagnosis of and treatment for gender dysphoria, and taken an ongoing course of hormone therapy. "

pg 2
DOE Report on Case 05-14-1055
Full text: Department of Education report on District 211 Title IX violations

Seems a little elaborate to get a 'sneak peak', wouldn't you say?

A sex change isn't necessary. It's all about how students identify. No one is questioned. They walk into whatever bathroom or shower they claim suits them. There have been a few instances of guys sneaking peeks.

Its far more than merely the identity. Its identifying as a girl, presenting a girl's appearance, living full time as a girl, getting your name changed legally to a commonly girl's name, getting your passport to match a girl's gender, getting a diagnosis of gender dysphoria from a relevantly trained mental health professional and being on a fulltime course of hormone treatments.

All that just to get 'a sneak peak'? Occam's razor wouldn't be kind to such an argument.
So kids can now do all that before they turn 18? Liberals are mentally deranged.
Pat Robertson is a major fucking idiot just like some people here!
Pat Robertson: Transgender Girl Just Wants To Peep In Locker Room
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 11/3/2015 1:05 pm
Last year, Pat Robertson pushed back against “the misconception that I’m sort of right-wing extremist,” in part by citing his belief that he sees “nothing wrong” with transgender people seeking sex reassignment surgery.

The televangelist’s “progressive” views on transgender issues didn’t last long, shockingly enough, and today he lambasted the Obama administration after the Education Department found that “an Illinois school district violated anti-discrimination laws when it did not allow a transgender student who identifies as a girl and participates on a girls’ sports team to change and shower in the girls’ locker room without restrictions.”

Robertson suggested that the transgender student may just want to stare at naked girls: “This transgender stuff, I mean, this was a boy and this boy, we don’t know what surgery was performed on him, if any, we don’t know what his parts are, and yet he wants to go into the girls’ locker room and see all these disrobed little girls running around.”

- See more at: Pat Robertson: Transgender Girl Just Wants To Peep In Locker Room

Seriously Pat?? SHE is a GIRL you ignorant fuck!
what I find gut busting about these Steve Mc BullShit threads and all the other think of the children threads by the whiny right is that the so called morals that they tout , will be tossed out when the kids they are trying so hard to "protect" get in to a relationship where they will shower with the opposite or same sex.
use the bathroom with that partner present.
the same thing mommy and daddy do!
a smart kid might ask if they can do it why can't I
another amazing contradiction by the right.
Oh your so romantic, do you hold hands while you and your partner shit together.
Okay how many genders are there now?

still only 2...all the marxist, radical left social engineering in the world can't change DNA.
dna is only part of gender and sexuality only the willfully ignorant deny that.
nothing Marxist or leftist about recognizing those facts.
denying them is about as repressive as it gets.

Maybe sexuality, not gender.

Only the lefts marketing department think different.
what I find gut busting about these Steve Mc BullShit threads and all the other think of the children threads by the whiny right is that the so called morals that they tout , will be tossed out when the kids they are trying so hard to "protect" get in to a relationship where they will shower with the opposite or same sex.
use the bathroom with that partner present.
the same thing mommy and daddy do!
a smart kid might ask if they can do it why can't I
another amazing contradiction by the right.
Oh your so romantic, do you hold hands while you and your partner shit together.

Sure , why not??
What's the big deal?
It's highly immoral.

What's immoral about it? We are all born nekkid, you know.

Putting a bunch of kids with raging hormones together naked is a good idea in your mind?
So who gets to monitor these showers? Because there is no damn way you could leave em un supervised.

I mailed my application for the job about 10 minutes ago.

Confirming what we know about liberals....no morals.
what I find gut busting about these Steve Mc BullShit threads and all the other think of the children threads by the whiny right is that the so called morals that they tout , will be tossed out when the kids they are trying so hard to "protect" get in to a relationship where they will shower with the opposite or same sex.
use the bathroom with that partner present.
the same thing mommy and daddy do!
a smart kid might ask if they can do it why can't I
another amazing contradiction by the right.
Oh your so romantic, do you hold hands while you and your partner shit together.

Sure , why not??

Good lord,

And you actually call others morons?
What's the big deal?
It's highly immoral.

What's immoral about it? We are all born nekkid, you know.

Putting a bunch of kids with raging hormones together naked is a good idea in your mind?
So who gets to monitor these showers? Because there is no damn way you could leave em un supervised.

I mailed my application for the job about 10 minutes ago.

Confirming what we know about liberals....no morals.
Morals? What is moral about discrimination? What is moral about denying someone the right to be who they are? What is moral about driving children to suicide?
What's the big deal?
It's highly immoral.

What's immoral about it? We are all born nekkid, you know.

Putting a bunch of kids with raging hormones together naked is a good idea in your mind?
So who gets to monitor these showers? Because there is no damn way you could leave em un supervised.

I mailed my application for the job about 10 minutes ago.

Confirming what we know about liberals....no morals.

You wouldn't know a moral if it bit you on the ass.
what I find gut busting about these Steve Mc BullShit threads and all the other think of the children threads by the whiny right is that the so called morals that they tout , will be tossed out when the kids they are trying so hard to "protect" get in to a relationship where they will shower with the opposite or same sex.
use the bathroom with that partner present.
the same thing mommy and daddy do!
a smart kid might ask if they can do it why can't I
another amazing contradiction by the right.
Oh your so romantic, do you hold hands while you and your partner shit together.

Sure , why not??
Oh my, do you wipe each others ass?
It's highly immoral.

What's immoral about it? We are all born nekkid, you know.

Putting a bunch of kids with raging hormones together naked is a good idea in your mind?
So who gets to monitor these showers? Because there is no damn way you could leave em un supervised.

I mailed my application for the job about 10 minutes ago.

Confirming what we know about liberals....no morals.
Morals? What is moral about discrimination? What is moral about denying someone the right to be who they are? What is moral about driving children to suicide?

So you're applying for the job as well....pervert.
It's highly immoral.

What's immoral about it? We are all born nekkid, you know.

Putting a bunch of kids with raging hormones together naked is a good idea in your mind?
So who gets to monitor these showers? Because there is no damn way you could leave em un supervised.

I mailed my application for the job about 10 minutes ago.

Confirming what we know about liberals....no morals.
Morals? What is moral about discrimination? What is moral about denying someone
the right to be who they are? What is moral about driving children to suicide?

They think that's what God wants them to do.
It's highly immoral.

What's immoral about it? We are all born nekkid, you know.

Putting a bunch of kids with raging hormones together naked is a good idea in your mind?
So who gets to monitor these showers? Because there is no damn way you could leave em un supervised.

I mailed my application for the job about 10 minutes ago.

Confirming what we know about liberals....no morals.

You wouldn't know a moral if it bit you on the ass.

Says the guy who wants to watch young kids shower together.
Majority of Americans are used to denying reality. And twice on Sundays. ;)
Lol, you;re just saying that because you belong to that degenerate fringe group also known as 'atheists'.

For ease of understanding I"m ok with 'atheist' though more accurately I don't identify as anything. Show me a god I'll worship it just out of self-interest. :) But I don't discount the possibility of gods or things we'd call gods that we take to worshipping them. As with aliens here on Earth I simply don't see any evidence for gods yet. Could change tomorrow though.

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