Obama administration freed baghdadi from prison in 2009

A better reason is that he wasn't released in 2009, but in 2004 by BUSH!!!!!
And then was deep in COLLUSION with Obama, during Obama's presidency. For this, Obama should spend the rest of his life in prison. Let him rot in Guantanamo with all his ISIS buddies.
When the worthless lying scum Right get caught in their lies, they simply fabricate more lies as if the more they lie the more credible they become.
Thank you.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
A better reason is that he wasn't released in 2009, but in 2004 by BUSH!!!!!
And then was deep in COLLUSION with Obama, during Obama's presidency. For this, Obama should spend the rest of his life in prison. Let him rot in Guantanamo with all his ISIS buddies.
When the worthless lying scum Right get caught in their lies, they simply fabricate more lies as if the more they lie the more credible they become.
Thank you.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.
A better reason is that he wasn't released in 2009, but in 2004 by BUSH!!!!!
And then was deep in COLLUSION with Obama, during Obama's presidency. For this, Obama should spend the rest of his life in prison. Let him rot in Guantanamo with all his ISIS buddies.
When the worthless lying scum Right get caught in their lies, they simply fabricate more lies as if the more they lie the more credible they become.
Thank you.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006
Don't you mean your hero Baghdadi was released in 2004 before Obama became anything?
Notice how the Right just keep flogging their lie long after the title of this lying scum thread has been thoroughly exposed to the point where they can no longer deny it!
To recap, Obama didn't release Baghdadi in 2009, BUSH released him in 2004, ISIS began in 2004 under BUSH, NOT Obama, but even though those are Right-wing lies, Obama is the founder of ISIS, not BUSH, because those same lying scum Right-wingers say so! :cuckoo:

Al-Baghdadi was arrested by US Forces-Iraq on 2 or 4 February 2004 near Fallujah while visiting the home of his old student friend, Nessayif Numan Nessayif, also on the American wanted list at the time[a][8] and studied together with al-Baghdadi at the Islamic University.[48] He was detained at the Abu Ghraib and Camp Bucca detention centers under his name Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry[41] as a "civilian internee." His detainee card gives his profession as "administrative work (secretary)."[49] The US Department of Defense said al-Baghdadi was imprisoned at Compound 6, which was a medium security Sunni compound.[50] On 8 December 2004,[8] he was released as a prisoner deemed "low level"[41] after being recommended for release by the Combined Review and Release Board.[44][51][52][53]

A number of newspapers and news channels have instead stated that al-Baghdadi was interned from 2005 to 2009. These reports originate from an interview with the former commander of Camp Bucca, Colonel Kenneth King,[54] and are not substantiated by Department of Defense records.[55][56][57] Al-Baghdadi was imprisoned at Camp Bucca along with other future leaders of ISIL,[58] including his successor as ISIL leader, Abdullah Qardash.[59]

Personally, I don't give a rats behind who released him, all I know is that failed former President Barack Hussein was sympathetic to Muslim Terrorists.
And then was deep in COLLUSION with Obama, during Obama's presidency. For this, Obama should spend the rest of his life in prison. Let him rot in Guantanamo with all his ISIS buddies.
When the worthless lying scum Right get caught in their lies, they simply fabricate more lies as if the more they lie the more credible they become.
Thank you.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006
Part and main. Just what I said. You and your phony ilk want to magnify what opportunistically fits your agenda.
Next time, read your own link ....

Days later, the Pentagon confirmed that Baghdadi was only in U.S. custody for 10 months, from February to December 2004. The Department of Defense told the fact-checking website PunditFact in a statement that Baghdadi was held at Camp Bucca. “A Combined Review and Release Board recommended ‘unconditional release’ of this detainee and he was released from U.S. custody shortly thereafter. We have no record of him being held at any other time.”

In February 2015, the Army released Baghdadi’s detainee records to Business Insider, in response to a records request. They showed that coalition forces first captured Baghdadi on February 4, 2004, in Fallujah, Iraq, and held him at Camp Bucca. But a line on one of the documents also suggested that Baghdadi had been transferred to Bucca after being held elsewhere — a detail that was not widely reported.

It turns out that Baghdadi was held at Abu Ghraib, just a stone’s throw from where he was captured in Fallujah, for eight of the 10 months that he was in detention. He was only transferred to Camp Bucca, some 400 miles south of Baghdad, on October 13 — less than two months before his release on December 9.

I read it thoroughly. I know exactly what it said. You should know by now that I post facts.

Unlike you, I post ALL the fact, you, on the other hand, do not.
Just another example of how our worst President in history operated to the detriment of our war on terrorism.

Obama Administration Freed Al-Baghdadi From U.S. Prison Camp Back In 2009 (Details)
Oh geezzzz, not this debunked CON$ervoFascist lie yet again!
Bush released Baghdadi from Camp Bucca, where he trained him, in 2004.
Here’s a statement from the Pentagon about IS leader al-Baghdadi’s detention and release from Camp Bucca in 2004:

“Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Al Badry, also known as ‘Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’ was held as a ‘civilian internee’ by U.S. Forces-Iraq from early February 2004 until early December 2004, when he was released. He was held at Camp Bucca. A Combined Review and Release Board recommended ‘unconditional release’ of this detainee and he was released from U.S. custody shortly thereafter. We have no record of him being held at any other time.”
How convenient, anonymous sources again-

However, a U.S. official told ABC News today that al-Baghdadi was not in American custody in 2009 when King says he made the comment. The official, familiar with intelligence relating to al-Baghdadi, said he did not know exactly when the future terror leader was released from custody, but by 2006, he had “resumed his activities.” Since then, the official said, al-Baghdadi has been “active with the group [ISIS].” Another U.S. official confirmed the general timeline discrepancy. Both American officials spoke on the condition of anonymity.

“I could be mistaken,” King told ABC News when asked about the timing issue, “but I’m 99 percent. He’s a dead ringer for the guy I had the run-in with… His face is very familiar.”
ISIS Leader's Ominous NY Message in Doubt, But US on Edge
yet the guy running the camp says it was 2009.
The actual records reveal he was released in December, 2004 ...

Baghdadi Detainee File 3

When the worthless lying scum Right get caught in their lies, they simply fabricate more lies as if the more they lie the more credible they become.
Thank you.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006
Part and main. Just what I said. You and your phony ilk want to magnify what opportunistically fits your agenda.

"Main" is not "ancillary" :eusa_doh:
Don't you mean your hero Baghdadi was released in 2004 before Obama became anything?
Notice how the Right just keep flogging their lie long after the title of this lying scum thread has been thoroughly exposed to the point where they can no longer deny it!
To recap, Obama didn't release Baghdadi in 2009, BUSH released him in 2004, ISIS began in 2004 under BUSH, NOT Obama, but even though those are Right-wing lies, Obama is the founder of ISIS, not BUSH, because those same lying scum Right-wingers say so! :cuckoo:

Al-Baghdadi was arrested by US Forces-Iraq on 2 or 4 February 2004 near Fallujah while visiting the home of his old student friend, Nessayif Numan Nessayif, also on the American wanted list at the time[a][8] and studied together with al-Baghdadi at the Islamic University.[48] He was detained at the Abu Ghraib and Camp Bucca detention centers under his name Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry[41] as a "civilian internee." His detainee card gives his profession as "administrative work (secretary)."[49] The US Department of Defense said al-Baghdadi was imprisoned at Compound 6, which was a medium security Sunni compound.[50] On 8 December 2004,[8] he was released as a prisoner deemed "low level"[41] after being recommended for release by the Combined Review and Release Board.[44][51][52][53]

A number of newspapers and news channels have instead stated that al-Baghdadi was interned from 2005 to 2009. These reports originate from an interview with the former commander of Camp Bucca, Colonel Kenneth King,[54] and are not substantiated by Department of Defense records.[55][56][57] Al-Baghdadi was imprisoned at Camp Bucca along with other future leaders of ISIL,[58] including his successor as ISIL leader, Abdullah Qardash.[59]

Personally, I don't give a rats behind who released him, all I know is that failed former President Barack Hussein was sympathetic to Muslim Terrorists.

Imbecile .... how retarded are you to rely on wikipedia for your source?? :cuckoo:

The record shows he was released in December, 2004. Who was president then? Here's a free clue for ya ... it wasn't Obama.

Next time, read your own link ....

Days later, the Pentagon confirmed that Baghdadi was only in U.S. custody for 10 months, from February to December 2004. The Department of Defense told the fact-checking website PunditFact in a statement that Baghdadi was held at Camp Bucca. “A Combined Review and Release Board recommended ‘unconditional release’ of this detainee and he was released from U.S. custody shortly thereafter. We have no record of him being held at any other time.”

In February 2015, the Army released Baghdadi’s detainee records to Business Insider, in response to a records request. They showed that coalition forces first captured Baghdadi on February 4, 2004, in Fallujah, Iraq, and held him at Camp Bucca. But a line on one of the documents also suggested that Baghdadi had been transferred to Bucca after being held elsewhere — a detail that was not widely reported.

It turns out that Baghdadi was held at Abu Ghraib, just a stone’s throw from where he was captured in Fallujah, for eight of the 10 months that he was in detention. He was only transferred to Camp Bucca, some 400 miles south of Baghdad, on October 13 — less than two months before his release on December 9.

I read it thoroughly. I know exactly what it said. You should know by now that I post facts.

Unlike you, I post ALL the fact, you, on the other hand, do not.

Uhh, no, you don't post facts ... you source wikipedia. Wikipedia is only factual by chance. And in this case, not factual at all.

Here's the fact...

And then was deep in COLLUSION with Obama, during Obama's presidency. For this, Obama should spend the rest of his life in prison. Let him rot in Guantanamo with all his ISIS buddies.
When the worthless lying scum Right get caught in their lies, they simply fabricate more lies as if the more they lie the more credible they become.
Thank you.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

I agree. And if you looked at the rockefeller report from the congressional investigation, they found everything Bush said, was in fact, backed by the intelligence data we had at the time. It was a main reason. It was right to be a main reason.

I would argue that part of the reason our intelligence community got it wrong, is because Billy Intern-sucking Clinton, gutted the intelligence agencies.
When the worthless lying scum Right get caught in their lies, they simply fabricate more lies as if the more they lie the more credible they become.
Thank you.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

I agree. And if you looked at the rockefeller report from the congressional investigation, they found everything Bush said, was in fact, backed by the intelligence data we had at the time. It was a main reason. It was right to be a main reason.

I would argue that part of the reason our intelligence community got it wrong, is because Billy Intern-sucking Clinton, gutted the intelligence agencies.

Not even to mention George
Bush is dumb as a rock and he has proved it by sucking up to the liberals.....oh they adore him now. The moron seems to be obsessed with Obama's wife....maybe they should both get a divorce and marry..
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

I agree. And if you looked at the rockefeller report from the congressional investigation, they found everything Bush said, was in fact, backed by the intelligence data we had at the time. It was a main reason. It was right to be a main reason.

I would argue that part of the reason our intelligence community got it wrong, is because Billy Intern-sucking Clinton, gutted the intelligence agencies.

Not even to mention George
Bush is dumb as a rock and he has proved it by sucking up to the liberals.....oh they adore him now. The moron seems to be obsessed with Obama's wife....maybe they should both get a divorce and marry..[......his biggest mistake going into Iraq when he should have knocked out Iran....a actual state sponsor of terrorism....We accomplished nothing by going into Iraq/QUOTE]
When the worthless lying scum Right get caught in their lies, they simply fabricate more lies as if the more they lie the more credible they become.
Thank you.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

I agree. And if you looked at the rockefeller report from the congressional investigation, they found everything Bush said, was in fact, backed by the intelligence data we had at the time. It was a main reason. It was right to be a main reason.

I would argue that part of the reason our intelligence community got it wrong, is because Billy Intern-sucking Clinton, gutted the intelligence agencies.
Your revisionism is noted and discarded. In reality, from which you're divorced, Clinton wanted to expand intelligence agencies. Specifically, anti-terrorism agencies. It was the right who foolishly painted his intentions as nefarious and shot him down...

Clinton's Post-Impeachment Push for Power -- March 1999 Phyllis Schlafly Report

Clinton predicted on January 22 that it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will attack on American soil within the next few years. He is using this risk as the excuse to create a Domestic Terrorism Team headed by a military "commander in chief," with a $2.8 billion budget. We should not underestimate the deceit and deviousness of Clinton's plans to use aggressive presidential actions to wipe out public memory of his impeachment trial.

Clinton has already issued a Presidential Decision Directive to authorize military intervention against terrorism on our own soil. Secretary of Defense William Cohen said in an Army Times interview that "Terrorism is escalating to the point that Americans soon may have to choose between civil liberties and more intrusive means of protection."

And you can attack the intelligence agencies for producing faulty intel, but there was evidence that intel was "fixed around the policy." Regardless, To Bush's credit, he got the U.N. back into Iraq. Had he let them continue, we would have found out what we ultimately found out -- that the stockpiles of WMD that Bush advertised weren't there. Only there wouldn't have been some 5,000 Americans killed in Iraq, tens of thousands more injured, trillions of dollars wasted, and there never would have been an ISIS.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

I agree. And if you looked at the rockefeller report from the congressional investigation, they found everything Bush said, was in fact, backed by the intelligence data we had at the time. It was a main reason. It was right to be a main reason.

I would argue that part of the reason our intelligence community got it wrong, is because Billy Intern-sucking Clinton, gutted the intelligence agencies.

Not even to mention George
Bush is dumb as a rock and he has proved it by sucking up to the liberals.....oh they adore him now. The moron seems to be obsessed with Obama's wife....maybe they should both get a divorce and marry..
Bush was not sucking up to Liberals. And no, Liberals do not adore him now. You idiots come up with the dumbest shit imaginable.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

I agree. And if you looked at the rockefeller report from the congressional investigation, they found everything Bush said, was in fact, backed by the intelligence data we had at the time. It was a main reason. It was right to be a main reason.

I would argue that part of the reason our intelligence community got it wrong, is because Billy Intern-sucking Clinton, gutted the intelligence agencies.

Not even to mention George
Bush is dumb as a rock and he has proved it by sucking up to the liberals.....oh they adore him now. The moron seems to be obsessed with Obama's wife....maybe they should both get a divorce and marry..[......his biggest mistake going into Iraq when he should have knocked out Iran....a actual state sponsor of terrorism....We accomplished nothing by going into Iraq/QUOTE]
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006
Part and main. Just what I said. You and your phony ilk want to magnify what opportunistically fits your agenda.

"Main" is not "ancillary" :eusa_doh:
‘Part’ is ancillary, dumbfuck. You can’t even make a single sentence post without applying propaganda.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

I agree. And if you looked at the rockefeller report from the congressional investigation, they found everything Bush said, was in fact, backed by the intelligence data we had at the time. It was a main reason. It was right to be a main reason.

I would argue that part of the reason our intelligence community got it wrong, is because Billy Intern-sucking Clinton, gutted the intelligence agencies.

Not even to mention George
Bush is dumb as a rock and he has proved it by sucking up to the liberals.....oh they adore him now. The moron seems to be obsessed with Obama's wife....maybe they should both get a divorce and marry..
Bush was not sucking up to Liberals. And no, Liberals do not adore him now. You idiots come up with the dumbest shit imaginable.
Iraq dragged out because Bush acquiesced to ultracon democrats stuck in the 1960’s who call themselves liberal.
Obama created the mess. He wanted to play Vietnam with his backwards democrat constituents so he pulled us from Iraq, wasting every bit of American sacrifice and gain. All in the name of gaining political favor among his ultra-conservative, stuck-in-the-60’s democrat voters and he allowed for the creation of what ISIS became.
Liar. This mess started in Iraq after Bush invaded over stockpiles of WMD that weren't there. ISIS started out as ISI in 2006.
Bush and the democrats invaded Iraq because saddam was too volatile to be allowed to remain in the wake of 9-11. WMD was an ancillary but significant concern. The absence of WMD became the propagated excuse for Dems and the MSM to blame Bush.
You’re a hack sheep.

"Now, look, I -- part of the reason we went into Iraq -- was -- the main reason we went into Iraq -- at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. ~ George Bush, 8.21.2006

I agree. And if you looked at the rockefeller report from the congressional investigation, they found everything Bush said, was in fact, backed by the intelligence data we had at the time. It was a main reason. It was right to be a main reason.

I would argue that part of the reason our intelligence community got it wrong, is because Billy Intern-sucking Clinton, gutted the intelligence agencies.
Your revisionism is noted and discarded. In reality, from which you're divorced, Clinton wanted to expand intelligence agencies. Specifically, anti-terrorism agencies. It was the right who foolishly painted his intentions as nefarious and shot him down...

Clinton's Post-Impeachment Push for Power -- March 1999 Phyllis Schlafly Report

Clinton predicted on January 22 that it is "highly likely" that a terrorist group will attack on American soil within the next few years. He is using this risk as the excuse to create a Domestic Terrorism Team headed by a military "commander in chief," with a $2.8 billion budget. We should not underestimate the deceit and deviousness of Clinton's plans to use aggressive presidential actions to wipe out public memory of his impeachment trial.

Clinton has already issued a Presidential Decision Directive to authorize military intervention against terrorism on our own soil. Secretary of Defense William Cohen said in an Army Times interview that "Terrorism is escalating to the point that Americans soon may have to choose between civil liberties and more intrusive means of protection."

And you can attack the intelligence agencies for producing faulty intel, but there was evidence that intel was "fixed around the policy." Regardless, To Bush's credit, he got the U.N. back into Iraq. Had he let them continue, we would have found out what we ultimately found out -- that the stockpiles of WMD that Bush advertised weren't there. Only there wouldn't have been some 5,000 Americans killed in Iraq, tens of thousands more injured, trillions of dollars wasted, and there never would have been an ISIS.

Your foolish stupidity is noted. Authorizing the military, is not the same as empowering the CIA and other intelligence agencies.

Moreover, maybe you missed it, but Clinton was very concerned about Iraq having WMDs.

And they will be all the more lethal if we allow them to build arsenals of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. We simply cannot allow that to happen.

There is no more clear example of this threat than Saddam Hussein's Iraq. His regime threatens the safety of his people, the stability of his region and the security of all the rest of us.
Text Of Clinton Statement On Iraq - February 17, 1998

Nevertheless, Clinton did harm our intelligence capabilities....

CIA releases memo showing agency blamed Bill Clinton for bankrupting war on terror ahead of 9/11

The Clinton administration had bankrupted the intelligence community and refused to let the CIA prioritize anti-terrorism over other major priorities in the late 1990s, leaving the agency stretched too thin in the days ahead of the 2001 terrorist attacks, former Director George J. Tenet said in a 2005 document declassified Friday.​

Try again?

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