Obama administration freed baghdadi from prison in 2009

Bullshit. ISIS didn't show up until 2008...
This guy didn't lead ISIS until 2011 when we got Zarkawi.

After his release [2004], Baghdadi moved up inside Zarqawi’s organization [ISIS], drawing on what he had learned in prison.
ISIS has been around since 2004, as you well know. Baghdadi Joined in 2004 while Zarqawi was leading ISIS.

The Islamic State – also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh – emerged from the remnants of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a local offshoot of al Qaeda founded by Abu Musab al Zarqawi in 2004.
Gee what a surprise, more LIES! Scum like you wanted US soldiers subject to the Sharia Law you scum love so much!
As you well know, American troops couldn't stay in Iraq unless the Iraqi parliament authorized them to do so, including granting them immunity from Iraqi law. The Iraqi parliamentarians would never OK such a decision, with Iraqi popular opinion staunchly against U.S. troops staying.
Bullshit excuse for Obama withdrawal.
It was the troop surge that made Iraq secure and it was the premature withdrawal that undermined all of that. What’s more, Obama publicly pronounced withdrawal dates and timeline. He wasted sacrifice and got way more Americans killed.
Repeating your already debunked lies only makes you a worthless lying scum SERIAL liar!

Dude, you spew almost as many lies as your hero Schiff for brains.
Well since Schiff didn't lie that means my total is less than ZERO.
Thank you!

Oh? Where is all of this evidence that schitt for brains claimed to have on trump's collusion, you lying sack of shit...
You will see it soon, the court just ordered Barr to make it available!
When the worthless lying scum Right get caught in their lies, they simply fabricate more lies as if the more they lie the more credible they become.
Thank you.
SO you stick your head in the sand, in order to follow your leftist programming. Ho hum. Not my problem.

EARTH TO ED: It's not a good idea to try to label as lies that which is HISTORY. Try reading Post # 15, and confronting reality, instead of cuddling up in your little leftist programming shell.
Right-wing lying scum revisionist "history" is not REAL history.
Try a new lie!
Bullshit excuse for Obama withdrawal.
It was the troop surge that made Iraq secure and it was the premature withdrawal that undermined all of that. What’s more, Obama publicly pronounced withdrawal dates and timeline. He wasted sacrifice and got way more Americans killed.
Repeating your already debunked lies only makes you a worthless lying scum SERIAL liar!

Dude, you spew almost as many lies as your hero Schiff for brains.
Well since Schiff didn't lie that means my total is less than ZERO.
Thank you!

Oh? Where is all of this evidence that schitt for brains claimed to have on trump's collusion, you lying sack of shit...
You will see it soon, the court just ordered Barr to make it available!

Shitt for brains claimed he already had it, little liar.
I have a lot of blood on my hands this time of yer also it's hunting season...
Just another example of how our worst President in history operated to the detriment of our war on terrorism.

Obama Administration Freed Al-Baghdadi From U.S. Prison Camp Back In 2009 (Details)
Why such a ferocious individual was deemed fit for release in 2009 is not known. One possible explanation is that he was one of thousands of suspected insurgents granted amnesty as the US began its draw down in Iraq..

Hindsight is 20/20 they should have kept Hitler in prison forever...also...Yet c'est la vie

We have a lot better Intel than when hitler was around. Amazingly enough trump seems to use it correctly while your hero, Barry, didn't
Baghdadi was released in 2004 so now you can blame someone else you don't like...Plus all of the inhabitants that were released had to have COngressional authorization to be released.
Bullshit. ISIS didn't show up until 2008...
This guy didn't lead ISIS until 2011 when we got Zarkawi.

After his release [2004], Baghdadi moved up inside Zarqawi’s organization [ISIS], drawing on what he had learned in prison.
ISIS has been around since 2004, as you well know. Baghdadi Joined in 2004 while Zarqawi was leading ISIS.

The Islamic State – also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh – emerged from the remnants of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a local offshoot of al Qaeda founded by Abu Musab al Zarqawi in 2004.

The funding came in 2004. ISIS was nothing until Obama pulled out of Iraq in 2011.

So he was released before ISIS even became anything? He wasn't the leader of anything until 7 years later but thanks for playing.
Just another example of how our worst President in history operated to the detriment of our war on terrorism.

Obama Administration Freed Al-Baghdadi From U.S. Prison Camp Back In 2009 (Details)

Well, if it says so in "Flag and Cross', it MUST be true!

Good to see you're sticking with short, simple words!

Did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama free Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or did he not? That requires a simple one syllable answer, yes or no.
Why such a ferocious individual was deemed fit for release in 2009 is not known. One possible explanation is that he was one of thousands of suspected insurgents granted amnesty as the US began its draw down in Iraq..
A better reason is that he wasn't released in 2009, but in 2004 by BUSH!!!!!

Al-Baghdadi was arrested by US Forces-Iraq on 2 or 4 February 2004 near Fallujah while visiting the home of his old student friend, Nessayif Numan Nessayif, also on the American wanted list at the time[a][8] and studied together with al-Baghdadi at the Islamic University.[48] He was detained at the Abu Ghraib and Camp Bucca detention centers under his name Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry[41] as a "civilian internee." His detainee card gives his profession as "administrative work (secretary)."[49] The US Department of Defense said al-Baghdadi was imprisoned at Compound 6, which was a medium security Sunni compound.[50] On 8 December 2004,[8] he was released as a prisoner deemed "low level"[41] after being recommended for release by the Combined Review and Release Board.[44][51][52][53]

A number of newspapers and news channels have instead stated that al-Baghdadi was interned from 2005 to 2009. These reports originate from an interview with the former commander of Camp Bucca, Colonel Kenneth King,[54] and are not substantiated by Department of Defense records.[55][56][57] Al-Baghdadi was imprisoned at Camp Bucca along with other future leaders of ISIL,[58] including his successor as ISIL leader, Abdullah Qardash.[59]
A better reason is that he wasn't released in 2009, but in 2004 by BUSH!!!!!
And then was deep in COLLUSION with Obama, during Obama's presidency. For this, Obama should spend the rest of his life in prison. Let him rot in Guantanamo with all his ISIS buddies.
When the worthless lying scum Right get caught in their lies, they simply fabricate more lies as if the more they lie the more credible they become.
Thank you.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
LIES all LIES as usual!
Creator of ISIS and freer of Baghdadi BUSH got the USA thrown out of Iraq
when President George W. Bush signed the Status of Forces agreement in 2008, which planned for all American troops to be out of Iraq by the end of 2011.

"The agreement lays out a framework for the withdrawal of American forces in Iraq — a withdrawal that is possible because of the success of the surge," he said in a joint press conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki at the time.
Maliki summed up the sentiment at the time, thus:

"The incomplete sovereignty and the presence of foreign troops are the most dangerous, most complicated and most burdensome legacy we have faced since the time of dictatorship. Iraq should get rid of them to protect its young democratic experiment."

As you know, all failed former President Barack Hussein Obama had to do was negotiate another Status of Forces Agreement. President George Bush negotiated one up into the administration of President Obama.

President Obama was far too weak to negotiate such an agreement. President Obama's actions allowed what happened and left a disaster for President Donald Trump to clean up.

As you know, since this map was made, President Donald Trump has eliminated ALL of the ISIS Caliphate.

Just another example of how our worst President in history operated to the detriment of our war on terrorism.

Obama Administration Freed Al-Baghdadi From U.S. Prison Camp Back In 2009 (Details)
Oh geezzzz, not this debunked CON$ervoFascist lie yet again!
Bush released Baghdadi from Camp Bucca, where he trained him, in 2004.
Here’s a statement from the Pentagon about IS leader al-Baghdadi’s detention and release from Camp Bucca in 2004:

“Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Al Badry, also known as ‘Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’ was held as a ‘civilian internee’ by U.S. Forces-Iraq from early February 2004 until early December 2004, when he was released. He was held at Camp Bucca. A Combined Review and Release Board recommended ‘unconditional release’ of this detainee and he was released from U.S. custody shortly thereafter. We have no record of him being held at any other time.”
How convenient, anonymous sources again-

However, a U.S. official told ABC News today that al-Baghdadi was not in American custody in 2009 when King says he made the comment. The official, familiar with intelligence relating to al-Baghdadi, said he did not know exactly when the future terror leader was released from custody, but by 2006, he had “resumed his activities.” Since then, the official said, al-Baghdadi has been “active with the group [ISIS].” Another U.S. official confirmed the general timeline discrepancy. Both American officials spoke on the condition of anonymity.

“I could be mistaken,” King told ABC News when asked about the timing issue, “but I’m 99 percent. He’s a dead ringer for the guy I had the run-in with… His face is very familiar.”
ISIS Leader's Ominous NY Message in Doubt, But US on Edge
yet the guy running the camp says it was 2009.
You worthless lying scum POS, I had a link which quoted the DEFENSE DEPT and I even quoted the statement they made when they were contacted to verify FAUX's 2014 lie because I guessed the Right would be to lazy to click.
Who’s the liar? Your link states this-
If Baghdadi wasn’t in American custody in 2009 as Defense Department officials say, then there’s no way Obama could be to blame.

No mention of who at the Defense Dept said this, nor is it confirmation he was there. Might want to actually read your own link.
A better reason is that he wasn't released in 2009, but in 2004 by BUSH!!!!!
And then was deep in COLLUSION with Obama, during Obama's presidency. For this, Obama should spend the rest of his life in prison. Let him rot in Guantanamo with all his ISIS buddies.
When the worthless lying scum Right get caught in their lies, they simply fabricate more lies as if the more they lie the more credible they become.
Thank you.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
LIES all LIES as usual!
Creator of ISIS and freer of Baghdadi BUSH got the USA thrown out of Iraq
when President George W. Bush signed the Status of Forces agreement in 2008, which planned for all American troops to be out of Iraq by the end of 2011.

"The agreement lays out a framework for the withdrawal of American forces in Iraq — a withdrawal that is possible because of the success of the surge," he said in a joint press conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki at the time.
Maliki summed up the sentiment at the time, thus:

"The incomplete sovereignty and the presence of foreign troops are the most dangerous, most complicated and most burdensome legacy we have faced since the time of dictatorship. Iraq should get rid of them to protect its young democratic experiment."

As you know, all failed former President Barack Hussein Obama had to do was negotiate another Status of Forces Agreement. President George Bush negotiated one up into the administration of President Obama.

President Obama was far too weak to negotiate such an agreement. President Obama's actions allowed what happened and left a disaster for President Donald Trump to clean up.

As you know, since this map was made, President Donald Trump has eliminated ALL of the ISIS Caliphate.

I think Comey misrepresented Hillary Clinton. Not only was she sophisticated enough to know the truth, she's a Lady MacBeth without the conscience to regret it and go crazy.
Bullshit. ISIS didn't show up until 2008...
This guy didn't lead ISIS until 2011 when we got Zarkawi.

After his release [2004], Baghdadi moved up inside Zarqawi’s organization [ISIS], drawing on what he had learned in prison.
ISIS has been around since 2004, as you well know. Baghdadi Joined in 2004 while Zarqawi was leading ISIS.

The Islamic State – also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh – emerged from the remnants of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a local offshoot of al Qaeda founded by Abu Musab al Zarqawi in 2004.

The funding came in 2004. ISIS was nothing until Obama pulled out of Iraq in 2011.

So he was released before ISIS even became anything? He wasn't the leader of anything until 7 years later but thanks for playing.
Don't you mean your hero Baghdadi was released in 2004 before Obama became anything?
Notice how the Right just keep flogging their lie long after the title of this lying scum thread has been thoroughly exposed to the point where they can no longer deny it!
To recap, Obama didn't release Baghdadi in 2009, BUSH released him in 2004, ISIS began in 2004 under BUSH, NOT Obama, but even though those are Right-wing lies, Obama is the founder of ISIS, not BUSH, because those same lying scum Right-wingers say so! :cuckoo:
Repeating your already debunked lies only makes you a worthless lying scum SERIAL liar!

Dude, you spew almost as many lies as your hero Schiff for brains.
Well since Schiff didn't lie that means my total is less than ZERO.
Thank you!

Oh? Where is all of this evidence that schitt for brains claimed to have on trump's collusion, you lying sack of shit...
You will see it soon, the court just ordered Barr to make it available!

Shitt for brains claimed he already had it, little liar.
Show an unaltered quote unedited and in full context.
As you know, all failed former President Barack Hussein Obama had to do was negotiate another Status of Forces Agreement. President George Bush negotiated one up into the administration of President Obama.

President Obama was far too weak to negotiate such an agreement.
As you well know, Bush's hand picked Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki was the one who was too weak to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement. The Iraqi parliamentarians would never OK such a decision, with Iraqi popular opinion staunchly against U.S. troops staying.
Maliki summed up the sentiment of the Iraqi people at the time, thus:

"The incomplete sovereignty and the presence of foreign troops are the most dangerous, most complicated and most burdensome legacy we have faced since the time of dictatorship. Iraq should get rid of them to protect its young democratic experiment."
Just another example of how our worst President in history operated to the detriment of our war on terrorism.

Obama Administration Freed Al-Baghdadi From U.S. Prison Camp Back In 2009 (Details)

Well, if it says so in "Flag and Cross', it MUST be true!

Good to see you're sticking with short, simple words!

Did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama free Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or did he not? That requires a simple one syllable answer, yes or no.

Congress freed him. Obama did not have authorization to free anyone from Gitmo. Do some research.
Just another example of how our worst President in history operated to the detriment of our war on terrorism.

Obama Administration Freed Al-Baghdadi From U.S. Prison Camp Back In 2009 (Details)
HE WAS ALWAYS RUTHLESS AGAINST THOSE HE SAW AS HIS ENEMIES: Obama Successfully Hunted Trump Campaign Aides Instead of Terrorists.

“For more than a year, the leaders entrusted to protect the country and administer justice on behalf of Americans victimized by terrorists instead used their awesome reach against a domestic political rival.”​

It’s just that most of those he saw as enemies were Americans who disagreed with him politically.
Just another example of how our worst President in history operated to the detriment of our war on terrorism.

Obama Administration Freed Al-Baghdadi From U.S. Prison Camp Back In 2009 (Details)
Oh geezzzz, not this debunked CON$ervoFascist lie yet again!
Bush released Baghdadi from Camp Bucca, where he trained him, in 2004.
Here’s a statement from the Pentagon about IS leader al-Baghdadi’s detention and release from Camp Bucca in 2004:

“Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Al Badry, also known as ‘Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’ was held as a ‘civilian internee’ by U.S. Forces-Iraq from early February 2004 until early December 2004, when he was released. He was held at Camp Bucca. A Combined Review and Release Board recommended ‘unconditional release’ of this detainee and he was released from U.S. custody shortly thereafter. We have no record of him being held at any other time.”

Obama RELEASED warlord head of ISIS extremist army five years ago | Daily Mail Online
Next time, read your own link ....

Days later, the Pentagon confirmed that Baghdadi was only in U.S. custody for 10 months, from February to December 2004. The Department of Defense told the fact-checking website PunditFact in a statement that Baghdadi was held at Camp Bucca. “A Combined Review and Release Board recommended ‘unconditional release’ of this detainee and he was released from U.S. custody shortly thereafter. We have no record of him being held at any other time.”

In February 2015, the Army released Baghdadi’s detainee records to Business Insider, in response to a records request. They showed that coalition forces first captured Baghdadi on February 4, 2004, in Fallujah, Iraq, and held him at Camp Bucca. But a line on one of the documents also suggested that Baghdadi had been transferred to Bucca after being held elsewhere — a detail that was not widely reported.

It turns out that Baghdadi was held at Abu Ghraib, just a stone’s throw from where he was captured in Fallujah, for eight of the 10 months that he was in detention. He was only transferred to Camp Bucca, some 400 miles south of Baghdad, on October 13 — less than two months before his release on December 9.

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