Obama admin demands you deny reality

Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.

That is exactly what I would say. " about it. People are uncomfortable about a lot of things. I'm still trying to find information on who, exactly, is "uncomfortable" with this. How the students feel about it.

From what I have seen many of the girls complained.
were you in the a shower?

The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable".
game, set , match.

Really? Your transgender won't shower with boys because it makes him uncomfortable. But the girls should be forced to be uncomfortable? Sorry the real girls have rights too. This is all an attack on women's rights.
absolute bullshit.
you are basing your "opinion" on appearance .
sooner or later those girls will see a dick.
if that what's bothering you, you've got deeper problems than public bathing.

It is bothering those girls. You trample all over their rights.
gender is not all physical
speaking of childish .

You can't tell the difference of a boy and girl physically?
Why? Can't you?
It is physically easy, you are the one with the problem.
only on the outside .
not accepting that form does not always follow function the problem, as I said before is all yours .

Yes you mean only in reality. He is no more a girl than an elf. Policy can't be based on fantasy.
false he's just what he says she is appearances can ,and in this case deceiving.
you are one of those asshats who thinks it's some kind of character fault when in fact it's dna.
Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.

That is exactly what I would say. " about it. People are uncomfortable about a lot of things. I'm still trying to find information on who, exactly, is "uncomfortable" with this. How the students feel about it.

From what I have seen many of the girls complained.
were you in the a shower?

The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable".
game, set , match.

Really? Your transgender won't shower with boys because it makes him uncomfortable. But the girls should be forced to be uncomfortable? Sorry the real girls have rights too. This is all an attack on women's rights.
absolute bullshit.
you are basing your "opinion" on appearance .
sooner or later those girls will see a dick.
if that what's bothering you, you've got deeper problems than public bathing.

Sooner or later those girls will see a dick?

Are you freaking sick?

How many times do you think a degenerate flasher had used that in court?
Should or should not is subjective.

Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.
neither, the majority should grow the fuck up and not worry about who sees who naked!

You are asking kids to grow up? You are a joke.
no, I'm asking alleged adults like yourself to grow the fuck up.

We are talking about children. Adults aren't showering in school. Get a clue.
thanks for proving my point : "grow the fuck up and not worry about who sees who naked."
You can't tell the difference of a boy and girl physically?
Why? Can't you?
It is physically easy, you are the one with the problem.
only on the outside .
not accepting that form does not always follow function the problem, as I said before is all yours .

Yes you mean only in reality. He is no more a girl than an elf. Policy can't be based on fantasy.
false he's just what he says she is appearances can ,and in this case deceiving.
you are one of those asshats who thinks it's some kind of character fault when in fact it's dna.

To all those girls in the showers he is quite obviously a boy. And they have rights.
Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.
neither, the majority should grow the fuck up and not worry about who sees who naked!

You are asking kids to grow up? You are a joke.
no, I'm asking alleged adults like yourself to grow the fuck up.

We are talking about children. Adults aren't showering in school. Get a clue.
thanks for proving my point : "grow the fuck up and not worry about who sees who naked."

This is all started by who sees who. Your transgender started it by not wanting to be seen by other boys. Your arguments are impressively stupid. Tell the transgender to grow up and not care about who sees who. Problem solved.
Why? because YOU say so? YOU get to determine what reality is for others? To say that you can't change your gender is just an appeal to ignorance because people can and do change their biological gender to match their psychological gender identity.

No it is reality. You can not change genders. You just become a Frankenstein gender. A boy will never have a period, never have a baby. It is a fantasy and dangerous one. All surgeries are dangerous, suicide is high among these.

That’s right! Transgender teens are at high risk of suicide. And, the one who are at the highest risk are those who are bullied, not accepted, and not given the support that they need to discover and become who they are. Those who claim that they should just live with the gender that they were born with are being stupid and cruel. Anyone who actually care about the problem of suicide should educate themselves on the topic and stop making rash, ignorant and irresponsible comments.

transgender teen's suicide, a mother's...

www.cnn.com/2014/12/31/us/ohio-transgender-teen-suicide Jan 03, 2015 · Ohio transgender teen Leelah Alcorn said on social media she committed suicide because her parents refused to accept who she was. Ohio transgender teen's mom: 'He was an amazing boy' - CNN.com

Bullied transgender teen commits suicide | New...

nypost.com/.../10/bullied-transgender-teen-commits-suicide Appr 09, 2015 · SAN DIEGO — A 16-year-old transgender girl who spoke on YouTube about being bullied at school in Southern California killed herself, a support group said ... http://nypost.com/2015/04/10/bullied-transgender-teen-commits-suicide/

Suicide Risk and Prevention for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth

Risk and protective factors help explain suicidal behavior and inform program and practitioner approaches to reducing suicidal behavior. LGB youth generally have more risk factors, more severe risk factors, and fewer protective factors than heterosexual youth. For example, LGB youth often lack important protective factors such as family support and safe schools, and more LGB young people appear to experience depression and substance abuse. In addition, there is risk unique to LGB youth related to the development of sexual orientation, for example, disclosure at an early age raises risks. It would be difficult to overstate the impact of stigma and discrimination against LGBT individuals in the United States. Stigma and discrimination are directly tied to risk factors for suicide. For example, discrimination has a strong association with mental illness, and heterosexism may lead to isolation, family rejection, and lack of access to culturally competent care. http://www.sprc.org/sites/sprc.org/files/library/SPRC_LGBT_Youth.pdf

All those girls have rights. Why should they have to shower with a boy, when the transgender refuses to shower with boys? You can't trample on the right of the many for one person.
really? what about Rosa parks?
don't bother to answer.

That's all you have? So trample on all the rights of then real girls? Doesn't work like that sorry.
no need for more .and yes it does work like that the only people making it a problem are so called adults .
lookey here, a 2 thousand year old culture where adults and children bath together.
with no oh my god! genitalia nonsense.

Traditional Japanese Bathing
You're probably starting to get the sense that the Japanese are generally very reserved, so the sight of hundreds of nude or nearly-nude Japanese people bathing together might initially shock you. If you visit one of the thousands of onsens (hot springs) across the country, however, it's something you will quickly become accustomed to seeing. Geothermal springs -- the result of volcanic activity -- provide hot, mineral-rich water for indoor and outdoor baths. Some are owned by communities, while others are attached to hotels or resorts. People visit onsen not only with their families, but also with friends and co-workers.

When it comes to onsen etiquette, Shinto, with its emphasis on purity and cleanliness, has an influence. Visiting an onsen begins with getting clean before you get into the water -- bathing is about relaxation and socializing only (and this pre-cleaning practice extends to bathing at home, too). Onsens always have showers, or at the very least faucets and buckets, and most provide soap and shampoo as well. It's unacceptable to get into the springs while dirty or even soapy.

Most onsens do not allow anything in the water but the bathers themselves, and this includes swimsuits. Everyone has a small white hand towel, which is usually placed on the head or by the side of the bath (although a few onsens do permit bathers to use their towel in the water). Many do not allow bathers with tattoos -- especially if they're large -- as these were traditionally associated with the yakuza, or mafia. There are usually different baths or specific bathing hours for each sex. Bathers are expected to slip gently into the water (no diving) and mill around quietly -- no swimming, splashing or rough play allowed. Many onsens have areas for napping, eating or just socializing after getting out of the bath.

How Japanese Traditions Work
No it is reality. You can not change genders. You just become a Frankenstein gender. A boy will never have a period, never have a baby. It is a fantasy and dangerous one. All surgeries are dangerous, suicide is high among these.

That’s right! Transgender teens are at high risk of suicide. And, the one who are at the highest risk are those who are bullied, not accepted, and not given the support that they need to discover and become who they are. Those who claim that they should just live with the gender that they were born with are being stupid and cruel. Anyone who actually care about the problem of suicide should educate themselves on the topic and stop making rash, ignorant and irresponsible comments.

transgender teen's suicide, a mother's...

www.cnn.com/2014/12/31/us/ohio-transgender-teen-suicide Jan 03, 2015 · Ohio transgender teen Leelah Alcorn said on social media she committed suicide because her parents refused to accept who she was. Ohio transgender teen's mom: 'He was an amazing boy' - CNN.com

Bullied transgender teen commits suicide | New...

nypost.com/.../10/bullied-transgender-teen-commits-suicide Appr 09, 2015 · SAN DIEGO — A 16-year-old transgender girl who spoke on YouTube about being bullied at school in Southern California killed herself, a support group said ... http://nypost.com/2015/04/10/bullied-transgender-teen-commits-suicide/

Suicide Risk and Prevention for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth

Risk and protective factors help explain suicidal behavior and inform program and practitioner approaches to reducing suicidal behavior. LGB youth generally have more risk factors, more severe risk factors, and fewer protective factors than heterosexual youth. For example, LGB youth often lack important protective factors such as family support and safe schools, and more LGB young people appear to experience depression and substance abuse. In addition, there is risk unique to LGB youth related to the development of sexual orientation, for example, disclosure at an early age raises risks. It would be difficult to overstate the impact of stigma and discrimination against LGBT individuals in the United States. Stigma and discrimination are directly tied to risk factors for suicide. For example, discrimination has a strong association with mental illness, and heterosexism may lead to isolation, family rejection, and lack of access to culturally competent care. http://www.sprc.org/sites/sprc.org/files/library/SPRC_LGBT_Youth.pdf

All those girls have rights. Why should they have to shower with a boy, when the transgender refuses to shower with boys? You can't trample on the right of the many for one person.
really? what about Rosa parks?
don't bother to answer.

That's all you have? So trample on all the rights of then real girls? Doesn't work like that sorry.
no need for more .and yes it does work like that the only people making it a problem are so called adults .
lookey here, a 2 thousand year old culture where adults and children bath together.
with no oh my god! genitalia nonsense.

Traditional Japanese Bathing
You're probably starting to get the sense that the Japanese are generally very reserved, so the sight of hundreds of nude or nearly-nude Japanese people bathing together might initially shock you. If you visit one of the thousands of onsens (hot springs) across the country, however, it's something you will quickly become accustomed to seeing. Geothermal springs -- the result of volcanic activity -- provide hot, mineral-rich water for indoor and outdoor baths. Some are owned by communities, while others are attached to hotels or resorts. People visit onsen not only with their families, but also with friends and co-workers.

When it comes to onsen etiquette, Shinto, with its emphasis on purity and cleanliness, has an influence. Visiting an onsen begins with getting clean before you get into the water -- bathing is about relaxation and socializing only (and this pre-cleaning practice extends to bathing at home, too). Onsens always have showers, or at the very least faucets and buckets, and most provide soap and shampoo as well. It's unacceptable to get into the springs while dirty or even soapy.

Most onsens do not allow anything in the water but the bathers themselves, and this includes swimsuits. Everyone has a small white hand towel, which is usually placed on the head or by the side of the bath (although a few onsens do permit bathers to use their towel in the water). Many do not allow bathers with tattoos -- especially if they're large -- as these were traditionally associated with the yakuza, or mafia. There are usually different baths or specific bathing hours for each sex. Bathers are expected to slip gently into the water (no diving) and mill around quietly -- no swimming, splashing or rough play allowed. Many onsens have areas for napping, eating or just socializing after getting out of the bath.

How Japanese Traditions Work

Then your transgender should have no problem showering with the other boys. Problem solved.
That is exactly what I would say. " about it. People are uncomfortable about a lot of things. I'm still trying to find information on who, exactly, is "uncomfortable" with this. How the students feel about it.

From what I have seen many of the girls complained.
were you in the a shower?

The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable".
game, set , match.

Really? Your transgender won't shower with boys because it makes him uncomfortable. But the girls should be forced to be uncomfortable? Sorry the real girls have rights too. This is all an attack on women's rights.
absolute bullshit.
you are basing your "opinion" on appearance .
sooner or later those girls will see a dick.
if that what's bothering you, you've got deeper problems than public bathing.

It is bothering those girls. You trample all over their rights.
their right's do not superseded his /her's rights.
From what I have seen many of the girls complained.
were you in the a shower?

The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable".
game, set , match.

Really? Your transgender won't shower with boys because it makes him uncomfortable. But the girls should be forced to be uncomfortable? Sorry the real girls have rights too. This is all an attack on women's rights.
absolute bullshit.
you are basing your "opinion" on appearance .
sooner or later those girls will see a dick.
if that what's bothering you, you've got deeper problems than public bathing.

It is bothering those girls. You trample all over their rights.
their right's do not superseded his /her's rights.

Sorry they have rights too. They shouldn't be forced to shower with a boy.
neither, the majority should grow the fuck up and not worry about who sees who naked!

You are asking kids to grow up? You are a joke.
no, I'm asking alleged adults like yourself to grow the fuck up.

We are talking about children. Adults aren't showering in school. Get a clue.
thanks for proving my point : "grow the fuck up and not worry about who sees who naked."

This is all started by who sees who. Your transgender started it by not wanting to be seen by other boys. Your arguments are impressively stupid. Tell the transgender to grow up and not care about who sees who. Problem solved.
then the girls should not have a problem with it either he /she can still shower with them.
check mate
You are asking kids to grow up? You are a joke.
no, I'm asking alleged adults like yourself to grow the fuck up.

We are talking about children. Adults aren't showering in school. Get a clue.
thanks for proving my point : "grow the fuck up and not worry about who sees who naked."

This is all started by who sees who. Your transgender started it by not wanting to be seen by other boys. Your arguments are impressively stupid. Tell the transgender to grow up and not care about who sees who. Problem solved.
then the girls should not have a problem with it either he /she can still shower with them.
check mate
But they do. And they have rights.

So your transgender can't just grow up? What is ok for the girls isn't ok for them? You are a joke.
were you in the a shower?

The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable".
game, set , match.

Really? Your transgender won't shower with boys because it makes him uncomfortable. But the girls should be forced to be uncomfortable? Sorry the real girls have rights too. This is all an attack on women's rights.
absolute bullshit.
you are basing your "opinion" on appearance .
sooner or later those girls will see a dick.
if that what's bothering you, you've got deeper problems than public bathing.

It is bothering those girls. You trample all over their rights.
their right's do not superseded his /her's rights.

Sorry they have rights too. They shouldn't be forced to shower with a boy.
their right's do not superseded his /her's rights.
the denial of fact is strong with this one.
btw Kid have no inherent rights to begin with.
no, I'm asking alleged adults like yourself to grow the fuck up.

We are talking about children. Adults aren't showering in school. Get a clue.
thanks for proving my point : "grow the fuck up and not worry about who sees who naked."

This is all started by who sees who. Your transgender started it by not wanting to be seen by other boys. Your arguments are impressively stupid. Tell the transgender to grow up and not care about who sees who. Problem solved.
then the girls should not have a problem with it either he /she can still shower with them.
check mate
But they do. And they have rights.

So your transgender can't just grow up? What is ok for the girls isn't ok for them? You are a joke.
their right's do not superseded his /her's rights.
Really? Your transgender won't shower with boys because it makes him uncomfortable. But the girls should be forced to be uncomfortable? Sorry the real girls have rights too. This is all an attack on women's rights.
absolute bullshit.
you are basing your "opinion" on appearance .
sooner or later those girls will see a dick.
if that what's bothering you, you've got deeper problems than public bathing.

It is bothering those girls. You trample all over their rights.
their right's do not superseded his /her's rights.

Sorry they have rights too. They shouldn't be forced to shower with a boy.
their right's do not superseded his /her's rights.
the denial of fact is strong with this one.
btw Kid have no inherent rights to begin with.

Like YOU said, tell the transgender to grow up. He can shower with the other boys. Your own argument. Thank you.
Should or should not is subjective.

Well what are you asking for then? You are saying the majority should accept it because a minority refuses to? The majority should be made uncomfortable because the minority might feel better? Makes no sense.
neither, the majority should grow the fuck up and not worry about who sees who naked!

You are asking kids to grow up? You are a joke.
no, I'm asking alleged adults like yourself to grow the fuck up.

To control this behavior you find uncomfortable????
no immature and ignorant.
We are talking about children. Adults aren't showering in school. Get a clue.
thanks for proving my point : "grow the fuck up and not worry about who sees who naked."

This is all started by who sees who. Your transgender started it by not wanting to be seen by other boys. Your arguments are impressively stupid. Tell the transgender to grow up and not care about who sees who. Problem solved.
then the girls should not have a problem with it either he /she can still shower with them.
check mate
But they do. And they have rights.

So your transgender can't just grow up? What is ok for the girls isn't ok for them? You are a joke.
their right's do not superseded his /her's rights.

Well the girls are ok showering together, but not wih a boy. Guess your boy needs to shower alone, cause you can't trample the rights of the girls.
That is exactly what I would say. " about it. People are uncomfortable about a lot of things. I'm still trying to find information on who, exactly, is "uncomfortable" with this. How the students feel about it.

From what I have seen many of the girls complained.
were you in the a shower?

The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable".
game, set , match.

Really? Your transgender won't shower with boys because it makes him uncomfortable. But the girls should be forced to be uncomfortable? Sorry the real girls have rights too. This is all an attack on women's rights.
absolute bullshit.
you are basing your "opinion" on appearance .
sooner or later those girls will see a dick.
if that what's bothering you, you've got deeper problems than public bathing.

Sooner or later those girls will see a dick?

Are you freaking sick?

How many times do you think a degenerate flasher had used that in court?
doesn't make it any less factual.
From what I have seen many of the girls complained.
were you in the a shower?

The rights of individuals cannot be withheld based on who is "uncomfortable".
game, set , match.

Really? Your transgender won't shower with boys because it makes him uncomfortable. But the girls should be forced to be uncomfortable? Sorry the real girls have rights too. This is all an attack on women's rights.
absolute bullshit.
you are basing your "opinion" on appearance .
sooner or later those girls will see a dick.
if that what's bothering you, you've got deeper problems than public bathing.

Sooner or later those girls will see a dick?

Are you freaking sick?

How many times do you think a degenerate flasher had used that in court?
doesn't make it any less factual.

So the transgender should have no problem showering with the boys.
absolute bullshit.
you are basing your "opinion" on appearance .
sooner or later those girls will see a dick.
if that what's bothering you, you've got deeper problems than public bathing.

It is bothering those girls. You trample all over their rights.
their right's do not superseded his /her's rights.

Sorry they have rights too. They shouldn't be forced to shower with a boy.
their right's do not superseded his /her's rights.
the denial of fact is strong with this one.
btw Kid have no inherent rights to begin with.

Like YOU said, tell the transgender to grow up. He can shower with the other boys. Your own argument. Thank you.
false never said that for all practical
purposes he is female.
again you have no argument.

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