Obama Administration 'not sure' if Taliban is terrorist organization


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
Obama Administration 'not sure' if Taliban is terrorist organization
Despite being known among the American people as those responsible for the deaths of thousands of allied, mostly American, troops and throwing acid in the faces of little girls seeking just the bare basics of an education, the Obama Administration is "not sure" if the enemy Taliban could be classified as terrorists, as reported by the right-of-center news portal Breitbart.com on 19 June, 2013.

At the State Department's daily briefing, spokeswoman Jen Psaki was queried if the Taliban is still considered a terrorist group as far as the United States is concerned.

Psaki responded by stating:

Well, I’m not sure how they’re defined at this particular moment.​


Psaki feigning ignorance on the status of the Taliban comes within 24 hours of the same group launching a rocket attack on the Bagram U.S. Air Base outside of Kabul, killing four American troops.​

If the Taliban voted Republican, this Admin would have no problem labeling them as terrorists.
At the very moment obama announced the meeting with his Taliban peace partners, the Taliban attacked and killed four Americans. Immediately after obama said he would recognize the Taliban as the Afghan government in exile, Hamid Karzai refused to attend the peace talks, leaving obama holding his dick as usual.
If the Obama Administration is trying to fight charges that they're soft on terrorism and sympathetic to Islamic extremists, they're utterly failing.

Considering it was Republicans that let Bin Laden go and stopped bothering with al Qaeda because they were to busy losing money and American lives in Iraq and it was Obama that took out Bin Laden and most of al Qaeda, I suspect Obama isn't "soft" on terror. Republicans aren't soft either. They didn't blink and eye when the Chistian population of Iraq were either slaughtered or chased from their homeland. And they do have a heart. When American soliders were being electrocuted from substandard housing built by Haliburton and friends of Bush and Cheney, Republicans rushed in to support the companies. The soldiers? Not so much. They are replaceable, right? They probably came from the middle class and we KNOW what Republicans think of the middle class, right?
If the Obama Administration is trying to fight charges that they're soft on terrorism and sympathetic to Islamic extremists, they're utterly failing.

Considering it was Republicans that let Bin Laden go and stopped bothering with al Qaeda because they were to busy losing money and American lives in Iraq and it was Obama that took out Bin Laden and most of al Qaeda, I suspect Obama isn't "soft" on terror. Republicans aren't soft either. They didn't blink and eye when the Chistian population of Iraq were either slaughtered or chased from their homeland. And they do have a heart. When American soliders were being electrocuted from substandard housing built by Haliburton and friends of Bush and Cheney, Republicans rushed in to support the companies. The soldiers? Not so much. They are replaceable, right? They probably came from the middle class and we KNOW what Republicans think of the middle class, right?

I see your words, but all I hear is ducks quacking.

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