Obama admin demands you deny reality

dna is only part of gender and sexuality only the willfully ignorant deny that.
nothing Marxist or leftist about recognizing those facts.
denying them is about as repressive as it gets.

Gender is quite clear. And it cannot be changed.
false! gender is not all physical.

We can easily tell what gender someone is, don't be so childish.
gender is not all physical
speaking of childish .

You can't tell the difference of a boy and girl physically?
Why? Can't you?
what I find gut busting about these Steve Mc BullShit threads and all the other think of the children threads by the whiny right is that the so called morals that they tout , will be tossed out when the kids they are trying so hard to "protect" get in to a relationship where they will shower with the opposite or same sex.
use the bathroom with that partner present.
the same thing mommy and daddy do!
a smart kid might ask if they can do it why can't I
another amazing contradiction by the right.
Oh your so romantic, do you hold hands while you and your partner shit together.

Sure , why not??
Oh my, do you wipe each others ass?
They only have one?
If it is ok to have inter gender showers why do these transgenders refuse to shower with the "opposite" gender?
same reason some people don't like certain foods.

Ok so then we shouldn't have them.
Should or should not is subjective.

Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.
Gender is quite clear. And it cannot be changed.
false! gender is not all physical.

We can easily tell what gender someone is, don't be so childish.
gender is not all physical
speaking of childish .

You can't tell the difference of a boy and girl physically?
Why? Can't you?
It is physically easy, you are the one with the problem.
If it is ok to have inter gender showers why do these transgenders refuse to shower with the "opposite" gender?
same reason some people don't like certain foods.

Ok so then we shouldn't have them.
Should or should not is subjective.

Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.

That is exactly what I would say. The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable " about it. People are uncomfortable about a lot of things. I'm still trying to find information on who, exactly, is "uncomfortable" with this. How the students feel about it.
If it is ok to have inter gender showers why do these transgenders refuse to shower with the "opposite" gender?
same reason some people don't like certain foods.

Ok so then we shouldn't have them.
Should or should not is subjective.

Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.

That is exactly what I would say. The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable " about it. People are uncomfortable about a lot of things. I'm still trying to find information on who, exactly, is "uncomfortable" with this. How the students feel about it.

Nudist feel the same way. In most of the world their comfortable public exhibition lands them in jail.
If it is ok to have inter gender showers why do these transgenders refuse to shower with the "opposite" gender?
same reason some people don't like certain foods.

Ok so then we shouldn't have them.
Should or should not is subjective.

Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.

That is exactly what I would say. The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable " about it. People are uncomfortable about a lot of things. I'm still trying to find information on who, exactly, is "uncomfortable" with this. How the students feel about it.

From what I have seen many of the girls complained.
same reason some people don't like certain foods.

Ok so then we shouldn't have them.
Should or should not is subjective.

Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.

That is exactly what I would say. The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable " about it. People are uncomfortable about a lot of things. I'm still trying to find information on who, exactly, is "uncomfortable" with this. How the students feel about it.

From what I have seen many of the girls complained.
From what you've seen? Were you there? I have reviewed about at least 6 articles and not a word about what the kids are saying.
In a related story.... ignorance and fear mongering rules the day much like what we are seeing here on this board:

Houston Voters Reject Measure Barring LGBT Discrimination
Opponents of HERO effectively scared voters into thinking it would allow men in women's bathrooms. Houston Voters Reject Measure Barring LGBT Discrimination

Prop. 1, known as Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance, would have barred discrimination on the basis of race, age, military status, disability and 11 other categories in a variety of areas. (Religious organizations and institutions would be exempt from the requirements.)

Conservative activists -- who were heavily outspent by LGBT advocates -- dubbed Prop. 1 the "bathroom ordinance" and adopted the slogan "No men in women's bathrooms," playing up fears that passage could lead to male sexual predators dressing up as women and entering women's restrooms.
Ok so then we shouldn't have them.
Should or should not is subjective.

Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.

That is exactly what I would say. The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable " about it. People are uncomfortable about a lot of things. I'm still trying to find information on who, exactly, is "uncomfortable" with this. How the students feel about it.

From what I have seen many of the girls complained.
From what you've seen? Were you there? I have reviewed about at least 6 articles and not a word about what the kids are saying.

You didn't bother reading the article linked in the OP?

Perhaps the harshest consequences came from her involvement in one of her high school’s athletic teams, however. Because the transgender student wasn’t allowed to change with her teammates, she missed out on pre-game huddles, “girl talk” and other chances to bond, the report found. On the four occasions she did enter the locker room to chat before important games, “four girls and one parent complained” to the coach. When the coach chastised her, the transgender student experienced what the coach called a tearful “breakdown.”
In a related story.... ignorance and fear mongering rules the day much like what we are seeing here on this board:

Houston Voters Reject Measure Barring LGBT Discrimination
Opponents of HERO effectively scared voters into thinking it would allow men in women's bathrooms. Houston Voters Reject Measure Barring LGBT Discrimination

Prop. 1, known as Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance, would have barred discrimination on the basis of race, age, military status, disability and 11 other categories in a variety of areas. (Religious organizations and institutions would be exempt from the requirements.)

Conservative activists -- who were heavily outspent by LGBT advocates -- dubbed Prop. 1 the "bathroom ordinance" and adopted the slogan "No men in women's bathrooms," playing up fears that passage could lead to male sexual predators dressing up as women and entering women's restrooms.

No many on this board are aware of reality. You cannot change your gender, you are what you are born.

You can't let one student make everyone uncomfortable.
Should or should not is subjective.

Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.

That is exactly what I would say. The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable " about it. People are uncomfortable about a lot of things. I'm still trying to find information on who, exactly, is "uncomfortable" with this. How the students feel about it.

From what I have seen many of the girls complained.
From what you've seen? Were you there? I have reviewed about at least 6 articles and not a word about what the kids are saying.

You didn't bother reading the article linked in the OP?

Perhaps the harshest consequences came from her involvement in one of her high school’s athletic teams, however. Because the transgender student wasn’t allowed to change with her teammates, she missed out on pre-game huddles, “girl talk” and other chances to bond, the report found. On the four occasions she did enter the locker room to chat before important games, “four girls and one parent complained” to the coach. When the coach chastised her, the transgender student experienced what the coach called a tearful “breakdown.”

OK Four girls and a parent. What percentage of girls and parents does that represent? What exactly did they complain about and by who's account? Regardless, the transgender GIRL has rights
In a related story.... ignorance and fear mongering rules the day much like what we are seeing here on this board:

Houston Voters Reject Measure Barring LGBT Discrimination
Opponents of HERO effectively scared voters into thinking it would allow men in women's bathrooms. Houston Voters Reject Measure Barring LGBT Discrimination

Prop. 1, known as Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance, would have barred discrimination on the basis of race, age, military status, disability and 11 other categories in a variety of areas. (Religious organizations and institutions would be exempt from the requirements.)

Conservative activists -- who were heavily outspent by LGBT advocates -- dubbed Prop. 1 the "bathroom ordinance" and adopted the slogan "No men in women's bathrooms," playing up fears that passage could lead to male sexual predators dressing up as women and entering women's restrooms.

No many on this board are aware of reality. You cannot change your gender, you are what you are born.

You can't let one student make everyone uncomfortable.
Why? because YOU say so? YOU get to determine what reality is for others? To say that you can't change your gender is just an appeal to ignorance because people can and do change their biological gender to match their psychological gender identity.
Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.

That is exactly what I would say. The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable " about it. People are uncomfortable about a lot of things. I'm still trying to find information on who, exactly, is "uncomfortable" with this. How the students feel about it.

From what I have seen many of the girls complained.
From what you've seen? Were you there? I have reviewed about at least 6 articles and not a word about what the kids are saying.

You didn't bother reading the article linked in the OP?

Perhaps the harshest consequences came from her involvement in one of her high school’s athletic teams, however. Because the transgender student wasn’t allowed to change with her teammates, she missed out on pre-game huddles, “girl talk” and other chances to bond, the report found. On the four occasions she did enter the locker room to chat before important games, “four girls and one parent complained” to the coach. When the coach chastised her, the transgender student experienced what the coach called a tearful “breakdown.”

OK Four girls and a parent. What percentage of girls and parents does that represent? What exactly did they complain about and by who's account? Regardless, the transgender GIRL has rights

That was one example. Why is it the boy who thinks he's a girl can't shower with the boys? If that makes him uncomfortable, then the real girls feel the same thing with a boy in the girls shower.

It is ok to make many uncomfortable because one refuses to do the very same thing?
In a related story.... ignorance and fear mongering rules the day much like what we are seeing here on this board:

Houston Voters Reject Measure Barring LGBT Discrimination
Opponents of HERO effectively scared voters into thinking it would allow men in women's bathrooms. Houston Voters Reject Measure Barring LGBT Discrimination

Prop. 1, known as Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance, would have barred discrimination on the basis of race, age, military status, disability and 11 other categories in a variety of areas. (Religious organizations and institutions would be exempt from the requirements.)

Conservative activists -- who were heavily outspent by LGBT advocates -- dubbed Prop. 1 the "bathroom ordinance" and adopted the slogan "No men in women's bathrooms," playing up fears that passage could lead to male sexual predators dressing up as women and entering women's restrooms.

No many on this board are aware of reality. You cannot change your gender, you are what you are born.

You can't let one student make everyone uncomfortable.
Why? because YOU say so? YOU get to determine what reality is for others? To say that you can't change your gender is just an appeal to ignorance because people can and do change their biological gender to match their psychological gender identity.

No it is reality. You can not change genders. You just become a Frankenstein gender. A boy will never have a period, never have a baby. It is a fantasy and dangerous one. All surgeries are dangerous, suicide is high among these.
Why is it ok for the boy who thinks he's a girl to say he won't shower with other boys, but not ok for real girls to not want to shower with a boy?
what I find gut busting about these Steve Mc BullShit threads and all the other think of the children threads by the whiny right is that the so called morals that they tout , will be tossed out when the kids they are trying so hard to "protect" get in to a relationship where they will shower with the opposite or same sex.
use the bathroom with that partner present.
the same thing mommy and daddy do!
a smart kid might ask if they can do it why can't I
another amazing contradiction by the right.
Oh your so romantic, do you hold hands while you and your partner shit together.
One of your masturbation fantasies?
I'm not the one talking nonsense.

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