Obama Administration Appointee Averaged More Than 1 Unmasking Per Formal Working Day


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, tried to reveal the identity of more than 260 Americans in 2016, according to a Fox News report published Wednesday.

The ex-
public official allegedly averaged more than one unmasking request for each formal working day, even continuing her spree towards the final days of the Obama administration.

The House Intelligence Committee’s unmasking probe
named Power as a person of interest, along with former Obama national security advisers Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes, as well as former CIA Director John Brennan. Congressional investigators suspect that at least one of them may have tried to obtain the identities of Trump associates through intelligence reports.

The people of interest are all expected to testify before Congress in October, Fox News reports, but likely in classified sessions.

Nunes also
contended that senior Obama administration officials, “offered remarkably few individualized justifications” for the unmasking requests, and added that some “were followed by anonymous leaks of those names to the media.”

...and leaking classified information, which the Obama administration and his loyalists have been proven to have repeatedly done, is a CRIME.

Obama administration was / is the MOST CRIMINAL ADMIISTRATION EVUH!

Report: Obama's UN Ambassador Tried To Unmask More Than 260 Americans
"Unmasking or identifying U.S. citizens who are communicating with foreign governments or foreign principals for genuine intelligence purposes is legal, but obtaining the identity of U.S. citizens for partisan political purposes is not permitted under any circumstances. The leaking of “unmasked” U.S. citizens to the news media is unlawful.

“It is obvious that Obama, Brennan, Rice, Power and Rhodes were involved in massive — underscore massive — unmasking of Trump people, friends and associates after Trump’s nomination and after the election,” DiGenova said.

Former intelligence and national security officials agree that it’s time to pursue a criminal investigation.

“When you’re dealing with the political use of intelligence methods and capabilities with regards to unmasking, you have suspected criminal activity,” said Col. James Waurishuk (Ret.) a 30-year senior intelligence officer who served on the NSC and later served as deputy director for intelligence at U.S. Central Command.

“To be using it or suspecting it’s been used for political purposes, that automatically transfers that whole effort into a criminal act. So that has to be investigated,” he said."

EXCLUSIVE: New Calls for Criminal Investigation of Obama Aides in ‘Unmasking’ Scandal
I never understood why liberals think using a 'laughing' icon to respond to fact / evidence was ever a good idea. I guess it's better than their alternative - respond with insults and personal attacks. :p
I never understood why liberals think using a 'laughing' icon to respond to fact / evidence was ever a good idea. I guess it's better than their alternative - respond with insults and personal attacks. :p
Then you don't understand liberals. They're nuts.
I never understood why liberals think using a 'laughing' icon to respond to fact / evidence was ever a good idea. I guess it's better than their alternative - respond with insults and personal attacks. :p
/----/ I believe it's because there is no "I disagree" icon on USMB and the laughing icon is the most logical choice.
/----/ I believe it's because there is no "I disagree" icon on USMB and the laughing icon is the most logical choice.
'I disagree'? I always take it as 'I got nuthin' to respond with' from snowflakes. Bwuhahaha

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